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Effect of Bone-Borne Trans-Sutural Distraction

Osteogenesis Therapy on the Cranial Base
of Children With Midfacial Hypoplasia Due to Cleft
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Lip and Palate

Peiyang Zhang, MD,* Haizhou Tong, MD,† Yujie Chen, BS,* Binyi Zhou, BS,*
Lin Fang, MD,‡ and Zhenmin Zhao, MD*

the smaller wings of the sphenoid bone decreased. Posterior

Abstract: Bone-borne trans-sutural distraction osteogenesis inclination of the pterygoid process increased. Mean volume of
(TSDO) is widely used to treat midfacial hypoplasia in children the sphenoidal sinus increased postoperatively compared with
with cleft lip and palate; however, its effects on the cranial base the preoperative volume. Apparent changes in the cranial base
are still poorly understood. The authors aimed to study mor- after TSDO are primarily in the middle cranial fossa, mani-
phological changes in the cranial base after TSDO. Pre and festing as an increase in the sphenoid bone body length, ex-
postoperative computed tomography (CT) images of cleft lip pansion of the sphenoidal sinus volume, growth of the pterygoid
and palate children with midfacial skeleton dysplasia who un- process forward and downward, a decrease in the angle of both
derwent TSDO were collected retrospectively, and their corre- the greater and smaller wings of the sphenoid bone, and an
sponding 3-dimensional models were measured. Results showed increase in the posterior inclination of the pterygoid process.
no significant change in the length of the anterior or posterior
cranial fossa, but the length of the middle cranial fossa in-
creased significantly. The anterior cranial base rotated upward Key Words: cleft lip and palate, cranial base, midfacial hypoplasia,
with the sella turcica at the center, whereas the cranial base sphenoid bone, trans-sutural distraction osteogenesis (TSDO)
angle increased. The sphenoid bone exhibited morphological
(J Craniofac Surg 2023;34: 551–555)
changes. Post-TSDO, the lateral plate of the pterygoid process
increased in length. The angle of the 2 lateral plates of the
pterygoid process, the greater wings of the sphenoid bone, and
M idfacial hypoplasia, defined as restricted growth of the
nasomaxillary and zygomatic bones, can manifest as
craniomaxillofacial skeletal deformities associated with genetic
From the *Department of Plastic Surgery, Peking University Third disorders such as Apert syndrome,1 Crouzon syndrome,2 or
Hospital; †Department of Cleft Lip and Palate, Plastic Surgery secondary to congenital cleft lip and palate (CLP).3
Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of The growth of the midfacial skeleton mainly depends on 2
Medical Sciences; and ‡Department of Noninvasive Surgery, Plastic mechanisms. First, it relies on the growth remodeling of the skel-
Surgery Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese eton itself; second, it is promoted by cranial base growth.4,5 Dis-
Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China. ruption of these mechanisms, resulting from environmental or
Received May 23, 2022.
genetic factors at an early age, can lead to midfacial hypoplasia.3
Accepted for publication September 5, 2022.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Zhenmin Zhao, MD, Some children with CLP exhibit significant maxillary retrusion
Department of Plastic Surgery, Peking University Third Hospital, deformity and maxillofacial dysfunction owing to endogenous de-
Haidian, Beijing 100191, China; E-mail: zhaozhenmin0098@163. velopmental deficits and sequential treatments (surgical and non-
com surgical).6–10 This deformity mainly manifests as a retrusion
This project was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation deformity of the infraorbital, zygomatic, nasal regions, and
of China (grant 81571925) and Beijing Municipal Science and maxilla.11–14 In addition to affecting appearance, it can also affect
Technology Commission (No. Z171100001017212). children’s masticatory and speech functions, and even cause respi-
P.Z. and H.T. contributed equally to this work. ratory problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.15,16
This retrospective study was performed according to the principles of
Thus, this deformity requires early correction. > 25% of children
the Declaration of Helsinki. It was approved by the Ethics Com-
mittee of Peking University Third Hospital (Beijing, China), Chinese with CLP have severe deformities and require comprehensive sur-
Academy of Medical Science. Informed consent was obtained from gical treatment to improve form and function.11,17,18
the parents or legal guardians of patients for both study partic- Three main surgical procedures are commonly used in the
ipation and publication of identifying information/images in an clinical treatment of midfacial hypoplasia: traditional orthog-
online open access publication. nathic surgical techniques, maxillary distraction with osteot-
The authors report no conflicts of interest. omy, and trans-sutural distraction osteogenesis (TSDO). The
Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. Direct URL citations first 2 techniques require osteotomy, which can result in
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF complications such as severe postoperative bleeding, inferior
versions of this article on the journal's website, www.jcraniofacialsurgery.
alveolar nerve damage, velopharyngeal incompetence, and
Copyright © 2022 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD postsurgical relapse, among others.19–22
ISSN: 1049-2275 The TSDO technique applies an external force to the
DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000009101 naturally existing cranial and facial sutures. This induces bone

