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bill of exchange
credit and debit card
e commers
electronic bank transfer

money is a medium of exchange has a set value

a business provided a good and or services to an individual in return for money it is used to
felicitate trade money also has a set value that cannot change
sole proprietorship is where one person own the business and make all the decision
of the business hold all the responsibility and the profit make by the business is his
own also the loss of the company he alone must bear and the purpose of the
business is to make a profit

there must be at least 7 share holder. Which runes the business which is
manage by director payed by the share holder to make good decision for the company it
also offer share to the public where Thay invest within the stock market to try and make
a profit usually the person involve in this are family member.

a cooperatives is where more then one organization come together that what to
achieve the same goal so Thay all work toward it and Thay are voluntary organization

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the free market economy allow a business to select what item Thay want to produce and to sell
any item which for any prices and unlike the planned economy it is not monitored by the

the business would be pend on demand and supply to make it profit but in the planned
economy the business have to sell what the government want them to sell

the business are control by the government within the planned economy and the free market
economy the business get to do what ever Thay want which in cloud how much to pay
employee unlike the planned economy were the pay a set amount to employer
conflict can be caused by person religious background on what Thay believe

it can also be caused by the racism where races there in and if the person think there races
is superior then other

miscommunication where you would misinterpreted what other are try to say

if individual have a negative attitude to one anther or arrive with a negative attitude

the employee can Strick

work to rules

go slow


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this is the procedures that must be followed to resolve conflict within the business

for example bring the issues to the supervisor before senior manager

this is when a third party the mediator is brought in to resolve the issues and does not
have to follow the advise of the mediator is just a suggestion but does not have to be
followed by both party

arbitrator is brought its a third party and what ever is recommended both party must
Thay can use communication to build a good relation ship between management and
staff Thay need to communicate clearly so that Thay can remove any confusion that
could arise

the manager can improve the working condition of the staff Thay would then appreciate
what the manager has done for them and by doing this it bring them closes

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subsistence level of production caters for the basic needs of individuals and families and
the general satisfaction of a household. Domestic level of production, on the other hand,
involves producing goods and services not just for the individual and their family but also
for the entire local market

uses local material to build product

it is labor intensives

little capital is needed

provide good and services

create employment

Small businesses operating in rural areas have an effective role

in reducing the migration of people from rural areas to urban

one advantage of small business is that it is easy to manage by one person in term of
the owner have full control over the business

one disadvantage is that it does not have all the spaces for more then one office

one advantage direct customer services as a small business you would get to interact
directly with the customer

disadvantage You may work long hours as a small business owner. As someone who's
solely responsible for managing and operating a business

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more person will be employed because the firm will get bigger and you would also need to
meet increase and demand of the customer

the business will gain more profit in term of more production more employers
buying and selling of good online weather it is the use of the Facebook market places
or amazon etc. ...

this is a navigation system used to know some one exact location

producers manufacturing the product

storing the product for sales

collection the raw materials

processing the raw materials

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it allow the business to create their own innovative services such as warehouse and

better flow of good and raw material because the firm responsible for delivering will be much

better Col laboring of firm where one firm produces an item or product which is then entered
within anther firm and for them to share information
the business may be able to sources cheaper raw material to make its product or sell better
quality product which will introduces new customer to the business

Logistics can help a company increase competitiveness by providing efficient, quick, reliable
delivery services

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health care

provide roads

national insurances

to provide protection to it citizen of a conutry

the government also govern the citizen and the government put law in places to
preserve the narial environment in which we live it
Thay can proved grant to a business

government can proviso research and information centers where business can get up to
date up information which Thay can then be used to improve.

Thay can provide training faciality to develop human resources of a county this will
allow the country help individual occur the skill or professional worker Thay are
looking for

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education will allow person to get better at what Thay do and to more effectivity
this will cause a greater out put thus causing economic growth

there would be know enterprise that start th

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