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Hello there, Asul! Have you chosen your NURSOC campaign party?

We have open positions ranging from

Vice President External to Sports Committee. We would be delighted to have you on our party list. Feel
free to accept our humble offer, or politely refuse if you have other plans in mind.

I hope to hear from you soon. Best of luck!

Hello there, Danzen! Have you chosen your NURSOC campaign party? We have open positions ranging
from Vice President External to Sports Committee. We would be delighted to have you on our party list.
Feel free to accept our humble offer, or politely refuse if you have other plans in mind.

I hope to hear from you soon. Best of luck!


President: Christine De Guzman

Vice President Internal: Kaylie Nuqui
Vice President External: Sian Selario
Secretary: Danzen Valdez
Assistant Secretary:
Treasurer Auditor:
Public Relations Officer Internal:
Public Relations Officer External:

Events Committee
Research Committee
Web Committee
Sports Committee

Hi! Vp external have the same responsibility as the Vice president Internal. The potential president will
be working hand I hand in handling school activities and projects.

Responsibilities are as follows:

- Advocating for the organization's interests and goals to external audiences.
- Representing the organization in negotiations and discussions with external entities.
- Organizing and participating in events and initiatives aimed at promoting the organization's
mission and interests to external audiences.
- Monitoring external trends and developments that may impact the organization and
communicating these insights to internal stakeholders.
- Developing and implementing strategies for external communication, media relations, and
government affairs.

Note: The above responsibilities are just a general idea and can vary from organization to organization.

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