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"Overcoming the Shadows: Emily’s Journey through Clinical Fears"

Emily's passion for nursing was like a burning flame in her heart, driving her to help others and immerse
herself in the medical field. This flame was threatened by clinical fears that loomed over her like a dark
cloud, threatening to extinguish her dreams taking a toll on her academic and personal life.

Emily's clinical fears stemmed from various elements, including the trauma she had experienced during
her clinical practice. She had witnessed a patient's sudden cardiac arrest and had been unable to save
him. The experience had left her feeling inadequate and helpless, and she struggled to shake off the
memories of that day.

Furthermore, Emily was also dealing with the general fear of death, which made it challenging for her to
cope with the demands of her course. The fear of making a mistake that could lead to a patient's death
made her anxious and restless.

To make things worse, Emily was also experiencing knowledge insecurity and online learning
inadequacy. The tools and technologies used in her course were unfamiliar to her, and she struggled to
keep up with the workload pressure and cognitive load that came with them. She feared making errors
and receiving inadequate feedback, which only added to her feelings of inadequacy.

As an educator, Mrs. Smith had noticed Emily's struggles and was concerned about her well-being. She
had noticed Emily's cognitive rigidity, and it was evident that her workload pressure was taking a toll on
her. Mrs. Smith knew that Emily's fear of failure as a student nurse was hindering her ability to learn and

Mrs. Smith understood that Emily's fears were valid and needed to be addressed. She provided her with
the necessary resources to help her cope with her clinical fears. She also provided her with adequate
feedback and reassured her that her mistakes were part of the learning process. Mrs. Smith encouraged
Emily to step out of her comfort zone and seek opportunities for student-patient encounters, which
would help her gain confidence and experience.

Through Mrs. Smith's support and guidance, Emily slowly but surely overcame her clinical fears. She
learned to manage her workload pressure and cognitive load better. Emily grew to appreciate the tools
and technologies used in her course, and her knowledge insecurity diminished. She became more
confident in her abilities and was no longer held back by her fear of error, fear of failure, or
apprehension of critique from a preceptor.

In conclusion, Emily's struggle with clinical fears was a significant challenge in her life, but with the
support of her educator, she was able to overcome them. The experience taught her to seek help when
needed and to believe in herself. Emily's story is a testament to the importance of educators in helping
struggling students overcome their fears and achieve their goals.
Elements of Clinical fears:
Student Trauma
Clinical fear due to clinical experience
General fear of death or fear of death
Knowledge insecurity
Online learning inadequacy
Unfamiliarity with tools and technologies
Feelings of Inadequacy
Inadequate feedback
Cognitive rigidity
Cognitive load
Workload pressure
General anxiety
Fear of error
Fear of failure
Fear of failure as a student nurse
Inadequate resources
Apprehension of Critique from a Preceptor
Student's expectations
Fear of Student - patient encounter
Student-patient encounter

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