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A Study on customer acquisition of NJ wealth

Summer Internship Report submitted to the University of Mumbai in Partial

Fulfillment the award of degree of

Master of Management Studies

Specialization: Marketing

Rajam Saurabh Harishchandra

Roll No:2021073

Batch: 2021-23

for the Summer Internship at,

NJ Wealth


Affiliated to the University of Mumbai,

Recognized by DTE, Govt. of Maharashtra,
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi.

December - 2022

Evaluation Report
Summer Internship 2020-22
Basic Information

Name of the Student: Saurabh Harishchandra Rajam

Academic Year and Roll No: 2022-2023/ 2021_073__

Name of the Company: NJ Wealth

Name and Designation of the Training Supervisor:

Area of Training:

Special Project, if any:

Score Card

Please rate the following attributes on a scale of 01-05.

(01=Average, 02=Good, 03=Very Good, 04=Excellent and 05=Outstanding)

Sr. No. Attributes Score

1 Attendance
2 Punctuality
3 Attitude
4 Performance
5 Initiative
6 Interpersonal Skills
7 Diligence Level
8 Subject Knowledge
9 Personal Grooming
10 Communication Skills
Total Score(Out of 50)
Special remarks / Appreciation, if any:

Name & Signature of Training Supervisor Official Seal of the Company

Date: Place:

Evaluation of Dissertation

1. Name of the Candidate:

2. Seat Number:

3. Name / Code of the subject:

4. Title of the Dissertation:

5. Evaluation:

Sr. No. Parameters Maximum Marks

Marks Awarded

1 Introduction 05

Literature Review and Problem 05

3 Process Description 10

4 Project Profile 10

5 Findings & Conclusions 15

6 Learning Experience 05

6. Name & Address of the Evaluator:

7. Signature of Evaluator with Date:

8. Signature of the Head of the Institution with seal:


This is to certify that the Summer Project titled (A study on Customer Acquisition of
NJ wealth ) is original work and being submitted in partial fulfillment for the award
of the degree, Master of Management Studies of the University of Mumbai. This
Summer Project report has not been submitted earlier either to this university or to any
other affiliated college of this university or to any other university / institution for the
fulfillment of the requirement of the MMS Course.

Date: (Signature of Student)

Place: (Name of the student)


It has been an enriching experience for me to undergo my summer training at NJ

Wealth, which would not have been possible without the goodwill and support of the
people around. As a student of “Rohidas Patil Institute of Management Studies,
Bhayander (E)”, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who helped me
during my summer internship. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who
encouraged me to complete this project.

I would like to thank my college authorities for providing me the opportunity to work
with such a prestigious organization. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Sakshi
Khatri, for having given me the opportunity to do my project work in the organization
and lighted my way of progress with his guidance. My sincere and deepest thanks to
Prof. (Name of project guide) of “Rohidas Patil Institute of Management Studies,
Bhayander (E)” for having spared his/her valuable time with me and for all the
guidance given in executing the project as per requirements. I would like to give my
special thanks to my parents, their love, support and blessing enabled me to complete
this project work.

Ref. No.:

Internship Certificate / Letter from the Company

Executive Summary

The NJ wealth funded project titled "A study on customer acquisition NJ

wealth." Whether an investor invests directly in the market or indirectly
through mutual funds, today's investor is interested in tracking the value of his
investments. There are many reasons why this dynamic change has occurred.
With globalization and the developing contest in the speculations opportunity
accessible he would have to settle on directed and levelheaded choices on
whether he gets an adequate profit from his investments in the assets chose by
him, or on the other hand assuming he wants to change to another asset. An
investor must have a basic understanding of the various measures for
evaluating the fund's performance and the foundations of appropriate
preference measurement in order to achieve this goal. He would then be able to
determine whether or not his fund is performing well and make the right
choice. This project has been carried out with the intention of providing
performance analysis of mutual funds in order to assist investors in tracking
the performance of their investments in mutual funds. The technique for doing
the task was exceptionally basic that is through optional data obtained through
different mediums like truth sheet of the assets, the Web, Business magazines,
Paper, and so on. the examination of Common Finances has been finished
concerning its various boundaries. I hope NJ wealth will be aware of this and
use additional project report sources.


Sr No. Particulars Page No.

1 Introduction of topic 9-10

2 Literature Review 11-15

3 Objectives of the study 16

4 Project profile 17-24

5 Process Description 25-36

6 Finding 37

7 Suggestion 38

8 Conclusion 39

9 Webliography 40


A mutual fund is a type of investment vehicle in which a group of people pool money to invest in a
variety of financial products, such as mutual funds, loan against mutual funds, insurance broking,
and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), bonds, FDs, and PMS products.

The Individual operating the investment vehicle is a qualified fund manager, and it is collectively
managed to provide the highest possible return. Mutual funds are trusts that collect investor
contributions and invest them in a variety of instruments in order to minimize risk and maximize
income and capital appreciation for distribution to members. These goals are outlined in the trust
deed. A mutual fund is a business, and the fund manager’s goal is to make a profit and expertly
manage the money provided by investors.

Although it is difficult to explain everything I learned from the survey, I have tried to present a
complete picture of my work, as well as the subsequent findings and suggestions, in the pages that
follow. Through personal observations, study of documents, and discussions, I have gathered the
required data. A mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of several investors with the same
financial objective. The fund manager invests the funds in various securities in accordance with the
schemes’ objectives.

The Investment industry’s expansion and development are greatly aided by mutual funds. When
compared to other types of investments, mutual funds are the best way for investors to safely invest
their money and reap a greater number of benefits.

The project’s primary objective is “to comprehend mutual funds as an investment avenue. The
method used was a questionnaire and the company’s financial reports.

Professionals, business class people, and salaried individuals were the intended customers. Mumbai
residents were the only people in the urban area.

Since its inception in 2003, NJ Wealth has established a nationwide presence and is one of the
largest distributors of mutual funds in India. Through our empowered network of financial product
distributors and NJ wealth Partners, we aim to reach the common man and provide the opportunity
to create we objective.

NJ wealth is one of India’s largest financial products distributor.

