Definition of Terms

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Definition of terms

Age Is the length of time a person lives or exist.

Sex refers to the physical differences between the people who are male, female or intersect.
Perspective on Parenting their child
Work/job refers to the activity, performed by an individual for consideration.
Attitude refers to thinking or talking about someone or something, typically one that is
reflected in a person’s behavior.
Parental Education refers to development appropriate information provided to or facilitated
with individuals who functions in the role of parents or expectant parents.
Parental Guidance proactive advice provided to a youngster by a parent when the child asks or
when a parent sense it’s crucial.
Educational Attainment in the educational system of the nation where the education was
received, educational attainment is defined as the highest grade earned at the most advanced
level attended. Data on educational achievement may also be usefully presented in terms of the
highest grade attended in some nations.
Academic Performance

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