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STEM Education

The world of technology is changing fast. So much of our life revolves around new
technology, and staying up to date is crucial. Tech literacy and good digital citizenship are the
best ways to ensure our children are ready for the future — both in everyday life and their
future career.
With the right STEM education, children can be prepared for anything!
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math. But a STEM curriculum teaches
far more than those individual subjects. STEM is an integrated approach to learning that helps
students hone their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

What are STEM programs?

STEM programs use curriculum-based activities to help your child learn STEM topics. There
are a huge variety of STEM programs to choose from — from after-school learning
experiences to virtual summer camps and self-paced extracurricular courses.
Some STEM programs for kids choose to focus on a single subject, like coding or math.
Others will find ways to integrate the various disciplines, showing students how STEM topics
work together to drive innovation.
The trick to finding the best STEM program for your child is to discover one that best suits
their individual interests.

Why should my child do a STEM program?

STEM knowledge is important. Not only does your child need basic tech literacy to make it
through their day, but they’re likely to need a strong STEM education in their future careers.
But even if your child has zero interest in a STEM career, the skills they learn in a science or
math program are always valuable. STEM helps promote advanced problem-solving skills —
teaching students to look at all sides of a problem to uncover the best solution. STEM also
encourages teamwork among students as they collaborate to tackle real-world issues. These
skills easily carry into future careers of all kinds, setting your child up for success no matter
what their goals are.
Your child’s early exposure to STEM topics can increase their understanding, stoke their
interests and set them up for an exciting career.

How do I get my child into STEM?

The best way to get your child interested in STEM is to discover their current interests. Do
they love playing video games? They can help create them! If they enjoy art, help them
discover the important role design plays in innovation. Have a little builder on your hands?
Encourage them to build their own Lego or wooden block creations.

If your child is really into a topic, find ways to explore it more fully. Incorporate a little
STEM into your conversations or lessons, so they can begin to see just how useful science and
math can be. It’s not all books and worksheets — it's the building blocks of discovery, and
that’s cool!
STEM programs for kids
1. Virtual Robotics and Scratch (Ages : 7 to 10)

Build your own interactive and imaginative programs in a visual coding language designed by
the MIT Media Lab. With Scratch and VEX VR, you’ll design code for games and program a
virtual robot to navigate mazes on its own with sensors and adaptive variables. As you
explore math and science concepts, your pathway to learning Python and C++ begins here—
switch to the code editor in VEX VR to see behind the scenes and tweak your work. There’s
no better way to dive into the exciting world of STEM!

Topics Covered :

 Develop a game design and programming skill set

 Create variables and conditional statements
 Work with mathematical operators and equations
 Build dynamic code and interactive games

2. AI Explorers (Ages 13 to 17)

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robots have fascinated children for generations. Now AI is
more pervasive than ever and is closer than ever to impacting many parts of our lives. With
the latest developments in technology, AI and machine learning can now beat the highest
ranking Go players, compose music, read medical images better than average doctors, and so
much more.

Topics Covered :

 Learn how AI works and real world AI applications

 Understand what AI can and can not do, and why
 Build your own AI system

3. Junior Robotics (Ages 7 to 10)

This Vex robotics virtual world class teaches students how coding is used in robotics through
fun, hands-on projects. Students will learn how to navigate robots through in a virtual
environment and gain a deeper understanding of how robots can be used to solve problems
through many real-world examples.

Topics Covered :

 Learn the basics of Vex coding

 Identify the main components of a robot
 Solve real world problems by coding the behaviour of the robot

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