Nj is the leading B2B platform provide financial products distributor in india.
Mr.Neeraj Choksi & Mr.Jignesh Desai are the two first generation entrepreneurs who began the
journey ‘NJ’ in 1994.
Nj group company is a leading player in the Indian financial services industry known for its strong
distribution capabilities
The Nj wealth family has grown steadily and it has over 27,383 Active Distributor; spread across
95 branches in 19 states in India with over 21,27,483 investors and over INR 1,16,400Cr of mutual
fund asset under management.


1)Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Harris, L., and Piercy, N., n.d., review of the literature European
edition of marketing principles. 5th ed. London: Pearson(Kotler et al 2013: 5)

This research could cover a wide range of topics, but the author will try to concentrate on those that
are directly related to the acquisition of mutual fund customers.
As previously stated, the primary focus of this study will be on customer acquisition. Marketing is
frequently described as the “process by which companies Create value for customers and build
strong customer relationships to capture value from customers in response.” Even if the business
has well-thought-out strategies for keeping current customers, it still needs to find new ones and
keep the ones it already has. Over the long haul, clients might supplant the organization’s items
with different items. Or they might find that the company’s product is out of date. Thus, one of the
most important aspects of marketing is customer acquisition. Because a start-up company may not
have any customers at all, customer acquisition is central by definition. Customer lifecycle
management frequently includes customer acquisition. The customer lifecycle itself is connected to
important marketing strategies for acquiring, maintaining, and expanding a customer base. The
connections between showcasing, Client lifecycle and obtaining.

2)Philip Kotler, Marketing management, 11th edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ Leigh,
James, Managing for Successful Customer Acquisition:
An Investigation into the 297 monetary benefits of concentrating on customer acquisition
According to their calculations, a company with a market share of 16.7% generates five times as
much revenue from an increase in acquisition than from retention. However, is it possible to
identify characteristics or conditions that distinguish companies that excel at customer acquisition,
and how effective are businesses at acquiring new customers? Despite the fact that customer
acquisition is an essential part of sales and marketing, little research has been done in this area. A
number of potential factors associated with successful customer acquisition are the subject of our
exploratory study. A search of electronic databases revealed in the literature review that scholars
have studied customer acquisition significantly less than customer retention. According to the
databases, 45 academic papers have been written about customer retention since 1983, while only
seven have been written about customer acquisition. The main marketing and sales literature
focuses on customer management issues. Managing the Customer Acquisition Process For all
intents and purposes each showcasing the board researcher makes the suspicion that it seems OK to
plan and financial plan for the accomplishment of business results. For instance, “successful
companies… practice the art of market-oriented strategic planning” is a quote from Kotler (2003).
In the modernist management literature, almost everyone agrees that assigning responsibility for
achieving measurable key performance indicators, developing a budgeted plan, and establishing
measurable key performance indicators are best practices. According to Miller and Cardinal’s
(1994) review of management research, the idea that planning processes are linked to improved
business performance is generally supported. In any case, our writing search has found almost no
proof viewing the executives practices like preparation, planning or the arrangement of

advancements that aid client procurement, in essence. Blatt erg et al. (both) 2001) and Sargeant and
West (2001) both suggest that management think strategically about acquiring customers, but
neither claims that businesses do so. Blattberg and others 2001) present ACTMAN (Acquisition
Tactical Management), a six-step strategy for acquiring customers. A standard seven-stage
approach to the creation of a customer acquisition campaign is proposed by Sargeant and West
(2001):1. Set campaign goals (such as a target response rate, the number of new customers
recruited, the cost of acquiring each new customer, and the average value of each new customer); 2.
Profile and segment prospects; 3. Targeting is the process of focusing a message, channel, or offer
of communication on a particular group of people; 4. Select financially savvy media; 5. Make the
offer known; 6. Fulfilment; 7. Response.

3)Lix, Magiozzi and Berger, 1995; Wang and Hansotia, 1997; Dwyer 1997; 1998, Berger and Nasr;
Calciu and Salerno 2002). Database Marketing
This body of research mostly uses direct and database marketing experiences. According to
Flattberg et al., the only time a prospect should be converted to a customer is when the potential
lifetime value exceeds the costs of that customer’s acquisition. 2001). However, Hoffman and
Novak (2000) assert that a number of online retailers have employed the so-called “suicidal”
strategy of acquiring customers whose lifetime value is less than what it cost to acquire them.
Customer acquisition programs’ (credit) risk has been the subject of other studies (Irvin 1994;
Wood 2000). It is evident that these authors are advocating a customer acquisition strategy that is
more thoughtful and data-driven. In this sense, the economics of customer acquisition are attracting
more and more attention. It is evidently in the best interest of businesses to understand the relative
costs and benefits of various methods for acquiring customers. The application of metrics like the
number of customers acquired, average first-purchase value, conversion rates from leads to sales,
and cost-per-qualified lead can assist in determining how successful various acquisition strategies
are (Ball, 1993. For instance, a motoring organization’s relative costs of acquiring new customers
vary, as noted by Buttle (2004).

4)Author Rieke Zimmermann September 2016 Bachelor of International Business

Thesis: Acquisition of Customer Satisfaction through a Customer Survey
The purpose of the research was to determine the level of customer satisfaction with the company’s
product and service. A customer survey was created by the researcher and sent to the location of the
study to determine the rate of satisfaction. In order to learn more about the opinions of customers, it
is necessary to either wait for additional responses or create a new online survey. Although this
study provides a preliminary impression of satisfaction, additional responses are required to
understand the trend. As a result, the researcher recommends conducting a second survey; however,
there are still holes in the installation and the suggestions made in the development are improving
customer satisfaction and should be incorporated into the company’s service culture improvements.

