Training Scenario CS 10.13.2018

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Training Scenario 10/13/2018

(Interpreter should greet both Provider and LEP)

P: Thank you for calling BMW my name is Carl how may I assist you?
L: Hola mi nombre es Fernando Jose Rodriguez Rojas. Estoy llamando porque tengo un mensaje de
voz en mi telefono pero no se de que se trata porque me lo dejaron en ingles pero como yo no se ingles
no le entendi por eso les estoy llamando de vuelta.
P: I understand Mr. Rodriguez before we begin I would like to inform you that we are in a recorded line
this call can be used for quality and training purposes could you please provide your BMW client id
L: Si es el 8846501 A47
P: Thank you for that you said that your name is Fernando Rodriguez right?
L: Fernando Jose Rodriguez Rojas el que viste y calza asi es.
P: Ok Mr. Rodriguez could you please provide your date of birth?
L: 19 de mayo de 1980.
P: Thank you for that Mr. Rodriguez and what is the year and model of your vehicle?
L: Es un BMW Z4 2017.
P: Ok and what is your home address?
L: 1455 Urbanizacion La Union San Juan Ponce, Puerto Rico 00918.
P: Thank you for that the purpose of the calls you received is to notify you that your account is past due
8 months now and is going to collection, also the vehicle is in repossesion status.
L: Si me imagine que para eso era que me estaban llamando.
P: Are you able to bring your account current this day Mr. Rodriguez? Or would you prefer to make a
payment arrangement?
L: Pues primero que todo quiero saber cuanto es el total que debo por esos 8 meses.
P: The balance 8,883 dollars and 49 cents plus late fees that brings up the amount of 10,083 dollars and
78 cents.
L: ¡QUE! ¡Cuanto! Eso es demasiado dinero no tengo para pagar tanto dinero es imposible si despues
del huracan aqui en la isla conseguir trabajo esta bien dificil. El año pasado me meti a sacar este carro
porque me salio un buen trabajo pero despues del huracan el negocio se vino abajo y nos terminaron
despidiendo a todos. Asi que actualmente sigo buscando trabajo.
P: I understand Mr. Rodriguez and are you able to make a payment arrangement today?
L: A ver digame ¿cuanto seria?
P: It will be 987 dollars and 47 cents for this month plus 840 dollars and 32 cents giving a total of 1827
dollars and 79 cents with a 12 month payment plan to avoid repossesion of the vehicle and going to
collection avoid affecting your credit score. Are you able to make that payment arrangement?
L: Todavia se me hace muy elevado ¿No tiene uno que tenga mas meses para reponer la deuda?
P: We can offer you a 24 month payment plan you will need to pay 987 with 47 for this month plus 420
dollars with 16 cents giving you a total of 1407 dollars with 63 cents.
L: Todavia se me hace bastante pero dejeme ver si consigo el dinero para la proxima semana para
agarrar ese plan.
P: Ok Mr. Rodriguez and which day of next week should we call you?
L: Pues el Viernes de la proxima semana estaria bien.
P: Perfect Mr. Rodriguez I will save this information right now in my computer and we will be calling
you next friday to hear about what you have decided.
L: Si esta bien.
P: Perfect Mr. Rodriguez have a great day.
L: Gracias usted tambien.
P: Thank you interpreter

(Interpreter should close the call by thanking the Provider and LEP for using the interpretation services)

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