Sortingvisulaizer Report

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A Mini Project Report

Submitted in Partial fulfillment for the award of
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted to


Submitted by
Dheeraj Geedkar [Roll No. 55] Bharat Raj [Roll No.49]

Under the supervision of

Aditya Patel sir
(Computer Science & Engineering)

Departmet of Computer Science & Engineering

Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal (M.P.)
Session 2022-23



This is to certify that the work embodied in this project work entitled “SORT
VISUALIZER WEBSITE” has been satisfactorily completed by the Dheeraj
Geedkar [0103CS211053] and Bharat Raj [0103CS211049] . It is a bonafide
piece of work, carried out under the guidance in Department of Computer
Science & Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal for
the partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Engineering during the academic year

Guided By

Prof. Aditya Patel sir

Computer Science & Engineering

Approved By

Dr Sadhna K Mishra
Prof. & Head of Department
Computer Science & Engineering



We express our deep sense of gratitude to Prof. Aditya Patel sir (Guide)
department of Computer Science & Engineering L.N.C.T., Bhopal. Whose
kindness valuable guidance and timely help encouraged me to complete this

A special thank goes to Dr. Sadhna K. Mishra (HOD) who helped me in

completing this project work. She exchanged her interesting ideas & thoughts
which made this project work successful.

We would also thank our institution and all the faculty members without
whom this project work would have been a distant reality.

Dheeraj Geedkar [Roll No. 55]

Bharat Raj [RollNo.49]

1. Introduction 5-6

2. Literature Survey 7-8

3. Mini objective & scope of project. 9-11

4. Problem Analysis and requirement specification 12-15

5. Detailed Design(Modeling and ERD/DFD ) 17-18

6. Hardware/Software platform environment 19-22

7. Snapshots of Input & Output 23

8. Project limitation and Future scope 24-28

9. References 29-30


Welcome to our revolutionary Sort visualizer website, The Sort Visualizer is an interactive
tool designed to help individuals understand and explore the inner workings of sorting
algorithms. Sorting algorithms are essential components of computer science and play a
significant role in various applications, including data processing, algorithmic problem-
solving, and optimization. By providing a visual representation of the sorting process, the
Sort Visualizer allows users to observe the step-by-step execution of different sorting
algorithms, gaining insights into their efficiency, complexity, and behavior.

Sorting algorithms arrange elements in a specific order, such as ascending or descending,

based on predefined criteria. While the algorithms themselves can be complex, the Sort
Visualizer simplifies the learning process by presenting them in an intuitive and interactive
manner. By visualizing the sorting algorithms, users can witness how individual elements are
compared, swapped, and rearranged, providing a deeper understanding of the algorithms'

The Sort Visualizer offers several features to enhance the learning experience. Users can
customize the input data, adjusting the size and distribution to explore different scenarios.
They can also choose from various visualization styles, such as bar graphs, line charts, or
circle animations, based on their preferred learning approach. Additionally, the tool allows
users to compare multiple sorting algorithms simultaneously, enabling them to analyze and
contrast their performance, efficiency, and suitability for different use cases.

The benefits of using the Sort Visualizer are numerous. It facilitates interactive learning,
enabling users to actively engage with sorting algorithms and experiment with different
inputs and parameters. By observing the algorithms in action, users can develop a better
intuition for how to optimize and select appropriate sorting algorithms based on specific
requirements. The Sort Visualizer also serves as a valuable educational resource, aiding
computer science students in comprehending sorting algorithms and helping educators
demonstrate complex concepts effectively.

In summary, the Sort Visualizer provides a visual and interactive platform to explore sorting
algorithms, empowering users to develop a deeper understanding of their functionality,
complexity, and performance characteristics. Whether for educational purposes, algorithm
design and development, or algorithmic problem-solving, the Sort Visualizer serves as a
valuable tool to enhance learning, analysis, and exploration of sorting algorithms.

