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The Impact of Technology on Education

Students in the 21st century are increasingly dependent on technology. Lockdowns are amplifying the
impact of technology on education. By the end of May 2020, over 200 countries and terrorists have
been affected by the coronavirus. (De’, R., Pandey, N., Pal, A. (June 9, 2020). The Impact of the Digital
Boom During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Research and Practice Perspective. International Journal of
Information Management. )
As the pandemic spreads, colleges, schools and almost all activities that require students will be closed.
Pandemic continues to use technology to communicate, socialize and research through virtual meetings
like Google Meet, Zoom and other necessary apps. In this case, we analyze the impact of technology on
education during a pandemic.

Technology can be of great help in education, especially now that world are facing the pandemic, as the
people need to stay at home and embrace the new normal. Pandemic education presents some
challenges. Given that technology is out there, some students cannot afford to buy the latest
technology. Public school students struggle to address the root causes of low income. According to a
recent Social Weather Station (SWS) survey, about 10 out of 10 Filipino students do not have the devices
needed for distance learning (Flores, H. (March 3, 2021). Her 4 out of 10 Filipino students do not have
distance learning. Filipino star.
students-lack-distance-learning-tech/amp/ ) SWS Urban students (67%) were found to use their devices
more often than rural students (49%). Learning difficulties and struggling with modern devices
recognizes the feelings of trappers who want to learn but are disadvantaged due to their low income.

Students are addicted to technology. This probably has something to do with online fraud. At some
point, students want good grades, not what they have learned. This is one of the negative effects of
technology when students cannot admit to cheating and know that teachers and professors are working
hard to pursue their teachings so that they can learn. According to Petrak and Bartolac (2014), they
conducted a survey of health students and found that cheating was moderately prevalent among her
1,088 students surveyed. We also found that older students were more honest than freshmen. The main
motivation for cheating was to pass the exam fairly or get a better result. Whether we admit it or not,
children don’t learn with technology designed for them. Students need face-to-face classes for more
active teacher guidance. Students should be physically aware of things and learning in the world.

Technology is one of the reasons students have the urge to learn, to enjoy learning, and to make
learning fun. But when it comes to technology and using it online, students lose focus on what they are
doing. They tend to focus on using chats and text messages to interact with someone. Opening apps for
entertainment is another reason why students can’t focus on learning. They spend too much time
watching and communicating online, neglect to learn, and do not know they will succeed in the near
future. According to Linnenbrink and Pintrich (2002), motivation is ``not a stable characteristic of an
individual, but contextual and domain-specific’’ (p. 314).Students are not always motivated, but they are
motivated in the subjects they are interested in.

Today people accompany each other in technology. Technology makes people forget that they need
more proficient knowledge, especially when it comes to writing. They forget the spelling of simple words
due to the use of abbreviations of the words. A buzzword that has nothing to do with the subject.
Technology has degraded students’ writing skills. According to Sutherland (2002), a recently retired
eminent professor of English at University College London has spoken out in the media about the
damage this style of communication does to literacy.

This part highlights some of the positive effects of technology. The visual images of all the presentations
presented so far by teachers encourage students to learn about the concept of visual good impression.
This keeps students motivated and interested in learning. According to Tomlinson, C.A. (2008). Make a
difference Education Week, 2(1), 26-31. This article was an interview with renowned educational author
and professor Carol Ann Tomlinson. She believes in the concept of differentiated education to
accommodate the different learning styles of students in the classroom. To create well-run classrooms
with differentiated instruction, teachers must: The entire classroom needs to be a team of learners and
attuned to their learning styles. We also need to treat cash students fairly by giving all students “equally
engaging, equally engaging, equally important” assignments. This allows all students to be challenged at
their level and in the way they learn best (Tomlinson, CA, 2008). She also describes how students are
more engaged and motivated when teachers are enthusiastic and motivated about what they are

The education using technology make use in the pandemic. The encounter of corona virus makes the
students experience that the technology has unlimited sources and reach every where you are able to
go. Students are able to reach when you have internet connection and have a load.

Technology has a positive impact on education, but it can also have a negative impact. Teachers and
students need to use this positively and eliminate the downsides that keep many students and schools
from achieving excellence. Therefore, in the future, it is time for all countries to introduce a more
technologically equipped education sector.

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