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QM Formula Sheets by Sir Jahanzaib (Chapter 1,3 & 10)

Equation of Straight Line Regression Equation and Correlation Coefficient Arithmetic Progression Geometric Progression
▪ Two intercepts (b where line touches y axis) and (a where line touches x It is a sequence where each It is a sequence where each new
axis). y=a+bx

new term is formed by adding term is formed by multiplying by a
▪ To find x intercept set y=0 in equation
▪ to find y intercept set x=0 in equation a constant to the previous constant the previous term
Constructing an Equation r= 𝑺
𝒙 × 𝑺𝒚
Point Slope Form Two Point Form Two Intercept From a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, a + 4d, a, ar, ar2, ar3, ....
y – y1 = m ( x – x1 ) y – y1 x − x1

Common difference/
= r= 𝑏 𝑥𝑦 𝑏𝑦𝑥
nth term = a + d (n-1) nth term = ar n-1

General form &

y2 – y1 x2 − x1
Points to remember “d” is common difference

▪ Some points are said to be co liner if they fall on same line Coefficient of regression(b) calculated as d= a2 –a1 ‘r’ is common ratio calculated as
▪ Some lines are concurrent if they pass through one point 𝑎2
+ve value of y increases as the value of x increases r=
▪ Solving two equations of straight lines simultaneously will give coordinates
-ve Value of y declines as value of x increases (and vice versa).
of the point of intersection of these two lines.
▪ Lines are concurrent if they pass through exactly one point. 0 No correlation is seen to exist between the variables
▪ Non parallel lines will always intersect each other at one single point in The Correlation Coefficient(r)
space. Which is called solution of equation. ▪ a single number that describes degree of relationship btw two variables. 3rd term – 2nd term 3rd term ÷ 2nd term
▪ Parallel lines never intersect each other and have not solution. ▪ Its value ranges from -1 to 1

Test of progression
▪ Overlapping equations have infinite number of solution. = =
-1 Perfect negative correlation 2nd term – 1st term 2nd term ÷ 1st term
Breakeven analysis -1 - 0 negative correlation become weaker by with increase in value
Total contribution = Contribution per unit  Number of units sold. 0 No correlation
If LHS = RHS then the term is an If LHS = RHS then the term is a GP
Per Unit contribution = Sales price – Variable Cost 0 - -1 positive correlation become stronger by increase in value
+1 perfect positive correlation

Coefficient of Determination r2
▪ It shows how much variation in y is explained by variations in x
▪ Formula of is r2 & Its value ranges from 0 to +1.

Sum of first
𝒂(𝒓𝒏 − 𝟏)

N terms
Laws of Exponents Log and rules of Log Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient 𝑺=
OR 𝒓−𝟏
-Spearman’s Rank Correlation is used to
find out the relationship between
objective values where it is not possible to
assign them quantities instead variables
are assigned orders.
Sum of reducing geometric sequence upto infinity terms
-This approach is also called “Ordinal
Approach” This can only be calculated for a reducing
In case of ties, add tie effect “t” geometric sequence. i.e. Geometric 𝒂
Sequence Having r between -1 and 1 or 𝑺=
𝟔 σ 𝒅𝟐 −𝒕 𝒎(𝒎𝟐 −𝟏) -1>r>+1
r= 1- 𝒏(𝒏𝟐 −𝟏)
t= 𝟏𝟐
QM Formula Sheets by Sir Jahanzaib (Chapter 5-6)
Simple & Compound Interest Annuity Perpetuity
Simple interest Compound interest Ordinary Annuity Annuity Due Perpetuity is a type of annuity that receives an infinite amount of
is where the annual interest is a is where the annual interest is based on payments (receipts) are in arrears payments (receipts) are in advance periodic payments.
fixed percentage of the original the amount borrowed plus interest i.e. made at the end of each i.e. made at the beginning of each
amount borrowed or invested (the accrued to date. E.g. payment period payment period. To calculate present value of perpetuity PV= R/r
principal)E.g ▪ profit and loss sharing accounts. e.g. e.g.
▪ fixed deposits Housing loan, payment of Rental lease payments, life Practical Application of annuity and perpetuity
S = P ( 1 + r t) S = P ( 1 + r )t mortgage, insurance premium, etc.
1- Sinking Fund
I=P r t I=P [(1+r)t -1] coupon bearing bonds, etc.
1+𝑟 𝑡 −1 1+𝑟 𝑡 −1 Setting aside a fixed sum of money at regular intervals to achieve a
𝐒o=R 𝐒(d) =R x (1+r) specific sum at some future point in time.
𝑟 𝑟
Compounding vs discounting 1− 1+𝑟 −𝑡 1− 1+𝑟 −𝑡
𝐏o=R 𝐏o=R x(1+r)
𝑟 𝑟 2- Comparing Cash flows
•The method uses to know the value at the end of t periods is We can compare two different cash flows by calculating their
Formula for total interest in Annuity present value. Future cash flow having higher present value will be
known as Compounding.
•Compounding uses nominal interest rates expressed in % age. more favorable.
If Sum is Given I=S-Rnt
•compounding factor is (1+r)n OR
Discounting 3- Investment Appraisals
if P is Given I=Rnt-P Discounted cash flow is a technique for evaluating proposed
•The process of determining the present value of the amount to be
received in the future is known as Discounting. Applied to both Annuity Ordinary and Due investments There are two methods of DCF:
•Discount factors are used in Discounting
a) Net present value (NPV) method: if sum PV of all present and
future cash flows are positive investment should be accepted.
QM Formula Sheets If NPV is Positive : Investment should be accepted.
If NPV is Zero : We are Indifferent
Equivalent Rate of Interest (effective interest rate)
Designed by Sir Jahanzaib If NPV is Negative : Investment should not be accepted.