When conducting a literature survey for a sort visualizer website, it would be beneficial to fo-
cus on the following topics:

1. Visualization Techniques for Sorting Algorithms: Explore research papers and articles
that discuss different visualization techniques used to represent sorting algorithms
visually. Look for studies that analyze the effectiveness of various visualization meth-
ods, such as bar graphs, line charts, animations, or interactive interfaces.
2. User Experience and Interaction Design:
Investigate research on user-centered design principles and best practices for creating
intuitive and engaging user interfaces for sorting visualizers. Look for studies that ad-
dress user experience, user interaction, and the impact of interface design on learning
3. Educational Effectiveness:
Review studies that evaluate the educational effectiveness of sorting visualizer web-
sites. Look for research that examines the impact of visualizations on understanding
sorting algorithms, student engagement, and learning outcomes. Consider papers that
assess the effectiveness of different sorting visualizer websites in educational settings.
4. Evaluation and Assessment:
Explore literature on methodologies and frameworks for evaluating sorting visualizer
websites. Look for studies that discuss evaluation criteria, metrics, and user feedback
methodologies. Consider papers that present case studies or evaluations of specific
sorting visualizer websites.
5. Implementation and Technical Considerations: Look for resources that discuss the
technical aspects of building and deploying a sorting visualizer website. Consider pa-
pers that cover implementation details, software architecture, performance optimiza-
tion, and scalability.

In summary, the Sort Visualizer provides a visual and interactive platform to explore sorting
algorithms, empowering users to develop a deeper understanding of their functionality, com-
plexity, and performance characteristics. Whether for educational purposes, algorithm design
and development, or algorithmic problem-solving, the Sort Visualizer serves as a valuable
tool to enhance learning, analysis, and exploration of sorting algorithms.

The objective of a Sort Visualizer is to facilitate a deeper understanding, analysis, and explo-
ration of sorting algorithms through visual representation and interactive learning, ultimately
empowering users to apply these algorithms more effectively in various applications.

The scope of a Sort Visualizer can vary depending on its specific design and intended
purpose. However, the general scope of a Sort Visualizer typically includes the following

1. Sorting Algorithms:
The Sort Visualizer focuses on visualizing various sorting algorithms, such as bubble
sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, quicksort, and others. The tool aims to
provide a visual representation of the step-by-step execution of these algorithms,
allowing users to observe how the sorting process unfolds.

2. Input Customization:
The Sort Visualizer often includes the ability to customize input data. Users can adjust
the size of the input array, modify the values or distribution of elements, or even
import their own datasets. This feature enables users to experiment with different
input scenarios and observe how the sorting algorithms behave under varying
3. Visualization Options:
The tool typically offers different visualization options to represent the sorting
process. Common visualizations include bar graphs, line charts, or animated
representations. Users can choose the visualization style that best suits their learning
preferences or explore different options to gain a comprehensive understanding of the

4. Interactive Exploration:
The Sort Visualizer encourages interactive exploration and experimentation. Users
can interact with the visualizations, pause or step through the sorting process, adjust
the animation speed, or modify algorithm parameters. This interactivity allows users
to gain a deeper understanding of the algorithms' behavior and experiment with
different scenarios.

5. Algorithm Comparison:
Many Sort Visualizers provide the ability to compare multiple sorting algorithms
simultaneously. Users can run different algorithms side by side and observe their
performance and efficiency in real-time. This feature facilitates algorithmic analysis
and helps users understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of different sorting
6. Educational and Learning Tool:
The primary scope of a Sort Visualizer is to serve as an educational resource. It is
designed to aid in teaching and learning sorting algorithms, particularly in computer
science education. The tool aims to provide an intuitive and engaging platform for
students and educators to understand sorting algorithms' concepts, behavior, and

It's important to note that the scope of a Sort Visualizer can be expanded or customized based
on specific requirements. Some visualizers may include additional features, such as
algorithmic explanations, performance analysis, or additional sorting algorithm variants. The
scope can be adjusted to cater to different user levels, from beginners to advanced users.

4.1 Problem Analysis:

Problem analysis of Sort Visualizer involves identifying the challenges and limitations
associated with the tool. While Sort Visualizers offer valuable benefits in understanding
sorting algorithms, there are certain aspects that need to be considered:

Overall, the problem analysis of Sort Visualizers helps identify areas where users may
encounter challenges or limitations in fully understanding sorting algorithms. By
acknowledging these limitations, developers can strive to improve the tool's effectiveness,
address user needs, and enhance the learning experience for users.

4.2 Requirement Specification:

Requirement analysis of a Sort Visualizer involves identifying the key features,

functionalities, and user expectations for the tool. Here are some common requirements to
consider when developing a Sort Visualizer:

4.2.1 Sorting Algorithm Support:

 The visualizer should support a variety of sorting algorithms, including
popular ones like bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort,
quicksort, and more.
 It should be extensible, allowing for the addition of new sorting algorithms or
variations in the future.

4.2.2 Interactive Visualization:

 The visualizer should provide interactive visual representations of the
sorting process, such as bar graphs, line charts, or animations.
 Users should be able to pause, play, step through, and adjust the speed of the
visualization to observe the algorithm's execution in detail.
 The visualization should clearly illustrate the comparison, swapping, and
rearrangement of elements during the sorting process.

