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Operations Research

Lecture 2
Dr: Abdelhamid Mostafa
Operation research is a quantitative method
that uses three methods:
1) Simulation methods
2) Optimization methods (Max or Min)
3) Data analysis methods

CHAPTER(1) : Linear
Linear programming is a class of mathematical
programming models concerned with the efficient
allocation of limited recourses to know activities
with the objective of meeting a desired goal such
as maximizing or minimizing.
It is one of the optimization methods, where we
would like to solve a problem of either a
maximization or minimization objective.

Objective function: it presents
the decision variables and the
relationship between them
(maximize or minimize) and it
has certain constraints about
the available resources.

• Special straight lines:
1) X axis, where y=zero
2) Y axis, where x= zero
3) Parallel lines to x axis, where y=a,
• ex: y=3

CHAPTER (1 ) : Linear
• Special straight lines:
• 4) Parallel lines to y axis, where x=b,
ex: x=3

Special straight lines:
5) 45 degree line (when x=y


Production Scheduling: A company produces two
types of steel. Type 1 requires 2 hours of melting, 4
hours of cutting, and 10 hours of rolling per ton.
Type 2 requires 5 hours of melting, 1 hour of
cutting, and 5 hours of rolling per ton. Forty hours
are available for melting, 20 for cutting, and 60 for
rolling. Each ton of Type 1 produces $240 profit,
and each ton of Type 2 yields $80 profit. Find the
maximum profit and the production schedule that
will produce this profit.

Let x = number of tons of type 1
Y= number of tons of type 2
Maximize profit Z= 240x +80y
Subject to
2x+5y ≤ 40 (melting)
4x + y ≤ 20 (cutting)
10x + 5y ≤60 (rolling)
Where x, y ≥ 0

(1) Convert inequalities to equations:
• 2x+5y =40 melting
• 4x + y=20 cutting
• 10x + 5y =60 rolling
(2) Determine two points for each equation:
2x+5y = 40 4x + y = 20 10x + 5y = 60
x=0 , y= 8 x=0 , y= 20 x=0 , y= 12
y=0, x= 20 y=0, x=5 y=0, x=6

(3) Graph of equations:

Point b

Point a

(4)Identify points a and b:
Point (a) equation(2),(3)
4x + y = 20 (multiply by 5) 20x +5y= 100
10x + 5y = 60
10x = 40 , x=4
4x + y = 20
4(4) + y=20
y= 20-16=4
point a= (4 , 4)

(4) Identify points a and b: Point (b( equation(1),(3)
10x+5y = 60
2x+5y = 40
8x= 20, x= 20/8 x= 2.5
2x+5y = 40
5 + 2)2.5(y = 40
5y=35, y= 7
Point b = (2.5 , 7)

(5) Objective function:
Z= 240x+80y
(5,0) z=240(5)+0=1200
(0,8) z=0+80(8)=640
(4,4) z=240(4)+80(4)=1280
(2.5,7) z=240(2.5)+80(7)=1160

the optimal solution is 1280 where x=4,y=4


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