•The effective interest rate is actual rate in a year.

•It is different from nominal interest rate of the year if there are Chapter 5-6 b) Internal rate of return (IRR) method:
if IRR >cost of capital : the investment should be accepted.
more than 1 compounding in a year if IRR <cost of capital : the investment should be rejected.
Feedback Questions with Video Solutions if IRR = cost of capital : we are indifferent.

-IRR is a discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows from a particular project equal to zero.
Annualized Percentage Rate or APR -IRR calculation is a more complex matter and is out of our
Annualized Percentage Rate or APR) is the periodic interest rate tpq3ycOm0wS7na6NzjasQgi7 syllabus However we can Estimate IRR using following method
multiplied by the number of periods per year.
QM Formula Sheets by Sir Jahanzaib (Chapter 7-8)
Average (Measure of Central Tendencies) Relative Measure of Dispersion Grouping of Data
Coefficient of Co-efficient of Co-efficient of Class Height (h) h= UCB-LCB
dispersion Quartile Variation Mid Point (x) x=(UCB+LCB) ÷ 2
X = n x1.x .x3 .......xn
(Coefficient of Range) Deviation.
Less than Cumulative Frequency (<cf) Sum of this class and all before this
n Xm − Xo Q3 − Q1 sd
Q3 + Q1
100 More than cumulative frequency (>cf) Sum of this class and all after this
Xm + Xo x Relative Frequency (Rf) = f current ÷ f total
X =
 fx   f log x  =
Combined Mean Weighted Average Mean Ways to present a data
anti − log 
f  f
  f 
x 𝑁1 𝑀1 + 𝑁2 𝑀2 + …… 𝑊1 𝑀1 + 𝑊2 𝑀2 + ……
M Combined =
𝑁1 +𝑁2 + ……….
M Weighted combined =
𝑊1 +𝑊2 +⋯……. ▪ Arrange in Ascending ▪ Simple bar chart
/Descending Order ▪ Pie chart
Finding Median(2) Quartiles(4) Deciles (10) Percentiles(100) N are number of obs. & W are relative weight of each mean & ▪ Multiple column bar chart
▪ Ungrouped frequency
Step 1 Sort date in ascending Order M are means of each obs. M are means of each obs. ▪ Component Bar Chart
Step 2 Find position of required fractile p=i(n+1) ÷ d Used for : Taking a combined Used for : Taking a combined mean
▪ Stem and leaf display ▪ Percentage/Component Bar Chart
mean form the result of different from results of different separate mean
▪ Grouped frequency
Step 3 Un Grouped Data : Step 3 Grouped Data: separate means when importance of each mean is
distributions ▪ Histogram
h in ▪ Charts of Ungrouped ▪ Frequency polygon
Find pth value from data = l + ( − C) frequency distributions ▪ Cumulative frequency charts
f d Effect of Change of Origin and Scale
▪ Charts of Grouped (Ogive)
Mode: Most frequently occurring value change of origin change of scale Frequency Distributions ▪ Box and whiskey Plot
Find data point which is f m − f1 +,- in all obs. x,÷ in all obs.
=l+ h Pearson’s Coefficient of skewness
repeated the most. ( fm − f1 ) + ( f m − f 2 ) Mean, median same effect Same effect
Standard Deviation no effect Same effect
Absolute Measure of Dispersion
Variance no effect Same effect squared Normal (no Skewness) or
Negatively skewed Positively skewed
Range = Semi-inter Xm − Xo Quartile range= symmetrical
Xm − Xo range =
Q3 − Q1
2 (inter-quartile range)=
QM Formula Sheets Answer of CoS will be
Answer of CoS will be Zero
Answer of CoS will be
Semi-inter quartile range= Q3 − Q1
(Quartile Deviation) = 2 Designed by Sir Jahanzaib Negative

