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Pre-Class Exercise 9


 Answer all the 4 questions

 Bullets preferred
 Do not repeat case facts and questions
 Please check the course outline to check evaluation weightages and risks


 Put the following in the SUBJECT line: NEG, your first name, slash, followed
by roll no, slash, and followed by pre class exercise with number.

For example:

Subject: NEG/Rama/231001/PCE 9

 Submit answers to CAMU to reach latest by 11.55 PM today (24.04.2023

 Submissions received beyond time limit, without proper subject line
whatever the reason will not be evaluated.


1. Based on chapter 1 NG, last paragraph, starting with “Beyond claiming

Fill in the blanks and complete the sentence
a. “But claiming value is simply the tip of the iceberg in negotiation”
b. “In the next chapter, we begin to focus on a much more critical topic
– one that is all too often ignored by even the most experienced
negotiators: how to create value in negotiation”
c. “Negotiators who ignore this vital aspect of bargaining do so to their
great disappointment and disadvantage”

2. Based on Chapter 2 NG, from chapter beginning till ‘a multi-issue
a. What are your key takeaways from the Ambassador Holbrooke
 Preparation is crucial for negotiation success: Holbrooke
spent months preparing for negotiations with the Serbian
leaders, studying the history, politics, and culture of the
region. This level of preparation allowed him to understand
the interests and concerns of both parties and develop
creative solutions that addressed both sides' needs.
 Persistence pays off: Holbrooke's tenacity was essential in
convincing the Serbian leaders to negotiate. He never gave up,
even when it seemed like the negotiations were at a standstill.
This persistence ultimately led to a breakthrough in the
negotiations and the signing of the Dayton Accords.
 The importance of building trust: Holbrooke recognized that
building trust was crucial in the negotiations. He took the time
to establish relationships with the leaders on both sides and
showed that he was committed to finding a solution that
worked for everyone.
 Creativity is key: Holbrooke used creative solutions to address
the different issues in the negotiation. For example, he
proposed using an American helicopter to transport a Bosnian
Serb leader to a meeting, which helped to break down some of
the barriers between the parties.
 Multi-issue negotiations are complex: Negotiating multiple
issues requires careful management of priorities and trade-
offs. Holbrooke recognized the interdependence of the
different issues and was able to develop a package deal that
addressed all of the parties' interests.

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