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History- IVC, Vedic Age and Mahajanpads

1. What were the main characteristics of the Indus Valley Civilization?
a. Town Planning c. Both A and B
b. Drainage System d. None of these
2. Which metals were mostly used to make the tools and weapons of Harappan Civilization?
a. Iron and Silver c. Copper and Bronze
b. Gold d. Clay

3. What are the main sources of our knowledge about the indus Valley Civilization?
a. Veda c. Puranas
b. Archaelogical excavations d. None of these

4. At which Harappan site traces of a horse have been found?

a. Dholavira c. Harappa
b. Surkotda d. Banwali
5. What was the main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?
a. Agriculture c. Both A and B
b. Trade d. None of these
6. At which places in Indus Valley Civilization rice husks have been found?
a. Lothal and Dholavira c. Chahundaro and Kalibangan
b. Surkothda and Rakhigadi d. Lothal and Rangpur

7. Which soil was used to make bricks in Indus Valley Civilzation?

a. Alluvial soil c. Laterite soil
b. Black soil d. Red soil

8. Which town in Indus Valley Civilization had no Citadel?

a. Chanhudaro c. Harappa
b. Mohanjodaro d. Lothal

9. In which Harappan City a bronze dancing girl was found?

a. Kalibangan c. Harappa
b. Lothal d. Mohenjodaro

10. What were the residential houses of Indus people made of?
a. Mud c. Copper
b. Stone d. Baked bricks
11. The statue of a dancing girl made out of ….. was found in Mohenjodaro.
a. Copper c. Bronze
b. Silver d. Limestone
12. A Seal depicting Mother Goddess with a plant growing from her womb has been found
a. Harappa c. Daimabad
b. Kalibangan d. Mohenjodaro

13. Indus people made seals with

a. Copper c. Clay
b. Steatite d. All of the above
14. Main different between Indus and Vedic civilization was –
a. Indus: Urban and Vedic: Rural
b. Indus worship: Piple tree and Vedic worship: Burgad tree
c. Indus: Trade and Vedic: Religion
d. Indus: belief: Nonviolence and Vedic: No particular rule;

15. Gayatri Mantra contained in

a. Rigveda c. Ramayana
b. Samaveda d. Mahabharata
16. Gayatri Mantra dedicated to ________ deity
a. Varuna c. Samaveda
b. Savitri d. Indra
17. The most significant among the given divinity of Rigveda was
a. Rudra c. Surya
b. Varuna d. Agni
18. In the Rigvedic period, Indra was the God of which deity?
a. Thunder c. Sprit
b. Energy d. Fire
19. Aryans in the Rigvedic period, which God was not worshipped?
a. Indra c. Suryadeva
b. Vasudeva d. Shiva
20. Who was the promoter of yoga philosophy in Vedic age?
a. Gargi c. Patanjali
b. Gautama Rishi d. Vasumitra
21. Which scholar believed that the Mauryan has come from ‘Artic Region’?
a. D.R. Sahani c. B.G Tilak
b. R. D. Banerjee d. V. Smith
22. Main feature in later Vedic period was,
a. Worship of god c. Cultivation
b. Rise of Brahmans d. Cast System
23. In which region Aryans first settled?
a. Punjab c. Uttar Pradesh
b. Sindh Providence d. Rajasthan
24. ‘Vid’ derived from ‘Veda’ refer to
a. Knowledge c. Truth
b. Energy d. Karma

25. From where the Aryans came to India?

a. China c. Central Asia
b. North Asia d. Europe

26. Upanishads are ________ in number?

a. 108 b. 107 c. 106 d. 109
27. Which of the following contained in Rigveda?
a. Purushsukta c. Tirushukta
b. Purushmukta d. Munishukta

28. Who among the following scholar declared that 'Sapt Sindhu' region was the homeland of
a. Dr. A C Das c. Prof. Penka
b. Maxmuller d. Dr. K.K Sharma

29. Which river is not mention in Rigveda?

a. Narmada c. Ganga
b. Sindhu d. Yamuna

30. Which was the earliest capital of Magadha?

a. Vaishali c. Rajgir
b. Benaras d. Patliputra

31. Who transferred his capital from Rajgir to Patliputra?

a. Chandragupta II c. Udayin
b. Ashoka d. Harsha Vardhana

32. In which battle Alexander defeated king Puru?

a. Battle of Panipath c. Battle of Hydaspas
b. Battle of Kurukshetra d. Battle of Ghagra
33. Which king is titled as the “Second Parshurama”?
a. Mahapadma Nanda c. Cyrus
b. Bimbisara d. Shishunaga
34. Along the bank of which river Alexander defeated king Puru?
a. Indus c. Jhelum
b. Satadru d. Chenab

35. Where king Alexander died?

a. Patliputra c. Babylon
b. Vaisali d. Rajgir
36. Among which the Sculptures of Gandhara school reflect?
a. Greeks b. Europe
c. Central Asia d. China

37. The most powerful city among all the Mahajanpadas is –

a. Magadha c. Kashi
b. Patliputra d. Vaishali

38. Which of the following was not a kingdom in ancient India?

a. Avanti c. Hampi
b. Vatsa d. Kosala
39. In early ancient India , the largest urban center was ?
a. Pataliputra c. Kausambi
b. Taxila d. Kanauj
40. What was the main cause for the rise of large states during and after six centuaryB.C. ?
a. Widespread use of iron in part of u.p and bihar
b. The tribal society gave way to a more settled life
c. There was great increase of trade and commerce
d. None of the above
41. Who among the following was a great ruler of kalinga in ancient times ?
a. Ajatsatru c. Kharavela
b. Bindusara d. Mayurasarman
42. Shishunaga dyanastyis credited to have destroyed which mahajanpada?
a. Vaishali c. Kosala
b. Avanti d. Madra
43. Which one of the following ancient mahajanpadas was located on the bank yamuna ?
a. Anga c. Matsya
b. Avanti d. Vatsa
44. Between which of the following was the ancient town of Taxila located ?
a. Indus the Jhelum c. Chenab and ravi
b. Jhelum and chenab d. Ravi and beas
45. Bimbissara had friendly relation with all these except ?
a. Anga c. Vaishali
b. Kosala d. Madra

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