Mean<median<mode Mean=median=mode


Chapter 7 - 8
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QM Formula Sheets by Sir Jahanzaib (Chapter11 & 12)
Probability in single random Experiment Probability in single Experiment Multiple Outcome Discrete Probability Distributions
number of favorable outcome in sample space
Additional Law (OR Law) i.e. probability of either A or B Binomial Poisson Hyper Geometric
Probability of an Event ‘A’ i.e. P(A) = Mutually Exclusive, P(A or B) OR P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) ▪ n< 20 and P > 0.05 • n>20 and P<0.05 without replacement
number of total outcomes in sample space

Not Mutually-Exclusive, P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B) ▪ with replacement • Or Time Trials
▪ expressed as a number 0 to 1 (or a % between 0% to 100%) Mutually Exclusive Event : two events that cannot occur X=0,1,2,3,…,n X=0,1,2,3,…. X=0,1,2,…,n/k (WEIL)
▪ 0 indicates something cannot occur (Impossible Event) and 1 that it simultaneously. n,p Λ N, n, k
is certain to occur (Sure Event) Not Mutually exclusive Events: two events that can occur
▪ The probability of an event occurring plus the probability of that event simultaneously.
not occurring must equal 1.(Complement Law)
▪ Sum of probabilities of all possible outcomes is equal to 1 and such Probability in Successive Experiments AND Law
▪ No of trials are fixed. ▪ This probability consists ▪ The successive trials
events are collectively called Exhaustive Event. Method # 1Multiplication Law ▪ two outcomes p of rare events are dependent upon
▪ Sample Space is set of all possible outcomes of a random Experiment. Multiplication law (AND Law)i.e. Probability of Occurring Both A then B (Success) and q ▪ n is a very large value the result of previous
▪ Outcomes are also called Sample point. If A,B are independent, then P(A and B) OR P(A ∩ B)= P(A) x P(B) (Failure) and p is very small. trial
Different Sample Spaces If A,B are Dependent, then P(A and B) OR P(A ∩ B)= P(A) × P(B|A) ▪ p+q=1 | p=1-q | q=1-p ▪ It has only one ▪ The mean of the
o Mean = µ = np parameter “mean” so distribution is equal to
Flip one coin Sample space S={H,T} n=2 Dependent Events Two events are dependent if the occurrence of first o Variance =npq that n*k/N.
Roll one Dice Sample space S=(1,2,3,4,5,6) n=6 affects occurrence of the second so that the probability is changed. o S.D = 𝑛𝑝𝑞 ▪ 𝜇 = mean =variance
Independent Events: is an event that has no connection
Suits Diamond Hearts Spade Club to another event's chances of happening (or not happening).
Normal Distribution
Color Red Black Conditional Probability: is the probability ▪ Probability distribution of a continuous variable(with no gaps)
Cards n=52 13 13 13 13 of one event occurring with some relationship ▪ The plot of a normal distribution (normal curve) has following Properties:
to one or more other events ▪ It is symmetrical i.e. bell shaped;
Non Pictured Cards Pictured Cards ▪ Both tails of the distribution approach but never meet the horizontal axis.
Probability in Successive Experiments CSS
A(Ace) & 2 to 10 J-Jack Q-Queen K-King ▪ It is described by its mean () (which is the same as the median and the
Method # 2 Combine Sample Space
▪ Treat successive experiments as one experiment & draw combined sample space
mode) and standard deviation (σ).

