Sujet Anglais 2

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Rabah Henni Middle School School year 

: 2022/2023

Level :2 Ms Full Name : .................


Text :

Liz : what’s the matter, Sally ?

Sally : I couldn’t speak a wink last night, i had a terrible headache.

Liz : Really ! Does your head still hurt ?

Sally : Yes, I feel just awful.

Liz : Ahh ….. and you have got fever too.

Sally : What should i do ?

Liz : Well, don’t go to school, you should stat at home and have a rest.

Sally : Can I take some medicines ?

Liz : No, you can’t, you should see a doctor


Part One: Reading comprehension. (7pts)

Activity one : Answer the following questions (02pts)

Task two : Read again and answer the following questions (02pts)

Task Three:

a) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to : (1pts)

Owe = ................. Want = ...................

b) find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to : (1pts)

Hate = ....................... Sell = .........................


Task One :Supply the punctuation and the capitalization where necessary (02pts)

every week I go with amina to do shopping


Task Two : Complete the sentences with the suitable word (03pts)

Some / How many / any

1) Are there .............. shopping malls in the city ?

2) Yes, there are malls.
3) ............................... toys are there in the shop?

Task Three: Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final ‘’S’’ (2pts)

needs / oranges / plays / wants

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

Part Two: Situation of integration. (6pts)

Your mum wants to make a cake but she hasn’t got all the ingredients . she sends you to buy some of them .
complete the following dialogue using :

( how much sugar / how many eggs / help you / how much do they cost / need some eggs / is there any )

Me : Good morning ,sir .

Shop keeper : Good morning . Can I ......................................................... ?

Me : Yes, I...................................................... , please.

Shop keeper : ..................................................................... do you need ?

Me : 10 eggs , please. ..................................... sugar  ?

Shop keeper : yes , ............................................................. do you need ?

Me : 2 kilos, please. How ..................................................................... ?

Shop keeper : 400 DA.

☺ Best of Luck ☺

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