4.2.3 Customizable Input Data:

 Users should be able to customize the input data, including the size of the input
array and the distribution or values of the elements.
 The visualizer should allow users to import their own datasets for sorting or
generate random datasets with specified parameters.

4.2.4 Algorithm Comparison:

 The visualizer should support the comparison of multiple sorting algorithms
side by side.
 Users should be able to run different algorithms simultaneously and compare
their performance, efficiency, and behavior.

4.2.5 User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX):

 The visualizer should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
 It should provide clear instructions and guidance on how to interact with the
tool and interpret the visualizations.
 The tool should be responsive, providing smooth interactions and a seamless
user experience across different devices and screen sizes.

4.2.6 Educational Resources:

 The visualizer should provide additional educational resources, such as algorithm
descriptions, complexity analysis, and practical use cases.
 It should offer tooltips, pop-ups, or explanations within the tool to help users
understand the sorting algorithms and their underlying concepts.

4.2.7 Performance and Scalability:

 The visualizer should be optimized for performance, especially when
handling large input data sets or running complex sorting algorithms.
 It should be scalable and able to handle increasing computational demands as
the input size grows.

4.2.8 Accessibility:
 The visualizer should adhere to accessibility standards to ensure inclusivity
and accommodate users with disabilities.
 It should provide alternative text for images, support keyboard navigation,
and have adjustable visual settings for color contrast and font size.

4.2.9 Documentation and Support:

 The visualizer should have comprehensive documentation, including user guides
and tutorials, to assist users in understanding and effectively utilizing the tool.
 Users should have access to support channels, such as FAQs, forums, or contact
information, to seek assistance or provide feedback.
By conducting a thorough requirement analysis, developers can define the necessary features
and functionalities.

5.1 Data Flow Diagram

5.1.1 Introduction to DFD

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a visual representation of the flow of data within a system.
It shows how data is input, processed, stored, and outputted in a system. DFDs are an
important tool for systems analysis and design because they help to model the system's data
flow and identify its components. DFDs consist of several components, including:
• Processes: Processes are represented by rectangles and show the operations that are
performed on data within the system. A process can be an activity, transformation, or calcu-
lation that takes place within the system.
• Data Stores: Data stores are represented by rectangles with two parallel lines on the
left side and show where data is stored in the system. Data stores can be databases, files, or
any other storage medium used to hold data.
• Data Flows: Data flows are represented by arrows and show the movement of data
between processes, data stores, and external entities. They represent the direction in which
data moves through the system.
• External Entities: External entities are represented by rectangles with one or more
lines extending from them and show the sources or destinations of data outside the system.
External entities can be users, systems, or organizations that interact with the system.
DFDs are typically created in three levels, with each level providing more detail than the
previous one. The levels are:
• Level 0 DFD: This is the highest-level DFD, which provides an overview of the en-
tire system. It shows the main processes and data stores and how they are interconnected.
• Level 1 DFD: This level breaks down the processes in the level 0 DFD into subpro-
cesses and provides more detail about the system. It shows how the sub-processes interact
with each other and the data stores.
• Level 2 DFD: This level provides even more detail about the system and breaks
down the sub-processes in the level 1 DFD into further detail. It shows how the data flows
between the processes and data stores.
5.2 Entity Relationship Diagram

5.2.1 Introduction to ERD

An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a graphical representation of the relationships
between entities in a system. It is used to model the data elements and their relationships
within a database system. An ERD consists of entities, attributes, and relationships.
• Entities: An entity is a real-world object or concept that is represented by a rectangle
in the ERD. Examples of entities include customers, products, orders, and employees.
• Attributes: An attribute is a characteristic or property of an entity. Examples of at-
tributes include the customer's name, product price, order date, and employee ID. Attributes
are represented by ovals connected to the entity rectangle.
• Relationships: Relationships describe the associations between entities in a system.
A relationship can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. Relationships are repre-
sented by diamonds connected to the entity rectangles. The lines connecting the diamonds to
the entity rectangles show the cardinality of the relationship.

ERDs are typically created in three levels, with each level providing more detail than the
previous one. The levels are:
• Conceptual ERD: This is the highest-level ERD, which provides an overview of the
entire system. It shows the main entities and their relationships.
• Logical ERD: This level breaks down the entities in the conceptual ERD into more
detail and provides more information about their attributes and relationships.
• Physical ERD: This level provides the implementation details for the database sys-
tem, such as data types, primary keys, and foreign keys.

