Smart Task-3 Green Building

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Smart task -3

Q1 List the design concepts that buildings are currently using to make it greener and energy efficient.

Ans -1. Aluminum Weather Resistant Insulated Access Panel

Aluminum panels help regulate indoor temperature and prevent moisture and pests
from entering. It is essential to use an aluminum weather-resistant insulated access
panel to create a tight seal that will keep the inside of your building comfortable and

2. Energy Efficient Windows

Windows are one of the most significant sources of heat loss in a home, so it is
essential to choose windows that will help keep the heat inside. There are many
different types of energy-efficient windows on the market, so you can find ones that fit
your style and budget.

3. Green Roof

Green roofs have become more popular because they help insulate a home and reduce
the amount of heat lost through the roof. They also help reduce stormwater runoff and
provide additional living space for plants and animals.

4. Solar Power

Solar power is a renewable energy source that heats and cools a home and provides
electricity. Solar power is becoming increasingly affordable, and it is a great way to
reduce your carbon footprint.

5. Water Conservation

Several ways to help conserve water in your home include installing reduced
showerheads and toilets, collecting rainwater in barrels, and xeriscaping your
landscaping. Water conservation is important because it helps reduce the amount of
water in a home, saving money on your water bill.

6. Recycling
Recycling is an excellent way to minimize the amount of waste generated in the home.
It is also a great way to reuse materials. There are many different recycling programs,
so you can find one that works for your family.

7. Landscaping

Landscaping can help reduce the amount of heat absorbed by a home, and it can also
allow cooling of the air around a house. Trees and shrubs can provide shade and
windbreaks, and they can also help filter pollutants.

Q2 What is the impact of Green Buildings in terms of the Electricity and Thermal load of the Buildings? Explain


Ans-The green building concept helps to conserve energy. It includes natural lighting in the

building, which results in substantial savings in energy consumption. Insulated walls and

double-glazed glass windows for lower energy consumption.

1 All electrical gadgets like special ceiling fans (20W power consumption,

quantity 200 nos.), lights, lifts, TV sets (approx. 100 nos.), CCTV camera

systems, hospital equipment etc are 100% solar-powered during daytime,

battery or wind-mill powered during night-time & conventional electric supply is

a stand by option, along with diesel-generation. The expected saving per month

is approximately Rs 1.5 lakh.

2 Preheated water upto 900C is used for cooking purpose by latest technology

developed by M/s. Solar Electronics. Cooking gas is produced by human-waste

chamber & kitchen waste. Hence, conventional cooking gas is not used.

Expected saving is to the tune of Rs 2 lakh per month. Pre-heated water is also

used for floor-cleaning & washing utensils.

3. The output drain water is recycled & reused. There is practically no output

discharge from the hospital but the same is used for gardening purpose.

4. Healthy air-circulation is maintained inside the hospital by planting indoor

plants of special category.

thermal Loads- the amount of heat energy required to add or remove from a space in

order to maintain the desired room temperature. The Heating Load is the amount of heat

energy added, and Cooling Load is the amount of heat energy removeded.

Material Quantity
Model I Model
Bricks Nos 485 (FCB) 445
Cement kg 185 183
Coarse sand (Badarpur) cum 0.191 0.185
Fine sand (Jamuna sand) cum 0.245 0.225
Aggregate cum 0.062 0.071

Q3 If using GB concepts are reducing the Electrical and Thermal load, then how much its saving the
environment, explain.

Save energy, save the environment

Although it may not be obvious, there’s a direct connection between your energy use
and the environment. When you consume less power, you reduce the amount of toxic
fumes released by power plants, conserve the earth’s natural resources and protect
ecosystems from destruction. By taking steps to reduce your energy intake, you’ll
contribute to a healthier and happier world.
Conserve limited natural resources
When you opt to cut back on energy use, you also help conserve limited natural
resources that would otherwise be used to power the power plants. Less demand for
energy creates less demand for harvesting fossil fuels. Turning off the lights at night
or washing clothes in cold water can save trees, coal, natural gas and more. From an
economic standpoint, it’s critical to conserve our finite resources. As fossil fuels
become increasingly scarce, they will become extremely expensive

Save ecosystems and animals

In addition to impacting climate patterns and depleting stores of natural resources,
excessive energy use can harm animals and ecosystems. Mining, logging and material
extraction associated with the provision of fossil fuels destroys habitats on land and in
the ocean. Human-induced air pollution is one of the main reasons that biodiversity is
disappearing at 1,000 times the normal extinction rate.

Oil spills, which often occur during the transport of fossil fuels, wreak havoc on
underwater species and throw of the chemical balance of our oceans, making
it dangerous for humans to swim.

Although the EPA has set regulations to reduce chemical dumping, the toxic waste
created by power plants hasn’t disappeared. Coal-fired power plants are reportedly the
largest source of toxic water pollution in the U.S. Each year, these energy plants
discharge billions of tons of poisonous waste, often containing arsenic, mercury and

Consume less, conserve more

Reducing electricity use in your home – or going off the power grid with solar
energy –can benefit the environment, conserve resources and save lives. Although
your own energy saving adjustments may seem inconsequential, small steps become
great leaps when multiplied by 7 billion.
Q4 List the means and methods that a common household can do to increase their energy efficiency in home
and reduce load.

1. Ans- Watch out for energy-draining appliances. ...

2. Smart power strips help to manage usage the smart way. ...
3. Use large appliances together to reduce energy use. ...
4. Cold wash when you can - it's just as good! ...
5. Dry your clothes and dishes naturally. ...
6. Upgrade when the time comes for energy efficiency.

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