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11/06/2020 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

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17. Modal Verbs 4

1. She ... the computer right now. I know for sure that she is at school. 

a) Can’t have played

b) Couldn’t have been playing

c) Can’t be playing

d) Couldn’t play

2. He ... to me then and he ... to me now. 

a) Wouldn’t been listening/ wouldn’t listen

b) Can’t listened/ wouldn’t listen

c) Won’t listen/ wouldn’t listen

d) Wouldn’t listen/ won’t listen

3. I hear shouts from the other room. My sister ... with her boyfriend again. 

a) Must be fighting

b) May been fighting

c) Must have fought

d) May fight

4. For all you know, he ... in the garden all day. 

a) Must been working

b) Could work

c) May have work

d) May have been working 1/7
11/06/2020 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

5. My little brother ... with toy cars every day, but when he was very little he ... 
all day long.

a) Won’t play/ would slept

b) Would play/ will sleep

c) Will play/ would sleep

d) May be playing/ used to sleep

6. They ... for hours in the forest before they were found. 

a) Might walk

b) Must have been walking

c) May be walking

d) Could have walked

7. Perhaps he came back yesterday. 

a) He may have come back yesterday.

b) He may come back yesterday.

c) He may be coming back yesterday.

d) He may have been coming back yesterday.

8. The plane ... hours ago because I don’t see anyone here. 

a) Must have landed

b) May have been landing

c) Must be landing

d) May be landing

9. They ... at five yesterday and that’s why they didn’t hear the phone ring. 

a) Could be sleeping

b) Must have slept 2/7
11/06/2020 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

c) May had been sleeping

d) Must have been sleeping

10. Maybe they will be visiting her tomorrow as usual. 

a) They may have visited her tomorrow as usual.

b) They may be visiting her tomorrow as usual.

c) They may visiting her tomorrow as usual.

d) They may have been visiting her tomorrow as usual.

11. I ... that he ... to trick me again. He always does that. 

a) Might have known/ will try

b) Might have known/ would try

c) Could know/ would try

d) Could have known/ will try

12. He said he ... his homework or his parents would punish him. 

a) Had to make

b) Must do

c) Can do

d) Had to do

13. She ... to learn Japanese all by herself. 

a) Was able

b) Could

c) Has been able

d) Will been able 3/7
11/06/2020 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

14. I’m sure they were stealing from you when I barged in the room. 

a) They must steal from you when I barged in the room.

b) They must have been stealing from you when I barged in the room.

c) They must be stealing from you when I barged in the room.

d) They must have stealing from you when I barged in the room.

15. Mother says we ... our beds because she wants to clean the room 

a) Needn’t make

b) Mustn’t do

c) Don’t need to do

d) Don’t have to make

16. When I was a child I ... to town alone. 

a) May not go

b) Mustn’t go

c) Was not allowed to go

d) Mustn’t had gone

17. Last year I ... a car race and I got a medal to prove it. 

a) Was able to win

b) Can had won

c) Could win

d) Must win

18. Your parents ... for sure this time tomorrow, so I assume they ... very busy. 

a) Will be working/ must be

b) Must be working/ must be being 4/7
11/06/2020 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

c) Will work/ may be

d) Could be working/ has to be

19. You ... paper and pencils for the CAE exam. They will be provided for you. 

a) Needn’t bring

b) Don’t had to bring

c) Mustn’t have bring

d) Don’t need to

20. She ... the truth or she will be expelled. 

a) Must tell

b) Must say

c) Has to tell

d) Has to say

21. I’m sure she isn’t in love with him. 

a) She mustn’t be in love with him.

b) She mustn’t have been in love with him.

c) She can’t have been in love with him.

d) She can’t be in love with him.

22. The room looks clean. His mother ... it yesterday because he never cleans 

a) Must have cleaned

b) Must be cleaning

c) May be cleaning

d) Could have cleaned

23. Maybe she is studying at the moment.  5/7
11/06/2020 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

a) She may have been studying at the moment.

b) She may be studying at the moment.

c) She may have studied at the moment.

d) She may study at the moment.

24. When I was young, I ... 10 kilometers without any problems. 

a) Was able run

b) Could run

c) Had to ran

d) Can run

25. They ... to speak perfect German next year. 

a) Will be able

b) Can been able

c) Will can

d) Must been able

26. I ... my best friend the truth because it is the right thing to do. 

a) Have to tell

b) Had to told

c) Must tell

d) Must have told

27. You ... through all this trouble for me, but I appreciate it. 

a) Didn’t need to be going

b) Needn’t have gone 6/7
11/06/2020 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

c) Didn’t have to go

d) Mustn’t have gone

28. I hear a lot of bangs in the next flat. They ... some repairs. 

a) Must have done

b) Must be doing

c) Must do

d) Must have been doing

29. My parents said that I ... out late last week as long as I called them every 

a) Can stay

b) May stay

c) Might had stayed

d) Might stay

30. Tom ... for the following week because he had a holiday, so instead he 
played the computer.

a) Didn’t had to learn

b) Mustn’t have learned

c) Didn’t need to learn

d) Needn’t have learned

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