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Center of Excellence in higher Education

The first private university in Bangladesh
School of Business
Department of Management
BUS172: Introduction to Statistics, Semester: Summer 2021
Final Exam, Time: 1 hour 10 minutes; Marks: 30
Answer all the questions. You must show the calculation.

Q1. In a business management meeting, panel members of Desiderio di Lusso would like to decide
about minimum dexterity score for a particular position. Minimum score proposed by all panel
members are provided below.

Akio Benio Keiko Maiko Toyo

20 24 30 34 24

(a) Draw all possible samples of size 2 without replacement and construct sampling distribution
of mean dexterity scores proposed by the panel members.
(b) Calculate the standard deviation of the sampling distribution, and interpret the results. 4
(c) Calculate population standard deviation from results in sampling distribution. Why does
this result differ from the standard deviation of sampling distribution?
(d) If Maiko’s score is swapped with Keiko’s score by mistake, then compute sampling and
nonsampling errors for the sample of Maiko and Toyo. 2

Q2. Daitomart has 800 registered platinum members and 20% of them miss to redeem their loyalty
points in each year. Assume that 𝑝̂ is the proportion of platinum members who missed the
deadline this year in a random sample of size 100.
(a) Find the distribution of 𝑝̂ and comment on the shape of the distribution. 3
(b) What is the probability that the 10% to 15% of platinum members miss the deadline? 3

Q3. Bellavista is a small town in northern region with only 400 households. Monthly gas bill in
Bellavista is positively skewed with a mean of 1000 taka and a standard deviation of 200 taka per
month. Let 𝑥̅ be the mean amount of gas bills for a random sample of 64 households from this
(a) Find the probability that the average monthly gas bill of a household is not more than 1050 2
taka per month.
(b) What percentage of households’ mean yearly gas bill is at least 11760 taka? 2
(c) Comment on the distribution of 𝑥̅ . 1

Q4. Health division advised all students to get at least one dose of vaccine prior to start on campus
studies. A survey on 16 students were asked whether they had received at least one dose of
COVID-19 vaccine. Their responses are provided below.

Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No

No Yes No No No No No Yes

(a) Construct a 98% confidence interval for percentage of students received at least one dose of 5
COVID-19 vaccine. Interpret the result.
(b) How large a sample should be selected so that the estimate is within 0.04 of the population 2
proportion of students vaccinated for 90% confidence level?
The End
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