The hardware and software platform environment for the sort visualizer website may involve
the following components:

Hardware Requirements:
1. Web Servers:
High-performance servers capable of handling web traffic, user requests, and database
2. Storage Systems:
Sufficient storage capacity to store user profiles, teacher information, reviews, and
other related data.
3. Network Infrastructure:
Reliable network equipment to ensure seamless communication between servers,
users, and databases.
4. Backup and Disaster Recovery Systems:
Regularly scheduled backups and appropriate disaster recovery mechanisms to ensure
data integrity and availability.

Software Requirements:
1. Operating System:
Depending on the server infrastructure, the website can run on Linux-based
distributions (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS) or Windows Server.
2. Web Server:
Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS can be used as the web server software to handle
HTTP requests and serve web pages.
3. Programming Language and Frameworks:
The choice of programming language and frameworks for the visualizer's
implementation may depend on the developer's preferences and requirements.
Commonly used languages for web-based visualizers include JavaScript, HTML, and
CSS. Other languages such as Python or Java can also be used for desktop

Additional considerations:
1. Performance Optimization:
The visualizer should be optimized to run efficiently on the target hardware and
software platforms. Techniques such as algorithmic optimizations, caching, and
parallel computing can be employed to enhance performance.
2. Responsiveness and Cross-Device Compatibility:
If the visualizer is web-based, it should be designed to provide a responsive user
interface that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, ensuring compatibility
across various devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
3. Accessibility:
The visualizer should adhere to accessibility standards, considering features like
alternative text for images, keyboard navigation support, and adjustable visual settings
for users with disabilities.

It's important to note that the hardware and software platform environment may vary
depending on the specific implementation choices and target audience of the Sort Visualizer.
Consideration should be given to the hardware and software preferences of the intended users
to ensure the widest possible accessibility and usability.

Development Tools and Frameworks:

1. Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

IDEs like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or Sublime Text can be used for coding and
debugging purposes.
2. Version Control:
Git or other version control systems to track code changes, collaborate with
developers, and manage source code repositories.
3. Frameworks and Libraries:
Depending on the chosen programming language, frameworks and libraries like
Django, Flask, Laravel, or Ruby on Rails can be utilized for rapid application
development and code organization.
4. Testing Frameworks:
Testing frameworks such as Selenium, PHP Unit, or Jest can be employed to ensure
the website's functionality and identify and fix any bugs or issues.

Deployment and Hosting:

1. Cloud Services:
Cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google
Cloud Platform (GCP) can provide scalable infrastructure, hosting, and storage
2. Domain and DNS:
A registered domain name and DNS management to associate the website with a
recognizable web address.
3. Content Delivery Network (CDN):
CDN services can be employed to enhance website performance, caching static assets,
and reducing latency.

It's essential to consider scalability, security, and performance factors while selecting the
hardware and software platform environment for the sort visualizer website. The specific
choices may vary depending on the project's requirements, budget, and the development
team's expertise.


Limitations of the Sort visualizer Website:

While a Sort Visualizer can be a valuable tool for understanding sorting algorithms, it may
have certain limitations. Here are some common limitations associated with Sort Visualizers:

1. Simplified Representation:
Sort Visualizers often use visual representations, such as bar graphs or animations, to
simplify the sorting process. However, these simplified representations may not
capture all the intricacies and details of the algorithm's internal operations. Users may
not gain a complete understanding of the algorithm's complexities or edge cases
solely through the visualizations.
2. Performance Impact:
Visualizing the sorting process in real-time can have performance implications,
especially when dealing with large input data sets or complex sorting algorithms. The
visualizer may slow down or become less responsive, impacting the user experience.
Optimizing the visualizer for performance while maintaining accuracy can be
3. Limited Algorithm Coverage:
Sort Visualizers often focus on popular sorting algorithms and may not include less
common or specialized algorithms. Users may need to refer to other resources or tools
to explore a wider range of sorting algorithms beyond what the visualizer provides.

4. Lack of Contextual Information:

While Sort Visualizers aim to provide an intuitive visualization of sorting algorithms,
they may not always provide comprehensive contextual information. Users may
require additional resources to understand the theoretical background, complexity
analysis, and practical applications of sorting algorithms.

