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Angeles, Marylin M. BECHE- 4 EXAMPLES OF ELASTIC COLLISION + When we throw 2 ball on the floor, i bounces back, This ic an example of elactic collicion where both tomen- tum and kinetic energy are conterved. Before @—> @ © The collisiong betweet the balls in a Newton's Cradle are almost perfectly €lactic. When one ball at the end is lifted and released , ft collider with the adjacent ball, transferring He mo- mentum and energy. May 42, 2023 PHYos92 BB + When two billiard balls collide, assuming No epin, he collision i¢ almost perfectly elactic. The balls bounce off each otter and their Kinetic energy ic conserved. OOOO © Before a After During EXAMPLES ©F INELASTIC COLLISION t vi i v = When an egg if dropped from a height , bite the cement floor and undergoes an inelastic collision. Come of the kine- tic energy te lost ac the egg deforms &- —@- and the surface tt lands on ic comprested. + When a piece of paper ic crumpled Up, it undergoes an ‘inelactic collision. Gome of the Kinetic energy ic lost 2 & & at the paper deforms and the energy Ve diccipated a¢ heat and sound. a is re Tol.) tee Before Doring After NW + When a hammer ciikee a nail, the collision i¢ oo aN in elactic. Come of the Kinetic energy of the qa hammer ie francferred to the all, causing Wt to deform and be driven into the material 1 ie being struck into. EXAMPLES OF PERFECTLY INELASTIC COLLISION When a lump of Clay ie thrown at r y¥ wall and sticks to W, the coltision ais] Ne ie perfectly inelastic. the clay and ee @& § the wall move together afer the ui Ved) collision. ‘ 4 - Before During After Egete® *In Some car accidenic, the care may ick together after the collision, making it 2 perfectly elastic collision. The two Care move together after the collision. Tn a periectly inelastic collision between atoms, the atome would stick together after the collision. Thir would happen if the atome had enough kinetic energy to overcome the aitractive forces __ Before During Rfter TT7 1 between them and then collided head-on, NS @ \\ ‘the ‘kinetic energy of the atome would GD @, ROPa/ (RW . J ‘then be converted into other forme of e@-\7 J fa energy , Such af heat, sound, or light, \ and the two atome woud move togetter ag a Ogle unit.

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