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Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Neurologic Collapse During Treatment

Follo wed by Se vere De velopmental Morbidity

Brian Rogers, MD, Irene Sills, MD, Michael Cohen, MD, F. Glen Seidel, MD

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) remains the leading cause of death in children with type I diabetes
mellitus. Complications occurring during DKA treatment include cerebral edema and neurologic
collapse. Developmental outcomes following neurologic deterioration during DKA have varied from
no sequelae to severe developmental disabilities.
A total of three children developed neurologic deterioration during treatment of DKA at Buffalo
Children’s Hospital between 1984 and 1987. The authors treated aggressively for cerebral edema.
Characteristic findings on the computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) of the brain included hemorrhagic infarctions of the thalami, basal ganglia and lentiform nuclei.
The authors conducted developmental follow-up examinations between 1-1/2 - 3 years following
recovery from DKA coma. Although they noted significant recoveries over time, developmental
disabilities persisted.
The clinical courses and neuroradiographic findings of these patients are compatible with sequelae
of central brain stem herniation and cytotoxic brain injury. Continued efforts are needed in the
prevention and early detection of clinically significant cerebral edema during treatment of DKA.

From the Divisions of Developmental Pediatrics and Developmental

Disabilities and of General Pediatrics, and from the Departments of
Neurology and Radiology, Robert Warner Rehabilitation Center,
Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, State University of New York at Buffalo,
School of Medicine and Biomedical Science, Buffalo, New York.
Correspondence to: Brian Rogers, MD, Robert Warner Rehabilita-
tion Center, 936 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209.
Received for publication May 1989, revised September 1989, and
accepted February 1990.


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common cause
KETOACIDOSIS (DKA) is the most
of death in children with type I diabetes
had a right-sided tonic seizure and was started on intrave-
nous phenobarbital. She required a tracheostomy 10 days
mellitus.’I Most of the deaths associated with DKA are after admission. Computed tomography (CT) performed
secondary to central nervous system (CNS) pathology, 12 days after admission, demonstrated what appeared to
primarily cerebral edema.’ Neurologic deterioration dur- be a hemorrhage into the right basal ganglia. A follow-up
ing treatment of DKA is often associated with severe CT scan taken 21 days after admission confirmed a hem-
cerebral edema and signs of brain stem herniation.2.3 The orrhagic infarction of the right caudate nucleus and the
development of brain stem herniation has been linked with anterior limb of the internal capsule. Nonhemorrhagic and
high mortality and morbidity.’-’ edema of the thalami were also present (Fig. 1). Approxi-
We report the short- and long-term neurodevelopmental mately five weeks after admission, she had a severe
morbidity and neuroradiographic abnormalities in three communication disorder and asymmetric spastic
children who developed neurologic collapse during treat- quadraparesis. She was dependent on nasogastric feedings
ment of DKA at Buffalo Children’s Hospital (CHOB) and was subsequently transferred to a community hospital
between 1984 and 1987. Potential etiologies of these for chronic care.
unfortunate complications will be reviewed. Three years later, she was referred for an evaluation of
her behavior. She had frequent stereotypical behaviors,
Case Reports pica, wild mood swings and an attention deficit disorder
with hyperactivity. A left hemiparesis was noted. She
Patient 1 ambulated independently, but was clumsy. The WISC-R
Intelligence Test revealed a full-scale IQ score of 53, a
Patient 1 was a nine-year-old girl who was diagnosed as verbal score of 60, and a performance score of 54. Addi-
having diabetes mellitus at 20 months of age and treated tional diagnoses included mild mental retardation and an
with daily subcutaneous insulin. She was attending regu- uneven cognitive profile. She required a personal aide in
lar third grade, achieving A and B grades and by no report a special education classroom.

had behavioral problems.

She was referred from a local community hospital to
CHOB with a diagnosis of DKA. She was lethargic but
could follow simple commands; she also had an ataxic
gait. Her heart rate was 110/minute, respiratory rate (RR)
32/minute, and blood pressure (BP) 110/80. Kussmaul
respirations were present, and she appeared dehydrated.
The rest of the general physical and neurologic examina-
tions were normal. Serum tested strongly positive for
ketones. See Tables 1-2 for treatments and initial chem-
istry values. Within one hour of admission, she was given
50 ml of 25% albumin and 30 mEq NaHCO.3
Approximately 6 1/2 hours after she arrived to CHOB,
labored grunting respirations were noted. Her heart rate
was 170/minute and BP 115/60 and her respirations were
described as erratic. She responded to pain, but made no
posturing movements. Her pupils were of normal size, but
unreactive. Funduscopic exam revealed no papilledema
or hemorrhages. There were no spontaneous movements.
She quickly became apneic, but was immediately resusci-
tated, maintaining a normal heart rate and blood pressure.
She was intubated and given 32 grams of mannitol intra-
venously. See Table 2 for blood chemistry values.
Patient 1 required intermittent mandatory ventilation FIG. 1A. Patient 1 (10 mm CT without contrast). There is an area of
increased attenuation in the right caudate nucleus and anterior limb of the
for 12 hours. On day two, she was noted to have decorti- internal capsule (arrowheads) as well as areas of edema/infarction in the
cate posturing to pain and intact brain stem function. She thalami bilaterally, right more than left (arrows).


