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man of letters, was born in Stambul in 1819.

He was the

forms colourless crystals, melting at 90 deg. , and boiling at

open sound than in the cultivated pronunciation, so that no

sounds which the Phoenicians did not possess, and for which,

``Unionists'' were successful in the elections of 1851 and

best. The Columbia river canoe resembled that of the Amur, the

accused than are found in England, and on the other hand,

under the influence of the merchants and mob, could make no

against the delivering of stock. (2) The period between two

in 1854; similar societies in Glasgow and Aberdeen being also

Lilavati (``the beautiful [science or art]'') and Viga-ganita

The nomadic Afghan tribes of the west are chiefly

stationed at Deva (Chester). On his return to Rome at the


awaking, Peleus was attacked by the Centaurs, but saved by

7th of October 1780 a force of 1100 men under Major Patrick

shipped in his name really belong to another, to whom he is

Stilicho the Roman senate consented to promise its payment.

(1820) and of Modus in his Hunchback (1832). In 1827 he

or danger to life or limb, on account of religious belief.

reckoning scattered notices, we depend principally opon five

are known to us from the Lex Agraria of 111 B.C. (Bruns,

he formed a lifelong friendship. In 1804 he went to Paris,

a position in the centre of the field of the coil where it is

as his vicar in Italy. During his short pontificate, however,

a mockery of a trial, was strangled in prison, his mother and

with the export trade in live stock from Ireland to Great

American Philosophical Society is national in scope and is

Fred. A. Eaton, Sec. R.A., ``The Royal Academy in the

by E. A. Sedillot; other manuscripts are preserved in the

Dx'=x'-x'0 and De'=e'-e'0, then Dx' and

English. In general it may be said that the chief changes

Meanwhile the co-operation of the French became active. In

the eponym of the Hebrews. Terah is said to have come from

be classed with other Phanerogams, so must the forms in

gas for inflating balloons seem to have been carried on at

comes a belt of fertile plateaus bounded on the east by the

famous as the ``Nassau Balloon'' (fig. 6). Charles Green

higher regions of Abyssinia; rice in Madagascar. Wine is

modern example of the distinction is that made in maritime

method of applying it--when modified in composition--to the human

distinct tribal groups, each preserving the traditional customs,

for his son Rudolph on the death of King Wenceslaus III. He

Central Africa (Edinburgh, 1821 ); Idem, Geographical Survey

Abelians being particularly studied. In 1826 he moved to

corresponding pyroxenes; and, in their optical characters,

Chromulina is uniciliate, and is contained in a hyaline

Pau, which is a more voluminous river than the Adour itself,

in readiness in all material and personal respects for hostile

without, the fire-gases passing first over the arch and

ALLACCI, LEONE [LEO ALLATIUS] (1586-1669), Greek scholar

is of much less importance as a waterway than as a means

and the veratrum alkaloids: veratrine, cevadine, &c.

be from the Micmac algoomaking--``at the place of spearing

Rio das Mortes, it has twenty smaller branches, offering

chemistry. There are also a registrar, and curators and

meter. tents. Capa- of of per

St Germain (15th century), which has some good stained

were lightened; literature, art and science were encouraged;

forbade them, but these were only local councils. In the

Society, established in 1878, may be taken as a type. It

prince ceased to reign in Kabul, and it fell into the hands

above the level of the plains of Lombardy and Venetia, and

Peithon and Antipater in succession. After the death of

Indian Peninsula railway, the main line of which crosses the

traces of metallic calcium occasionally found free in the

the Jordan-'Araba depression. Raised beaches on the coast

short period in Bahia, S. America, he made observations

northward to Tabarca and southward to Tina. The importance

food in an entirely fresh and untainted condition. While

at the exact figures, but data exist whereby it is at least

Tambohorn. . . . . . . . . . . 10,749 Weisshorn (Splugen) . . . . . .9,817

synthesis of acetic acid. Anhydrous acetic acid--glacial

side of Lake Tsana, with a population of 3000; here is the

is shallow; at its southern end the water for a considerable

1861. Pope was at this moment about to take the offensive,

and storage reservoirs with a capacity of 227,000,000 gallons.

city vast remains are left, extending several miles along the

ABBA MARI (in full, Abba Mari ben Moses benJoseph), French

a distance from a city, and necessity compelled the ordination

several cantos, The Captive of Fez (1830). For a year he

assimilate the free nitrogen of the air by their leaves.

medycyner and astronomer of the Emperyall Majestic, of the

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