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SchooX Th,Ink


Boy's Na me:...Yaroslav

tr Please instruct SchoolTrunk to pick up all my son's possessions, exctuding

uniform for every holiday (€85 per holiday)

V Please instruct SchoolTrunk to pick up my son's possessions and uniform

at Christmas and Easter holidays, and just possessions in the Summer
holiday (f 165 per holiday, except Summer which is f85)

I Iwill ensure I collect and process all my son's possessions and uniform
each holiday

This comoleted form will be forwarded to SchoolTrunk who will process vour
order with the contact details provided below. Pavment is made directlv to

and conditions.

parentlGuardian's mobite: ....:A.fry..r..L.3..L-7..2h

: !.?..: !.i1.

To be returned by L't December 20199 to:

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