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University of San Carlos

Scientia, Virtus, Devotio

Elementary, Secondary, Education Program Section (ESEPS)
Academic Year 2021 -2022 (1st Semester)
ECED 2103: Literacy Development (Montessori Language)


Objects to Letter Matching

Assignment #5
Table of contents
Pink Series Activity: [Sound Baskets] Matching Objects to Its
Beginning Sound (Sandpaper Letters)
 Objectives/Aims
 Material Description
 Steps/Procedures/Presentation (Modified Way of Presentation)
 Notes and Control of Error
 New Words Introduced & Points of Interest
University of San Carlos
Scientia, Virtus, Devotio
Elementary, Secondary, Education Program Section (ESEPS)
Academic Year 2021 -2022 (1st Semester)
ECED 2103: Literacy Development (Montessori Language)

Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan No. 2 Language Learning Page 1

(Language) - Sound Basket (Object to

Beginning Sound) Activity

Made by: Stephany S. Bendebel [BSNED (ECED - MONTED) 2]

Matching Objects to Its Beginning Sound
 Objectives/Aims:
v=YYNkRr_wBx8 After the conducted activity, the kids will be able to:
 Direct:
language/written-language- 1. Learn how to match the object in the basket to its beginning sound from
sandpaper-letters.htm letters A to Z through the sandpaper letters
 http:// 2. Learn the beginning sounds of many objects found in their environment Indirect:
montessori-pink-series-updated/ 1. Improve their writing and reading skills
2. Distinguish the different phonetic sounds that make up the word starting from
its beginning letter
Age: 3 years old and above 3. Learn new more vocabulary words through each activity
4. Reinforce muscular and visual memory and uniting sounds
Celebration: English Language Day 5.
& International Mother Language

Material Description:
 The following activity should be progressive on each day; starting
from (a,b,c,d),(e,f,g,h), and so on so forth.
 Sandpaper Letters (Letters A to Z)
 Containers for the language objects (basket, tupperware, bowl)
 Language Objects (objects that correspond to its beginning letter
and sound. i.e. item: bucket = “buh” = Letter B)

Steps and Presentation:

Reference: (
1. Prepare the sandpaper letters of today on the activity mat and the language objects (for this lesson plan, we’ll prepare the
letters h, j, u, and l).
2. Demonstrate the phonetic sound of the sandpaper letters while slowly tracing the letter through feeling it. Trace the first
letter (h) while saying “hah”, second letter (j) is “juh”, third letter (u) is “uh”, and fourth letter (l) is “el”; this should be done
three times.
3. Invite the child to repeat the demonstration by letting them name and say the phonetic sound of the sandpaper letters and
trace the letter. To test their recognition, point the letter and ask if the child can utter the phonetic sound of the letter; proceed to
the activity – if they can’t repeat learning process.
4. Bring out the language objects and tell the name of each language object; pronouncing it’s phonetic sound. Afterwards, let
the child name each of the objects. (minimum number of objects would be eight (8 for each 4 letters). [i.e., hat, house, jar, jack,
umbrella, ukulele, log, lemon]
5. The directress grabs an object and asks the child, “What is this?”, if the child gets it right, then ask, “Where does jar go?
Or What sound does jar sound with?”. You place the object on a different letter and say, “Does jar go with (phonetic sound
of h, u, or l)?” If they say no, then proceed to the next letter until they find the right letter and its phonetic sound. If they say yes
– do not correct their mistake instead repeat the question again while stating the sound clearly.
6. Once all objects have been placed, repeat the 2nd step and lastly demonstrate the phonetic sound of the four (4) letters and
it’s tracing one last time while saying the name of the language object and its corresponding sound.

Notes: Control of Error:

 Miniature phonic objects/language  The control of error can be identified when
objects should be kept in a separate the child successfully utters the phonetic
drawer (to its corresponding letter) sound of the sandpaper letter and then
to avoid hazards and accidents. recognizes the sound of the language
 Each sandpaper letters should be object’s first letter through the directress.
arranged in different variations
daily. (First day: t,a,s,m), (Second
Day: h,o,d,e), and so on and so
 Keep records of the letters learned
for each child
 Some childrenndneed more time Language/Words Introduced:
learning the 2 period – repetition
is a necessity for the child to 1. Alphabetical Objects (letters A to Z)
understand Examples:
A – apple, ambulance
B – bike, ball, crush,
C – cat, cow, cup
D – dog, dish, drum
E – elf, eagle, egg, elk
F – fox, fan, fish, flower
G – giraffe, goat, gem, girl
H – heart, hat, house
Activity Extension: I – ice cream, ice
Alphabet Puzzle Cards J – jack ,jars, jug
K – key, king
Note: The child must be proficient, L – log, lego, lips
familiar, and confident with this M – moon, map, mug
activity in order to proceed to this N – net, notebook, nut
extension. O – otter, ox, owl
P – pail, puppy, pig
Q – q-tip, queen
R – ring, rose, rabbit
S – saw, seahorse,
T – tiger, teeth, turtle
U – ukulele, umbrella
V - violin, vines, vacuum
W – wedding, window; so on and so forth
Points of Interest:
 To match the language objects to its corresponding sandpaper letter and
 To recognize and familiarize the phonetic beginning sound of the language

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