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Statement of the Problem

The aim of the study is to determine the effectivity of time

management skills in academic performance to the working

students. This study was conducted to answer the following


1. What is the respondent’s profile?

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Income

1.4 Residence

2. How do the respondents assess their time management as

working students in terms of;

2.1 Planning

2.2 Productivity

2.3 Procrastination

2. Is there any significant relationship between respondents’

profile and time management?

3. Based on the foregoing findings, what technique may be made

as framework of time management for working students.


A. Age
18-21 years old
22-25 years old
26 years old and above
B. Sex
C. Course:
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
Bachelor of Science and Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Bachelor in Secondary Education
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
D. Income
20,000 - above
15,000 – 19,999
10,000 – 14,999
5,000 – 9,999
E. Residence (City):
II. Respondents Assessment
Directions: Kindly check the number which accurately
corresponds to your assessment on the status of the following
Option Range Interpretation
5 4.20 -5.00 Excellent
4 3.40 -4.19 Very Good
3 2.60 -3.39 Good
2 1.80 -2.59 Fair
1 1.00 -1.79 Poor
How do the respondents assess their time management as working
students in terms of;

1. Planning
5 4 3 2 1
1.1 The students
should arrange things
according to their
1.2 The students
utilize their time
wisely and
productively at work
and school.
1.3 The students
should make a “to-do
list” to manage their
1.4 The students
should make a better
time table to finish
their schoolwork.
1.5 The student
prioritizes which task
should be done first.

2. Productivity
5 4 3 2 1
2.1 The students
should always complete
their homework by the
2.2 The student should
complete the necessary
task for the day.
2.3 The students
should be focused on
schoolwork and
2.4 The students work
has a negative impact
on their studies.
2.5 The student should
have flexible time in
completing any tasks
to submit in time.

3. Procrastination
5 4 3 2 1
3.1 The students spend
a considerable amount
of time on homework.
3.2 The students have
difficulties in
choosing which task to
begin first.
3.3 The students make
excuses or reasons to
put off in doing their
3.4 The students work
and study are
3.5 The students
should finish their
schoolwork before

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