5)Evan Bailyn Evan Bailyn is a top rated creator and grant winning speaker regarding the matters of
Web optimization and thought initiative
B2B Client Securing System
Methodology for B2B Client Obtaining B2B organizations face an extraordinary client securing
challenge: They have high-value transactions and multiple stakeholders to impress on their
potential customers in order to get a sale approved. Sales cycles can therefore be lengthy and
necessitate a lot of specialized marketing and sales content. The first step in customer acquisition is
to generate leads: promoting your product to potential and new customers. Lead generation is
frequently regarded as the very top of the digital marketing funnel. It occurs on LinkedIn and in
Google-indexed lists online; disconnected at business gatherings, career expos, and industry
occasions. It is necessary to nurture leads once they are aware of your product. They read marketing
and educational materials and begin to inquire about speaking with sales at this point, indicating a
higher level of engagement with your business. Lead nurturing takes place primarily through your
website or other thought leadership channels, such as social media, news websites, and
industryspecific websites, at each stage of the sales funnel.
After being qualified by your staff, a lead who has contacted your sales team receives a statement of
work or proposal. The content and conversion flow of your lead generation and nurturing programs
improve your sales team’s ability to close deals. An effective B2B customer acquisition strategy
will carefully consider each step of the process rather than over-emphasizing some steps to the
detriment of others. For instance, a lot of businesses focus a lot on top-of-channel lead age but little
on transformation enhancement. It is essential to recognize that each step is roughly equivalent in

6)Customer Acquisition, Retention, and Service Quality for a Call Center: Philipp Afèche, Mojtaba
Araghi, and Opher Baron Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
There are four new ideas in this paper. To begin, we present what appears to be the first call center
model in which the customer base is based on previous demand and service quality related to
Second, we demonstrate through simulation that the underlying stochastic model achieves
nearoptimal performance from a deterministic fluid analysis. The performance of joint CRM and
call center management can be modeled using this modeling framework.
Third, we come up with metrics that link operational service quality with financial and customer
parameters and play a crucial role in call center decisions.

Fourth, utilizing these metrics, the cost of promotions, and the capacity cost per call, we generate
novel management recommendations for a call center. We expand on these commitments thus.

7)Yassim Bano: An examination of the performance of ETF funds: Sathyabama Institute of Science
and Technology | S.U. School of Management Studies Doctor of Philosophy in Management
Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this study evaluates the performance of all 82
exchangetraded schemes that were launched and traded on Indian stock markets by examining their
characteristics and growth patterns. The overseas fund of funds and the Gold funds were able to
impress investors and mobilize more resources, as shown by the compounded growth rates from
2006 to 2011 and trend analysis. The performance and trading characteristics of exchange-traded
funds (ETFs) are the subject of this investigation. Using absolute and relative performance
measures, the purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of two distinct investment
options—Market Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical Special Issue on Environment,
Engineering & Energy 2184 and PPF—from 2007 to 2014. According to the study’s findings, Gold
ETFs offer higher average returns at lower risk than the market. Additionally, the negative
systematic risk associated with Gold ETFs suggests that including Gold stocks in an investor’s
portfolio will make it more risk-free and diversified. Retail and institutional investors alike may
benefit from investing in gold.

ETFs are a hybrid of open-ended mutual funds and baskets of securities that trade like individual
stocks on an exchange market. The Kotak Nifty ETF, ABSL Nifty ETF, Invesco India Nifty ETF,
and Quantum Nifty ETF are the four ETF funds that are the subject of the study. Risk adjusted
returns, tracking error, and the information ratio of the funds were the subjects of the study.
Jensen’s alpha was also looked at in the study to see if fund managers are able to generate extra
returns. We discovered that, with the exception of the Kotak Nifty ETF, ETFs outperformed their
underlying index (CNX Nifty) in the analysis of their active returns. All of the ETFs analyzed for
Jensen’s alpha show positive results. The tracking error rate is also low. As a result, the analysis
demonstrates that all ETF funds perform better and offer investors better returns on savings and
fixed deposits.

8)Francis Buttle and Lawrence Buttle, “ROI in CRM: a strategy based on the customer journey, “
CRM Technologies:
Proceedings of the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference CRM technologies can
provide customer acquisition tools (Buttle, 2004). The mission the board interaction, upheld by
information mining capacities, and connected to an arrangement do-gauge learn cycle, empowers
organizations to foster profound information about possibilities to target, channels to utilize and
offers to make. According to Fair lie (2004) and Wood (2003), customer and prospect databases, as
well as information regarding their exploitation, emerge over time from this process.
Esteemed corporate resources. Trials can be performed on various subsets of the information base,
for instance on various cells of the RFM (recency-recurrence financial worth) framework, to foster
a comprehension of the penchants to purchase of various gatherings (Levin and Zahavi 2004).
Again supported by customer profiling, event-based (or trigger) marketing enables businesses to
respond to changes in prospects’ circumstances and convert them into first-time customers. For
instance, an event-based campaign might mark the date of a child’s birth and respond with an
appropriate offer. Many marketers see the move as an opportunity. Companies can improve their
efforts to acquire new customers by using data from served customers. A company can, for
instance, create indices of propensities to buy by contrasting the profiles of heavy users and
nonusers. Then, these can be used to target efforts to acquire (Lix and Berger, 1995). The process

of profiling is helped along by tools like cluster analysis, decision trees, and neural networks. We
would anticipate that businesses that implement CRM applications will perform better at customer
acquisition than those that do not, given the availability of technologies that support customer
acquisition. The fourth hypothesis we test is this one.

9)Sanjay Garg (2011) “A Study on Performance Evaluation of Selected Indian Mutual Funds,”
published in the International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Management in 2011, looked at
how the top ten mutual funds that had been chosen based on returns in previous years performed.
The return, standard deviation, beta, and Treynor, Jensen, and Sharpe indexes were used in the
study to determine the performance. The study also looked at mutual fund performance using
Carhart’s four-factor model. The large-cap fund does not benefit for shorter periods, so investors
can hold funds for the long term, which is at least three years, as shown by the results. The Reliance
Regular Saving Scheme Fund has achieved the best final score. When compared to short-term
funds, investors in mid-cap funds receive a higher mid-term return; however, the mid-term
prospects of mid-cap funds are not favorable, so investors can hold them for five years. Investors
receive a higher mid- and long-term return from small cap funds, but there is a high level of risk,
and the funds’ long-term prospects are favorable. Finally, it has been discovered that if an investor
is unaware of the investment factors of a mutual fund from a different time perspective, they may
invest for the wrong period, preventing them from earning a return. Investors who prefer to invest
in mutual funds rather than directly in instruments like equity shares and debentures will benefit
greatly from this research.
10)Finance India published “Deepak Agrawal Measuring the Performance of Indian Mutual
According to Deepak Agarwal (2011), mutual funds contribute to the global expansion of financial
markets and are one of the primary sources of capital formation in expanding economies. He looked
at data about fund-manager and fund-investor levels, as well as the price mechanism of the Indian
mutual fund industry. The mutual fund industry in India has experienced tremendous expansion,
attracting significant investments from both domestic and international investors. The remarkable
rise in the number of AMCs, which offer investors safety, hedging, arbitrage, reduced risk, and
superior returns to those of other long-term securities, has led to an increase in the number of
investors choosing to invest in mutual funds.


