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fall of Troy, and founded a new kingdom (Iliad, xx.


have been introduced into Turkey during Ahmed I.'s reign.

they are definable as pieces of land detached from cottages,

(chaps. i.-x.), and history (chap. x.-end). The historical

below. This created in the general public the impression

(1819-1891), complete the group of the greater writers of New

polymorphus, larval host the crayfish, adult host the duck:

the only way to success. In the autumn, a spirited attempt

of the lake gives no hint that a great river has joined its

and in other parts of England thus dilute dry butter and

Roumanite, or Rumanian amber, a dark reddish resin, occurring

In the year 1904-1905 L. 10,600 was devoted by the Board of

as wards of the Lords Erskine and the earls of Mar, the last

and for the duke of Gandia and Giuffre the pope proposed

the juristic mind assigned a reason for the fact that the

side (atrio-coelomic canal); O, nerve tube resting on notochord.

or in linseed oil, ``amber varnish'' or ``amber lac.''

Constantinople. He presented to the emperor Justinian, on his

numerous ramifications, including Mount Velechik, inhabited

successful in practice, the chromic acid being absorbed by

M. Tuscanus's Carmina Illustrium Poetarum Italiorum. The

requisite quantity of fruit syrup is also injected into the

or ``Sweet-cane'' of the Scriptures, one of the ingredients

predella on which the officiating priest stands. This

posterity. Poggio was secretary to five successive popes.

and to the nuances of feeling-tone attaching to different

and in the instructions under the sign-manual delivered to

individual claimants; and it seems probable that from an

forfeited. It was followed by one passed in 1768-1767, which

a substantial amount to the revenue, yielding in 1790 as much as

or, when a farmer allows an undue interval between the milkings

Normandy. Sweyn died in February 1014, and AEthelred was

son. M. de Valois was a great student of history, and the

ALI, in full, 'ALI BEN ABU TALIB (c. 600-661), the

exposure of any picture or printed or written matter of an

the social essay his natural expression. He won popularity

in such a case, will appear among the first generation,

in the 15th and 17th centuries, and restored in 1883) and

city of the Gedrosians (Pura), and thence made his way into

born to Pigott by his ``spiritual wife,'' Miss Ruth Preece, an

found the pulsations of his heart distinctly audible, and

xcvii. (1868); S. Herrlich, De Aerario et Fisco Romanorum

Proceedings in prize cases must be in conformity with admiralty

personal qualities won for him the surname of ``the Bear,''

The writings of Adelung are very voluminous, and there

1904 42,001 3,189,100 3,658 412,971

square, but the Friars Church at Winchelsea had a polygonal

the chief antiquities see the separate town articles, including,

Coming now to a more detailed consideration of the operations

of the gigantic land tortoise (Testudo elephantina), now

the sea, grow larches, vegetables, currants, laurels, roses,

lock or some similar means. The force of the explosion

nature of ancient military operations), and after totally

b, bulla; c, neck; d, trunk; e, e, lemnisci.

exhaustive) directs special attention to what is undoubtedly

the bishop or his commissary preached a suitable sermon.

but though the name of a neighbouring village, Turmus Aya, is

It was hardly possible that he could survive such treatment;

Curious developments of the Hegelian conception are to be

the Bonn Corpus Scriptorum Hist. Byz., 1st ed.,Bekker (1835);

the figures) vertically in mid-water. There is nothing in

disturbed by revolts, and in punishing with a heavy hand

conspired against him and bitterly opposed Conradin's uncle

and discoloured flour. This practice had been strongly

sodium sulphite, an observation which has been taken to

grasses, notably various kinds of alfa or esparto, and aromatic

determination of its aim and its fundamental problems.

period or when given in large quantities for a short period,

insurrections which have stained the land with blood. The

people may be ascribed the respect for the book which has

In an act of 1859 the practice was thrown open

had already taken place, and, arguing that several of the

of a disc to rocks, stones or shells. Many are epiphytic

quality; but the preparatory stage being longer, it was slower

Socialism followed, as is known, after the defeat of the uprising

of Afghanistan is worthy of attention. The great mass of it

and sodium phenolates (see SALICYLIC ACID). (Carbon monoxide

here called the Rali. Area, 5419 sq. m.; pop. (1901) 465,893,

caused it to be comparatively neglected at certain times

be thought to forecast the transfer of the centre of interest

in Acts, owing to its private nature as preparing the

thus loaded by separate operations. (A. G. H.)

was shown that eight county councils had acquired land under

the Red Deer river, which flowing south-eastward joins the

Passo della Forcellina or di Campo (Cedegolo to the Val di

ancient Anatho extend from this island for about 2 m. down

won his honorific epithet of Nevsky (i.e. of the Neva),

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