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Name : Ahmad Akbari

NIM : 122130118
TPB : 10


Title : Impact of Artificial Intelligence Technology (AI) in Industry Transformation 4.0

I. Introduction
Thesis Statement : I agree that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is
considered the most appropriate innovation to prepare oneself to compete in the global
II. Body
Topic Sentences : AI Has Significant Impact on the Transformation Industry 4.0.
Supporting Ideas :
1. Utilization of AI to Increase Efficiency in terms of Production, Efficiency, and
Decision Making.
2. Changes in Work Dynamics Due to AI
III. Conclusion
Suggestion : It is important for organizations and even public to start learning
to overcome challenges in implementing AI in order to take advantage of the full
potential of AI technology in the industrial era 4.0.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence Technology (AI) in Industry Transformation 4.0

Industry 4.0 transformation has ushered in a new era of technological development that has
revolutionized the way businesses operate. One of key factors behind this change is the rapid
development in artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI technology has had a significant
impact on various industrial sectors, changing the way people work, produce, and interact with
machines. Reported by (2023) the use of artificial intelligence technology (AI)
is considered the most appropriate innovation to prepare oneself to compete in the global arena.
Today, as a whole, AI is having a significant impact on the transformation of the Industry.
By leveraging industrial AI to increase its efficiency in terms of production and operations, in
production lines intelligent robotics can take over physical tasks increasing production
efficiency and accuracy. In addition, AI can also improve decision making, by collecting and
analyzing large data, AI can make decisions that are more accurate and faster. Changes in
workforce dynamics are happening due to AI, although automation and AI are replacing
routine, repetitive work, they also require adapting human skills. The workforce must shift to
jobs that require more complex creative, analytical, and social interaction abilities.
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have become a driving force in the
transformation of industry 4.0. The impact is very significant in industrial transformation.
However, while AI offers great potential, there are challenges that need to be overcome in its
implementation. Data security and privacy, bias and ethical considerations are challenges in
implementing AI. Therefore, it is important for organizations and even people to overcome
challenges in implementing AI to take advantage of the full potential of AI technology in the
Industry 4.0 era.

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