For the growth of the company it is necessary to increase mutual fund advisors and also if it is
necessary to understand the investment habits of the client. So my topic is “A study on customer
acquisition of NJ wealth.” the help of this research manager can get depth knowledge about
investment habits of customer and also convince financial advisors for AMFI exam and NJ sub
The main goal of the current project is to identify the mutual fund that performed the Best
over a short period of time.

● To comprehend the strategies used by different businesses to measure their Success.

● To understand which schemes offer the best returns.

● To assess and contrast the performance of particular mutual fund plans from various mutual fund
• To know about knowledge insurance broking sector
• To know the investment habits of investors in Dadar Branch Mumbai


A well-known name in the Indian financial services sector is NJ Wealth, which is a Member of the
NJ Group. NJ, which was founded in 1994 on the B2C platform, is the Biggest and most prosperous
network of distributors in the financial services sector in India.
Since our inception in 2003, we have worked to expand the chance to build wealth to The average
person through a network of strong financial product distributors known As the NJ wealth partners.
NJ Wealth guarantees that its solution will genuinely Impact the lives of its partners and
consumers by upholding the highest standards of Excellence in operations and customer service.
Following are the products & services are offered by NJ wealth are :-

1. Mutual funds
2. Loan Against MF
3. Insurance Broking
4. Equity & ETF
5. Bonds & FD
6. PMS products(Third party & Nj)
1. Marketing and sales support & Research support.
2. Training and education support
3. Dedicated customer care/Query Management support.
4. Technology support, including online business/”Partners Desk” and Employee management
Work Profile in detail:-
1. Sales(selling the products of NJ wealth).
2. Fieldwork (Meet to Insurance advisors, CA’s and CS’s and invite them for BOP) BOP
(business opportunity process) .( every Saturday having this BOP means meeting in that we
have to invite them)
3. Calling.(In Calling we have to invite new clients for BOP of the company in our borivali
4. We get knowledge of the mutual fund, about NJ wealth, process of E-wealth account and
also get information about their products.
5. Visiting at Bombay stock exchange (to study about current market situation and get
knowledge of SIP i.e systematic investment plan)

The goal of NJ is to improve people’s lives all over India by ensuring their financial
Security. After a modest start in 1994, we now have the honour of influencing the

Lives of countless families. A reputable brand in the financial services sector, NJ Group,
is now broadening its commercial interests.
Growth of NJ Wealth Company: NJ Wealth is one of India’s top stockbrokers, offering
Financial advice services as well as the distribution of financial products. It was Established
in 2003 and functions as a full-service stock broker.

• Learning :-
I’ve been an intern with this organisation for the past two months, and those two Months have
improved my knowledge of investments, financial planning, and the Creation of wealth. I used to
invest in fixed-income securities, but now my eyes are Wide open. There are numerous investment
plans and strategies. The New Jersey is revolutionising traditional investing practises. There are
numerous products that NJ’s Sells.

I personally think mutual funds is the best business opportunity in the market and it is The
fastest growing in the financial industry.


I was able to learn about the genuine business experience and grasp the working atmosphere thanks
to my summer internship project. On the basis of practical experience, we may easily understand
what they are trying to express Throughout my internship, I learned about the hiring process for the
mutual fund industry and came to understand what a mutual fund is.

We’ve been shown how to setup a Demat account. Additionally, it enabled me to comprehend how
to connect with clients, agents, and partners. because NJ Wealth is a reputable organisation and
gives us valuable knowledge, it was incredibly helpful to me. I was able to learn about actual
market exposure thanks to NJ Wealth, a mutual fund distributor that provides a complete platform
with a wide range of products and solutions to respond to customers investing needs.

As a trainee at N.J. Wealth, one of my primary responsibilities was to promote the various
schemes. Funds to various clients. N.J. wealth is a distribution house which distributes Mutual
Funds to the general public via its network of agents and partners.Details about mutual Funds
and the various schemes available have been discussed in the previous.
It is necessary to investigate the market’s structure prior to marketing any product. This structure
will tell us where to market the product to get the most attention from the general public. Before we
can examine the structure of the market, we must first divide the market into various segments and
then select our target segment. This is due to the fact that no product can be sold to everyone in the
population. We need to then situate the item with the goal that general society is drawn to it.
Consequently, positioning and segmentation targeting are crucial prior to product marketing

To better understand the market and target your product to the appropriate population,
segmentation divides the entire market into smaller segments. It is a waste of resources to attempt
to market a product to the entire population—there is no such thing as a product that can be sold to
the entire population. Because mutual funds are a financial product, it is essential that one of the
bases for segmentation be income in order to ensure the best use of resources. We will first use the
Socio Economic Classification, or SEC, to segment the market for mutual funds. SEC is a system
that cleverly uses the demographics of occupation and education to combine social and economic

We need to consider which specific market segment we are going to target after selecting the
segments. This is due to the fact that no product can be sold to everyone in society. We must target
segments based on the various mutual fund schemes in the case of mutual funds. We can target the
A, B, and C market segments by substituting the SEC segmentations for income-based
segmentation. To be able to invest in mutual funds, these segments need a reliable income source.
Because of their education, they are also able to easily comprehend the advantages of investing the
money. We are only able to offer SIP Schemes for the C segment out of the A, B, and C segments.
They don’t have a lot of money left over, so they can only invest a small amount at a time rather
than a lot at once. This particular market has been the focus of numerous schemes launched by
mutual fund companies. For instance Dependence Shared Assets has Taste plans wherein the
financial backers can begin a Taste of just Rs. 100 every month. Because these individuals are
taxpayers and are likely to be interested in programs that assist them in tax planning, the ELSS
schemes can be marketed to a segment of the population. As previously mentioned, investors’ risk
appetite shifts with age. So that we can target investors under the age of 35 with equity-based
funds. Because of their high tolerance for risk, a fund that offers both high risk and high returns will
be deemed an excellent investment choice. We are able to provide a Balanced Fund for individuals
between the ages of 35 and 60 that offers the best Equity and Income Schemes, an acceptable level
of risk, and a good return on investment. We can recommend Income Funds and Money Market
Funds to retirees over 60 who do not have a regular source of income because of their lower risk
and guaranteed returns. As a result, it can be seen that targeting various fund schemes to various

age and income groups is very helpful because it allows one to identify the investor’s financial
needs and guide them effectively.

