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PROGRAM: International Management
Level of studies Bachelor Program MN Academic year 2021/22
SUBJECT Business English 1
Year 1 Status
Of the Obligatory Code ECTS credits 5
Semester I
Teaching weeks Teaching Lectures Exercises
15 30
classes 2 2
Teaching Interactive lectures, seminar papers, case studies, and discussions.
Every week after the lecture classes.
The teacher Dr. Kadri Krasniqi
Tel.: 00383 45264134
Elvir Shtavica E-mail:
Tel.: --//--

The purpose of the course Expected learning outcomes

The main objective of the course is to introduce
students with the general language skills that will Upon the successful completion of the course,
help them to communicate effectively in a wide students should be able:
range of formal and informal situations, to increase ✓ to expand professional vocabulary.
fluency and confidence in using English in ✓ to communicate with greater confidence.
professional contexts, and to enable participants to ✓ to speak more accurately and fluently.
prioritize their own language learning needs. ✓ to improve written English through various
The course will develop students’ comprehension exercises.
as well as reading, listening, and speaking skills. ✓ to socialize and network with greater confidence.
The vocabulary of the course is designed to
develop participants’ language and
communication skills in a market leader context
through variety of relevant topics.

Methodology for the implementation of educational topics:

Each week consists of 3 academic hours classes. Two cooperative teaching hours and the third one will be
realized in the framework of language exercises.
• Lectures will be interactive, with students expected to come to class prepared to discuss questions on the
contents listed in the course syllabus based on readings assigned each week.
• Students are expected to complete the tasks that derive from lectures and to contribute in weekly
assignments (reading assignments, writing task summaries, critical reviews, participation in class
discussions and debates as well as taking part in group work and role playing).
• All these common techniques will enable them to earn the credits allocated for the course, as well as to
ensure the accomplishment of course objectives.
Conditions for realization of educational topics:
Hall with the possibility of obscuring, computer and projector.
Methods of evaluation and passing
Evaluation in% Final grade
Midterm Test 20
Active participation during
lectures and exercises and home 10
work Subject to calculation of
Attendance during lectures and %!
exercise classes
Final exam 50
Total 100 %
Obligations of student:
Lectures Exercises
- Attending lectures, - Attending of hours of exercise
- Participation in debates, - Adhering to the code of courtesy, etc.
- Adhering to the code of
courtesy, etc.

Student’s workload for the subject Hour Weeks

Lectures 2 15 30
Laboratory exercises / / /
Contacts with teachers / consultations 2 5 10
Practical work 2 15 30
Homework 5 2 10
Own study time 2 10 20
Preparation for final exam 2 10 20
Time spent in the assessment (tests, final exam, etc.) 2 2.5 5
Notice: 1 ECTS credits= 25 hour commitment, e.g. if the subject has 5
Total load: 125
ECTS credits student must have 150 hours during the semester commitment.
Lectures Exercises
Week Hour Hour
Topic Topic
PRESANTATION OF - Course introduction
1 2 2
SYLLABUS - Students introduction
Language review: Ability, requests and past abilities
Vocabulary: Words for talking about jobs
Writing: Past abilities, CV and editing
2 2 Sound work: The difference between (i) and (i:) 2
Connected speech: Can/Can’t.
Stress and Intonation: Questions
CAREERS Further practice: Telephoning
Language review: Present tenses.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about companies.
Writing: An informal e-mail and Linkers.
3 COMPANIES 2 Sound work: -s endings.
Connected speech: are.
Further practice: Company presentation.
Language review: Modals.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about selling.
Writing: Placing an order, replying to an order and Editing.
4 2 Sound work: Same or Different. 2
Connected speech: Have to.
Stress and Intonation: Rising and falling intonation.
SELLING Further practice: Negotiating.
Language review: Past tenses.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about great ideas.
Writing: Giving information and Editing.
5 GREAT IDEAS 2 Sound work: -ed endings. 2
Connected speech: Was and Were.
Further practice: Meetings.

Language review: The Present Perfect Tense.

2 Vocabulary: Words for talking about stress in the workplace. 2
6 Writing: Punctuation, A report and Editing.
Sound work: Groups of consonants.
STRESS Connected speech: Has/Have; Hasn’t/Haven’t
Stress and Intonation: Question tags.
Further practice: Making and responding to suggestions.
Language review: Multi-word verbs.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about food and drink.
Writing: A report, A hotel booking.
Sound work: The letter a.
Connected speech: Linking sounds.
8 Further practice: Making small talk.
Language review: Asking questions.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about marketing.
2 Writing: Answering an enquiry, Reports and Editing 2
9 Sound work: Individual sounds (ɒ) and (ɔ:).
MARKETING Connected speech: Do you, Did you, Would you.
Stress and Intonation: Stressed syllables.
Further practice: Using stress to correct information. Getting the
message right.
Language review: Talking about the future.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about making plans.
2 Writing: Linkers, Time management and Editing 2
10 Sound work: Letter o.
PLANNING Connected speech: To.
Stress and Intonation: Stressed syllables.
Further practice: Checking information.
11 2 Language review: Reported speech. 2
Vocabulary: Words for talking about management. Verbs and
Writing: Preparing for report writing. Requesting information.
MANAGING PEOPLE Sound work: Matching sounds.
Connected speech: Linked sounds.
Stress and Intonation: Different Stresses.
Further practice: Socialising. Taking a message.
Language review: Conditionals.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about negotiating.
2 Writing: Business letters and Editing. 2
12 Sound work: The schwa sound.
CONFLICT Connected speech: Contractions.
Stress and Intonation: Rising and falling intonation.
Further practice: Dealing with conflict.
Language review: Time clauses.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about economics.
NEW BUSINESS Writing: Linkers, Report writing and Editing.
2 2
13 Sound work: Vowel sounds.
Connected speech: Linking sounds.
Stress and Intonation: Dates.
Further practice: Numbers.
Language review: Passives.
Vocabulary: Words for talking about products.
2 Writing: Linkers, Enquiring about a product and Editing. 2
PRODUCTS Sound work: Groups of consonants.
Connected speech: Its, It has and It is.
Stress and Intonation: Main stresses.
Further practice: Asking questions about a product. Presenting a

1. David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent. (2017). Market Leader-Business English, Pre-intermediate
English Course Book. Longman: England (obligative)
2. John Rogers. (2017). Market Leader-Business English, Pre-intermediate Business English Practice
File. Longman: England (obligative)
3. Dictionary: Pauli Qesku. Fjalori Anglisht – Shqip.
4. Dictionary: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, and
5. Various links and resources to be supplied during the course.
PS: In this course you have the opportunity to be creative with your topics. Please take care not to lose
your integrity as a speaker (and student) by plagiarizing material. Remember the university ‘Code of
Conduct’, and respect it.
Notice for the student:
- Absence will affect the final grade. The policy is straightforward: If you are absent or negligent,
you are responsible for what you have missed.
- Students are required to respect the schedule of lectures and be attentive during the lessons.
- It is mandatory to have books, when in lessons.
- Students must be active and cooperative because the book assigned for the course requires
interactive learning and as such seeks continuous collaboration and interaction between
teachers, students, books, and technology equipments.
- The cooperative environment during the lectures and exercises is primary demand in achieving
the objectives and goals set forth in this syllabus.
- No usage of phones during the classes and tests/final exam.
- Finally yet importantly, full respect for universally recognized academic policies and standards
(The Bologna System).

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