5. Learning Style Dependency:

The effectiveness of Sort Visualizers can vary depending on the user's learning style
and preferences. Some users may find visualizations more engaging and intuitive,
while others may prefer textual explanations or hands-on coding exercises. The
visualizer may not cater to all learning styles equally.
6. Generalization of Results:
The behaviour of sorting algorithms can vary depending on factors such as input data
size, distribution, and initial ordering. The visualizer may provide a generalized view
of the sorting process, but it may not cover all possible scenarios. Users may need to
perform additional analysis or experiments to understand the algorithm's behaviour
under specific conditions.
7. Platform and Browser Compatibility:
Depending on the implementation of the Sort Visualizer, compatibility issues may
arise with certain hardware platforms, operating systems, or web browsers. Users may
encounter limitations in accessing or running the visualizer on their preferred
platforms or browsers.
8. Lack of Extensibility:
Some Sort Visualizers may not provide a straightforward way to extend or modify the
tool. Users may want to add custom sorting algorithms, experiment with different
visualization techniques, or integrate the visualizer into their own applications.
Limited extensibility may restrict customization options.

Future Scope of the Sort visualizer Website :

The future scope of a Sort Visualizer website can be expanded and enhanced in several ways
to provide an even more comprehensive and engaging experience for users. Here are some
potential future directions for the Sort Visualizer website:

1. Addition of Advanced Sorting Algorithms:

The website can include a wider range of advanced sorting algorithms beyond the
basic ones. Algorithms like radix sort, shell sort, heap sort, and bucket sort can be
incorporated to offer users a more diverse set of sorting techniques to explore.
2. Interactive Algorithm Parameter Adjustments:
Users can be given the ability to adjust algorithm parameters, such as pivot selection
in quicksort or the number of passes in bubble sort. This feature would enable users to
observe how different parameter choices affect the sorting process and outcomes.
3. Algorithm Comparisons and Analysis:
The website can provide in-depth comparisons and analysis of sorting algorithms.
Users can explore the trade-offs between different algorithms in terms of time
complexity, space complexity, stability, and adaptability to different data
4. Visualizations for Data Structures:
Expand the website to cover visualizations for other data structures, such as linked
lists, binary trees, or graphs. This would allow users to understand how sorting
algorithms integrate with these data structures and observe their effects on algorithmic
5. Gamification and Challenges:
Introduce gamification elements and challenges to make the learning experience more
interactive and engaging. Users can be presented with sorting puzzles or competitive
challenges where they compete against others in terms of sorting speed or efficiency.
6. Interactive Coding Environment:
Provide an integrated coding environment where users can write their own sorting
algorithms and immediately visualize their execution. This feature would allow users
to experiment with custom algorithms and gain hands-on experience.
7. User Contributions and Community Features:
Enable users to contribute their own sorting algorithm implementations, share
visualizations, or participate in discussion forums. This would foster a community-
driven platform where users can learn from each other, collaborate, and exchange
8. Mobile App Integration:
Develop a mobile app version of the Sort Visualizer website to extend its accessibility
and reach a broader audience. This would allow users to access and interact with the
visualizations on their smartphones or tablets.
9. Localization and Multilingual Support:
Expand the website's language support to cater to a global audience. Users can select
their preferred language, making the visualizer accessible to users from different
linguistic backgrounds.
10.Integration with Learning Resources:
Provide links or references to additional learning resources, tutorials, or educational
materials related to sorting algorithms. This integration would create a comprehensive
learning ecosystem where users can access a wide range of educational content.

By incorporating these future enhancements, the Sort Visualizer website can continue to
evolve and provide users with a more enriching and immersive learning experience, enabling
them to explore sorting algorithms in depth and apply their knowledge in practical scenarios.

1. Online Coding Platforms: Websites like CodePen, JSFiddle, and often have
user-contributed projects and demos, including Sort Visualizers. You can search for
"Sort Visualizer" on these platforms to find interactive examples that you can explore
and modify.
2. Computer Science Education Platforms: Online platforms that offer computer science
education, such as Khan Academy, Coursera, or edX, may have courses or learning
modules that include interactive Sort Visualizers as part of their curriculum. These
platforms provide structured learning materials and exercises to help you understand
sorting algorithms.
3. Academic Papers and Research: Academic databases like IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital
Library, or Google Scholar can be sources of research papers that discuss the design,
implementation, or evaluation of Sort Visualizers. Searching for terms like "Sort
Visualizer" or "Visualization of Sorting Algorithms" in these databases can yield
scholarly articles that provide insights into the topic.
4. Programming and Algorithm Learning Websites: Websites like GeeksforGeeks, Stack
Overflow, or Topcoder often have tutorials or forum discussions related to sorting
algorithms and visualizations. Searching for "Sort Visualizer" on these platforms can
lead you to relevant articles or discussions that provide insights and examples.


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