Piecemeal from segmenting a request and targeting a particular member it’s also essential to
position your product in a correct manner so that the guests admit it successfully. Mutual Fund is
principally a wealth creation product unlike insurance which is to be used for threat Cover.
Numerous people have the beliefs that as they formerly have insurance they’ve invested in a good
product. The need is to tell the people that really a great product but it ca n’t Be habituated as a
cover for wealth creation. Piecemeal from situating collective finances as a wealth creation product
we’ve to position the colorful schemes of the Mutual Fund grounded on their function. Therefore
the draft should be deposited as a low cost investment option which indeed a person with low
income can mileage of while ELSS should be deposited as a scheme that gives the investors duty
benefits. The Income finances and plutocrat request finances should be deposited as low threat
investment openings. Good positioning of a product makes it more seductive to the implicit
consumer and he’s suitable to make an informed choice about the product. He’s suitable to make an
informed choice about the product.
Promotion Marketing of a product or service is deficient without an effective promotional strategy.
Without creation the general public won’t know about the product or service in question and
therefore won’t buy it. Therefore creation is essential to spread the word about the product or
service. In case of collective finances the AMCs spend a lot of plutocrat in promoting the colorful
schemes. They take out announcements in colorful media like journals, TV internet etc. When
again scheme is launched the different agents are invited to attend forums where the details about
the product are presented. The agents are also given promotional accoutrements like leaflets bills
mailers etc to be displayed in the services or transferred out to implicit guests

The distribution houses like N.J. Wealth also give a lot of promotional accoutrements to the agents
who are associated with them. Piecemeal from the accoutrements the workers of the distribution
houses and AMCs also go with the agents on common calls where a large number of implicit
investors are addressed at the same time.
Image of info Your Personal Information is 100% secured with us.

• Marketing of mutual funds by NJ Wealth

Regular publications of information for partner and customer

1. Monthly magazine ‘FUNDZ WATCH„

2. Weekly reports
3. Daily market update
Single Service Point : Get/ Deposit Applications of All AMCs/ All schemes at NJ
NJ Customer care :Contact point for all queries across all AMCs/ All problems.
1. NJ provides better service to investors.

2. NJ provides good training to all NJ partner.
3. NJ provides good commission or return to all partners.

1.3 Product Life Cycle

Every business has a lifespan. Some people die young, while others live long. Sales ultimately fall,
regardless of how long a company lasts. The term “life cycle” refers to the various stages that a
business goes through throughout its entire existence. If we investigate the life history of any
multinational brand, we discover that the product life cycle, or pattern of product development, can
be seen in the lifetime sales of many branded products. It could also be described as a record of a
product’s lifetime sales, from its inception to its demise.
The life cycle of a product consist of four major stages:
• Introduction
• Growth
• Maturity
• Decline Introduction: The introduction stage, also known as the first
stage of the life cycle, begins with a new product’s marketing. During this stage, the
product is still relatively new to the market, and many customers are unfamiliar with it.
Consequently, the volume of deals before all else is extremely less. During this stage,
the company must spend a lot of money on advertising to boost sales, hire sales
representatives, and reward them with incentives for a successful entry into the
competitive market. This stage continues as long as the company does not begin to make
a profit and the incremental rate of sales growth does not increase. If the product meets
the needs of the customer, this stage will take a short amount of time; otherwise, it will
likely take a long time.The beginning of this phase Is marked by an increase in sales
growth and profit. Within a short period of time, the rate of sales growth will begin to
accelerate if the product meets the preferences of customers. Customers who are pleased
with their purchases keep making purchases and discussing the product with other
customers. Sales rise in tandem with production increases, the average cost of
production decreases, and profit rises. Because of the combined efforts of initial
promotion, distribution, and word-ofmouth influence, the product begins to make rapid
sales gains at this stage.

2) growth
The beginning of this phase is marked by an increase in sales growth and profit. Within a short
period of time, the rate of sales growth will begin to accelerate if the product meets the preferences
of customers. Customers who are pleased with their purchases keep making purchases and
discussing the product with other customers. Sales rise in tandem with production increases, the
average cost of production decreases, and profit rises. Because of the combined efforts of initial
promotion, distribution, and word-of-mouth influence, the product begins to make rapid sales gains
at this stage.
Due to the decreasing number of potential customers who remain unaware of the product, sales
growth continues at this stage but decreases. The maturity stage begins when the highest level of
sales growth rate begins to decline. This stage endures longer than prior stages.

Development stage comprises of three phases:

1. Sales initially rise, but at a decreasing rate
2. 2. Sales remain steady in the second stage. The third stage sees a decline in sales.

During the development stage, market turns out to be exceptionally cutthroat. The competitors cut
costs. In order for the business to remain competitive, it must also reduce prices. Consequently, the
growth rates of profit and sales either stop growing or decrease.

Sales begin to decline completely at this point as the product is gradually replaced by better
products or alternatives. Without a doubt, the manufacturer keeps trying to boost sales, but they
don’t seem to be working. After a while of stagnation, sales begin to decline. The number of
customers and profits both begin to decline. Sales typically reach this point of decline as a result of
customers’ shifting preferences or the product’s diminished utility.