The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 34, Number 2, March/April 2023 551
Copyright © 2022 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. All rights reserved.
Zhang et al The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 34, Number 2, March/April 2023

reconstruction and new bone formation around the sutures, 4.34 ± 0.79 kg, and the duration of the traction period ranged
which can effectively adjust the shape and position of the cra- from 24 to 60 days, with a mean of 40.7 ± 8.1 days.
niomaxillofacial skeleton to a certain extent without osteotomy.
Trans-sutural distraction osteogenesis avoids the risks of enor- Distraction Device
mous trauma, heavy bleeding, and other complications caused The distraction device consisted of a RED (Cibei Medical
by osteotomy. It is particularly suitable for pediatric patients Treatment Appliance Co.), nickel-titanium springs (GEE Co.),
during the growth period;3,23 accordingly, children can undergo and traction hooks (GEE Co.). The traction spring can produce
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surgery at an early age without carrying a deformed appearance a stable and continuous traction force of 250 g per 1 mm stretch
and dysfunction into older age or adulthood. within the deformation range.
Many studies have conducted cephalometric analysis on
2-dimensional (2D) or 3-dimensional (3D) images to describe Surgical Procedure
the craniomaxillofacial skeleton after distraction osteogenesis While the patient was under general anesthesia, an incision
therapy.24–33 However, few reports have investigated the was made in the mucosa at the top of the oral vestibular sulcus
changes in the cranial base, which may play an essential role in in the position of the maxillary cuspid on each side and sepa-
midfacial skeleton growth. The cranial base is the bony con- rated to reveal the piriform aperture margins. A bone hole was
nection between the cranial and facial bones. It consists of the dilated obliquely, ~10 mm outside the lateral pyriform rim and
ethmoid, sphenoid, and occipital bones. Three growth plate-like 5 mm above the root of the cusp, to connect with the nasal
structures are located between these bones, which are called the cavity. A traction hook was installed through the perforation,
cranial base synchondroses (CBS); these are the growth centers with the caudal end passing through the base of the corre-
of the cranial base.34 The CBS consists of 3 cartilage unions sponding nostril. The RED was fixed to the skull with titanium
called spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis (SES), intersphenoid nails 4 to 5 cm above the superior point of the auricle. Care was
synchondrosis, and spheno-occipital synchondrosis (SOS). The taken to prevent the titanium nail from entering the skull. Then,
anterior cranial base is closely related to the maxilla below it, traction hooks on both sides were attached to the RED through
and together, they form the ethmoid-maxilla complex.35 This nickel-titanium springs. Finally, the traction force direction was
demonstrates that the cranial base is closely related to midfacial adjusted to ~20 to 30 degrees downward and horizontally
growth and development. (Fig. 1).
To reveal the morphological changes of the cranial base after Distraction Procedure
TSDO, we built and analyzed 3D models based on computed The starting traction force at the end of the surgery was 750
tomography (CT) images of 29 children with midfacial hypo- g per side, which was maintained for 3 to 5 days to allow the
plasia due to CLP who have undergone bone-borne TSDO patient to adapt. Then, the length of the spring was adjusted at a
therapy. rate of 1 to 2 mm every 2 to 3 days to gradually increase the
traction force until the desired maxillary advancement was
achieved. This was followed by a maintenance and con-
METHODS solidation period of 1 to 3 months. Subsequently, the traction
force was gradually decreased, and the whole distraction device
was removed.
This study is a retrospective analysis of pediatric cases with Three-Dimensional Measurement and
skeletal midfacial hypoplasia secondary to CLP who underwent Statistical Analysis
TSDO performed by our medical team at the Plastic Surgery Computed tomography images of the whole skull were col-
Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Science, and the De- lected at T0 and T1. The CT images were stored in the digital
partment of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Peking University imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) file format,
Third Hospital, from January 2005 to June 2020. and 3D models were created and measured using Mimics Re-
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) Children (under 18 search software (version 20.0; Materialize). Craniometric anal-
y of age) with midfacial hypoplasia due to CLP; (2) complete yses were performed after segmentation. The definition of
medical records of the traction procedure; (3) complete cranial landmarks is listed in Supplemental Table 1 (Supplemental
computed tomography (CT) imaging data collected pre- Digital Content 1, The defi-
operatively (T0) and within 1 week after the removal of rigid nition of distances, angles, and volume are listed in Supple-
external distractor (RED) (T1); and (4) the TSDO procedure mental Table 2 (Supplemental Digital Content 2, http://links.
must be performed by the same surgeon. Two physicians independently calibrated
The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) severe complica- the measurement points and the results were averaged from the
tions during traction, including titanium nail fixation site in- 2 measurements.
fection, severe titanium nail maladjustment, loosening of the We used a 2-tailed t test in the Statistical Package for the
RED, and traction hook dislodgement; (2) early withdrawal of Social Sciences software (SPSS version 23.0; IBM Corp) to
the traction device for any reason; and (3) incomplete data re- perform the statistical analysis (P ≤ 0.05, level of significance).
According to our surgical data, 85 consecutive children with
midfacial hypoplasia due to CLP underwent TSDO. Eight of RESULTS
the 85 children were excluded because of complications and 48
lacked complete clinical records. Finally, 29 children met the Morphological Analysis of the Cranial Base
inclusion criteria, including 25 males (86.2%) and 4 females We performed linear and angular measurements of the cra-
(13.8%). Before traction, the mean age was 11.1 ± 2.3 years old nial base on a 3D model at T0 and T1, and the data is shown in
(5–15 y old). Nine children had bilateral CLP, and 20 had Supplemental Table 3 (Supplemental Digital Content 3, http://
unilateral CLP (8 on the right and 12 on the left). The maximum The length of the cranial base in the
unilateral traction force ranged from 3 to 6 kg, with a mean of anteroposterior direction increased significantly after TSDO,