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Patient 2

Patient 2 was a nine-year-old white girl diagnosed as

having diabetes mellitus at 2-1/2 years of age and treated
with subcutaneous insulin. She attended a regular fourth
grade class and was an above average student.
She was taken to a local community hospital because of
persistent vomiting. She was alert and orientated. Her
heart rate was 124/minute, RR 44/minute, and BP 115/76.
Kussmaul respiration were present and she was diagnosed
as having DKA. Four hours after treatment was started

(Table 1) she responded only to deep pain. Blood chem-

istry values were obtained (Table 2) and she was immedi-
ately given 50 ml of 25 % albumin, 12.5 grams of mannitol
and 4 mg of dexamethasone intravenously. She was
stabilized and transferred to Children’s Hospital of Buf-
On arrival to CHOB, Patient 2 was in coma. Large
ketonuria was noted. She responded only to deep pain.
Kussmaul respirations were present. A left exotropia and
unequal, unreactive pupils were noted. Papilledema was
present. Three days after presentation, DKA had been
FIG. 1 B. Patient 1 (10 mm CT after intravenous contrast). The right sided
resolved. Cranial nerve functions were normal, but marked
abnormalities all show contrast enhancement. These findings are consis- encephalopathy persisted. Six days following admission,
tent with hemorrhagic infarction.
brain MRI demonstrated diffuse signal abnormalities con

TABLE 1. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Insulin Therapy Before Onset of Coma

*Duration of treatment prior to coma.

TABLE 2. Serum Chemistry Values on Admission and at Coma Onset

Duration of diagnosis
t Calcula~ion of corrected Na+: 1.6 mEq of Na+ to be added for every 100 mg/100 ml of glucose over 100 mg/100 ml.


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sistent with edema and hemorrhagic infarctions of the Seventeen months following onset of DKA coma, blood
basal ganglia, upper brain stem, and the surrounding glucose levels showed wide variation, and there were
portions of the frontal, temporal, and occipital lobes (Fig. episodes of hypoglycemia that required treatment. She
2). An electroencephalogram (EEG) revealed generalized required gastrostomy feedings and her posture was that of
slowing and poor background development. quadriplegia in flexion with extension of the left leg. Her
hands were clenched and there were multiple joint
contractures. She had a right gaze preference.
Oculocephalic reflexes were absent. A central right facial
paresis, profound mental retardation and asymmetric mixed
quadriplegia were documented.

Patient 3

Patient 3 was diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus at

10 years of age. She received daily insulin and attended a
regular eighth grade class and was an honor student prior
to admission.
At 14 years of age, she presented with a two-day history
of weakness, glucosuria and ketonuria. On presentation,
she was alert and cooperative. Her heart rate was 125/
minute, RR 20/minute and BP 120/87. There was right
upper quadrant abdominal tenderness. Her neurologic
examination was normal. Large ketonuria was present.
Initial blood chemistry values are listed in Table 2.
She was admitted to a general pediatric ward. About
eight hours after admission, she complained of a headache
and was described as &dquo;sleepy.&dquo; Her heart rate was 100/
minute and BP 100/70. Approximately 10-1/2 hours after
admission, she was found responsive only to deep pain.
Her blood pressure was 115/80 and RR 24/minute. Pupils
were midposition, dilated and unresponsive. Funduscopic

examination revealed no papilledema. Otherwise, cranial

nerves were intact. Plantar responses were upgoing bilat-

erally. See Table 2 for blood chemistry values. She was

given 80 ml of 25% albumin and 25 g of mannitol
intravenously within one hour of neurologic deterioration.
She remained in a coma for about 36 hours. A CT scan
four days after admission demonstrated a definite area of
low attenuation involving the left lentiform nucleus as
well as subtle areas within the thalami and peduncles
bilaterally (Fig. 3). These abnormalities were confirmed
on follow-up scans and were felt to represent areas of

edema and infarction. Two months after admission, she

had a mild left hemiparesis and was discharged.
Patient 3 was given a psychological assessment 14
months after discharge. The Stanford Binet Intelligence
FIG. 2A., B. (Patient 2) Axial MRI (Contiguous 5 mm T2 weighted images Test full-scale IQ was 70. She was reevaluated, approxi-
(TR 3000, TE 40). There are multiple areas of high signal involving the
cerebral peduncles. medial temporal lobes, and frontal lobes (A) and the mately three years after her coma, while she was in good
lentiform nuclei bilaterally (B). T1 weighted images (not shown) showed tiny health. She required special education classes designed
areas of high signal suggesting microhemorrhage in these areas of abnor-
mality. These findings are consistent with hemorrhagic infarction
for head-injured adolescents. She was classified as learn-