At the moment, NJ Wealth is in the growth stage. Since five years ago, it has been the
market leader. At this point, new products need to be looked up. So because of the phenomenal
result of common subsidizes NJ has now begun with new monetary items like Taste, Portfolio the
board, Realty, and protection. One of a company’s marketing strategies is a new campaign to
discover new markets. This is precisely exact thing is finished by NJ, to figure out new clients leads
are gathered from different sources by given leaflets, orchestrating meeting and giving data to the
recently enrolled individuals. NJ also employs a different marketing strategy in the form of
discovering new advertising sources and distribution channels for widespread sales. Building and
maintaining our customers’ trust is absolutely necessary. NJ employs a variety of strategies,
including calling the client and keeping them informed of new schemes.


Major functions of Marketing Department:-

1. Focus on the Customers.
2. Monitor the Competition.
3. Create New Ideas.
4. Simple Communication.
5. Manage the Budget.
6. Set the Strategy, Plan the Attack, and Execute.
Some guidelines regarding the functions are given below:
1. Befriend your customers.
2. Become your market. (Don’t just monitor the competition. Rewrite the rules. Set the
pace. Lead. Outdistance your competition. Make them copy you. Force them to up their
3. Foster Innovation.
4. Simplify your communications with clients.
5. Observe, adapt, strategize, anticipate, plan, execute and be ready to improvise at a
moment’s notice.

The basic marketing department functions also include:

1. Customer Relationship Management
2. Sales Forecasting
3. Market Research
4. Sales Analysis
5. Sales Reporting


The present marketing strategies of mutual fund products adopted by NJ India invest can be divided
into following heads:
• Direct Marketing
• Selling through Intermediaries
• Other Channels

This constitutes 20 % of the total sales of mutual funds. Some of the important tools used in this
type of selling are:
1. Personal selling:
In this scenario, the prospective client is scheduled for an appointment with the branch’s Customer
Support Officer. He arranges a meeting with the marketing department’s management executives to
discuss the fund’s schemes once the appointment has been set.
2. Telemarketing:
In this kind of marketing, the people in the database are chosen at random from the phone book or
other commercial sources. A phone call with information about funds may also be made to
members of a particular profession.
3. Advertisements:
The particular schemes are frequently advertised by the Asset Management Companies in
newspapers, magazines, on television, and on radio. These days, mutual fund NFOs (IPOs) occur
every two months and are heavily promoted via these channels. The goal is to inform investors
about the schemes offered by funds and their recent performance
4. Hoardings and Banners:
In this kind of marketing, the various funds use banners and hoardings to promote their plans.
These banners and hoardings are placed in important parts of the city where people move a lot.

Distributors, agents, and brokers are intermediaries who make significant contributions to the
expansion of mutual fund scheme sales. Distributors like these have direct contact with
investors. The greater part of them are additionally associated with selling shares and other
venture instruments. Because they are completely connected to the financial markets, they do a
good job of persuading investors to put their money into mutual funds. Customers, on the other
hand, prefer distributors who provide accurate information about the fund and keep them
informed of market conditions.

Meeting with distributors on a regular basis is another important part of collecting mutual fund
sales. The sales executives meet with these distributors on a regular basis to resolve their
problems and address complaints from either the customer or the service side. Because these
distributors or brokers account for 70-80 percent of all mutual fund sales, the goal is to establish
positive business relationships and collaborate.

For new distributors or agents, special training sessions may also be scheduled from time to
time. Giving details about the plans, their investment goal, how well they do in the market, and
the plans of competitors are all part of the training.

To boost their sales efforts, major distributors may employ their own subagents or sub brokers.
Mutual funds have also developed other distribution channels in addition to direct marketing and
intermediaries. It includes banks and other financial institutions that promote mutual fund schemes
in accordance with SEBI and RBI regulations. Mutual funds have their own section in both private
and nationalized banks. They have their own executives and an effective sales force to help
customers learn about mutual fund schemes.


Some of the activities NJ wealth practices in marketing department are as follows:

• Joint calls
• Client meet
• Stall activity
• Van activity
• Courier
• Khichdi meet
• Large meeting
• E-Mails
• NISM Certification

1) Joint calls
common calls includes the calling the mates and informing them about colorful new schemes and
keeping them apprehensive about the request conditions. It also includes going to the mate and
explaining him about the new stocks in the request and where actually he can invest his plutocrat
i.e. in what type of collective fund he wants to invest and what's the quantum. occasionally the head
also accompanies the collective fund advisory to do joint calls.

2) customer meets
Customer meets are arranged whenever it's needed. There are different meets like match for issuing
of new collective finances, a design visit incase of NJ reality, meeting telling the mates about the
conditions and new schemes which are lately added. These meetings and gatherings are known as
customer meets.

3) Cube exertion
NJ uses a veritably common fashion as its marketing ways, i.e. keeping booths and cells at colorful
expositions. At these booths the pass to get move the people to invest in collective finances and
Come an counsel. This is a extensively used fashion by major by NJ India Invest.

4) Van Activity
Another fashion used by NJ is using a auto for advertising. Majorly Maruti auto is used for doing
this work.

5) SMS
In this ultramodern time, marketing through SMS is a veritably trendy and considerably habituated
system. It's the fastest way of communication. NJ too uses this system for its marketing. Leads are
collected from colourful different places and these people are contacted about the seductive
schemes which would move them be come an counsel. Indeed the current mates are informed about
colourful meeting or any information which is to be conveyed to them is done through SMS.

6) Courier
This is fashion is also used for marketing of NJ India Invest. Different leaflets, templates,
pamphlets are transferred on Yearly or daily bases to the mates places. This keeps the mates update
with what's going on in the establishment and request conditions.

7) Khichdi Meet
Khichdi match is one of the unique marketing ways used by NJ India Invest. In this match 10 to 15
mates are invited. This is a fashion which makes the mates feel their significance in the company
and motivates them to work more and more.

8) Large Meets
Large meetings are held when different brokers or mates get together and arrange a meeting for
their guests. These meets makes the guests fell that NJ is concerned for them and motivates them.