552 Copyright © 2022 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2022 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. All rights reserved.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 34, Number 2, March/April 2023 Effect of Bone-Borne TSDO Therapy

allows for an earlier age of intervention, as it is indicated for

pediatric and adolescent patients during the growth period.
Thus, patients will not experience a deformed appearance and
dysfunction into older age or adulthood. In recent years, the
bone-borne TSDO technique has been widely used in clinical
practice. Although the short-term effectiveness of TSDO has
been discussed,3,15,24,25 long-term stability for 5 or 10 years has
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not been examined. In addition, the effects of TSDO on the

cranial base have not yet been reported.
Some domestic and international scholars have used cranial
3D models based on CT images to measure and study the
morphological characteristics of the cranial base in children
with midfacial hypoplasia. However, these studies were mainly
FIGURE 1. A patient with a distraction device.
conducted in children with congenital craniomaxillofacial skel-
etal anomalies such as Crouzon syndrome37,38 and metopic
synostosis;39 to date, no studies have been conducted specifically
with a 2.4% increase in the total cranial base length (N-Ba) on the cranial base of children with midfacial hypoplasia
(P < 0.001). The length of the anterior cranial base (N-S) in- secondary to CLP.
creased by 3.0% (P < 0.001), whereas the length of the posterior The growth of the midfacial skeleton consists of 2 main
cranial base (S-Ba) did not change significantly. In the anterior types: passive growth driven by the cartilage growth center of
cranial base, the length of the middle cranial fossa increased; Es- the cranial base and active growth driven by the growth of the
S and Es-So increased by 9.6% and 4.9%, respectively facial suture and bone surface. The combined action of the 2
(P < 0.001), whereas that of the ethmoid bone (Fe-Es) in the growth centers results in the forward and downward growth of
anterior cranial fossa decreased by 3.7% (P = 0.004), and N-Es the midfacial skeleton. In children younger than 6 to 7 years,
did not change significantly (P = 0.074). In the sagittal plane, when the central nervous system is developing rapidly and
the sphenoid sinus was enlarged in the anteroposterior and cranial bone volume is increasing significantly, the growth and
vertical directions (Figs. 2A, B). movement of the midface are mainly driven by the growth
The skull base angle (N-S-Ba) was 133.41 ± 5.11 degrees center of the cranial base, which is known as cranial base
preoperatively and increased by 1.1% after TSDO (P = 0.001), synchondrosis.3 Around the age of 7 to 12 years, as the
suggesting a slight blunting of the anterior skull base relative to development of the central nervous system in children ap-
the basilar clivus. proaches that of adults, changes in cranial volume gradually
Changes in the Sphenoid Bone and Sphenoidal slow down, and the growth and developmental activity of CBS
diminish progressively. Therefore, during the growth period of
Sinus in the Middle Cranial Fossa children, the midfacial skeleton and cranial base can be affected
Linear, angular, and volumetric measurements of the sphe- by external or internal factors, which can lead to skeletal mid-
noid bone and sphenoidal sinus on the 3D model were per- facial hypoplasia.
formed at T0 and T1, and the data is shown in Supplemental Current clinical studies suggest that skeletal midfacial hypo-
Table 4 (Supplemental Digital Content 4, plasia secondary to CLP is mainly due to the interference of repair
SCS/E664). During TSDO, the pterygoid morphology of the surgery, periosteal injury, and postoperative scar formation.17,40,41
middle cranial fossa changed most significantly. After TSDO, However, there are no reports on whether CLP repair affects the
the posterior tilt of the middle cranial fossa increased, whereas growth and development of the cranial base.
the mid-cranial basal angle (Ba-Es-Ptm) increased by 21.7% The scar tissue after CLP surgery inhibits the growth of the
(left side, P < 0.001) and 18.3% (right side, P < 0.001). maxillary-associated sutures and the midfacial bones them-
The length of the lateral plate of the pterygoid process selves. However, in pediatric patients with CLP, their growth
(Lppa-Lpp) increased by 80.1% (left side, P < 0.001) and 85.0% potential can be stimulated by external traction. Based on this
(right side, P < 0.001) after TSDO, with no significant difference mechanism, bone-borne TSDO was developed.3
between the left and right sides. Lppr-S-Lppl decreased by 1.7% This study showed that the significant increase in cranial
(P = 0.002) after TSDO, and the angle of the bilateral LPPA base length after TSDO was mainly attributed to the middle
processes decreased by 41.8% (P < 0.001) (Figs. 2C, D). The cranial fossa length, especially the Es-S. Es-S is a part of the
angle of the bilateral greater wings of pterygoids was reduced by sphenoid bone consisting of the jugum sphenoidal and tuberc-
4.3% after traction (P < 0.001) (Figs. 2E, F), and the angle of ulum sellae, located between the 2 cartilage growth centers (SES
the bilateral smaller wings of pterygoids was reduced by 1.3% and SOS) of the cranial base. The growth and development of
(P = 0.012) compared with that before TSDO. the cranial base depend mainly on the intrachondral osteo-
The mean volume of the sphenoid sinus cavity (Vs) was genesis of these cartilaginous unions,42 especially the SOS. The
5205 ± 3242 mm3 before the operation and increased by 34.5% ossification and closure of the SOS transpire relatively late and
after TSDO (P < 0.001). The CT value of the bilateral pter- play a crucial role in the growth and development of the cranial
ygomaxillary sutures decreased significantly (P < 0.001) after base in infants and children.43,44 Normally, the intersphenoid
TSDO (Supplemental Table 4, Supplemental Digital Content 4, synchondrosis closes near birth,45 the SES closes at ~6 years of age,44,46 and the SOS begins to fuse at around 14 to 16 years of
age and completely disappears after ~25 years of age.42 In ad-
DISCUSSION dition, the growth of the skull base is associated with an ex-
Among the surgical treatments for skeletal midfacial dysplasia, pansion of the mandible, eruption of teeth, and development of
TSDO is the most advantageous in terms of avoiding the risks the masticatory and nasopharyngeal muscles.
and complications of severe trauma and bleeding caused by To discuss the causes of Es-S growth, 3 hypotheses are
osteotomy.31,32,36 Trans-sutural distraction osteogenesis also proposed: (1) the bone adjacent to the spheno-ethmoidal suture

