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Abbane Remdane Secondary School School year: 2022/2023

Third Term English Exam

3rd year Foreign Languages
A- Comprehension
Read the text carefully then do the following
‘Student voice’ – that is, giving students the opportunity to have a say in issues that affect them, has
come a long way since the experiments of a few radical schools in the 1970s. Many schools now boast
student-led School Councils, for example, and one might argue that students have more control over their
education than ever before. However, it remains the case that very few students are involved in key
strategic decision making in their school, and fewer still at a regional or national level. But increasingly,
educators are cottoning on to the potential this has to change both the experiences of students, and the
entire education system.
Allowing students to have control over their education helps them to feel valued, to have a stake in
their school and to take ownership of their learning. There is growing evidence that it can also improve
engagement and attainment: when comparing achievement, attendance and exclusions across similar
schools those that promote true student participation fare better. Scandinavian countries have long had a
culture of participation at the heart of their education systems. It is often mandatory for students to be
represented on governing bodies of their schools, for example.
Getting involved in governance at school also helps students to see the benefits of citizenship, and may
help young people be more interested and active citizens as adults. This is particularly relevant because
many countries are experiencing not just disengagement in school, but disengagement in society as a
whole, manifested most obviously in declining voting turnouts from young people.
What we are talking about is not tokenistic involvement. It’s not about students having a say in minor
decisions, such as dress codes or dinner menus. Fundamentally, this is about giving students real power
over strategic decision making at all levels. We need to recognize that students aren’t just passive
recipients in their education, but potential partners in learning. If we do this, we will foster school cultures
where everyone participates in education and learning.
Adapted from
1. Underline the correct answer. The text is:
A. A report B. An interview C. An article
2. Are the following statements true or false? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the
A. Involving students in strategic decision making in their school was experienced in the seventieth.
B. Educators are against giving students the opportunity to control over their education.
C. Getting involved in governance at school increases voting turnouts from young people.
D. Students involvement is in fact symbolic and perfunctory.
3. In which paragraph is mentioned that the presence of leading - bodies in their school is compulsory?
4. Answer the following questions according to the text:
A. How many students are strategic decision makers?
B. What can students’ involvement in decision making improve?
C. Are countries experiencing disengagement in both society and school because of students’
5. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a- one §1 b- them §2 c- their §2 d- citizens §3
B- Text Exploration
1. Find words or phrases that are closet in meaning to the following:
A. Appreciated §2
B. Attendances §3
2. Divide the following words into roots and affixes:
nonstrategic – disengagement – tokenistic
3. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a):
1) A- If students’ involvement increases, voting turnouts won’t decline.
B- Unless……………………………………………………………………………….
2) A- Students should have given a real power over strategic decision making at all levels
B- It’s about time …………………………………………………………………..
4. Underline the stressed syllables:
Partners – tokenistic – anthropology– argue
5. Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph:
A. They need to be resilient learners, able to make mistakes and learn from them.
B. If students are to achieve this,
C. The challenges of the 21st century place demands on young people to be good learners.
D. They must have effective ‘teachers of learning’.

Part two : Written Expression

06 points
Choose one of the following topics
Topic 01: Curriculum is constructed with the learner as its central focus. Yet the voice of the learner is
largely excluded from the curriculum design and implementation process. Do you believe that learners’
involvement in curriculum planning will improve their learning? Using the following notes, write a
composition about 80-100 words.
 To be successful learners, students must understand process and structure
 Help to develop initial outlines for experiences the school seeks to teach.
 Formulating one’s own purposes is always an exciting adventure.
 When students formulate their own purposes and design ways to achieve them, this increase their
learning opportunities
 If they do not feel connected to the curriculum or course objectives, they will become their own
barriers to learning
 If students are denied opportunities to communicate their perceptions, their learning suffers
Topic 02: Write a composition about 80-100 words on the following topic:
What is the unethical practice that you most hate? Why? Suggest solutions to that moral issue.

Make a good work

Your teacher: Mm. Belouettar

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