9) E-Mails
Emails are also constantly used fashion by NJ India Invest. Different schemes showing the return
are transferred to guests as an dispatch. This is a quick and effective way of marketing and making
the guests apprehensive about colorful effects going around them.
10) NISM instrument NJ provides you with online study material like online training, study
material, tone online literacy videotape, Mock test and modification session,etc. to clear the
NISM Mutual Fund VA test. You need to study at least 1 Hour a per day for a week to clear the
test. After to clearing NISM Mutual Fund VA test you need to apply to an ARN Licence to
CAMS. NJ platoon will help you in ARN operation process.
1) The test has a aggregate of 100 questions of 1 Mark each.
2) Passing marks are 50
3) There's no negative marking
4) A person should be at least 18 times of age to appear for this test.
5) NISM test freights 1500RS
6) There's limitation on the number of attempt in an test.
NJ is charging a one- time subscription figure of RS 5000, Which is refundable subject to fulfilment
of minimal business criteria within 3 months of registration. The NJ value pack freights is non


The customer relationship management (CRM) model is widely used to manage a business’s
interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It entails making use of technology to
organize, automate, and synchronize business processes, including those related to marketing,
customer service, technical support, and sales. Finding, securing, and retaining new customers are
the overall objectives; cultivate and retain existing employees; entice former customers to come
back; and cut back on marketing and customer service expenses.
Selling to existing customers is much less expensive than acquiring new ones. Companies can be
sure that customer complaints will be handled quickly and effectively thanks to CRM and customer
support. Companies are able to manage inbound e-mails, diagnose bugs, share knowledge, and
resolve customer issues by centralizing customer service requests across channels through CRM
and customer support.
Benefits of CRM and customer support activities:
• Quality and efficiency
• Decrease in overall costs
• Decision support
• Enterprise ability
• Customer Attentions
• Increase profitability
• Improved planning
• Improved product development.
• Recognize incident frequency to enhance product quality;

• Share information among individuals and teams;

• Determine customer support’s responsiveness

In NJ wealth, building strong relationships with customers is more important. Meetings with
customers to discuss mutual funds, their advantages and disadvantages, the benefits of investing in
mutual funds, and other topics are scheduled for this purpose. If customers have any questions, they
can also talk to our company’s unit managers.


Customer Acquisition, as defined:

Client procurement alludes to acquiring new clients – or persuading individuals to purchase your
items. It is a method for guiding customers through the marketing funnel from brand awareness to
decision-making about a purchase.

How do you get new clients?

Customers can be acquired through a variety of offline and online marketing strategies, digital
channels, and tactics. It frequently entails a combination of cross-channel marketing campaigns,
which may include:

1)Show Promoting
2) Entertainment Advertising
3)Search Promoting
4)Content Promoting
5)Subsidiary Advertising
6)Email Promoting
Or then again any blend of advertising drives

For any client securing technique to be compelling, it should develop with steadily changing
customer conduct and inclinations.
Advice for Customer Acquisition Strategy:
1)Try a mix of marketing tactics & approaches

2)Gather sufficient data to understand what’s working

3)Follow the numbers & invest in your most influential efforts.

Smart customer acquisition process
1)Display advertising
The practice of placing visual advertisements on websites to entice new customers is known as
display advertising. It can be done either directly by purchasing ad space from websites or
programmatically, which is an automated method used in networks like the Google Display
When it comes to Display Advertising, it matters which websites and audiences you target. A
crucial component of any successful display advertising strategy is concentrating on the websites
that produce the highest levels of performance.
2) Social Media Marketing
As part of a comprehensive content marketing strategy, social media marketing has numerous
applications. When you’re thinking about social media marketing, there are two main approaches:
natural and paid.
)Natural online entertainment helps you grandstand your business' voice and character, and it gives
you an outlet to share other substance you're utilizing as a feature of your client obtaining
technique. " The term "organic social media" simply refers to the practice of posting to the existing
audience rather than utilizing paid advertising to further expand it. Instead, you're relying on your
followers to spread the word by liking, sharing, and commenting on your posts. Paid social media
advertising comes into play when you begin to convert your posts into advertisements. Through
advertisements on the social media network of your choice, paid social media advertising enables
you to reach your target audience. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, your future clients are as of now
out there balancing out on one of the super virtual entertainment organizations, and through
focusing via web-based entertainment promotions, you can assist them with finding out about what
your identity is and transform into paying clients.
3) Search Marketing
One of the easiest ways to find customers who are clearly interested in checking out your products
is through search engine marketing (SEM). You can show up when very specific queries are
entered into Google and other search engines because SEM allows you to target specific keywords.
The key is to monitor search data to determine what subjects people are looking for at various
stages of the sales process.
These people can be reached in two main ways: through paid search marketing and organic search
engine optimization (SEO)
You target keywords with paid search marketing, also known as pay-per-click (PPC), and your paid
ad appears alongside other organic search results. You could make a PPC advertisement for that
search term in addition to creating content about beginner hiking shoes. It’s practically similar to a
Quick Pass at a carnival. You have to pay to get to the front (or top) of the SERP more quickly.

4) Content Marketing
Content marketing is an effective part of a customer acquisition strategy for almost any type of
business. One reason it’s effective is because there are many different ways you can use content
marketing; so you can find the best method of content marketing to draw in your audience.
T are two things you should concentrate on when developing a content marketing strategy. First and
foremost, check to see that each type of content you create conveys your brand’s voice and contains
information that your audience will find useful and useful. Second, focusing on specific subjects
enables your company to appear in relevant and useful search queries. This gives natural pathways
to customers to find your organization.
Blogging, e-books, guides, templates, and videos are the most common types of content marketing.
5) E-Mail Marketing
There is a reason why email marketing has been around for a while. The first step in email
marketing is actually getting the qualified individual’s email address and information. It is a
valuable component of any strategy for acquiring customers and a direct line of communication
with customers.
1) useful content that requires people to fill out an email form 2)Offer
discounts to people who sign up for your email list.
3) Host a giveaway on social media that requires people to fill out an email form.
Congratulations once you have someone’s email! You currently realize that they are keen on your
organization. You can market directly to them and share information about new products or sales as
long as you adhere to the CAN-SPAM laws in the United States. By monitoring click-through rates
on various email components, you will also be able to learn more about these individuals’ interests
through email marketing.
Indeed, even bad reactions (withdraws) offer significant data to your email methodology. Your own
customer acquisition strategy will continually improve for improved performance in the future if
you know which content prompted which response. Simply ensure that you are tracking these