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ing disabled by her school system and she underwent aseries of six children with hyperosmolar diabetic coma.
speech, physical and occupational therapies. She was also All had significant metabolic acidosis and four out of six
described as emotionally labile, requiring adult supervi- had ketonuria. They all experienced significant neuro-
sion. General physical examination was normal, cranial logic deteriorations, and two survived. One survivor
nerves were intact and no visual field deficits were noted. remained in a coma for five days and made a complete
She engaged in conversation and her speech was clear. A recovery. The other survivor remained comatose for two
mild left hemiparesis was noted. months and developed optic atrophy and blindness. Other
investigators have reported normal outcomes following
varying periods of follow-up.’,’
In recent years, investigators have coupled clinical
observations with various neuroimaging techniques.
Lufkin and colleagues6 reported a 15-year-old survivor of
DKA coma who, on follow-up, developed
panhypopituitarism, optic atrophy and learning problems
in school. Approximately 1-1/2 weeks following admis-
sion, an EMI scan was normal. In a case series of three
children experiencing neurologic collapse during treat-
ment for DKA, Jos et al.1 reported two survivors. A 5 1//
2-year-old boy experienced neurologic collapse after re-
ceiving eight hours of treatment for DKA. A CT scan
perforrried three weeks after the episode revealed diffuse
cortical atrophy and necrosis of the basal ganglia. On
follow-up, the boy was described as bedridden, requiring
rehabilitation hospital. The other survivor was a seven-
year-old girl who, on follow-up, had a residual right
hommonous hemianopsia. A CT scan revealed a hypodense
area in the left occipital lobe. Another case report de-
scribed a 13-year-old male survivor who developed tran-
sient third-nerve paresis and amnesia for the first three
FIG. 3. Patient 3 (10 mm CT without contrast) four days after admission days of hospitalization. Follow-up confirmed a full clinical
demonstrates a well-defined area of low attenuation involving the left recovery and a normal cranial CT scan.’° More recently,
lentiform nucleus (arrow) as well as subtle areas within the thalami and
one survivor developed isolated growth hormone defi-
peduncles bilaterally (arrowheads).
ciency, hemiplegia and aphasia.55 A CT scan revealed
cerebral atrophy and infarction of the thalamus and hypo-
thalamus. Kanter et al.&dquo; reported two survivors who had
Discussion .

CT scan showing brain infarctions involving areas supplied

All children admitted to CHOB between 1984 and 1987 by the posterior cerebral artery. Both patients were
who had neurologic deterioration while being treated for reported to be recovering.
DKA were the subjects of this case series. Our patients The high mortality and morbidity associated with neu-
were initially alert and responsive on admission, only to rologic collapse during treatment for DKA have been
experience a severe neurologic collapse 4 -10-1/2 hours linked with the development of severe cerebral edema and
into treatment. Encephalopathy and signs of brain stem brain stem herniation .2’ The clinical courses of most
dysfunction were uniformly present. Neuroimaging re- patients share many common features. Increasing leth-
vealed hemorrhagic infarctions of the basal ganglia, inter- argy or agitation often develops during the first few hours
nal capsules, thalami and lentiform nuclei (Fig. 1-3). of treatment .2-6,8-1 ’ This is followed by a rather abrupt
Following prolonged recovery periods of up to three neurologic deterioration, usually 4-12 hours of presenta-
years, persistent deficits in corticospinal and higher cog- tion. Patients often develop poor or unreactive pupillary
nitive function were present in all cases. responses to light, as well as other signs of brain stem
Survivors of neurologic collapse during treatment for dysfunction, including absence of oculocephalic reflexes
DKA have had variable outcomes. Rubin et al.’reported and apnea. In most patients, these signs develop quite


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rapidly, often within one hour. These findings are most There has been a wide spectrum of clinical outcomes in
compatible with central brain stem herniation,12 but the survivors of neurologic collapse during treatment for
typical rostral-caudal progression of signs in central brain DKA.5-ll Neurologic recovery can be significant, but can
stem herniation have been present only inconsistently.2-lo be followed by persistently abnormal neurologic exami-
In recent reports and in our own case series, common nations and functional handicaps in academic achieve-
neuroradiographic findings aredescribed.5, 11 During the ment and social skills. These areas of performance should
course of central or uncal brain stem herniation, there are be assessed in all survivors of neurologic collapse during
a number of vascular compromises that may occur at the treatment for DKA.
tentorial notch.’2 The posterior cerebral artery can be
compressed during brain stem herniation. This artery has Acknowledgments
important branches, including the interpeduncular, Special thanks to Michael Msall, MD, for his thoughtful
thalamoperforate, thalamogeniculate and the cortical review of the manuscript, and to Maureen Codd for her
branches. Compression and limited flow through these secretarial assistance.
branches can produce infarctions of the cerebral peduncles,
oculomotor and trochlear nuclei, thalamus, geniculate
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