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Zhang et al The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 34, Number 2, March/April 2023

TSDO. The main limitation of this study was the lack of normal
controls, and the difficulty of excluding the effect of normal
growth and development on the cranial base, which will be
explored in our subsequent studies. Further studies analyzing
the impact of different CLP repair methods, orthodontic sur-
geries, time of CLP repair surgery, and other related factors on
the growth and development of the cranial base are needed to
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determine how exogenous stimuli modulate the growth and

FIGURE 2. Sagittal view of cranial base length changes. (A) Before trans-sutural development of the cranial base.
distraction osteogenesis (TSDO); (B): after TSDO; yellow dotted lines: increase
after distraction; white dotted line: no significant change before and after
distraction; see Supplemental Table 1 for the definition of landmarks. Changes CONCLUSIONS
in the lengths and angles associated with the lateral plate of the pterygoid
process. (C) Before TSDO; (D) after TSDO; solid line: Lpp/R-S-Lpp/L; dotted
The most apparent changes in the cranial base after TSDO
line: LPPA. Changes in the angle of bilateral greater wings of pterygoids. (E) happen mainly in the middle cranial fossa, which is manifested
Before TSDO; (F) after TSDO. as an increase in the length of the body of the sphenoid bone,
expansion of the sphenoidal sinus volume, growth of the pter-
ygoid process in the forward and downward directions, a de-
increases significantly after TSDO, suggesting that there may crease in the angle of both the greater and smaller wings of the
still be osteogenic potential in the closed suture, as it regains sphenoid bone, and an increase in the posterior inclination of
osteogenic ability under traction force; (2) the jugum sphenoidal the pterygoid process. These changes, which may affect the
and tuberculum sellae undergo skeletal remodeling and growth patient head shape and brain volume, need to be considered in
through subperiosteal osteogenesis; and (3) both modalities may bone-borne TSDO procedures.
coexist in this process. Therefore, further animal experiments
are required to investigate the mode and characteristics of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
osteogenesis in the middle cranial fossa under traction force.
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enrolled in this study remained within the normal range of 115 to language editing.
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