6) online marketplace
There are a few ways that online marketplaces like Amazon and other ecommerce
retailers can assist you in acquiring customers. Not only are you able to sell your
products in locations where people are already shopping, but you can also take
advantage of opportunities to advertise and raise awareness in areas where you might
not have been before.
Selling on Amazon is feared by many businesses because of the possibility that lower
margins will reduce overall revenue. While this is a significant concern, the insights
you get from Amazon search behaviour and how well your ads perform on Amazon
can also help you advertise in Google Search. You can run ads in other channels that
bring customers to your site and allow your own ecommerce site to work well with
these online marketplaces by knowing how your customers buy on Amazon
7) Affiliate Marketing
In affiliate marketing, you pay a partner for bringing in traffic, leads, sales—or
anything else you choose—on your behalf. Affiliate partners can include discount
websites, big blogs, and influencers. Depending on your buyer's behavior and where
they are in your sales process, your ideal affiliate partner may differ.

By assisting individuals through your sales process, affiliate marketing can be utilized
as part of your strategy for acquiring customers. This could be accomplished, as we
mentioned, by paying affiliates to provide leads that you can turn into customers
through email follow-up. You could also concentrate on only paying affiliates when
they acquire customers for you and make a sale.


The biggest strength of the organization is the;

• Money power, making them unaware of the gestational period.

• Image, experience in business, and innovative products

• The agents, who are chosen with great care, are adept communicators.
• Service quality, which is their primary goal.


• A high goal for the sales and financial advisor departments.

• Numerous competitors in the market offer identical products with minor differences.

• Responsive to the risk of money market investments.

• A huge market has not been even touched; Only 20% of the estimated 320 million people have
invested in the mutual fund industry.

• The equity and ELSS schemes contribute an estimated $15 billion to the market.

• The entry of a large number of other private player businesses with comparable amounts of
experience and the financial resources of foreign partners makes competition challenging and
saturates the urban market.

• Current policies implemented by the government that discourage domestic savings In the event
that the
Charge responsibility of administration class rises the client will have minimal expenditure to


NJ wealth believes in centralized decision so most the decision are taken by higher authorities. The
Indian mutual fund industries RS 38 lakh Cr AUM. It is the fastest growing financial industry with
22% of growth rate over the last 5 years. Out of 135 Crores Indians, only 3.25 Crore individuals are
currently investing in Mutual Fund. That is less 2% our population. This potential in the industry.
Every month around 8-10 lakh new investor join the mutual fund industry.
We still have an under-performed mutual fund market in comparison to the developed world, with
an AUM to GDP Ratio of 12% compared to the world average of 63% and low competition: despite
the growth in MF investors, there is still a long way to go. There will only be 1.26 million
distributors of mutual funds as opposed to more than 20 million insurance advisors.
You have excellent career opportunities because of the huge gap between supply and demand.



1 1,15,000 805 805
2 1,32,250 926 1731
3 1,52,088 1065 2795
5 2,01,136 1408 5,428
10 4,04,556 2832 16,344
15 8,13,706 5696 38,302


1) Around 50% of the investors invest to maximize their returns and they are ready To
take moderate risks in their investment portfolio.
2) Most of the investors give importance to the fact that their investment should Grow in
value over period of time.
3) Growth scheme is the most preferred for investment
4) Knowledge about mutual funds and their various schemes is moderate among
5) It is necessary to make Mutual Fund more popular in the eyes of investors as Well
6) Most of the investors give importance to return, tax saving etc.
7) Objectives of the investor are to get something in return for their investment and The
risk they are taking.
8) Here the objective of the investor between the age of 20-30 is to earn the higher return.
9) While the age group above 30years concentrates on safety and tax saving and they
even take care of the liquidity.


During the internship I would like to some suggestions to NJ wealth:

I discovered from the preceding analysis that, despite the fact that it is not one of the world’s best or
deepest markets, it has sparked growth in the mutual fund industry to provide reasonable
investment options for the common man.
Give safety and return characteristics more weight because Independent Financial Advisors are
more concerned with client safety and maximizing investment returns.
Independent financial advisors who, because they are unfamiliar with mutual funds, do not
recommend mutual funds to their clients. Therefore, NJ wealth thought to regularly organize a
mutual fund awareness program for themselves and other independent financial advisors.
NJ wealth ought to try to get Independent Financial Advisors to join them by providing better
NJ Wealth ought to organize a special program to educate the general public about mutual funds.
So that they can collaborate directly with NJ wealth as a direct customer.
Majority of the Government employees take into consideration tax benefits Before making any
investment. So NJ Wealth should highlight tax benefits in mutual fund
If NJ Wealth wants to be a successful mutual fund advisory service provider, it needs to launch a
brand awareness campaign.
NJ Wealth should also focus on young people who are interested in saving money, educating them
about various investment schemes and holding seminars for college students to keep more
customers connected for a long time.
Try to attract them by posting signs outside the colleges, public places that make NJ wealth known
to them.


A mutual fund gathers people together and manages their money while they invest it
In stocks, bonds, and other securities. Advanced portfolio management, dividend Reinvestment,
and risk reduction are three benefits of mutual funds (safety).

Additionally, management abuses, inefficient taxation, and subpar transaction

Execution are drawbacks of mutual funds. equity or growth funds, bond or fixed income funds, and
Hybrid funds. Mutual funds have a lot of charges. The main issue with mutual funds is Their high

Mutual funds are simple to purchase and sell. Either directly from the fund business Or through a
third party, you can purchase them.
One of the most straightforward ways to make money in mutual funds is by investing
For the long term. The struggle to survive is frequently mistaken with the meaning of Life, and you
might not be aware that it is simply one aspect of your life. Ads for mutual funds can be quite



1)Marketing Research: Philip kotler

2) Security analysis & Investment Management: A. V. Adhani
3)Financial management: M. Y. Khan, P. k. Jain
4)Principal of marketing: Philip Kotlar, Armstrong G.
5)Research methodology: C. R. Kothari
6) NISM Mutual Fund Distribution VA
7) Product Life Cycle Management : Prashant k. Ambedkar
8) Marketing Management : kevin k. Keller
9) principle of marketing: Kavita Sharama


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