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Tom Hatten, Founder and CEO of Mountainside Fitness

1- What types of human capital do Tom and his team value most?

Tom and his team value employees who are outgoing, fun, willing to learn and have a
good attitude. They believe in treating people well and fostering a positive work
environment to create a great company culture. They also value employees who are
passionate about the company's mission and are invested in its success.

2- Why do you think Tom and his team hire from within?

Tom and his team hire from within because they believe in the potential of their
current employees. They think that people who already work for the company
understand the company's values and are invested in its success. Additionally, they
want to provide their employees with opportunities for career growth and
advancement within the company.

3- If you were in Tom's place will you act like him or differently if yes why if not why ?

Yes, I would act like Tom if I were in his place. As a manager, having good
organizational behavior skills is essential to the success of the company. Treating
employees well, fostering a positive work environment, and having a clear mission
and vision statement are all crucial elements that contribute to the success of any
organization. By prioritizing these aspects, Tom has been able to build a successful
business with a low employee turnover rate. I would strive to emulate these same
practices to ensure the continued growth and success of the company.

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