Quiz 1.

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First Quiz in Prelim

Name: Jecel M. Rumandan
Course/year: Beed, 2nd Year
Subject: TLE1
CN: 5154

According to Section 5 (e) RA 10533. The curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches such as Constructivism,
Inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative, and integrative.
Task: Choose one pedagogical approach from Section 5, RA 10533, and explain how to utilize/ implement the
selected approach in teaching Technology and Livelihood Education/EPP subjects. Provide example.


The curriculum I shall use in pedagogical approaches is Constructivism from Section 5, RA 10533.
Constructivism is both learners and environmental factors are critical to the constructivist, as it is the specific
interaction between these two variables that creates knowledge. Constructivist TLE learning means TLE
teachers facilitate learning encouragement. TLE students engage in inquiry such as questioning procedures as
TLE teachers. LEARNING coach them in the construction of new knowledge and understanding.

Constructivism argues that behavior is situationally determined (Jonassen, 1991a). Just as the learning of
new vocabulary words is enhanced by exposure and subsequent interaction with those words in context, it is
essential that content knowledge be embedded in the situation in which it is used. The constructivist designer
specifies instructional methods and strategies that will assist learners in actively exploring complex topics that
will move them into thinking in a given content area as an expert user of that domain might think. Knowledge
is not abstract but is linked to the context under study and to the experiences that the participants bring to
the context. As such, learners are encouraged to construct their own understandings and then validate,
through social negotiation, these new perspectives. Content is not prespecified; information from many
sources is essential. And also, Constructivism gives students ownership of what they learn, since learning is
based on students' questions and explorations, and often the students have a hand in designing the
assessments as well. Constructivist assessment engages the students' initiatives and personal investments in
their journals, research reports, physical models, and artistic representations. Engaging creative instincts
develops students' abilities to express knowledge in a variety of ways. The students are also more likely to
retain and transfer the new knowledge to real life.

For example, Constructivism promotes social and communication skills by creating a classroom
environment that emphasizes collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Students must learn how to articulate
their ideas clearly as well as to collaborate on tasks effectively by sharing in group projects. Students must
therefore exchange ideas and so must learn to "negotiate" with others and to evaluate their contributions in a
socially acceptable manner. This is essential to success in the real world since they will always be exposed to a
variety of experiences in which they will have to cooperate and navigate among the ideas of others. Education
works best when it concentrates on thinking and understanding, rather than on rote memorization.
Constructivism concentrates on learning how to think and understand.

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