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Global code option: Common area, where code which has been written can be reused in

other pages of the object.

The code stage has a close relationship with the global code declared as part of
the business object. Member variables and methods declared in the global code
section are accessible from the code stage, but not vice versa.

Multi bot architecture ? : Watch videos 32 to 35 of Busy Ping channel on Youtube.

Blue Prism license numbers control the number of concurrent Blue Prism processes
which you can run in your environment, but does not control the number of connected
Digital Workers.
With even 1 digital worker license, you can connect 100's of VM's to the same
application sever and all may be connected .
The only license limitation says, If you have procured 1 Digital worker license,
you may be able to run only 1 Session at a time. i.e: out of your 100s of connected
machines, only 1 of the machines will be able to run a process from control room at
a time.

How input data comes in workqueues-- even for 1 lakh records

It will probably be easier create items in batches rather than try to add them all
at once.

Blue Prism 6.7 has introduced a new input parameter called "Batch Size" in the "Add
To Queue" action in the Work Queues VBO, which enables users to add multiple items
from a collection to a queue in batches, rather than all items at once. A value of
0 will process all items in one batch. If a value is not specified, a default batch
size of 1000 items, will be used.

From Blue Prism 6.9 onwards, some validation is introduced to recommend that the
value provided by a user in the Batch Size parameter is between 1 and 25,000.

How to set default Startup parameters:

Right click on the "Session" in the Environment window in Control tab. And select
Startup parameters. Also we can set startup parameters on multiple sessions.
Also for dynamic startup parameters, we can create a small process and schedule it
prior to our main process. That small process can put the startup parameter(s) in a
shared notepad file, which can be later picked up by the main process.

Child count, Ancestor count :

Child count: Indicates how many child windows the element contains. Note that this
includes windows which are not visible, windows with small sizes, and windows
obscured by other windows.
Ancestor count: Picturing the target application as a tree of elements, the
Ancestor Count attribute records how deep in the tree the element is found.
By matching on Ancestor Count, you can instruct Blue Prism to only search a subset
of the tree, thereby improving performance.

Can we open multiple Excels using same Handle:

No, in fact Handle number in Blue Prism, is used to uniquely identify the workbook,
for suppose If you are working with 2 workbooks (excel files) then there will be 2
handle numbers gets generated (for instance ex: handle1 and handle2), performing
some operations on workbook1 use the handle1 and similarly workbook2 use the

Can we close a Workbook and then close Instance:

Yes, we can do that. Also if we dont do Close Workbook, and just do Close Instance,
then also the workbook will be closed.

OLEDB internal Vbo:

The OLEDB libraries allow interaction with a number of target data files (including
text, CSV, Excel, and Access) via a subset of SQL.
We can set up connection, query the data and close the connection.

which stages are there in Obj studio which are absent in Process studio:
Process Studio: Does not have Read, Write, Navigate, Code, Wait stages

How to extract table from a browser.

Spy the table. Then use the "Read" stage in blue prism and in data drop down select
"Get Table".

How to read dynamic Table cell values, (where the Table can be spread over multiple
pages in the browser application):
Spy the table. Then use the "Read" stage in blue prism and in data drop down select
"Get Table".
Then use a dynamic HTML path to return the values of the table, cell by cell. Break
up the path into segments and use counters to increase the row or column each time,
depending on your requirement.
e.g. HTML/BODY(1)/BODY(1)/TABLE(1)/TR(1)/TD(1) could be the location of the first
cell in the table. So the value of TR must be increased by 1 each time to move down
the table and TD to move across it.

Parent child queues concept:

Suppose the work is to be done in 2 parts, like u have to perform similar work on a
set of items received. E.g. you have to send mail as and when the items received in
diff. Excel worksheets are completed. So u will load the items coming in
worksheets, in the Child workqueue, and u will add Tags to each item (for similar
group identification). And when all the items of child workqueue are completed, u
will run the parent workqueue.

We can make our Application Model Shareable ::

Open the "Information" page of that object, and tick the Checkbox "Shareable".

We can then use that Shared Application Model ::

In the Application Modeller Wizard, select the radio button pertaining to
"Share the application model of another object".

"Font Smoothing" is a Windows setting designed to make fonts easier for people to
read by blurring
(anti-aliasing) the edges of text characters. This setting disrupts Character
Matching and we need
it to be switched off on all Blue Prism PCs.

BP's Read Text with OCR action uses Google's Tesseract open source OCR (Optical
Character Recognition)
engine to be able to read text without identifying the font or disabling font

Active queues:
Active queues allow you to set a target number of resources which should be working
the queue. Active Work Queues are only useful when running dozens of sessions for
one process. For running a active queue, Blue prism requires infn on which
process(s) and resource(s) are working on the queue. This information is set in the
Work Queues page under Workflow in the System section of the Blue Prism client, by
associating a published process and a resource group with the queue.
With this information, Blue Prism can find an available resource and create a
process on it which will then work the queue.

Get worksheet as collection: Reads everything from cell A1 to the last populated
row and column.
Get worksheet as collection offset: Reads everything from a specified cell to the
last populated row and column.
Get worksheet range as collection: Reads everything from the specified start cell
to the specified end cell.

How to change session variable when session is running ?

Session variables are created inside the process (in Development phase).
When a process is running you can see the Session Variables and its Values, by
highlighting the appropriate session in Environment window in Control tab, and
selecting "Show Session Variables".
To change a value select that session, and right click -- Edit Value.

What happens when scheduler has to run at a time, but that time the resource pc is
offline ?
In Scheduler settings in System tab, we can set options like, if the Resource is
Offline, then how many times the Scheduler has to retry the run,(e.g. 10 times),
and also like, after how much time the Retry must happen (e.g. 5 min.), and also we
can specify the checking of missed schedules before some time (e.g. check for
missed schedules in the last 15 min.) and run them.

*** In Control tab of Blue prism, we can create a New Schedule, or delete, retire,
run any existing Schedule. While creating, we can specify the diff. parameters like
running frequency, start time, end time (or Never expire), initial task, only run
on working days, etc.

Consider scheduling sessions to run on resource pools rather than individual

resources. Resource pools give the benefit of greater reliability to schedules as
Blue Prism has several available resources to choose from, rather than having a
single resource to depend on.

Web services:
We can expose any Object or Process as a web service.

Regular Expressions :
Regex , ? is used for single character, * for one or more characters

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