Lab Practice 1. Hygiene and Safety Standards

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Unit 1: Cell and reproduction

Laboratory Practice 1: “Hygiene and safety standards”

[Delivery date]

Professor: MD. in ECh. Miguel Alberto López Sánchez

[Student’s full name]
[Student’s full name]
[Student’s full name]
[Student’s full name]
Subject: Biology II
Semester: Group:
Bicultural Highschool
Lab practice 1. Hygiene and safety standards

The student will know the hygiene and safety standards for UVM laboratories.


Previous knowledge

1. What’s hygiene and safety in laboratories?

2. What should be hygiene in a laboratory? Give 5 examples

3. What should be safety in a laboratory? Give 5 examples

4. How can you improve safety in a lab?

pág. 2

[Write a brief introduction to the main topic]

pág. 3

Your teacher will explain you the hygiene and safety standards for UVM laboratories. Read
from your lab’s manual the laboratory use regulations, Hygiene and Safety Standards for
laboratories and First Aid Guide (pages 5-13). After that, answer the next quiz.


Directions. Check the box with true (T) or false (F).

I must use mi lab coat in every moment I work on the lab
I can run freely in the lab
I can come into the lab at any time, whether the teacher is there or not
If the student broke a material and haven’t paid it, he must pay it ASAP, or the teacher can
forbid his/her access to the practice. The purchased material must have the same
characteristics as the damage one
I can come into the lab with beverages and food
Smoking or unauthorized fire is forbidden
I must read my lab practice before the class
Check at the beginning of the class the correct operation of the gas and light
I can play and prank my classmates
I can try by myself unauthorized experiments
If acid falls on any part of my body, I must wash it with plenty of water and call my
teacher right away
I must not dispose of acids in the sink

Directions. Underline the right answer.

1. Can the materials and substances be taken out of the lab?

a) Normally you can’t, just in case of emergency
b) Yes, I can do it if I ask for the material on time
c) You can’t ever take out the material
d) Every time they give me the material

2. In which situations a student can come into the lab?

a) If the lab is open
b) Only if the professor or the auxiliar is inside
c) I can’t come inside at any moment

pág. 4
3. What should I wear inside the lab?
a) Lab coat, ripped jeans, open toe shoes
b) Lab coat, closed toe shoes, ripped jeans
c) Lab coat, lab material list, face mask, jeans well preserved, closed toe shoes

4. How should I have my hair done?

a) Long tied hair
b) Long loose hair
c) Short hair

5. I understand the hygiene and safety standards and laboratory regulations

a) Yes, I do. I have read the information from the manual
b) I don’t understand all the information. I need to read again the information
from the manual
c) I haven’t read the manual



pág. 5

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