Prove How These 2 Organism Are Alive

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Prove any 2 specific organisms as to how they are alive.

Statements should be based on the

properties of life as discussed on the lecture.

Cats (Felis catus)

Cats are domestic species of small carnivorous mammal.  It is the only domesticated species in
the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of
the family. But we are here to figure out on how are they alive, so how are they alive? What makes a cat

In order for a living thing such as a cat to be alive is it needs to contain or be able to perform all
properties of life. These properties include sensitivity or response to stimuli, energy processing, order,
growth and development, reproduction, regulation, and homeostasis.

First of all cats are also highly organized organisms, they

also have coordinated structures that consists of one or
more cells. They have cells, tissues, organs, systems and that
overall makes them a complex organism.

Second is that cats are able to respond to stimuli. For example when a cat fears cucumbers, it would be
surprised and run away from it or when you’re petting the cat and it purrs as an indication that it is
relieved and as a counter action or reaction it snuggles closer.
Next is that it is able to reproduce. Just like most of the
multicellular organisms it produces specialized
reproductive germline cells that will form new
individuals; their offspring is called a kitten or a kitty.

Cats as an organism also grow and develop. As a kitten grows up and develops its system or body
follows the specific instructions coded for by their genes. These genes provide instructions that will
direct cellular growth and development, ensuring that the kitten will grow up to be exhibit many of the
same characteristics as its parents.

It terms of regulation cats also have regulatory mechanisms to coordinate its internal functions, respond
to stimuli, and cope with environmental stresses. Its internal functions includes a brain that controls it
feline thoughts, memory, and other organs, a heart that pumps blood around the body, lungs that
separate oxygen from the air and remove carbon dioxide from the blood, a stomach that helps digest
food, intestines that absorb nutrients from food, and many more. As an addition they also have fur that
helps them keep warm and protects them from skin injuries, it also provides sensory input and help
keep cats dry.

Just like other multicellular organisms cats also undergo homeostasis in order to function properly. An
example is as we know cats self-maintain their fur by licking it, their saliva also helps them cool off as
they only have sweat glands on the leather of their paws that is why you may see cats groom themselves
more in summer. When saliva evaporates from the cat’s fur, it provides a cooling effect similar to a
human’s sweat evaporating of their skin.

Finally, cats also undergo energy processing as all organisms have a source of energy in order to spend
on their metabolic activities. Cats have their hyped up moments in days but they’re more hyperactive at
night. It is because cats are crepuscular, which means that they are most active at dawn and dusk. In
order for them to have energy they mostly consume meat as they are obligate or true carnivores, it
means that they need a source of animal protein to survive. As I have encountered with my cats, their
domesticated state seems to enjoy eating lizards, geckos, and that one time a native tambalyan.
Makahiya (Mimosa Pudica)

The makahiya plant also known as shy plant is pretty much recognized for its visually satisfying
stimuli or reaction from being physically touched. But how is it alive? What is behind its visually
satisfying gesture?

In order for a living thing such as a makahiya plant to be alive is it needs to contain or be able to
perform all properties of life. These properties include sensitivity or response to stimuli, energy
processing, order, growth and development, reproduction, regulation, and homeostasis.

First of all makahiya plants are also considered

highly organized, coordinated structures that consist of
one or more cells. They have stems, leaves, roots, seeds
and an adorable purple flower.

Second is that the makahiya plants visually satisfying response to stimuli is what proves that it is alive. It
is a creeping annual or perennial flowering plant of the pea/legume family Fabaceae. Commonly called
the touch-me-not plant, the sensitive plant, or the 'Tickle Me plant', it is known for closing its leaves or
folding them inwards when touched. It is often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold
inward and droop when touched or shaken, defending themselves from harm, and re-open a few
minutes later.  This occurs due to changes in the turgor pressure in its cells. The behavior is a predator
avoidance mechanism.
Next is that just like most plants makahiya plants reproduce by seeds. Each plant can produce over 700
bristled seeds which can be carried on animal fur, feathers or on people's clothing. And whilst in terms
of growth and development it needs a warm and tropical atmosphere, a sufficient amount of water, and
sunlight. As it grows its genes will provide instructions that will direct cellular growth and development,
including the part where it closes instantly when touched. Just like other plants makahiya undergoes
regulation by using osmotic pressure to open and close stomata, allowing it to regulate the amount of
water and solutes within them.

In order for the makahiya plant to produce energy and maintain cellular function, its cells undergo the
highly intricate process of photosynthesis just like other plants. It undergoes homeostasis by keeping
their stomata or opening in the underside of a leaf that allows carbon dioxide to diffuse into and out of
the leaf then open just enough to allow photosynthesis to take place but not so much that they lose an
excessive amount of water. Thus making it alive and well functioning.

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