QM Formula Sheets ▪ Total Possible Outcome = (Outcome in single Exp.)Times of Exp.

Flip 2 22=4 S= (HH, HT, TH, TT)
▪ Area under normal curve represents probability so totals to 1 (or 100%).
▪ The same area, of all normal distributions, lie within the same number of

Designed by Sir Jahanzaib Coins standard deviations from the mean.

▪ Calculating probability of any possible value
Flip 3 23=8 {(H,H,H), (H,H,T),
▪ Calculate Z score by Formula
Chapter 11 - 12 Coins (H,T,H),(H,T,T), (T,H,H),
(T,H,T), (T,T,H), (T,T,T)} ▪ Find the probability corresponding the z score from z score table or
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QM Formula Sheets by Sir Jahanzaib (Chapter 9, 13-15)
Price Index Sampling Errors and way to reduce Sampling distribution of the mean
Simple Indices Sampling Error is the error caused by observing a sample instead of the
whole population. The sampling error is the difference between a statistic ▪ It is always a normal distribution symmetrical about the mean.
Single Commodity Multiple Commodities ▪ The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is called a standard
and the actual but unknown parameter.
Simple Price Index Chained index Simple aggregate error.
Ways to reduce sampling error.
series (Chain base price index ▪ This means that 95% of the means of the samples collected fall within 1.96
▪ Increase sample size
method standard errors of the mean of the sampling distribution.
▪ Select a sample which is true representative of population
▪ Calculating Standard error
▪ Purify the sample selection method standard deviation of sample (adjusted)
▪ Instead of stating a number as parameter give a range with varying Standard error of the mean =
𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
Weighted Indices assurance. (confidence interval)
Laspeyre Price Paaschee Price Fisher Price Index Confidence Interval for Population Parameter Standard deviation of Sample (Adjusted) is
Index Index CI = sample Statistic ± (confidence level score X standard error)
Confidence Level Score
If observation more than 30 Z score applies; Finite population Correction Factor FPC=
95% : 1.96 Hypothesis Testing
Quantity Index 99% : 2.58
Hypothesis A premise/claim or assertion that we want to test
Simple Indices Weighted Indices If observation less than 30 and Population SD is Unknown T score applies
Null Hypothesis (H0) currently accepted value or premise. It’s believed to be true.
Simple Quantity Index
Type of data Formula of Standard error alternate hypothesis (H1) Claim to be tested also called Research hypothesis
Mean observations without replacement with replacement Test Statistics Calculation results from sample used to decide outcome of test
Possible outcomes of the test Types of error
We Reject null hypothesis (H0) Type I : Reject H0 when it was correct
Difference of mean We fail to Reject null hypothesis (H0) Type II : Accept H0 when it was’nt correct
Level of Confidence (C) : How confident are we in our decision on the basis of our test.

QM Formula Sheets Proportion

Level of significance (α) : limit beyond which we would conclude that any difference is
significant or not (C+α = 1)

Designed by Sir Jahanzaib A two-tailed test, also known as a non directional hypothesis, is the standard test of
significance to determine if there is a relationship between variables in either direction.

Chapter 9, 13-15 Difference of

𝑝1 𝑞1 𝑝2 𝑞2
A one-tailed test, also known as a directional hypothesis, is a test of significance to
determine if there is a relationship between the variables in one direction.
𝑛1 𝑛2
Free Chapter wise test and Mocks taken online Chi Square Testing
Confidence Interval for Population Parameter Types of chi-square test:
▪ The goodness of fit test: a test for comparing a theoretical distribution with
Solve the Test Online and it will be checked on spot
Random sampling Cluster sampling the observed data from a sample; and
▪ The test of association: a test which allows the comparison of two
Systematic sampling Quota sampling
attributes in a sample of data to determine if there is any relationship between Multi Stage sampling them.
Stratified sampling

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