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According this computer okay so welcome

everybody and welcome Ivana hmm this

webinar is conducted as a part of weekly

fasting group we fast every week on

through what's up we are in

international group and if you want to

join this group there will be a whatsapp

number of Eric which is me the manager

of the group the facilitator and then

it's free of course and then you can

send me a message and I will happily add

you and today we have very important

subjects which is skin and hair on the

fasting lifestyle and Ivana is going to

enlighten us about that so Lisa Lana

please even a sari enlighten us on this

interesting subject okay

well as Eric said we're going to be

talking about skin hair and nails and

the issues that come up with these body

parts what causes these issues and how

they are connected and obviously what we

can do to improve the health and

appearance of all three you know skin

issues are becoming so much more common

and prevalent in recent years if you see

and you know I listen to dr. Moore's

videos where people write in and present

their cases or complaints and case after

case people are talking about skin

problems acne eczema psoriasis and so on

so we're seeing an increase in these

cases and especially in young people and

I hear a lot of people and more

specifically women saying oh you know my

skin is so sensitive or you know I

really don't sweat and ironically when

they say this they kind of say this with

a hint of coy pride as if it's a good

thing you know

unfortunately our society has

brainwashed us to think that

vulnerability is an attractive quality

in women and femininity is mostly

considered attractive if it's small

dainty pretty and always smells nice

when it doesn't have any offensive

bodily functions or odors

so having sensitivities and not sweating

somehow now automatically implies that a

woman is more sexually desirable or

attractive because being so delicate and

so clean is a testament to her

femininity in my opinion it's sort of a

perverse way of fetishizing weakness and

glorifying unhealthy conditions you see

in reality sensitive skin is simply weak

skin and skin that doesn't sweat is far

from clean in reality its skin that is

closed and is not performing its vital

functions because if you can't sweat all

the garbage stays inside damaging your

cells and negatively altering the

function of your organs and glands so

these toxic ideas about femininity

orange is harmful to the psyche but to

the physical health as well now of

course that is not to say that there

aren't toxic preconceptions about

masculinity because both men and women

are affected by skin issue though this

is mostly on psychological level because

instead of recognizing skin problems as

symptoms of a serious internal imbalance

we view them through the prism of vanity

and I myself am guilty of this when I

had serious skin issues you know I I

would be afraid to leave the house I

didn't want to be seen so we are

conditioned by our culture that we have

to be perfect look perfect to be a

acceptable to the social group and you

know we're so obsessed with stopping

perspiration which is portrayed in

commercials as something that's awful

and shameful so we douse ourselves in

toxic perfumes we use heavy metal laden

antiperspirants that block our sweat

glands we also inject neurotoxins like

Botox into the sweat glands and even

have them surgically removed which is

insanity and I believe the doctors who

participate in this type of idiocy

should lose their licenses because

they're willfully and irreparably

harming their patients when you have

acne eczema psoriasis loose wrinkled

skin stretch marks irregular

pigmentation when you bruise easily when

your skin is overly dry or oily when you

have dandruff or fungal infections these

are all signs of internal toxicity or

acidosis first it's important to

understand that skin is not only the

body's largest organ

but largest eliminated Oregon it's

actually the body's third kidney it's

estimated that on average skin expels

about two and a half pounds of toxic

waste daily two and a half pounds that's

a lot of waste just to come out through

the skin alone the body gets rid of

digestive waste through the colon

cellular waste through the kidneys

guitar through lungs and sinuses and

then gases and whatever else it can get

rid of through these specific channels I

just mentioned it will purge through the

skin so if you're having skin issues and

wants the
surgically acne psoriasis eczema rashes

and such it's a sign that your kidneys

are not doing their job excessive

sweating is also a sign that kidneys are

not filtering but sweating at least

shows that there is still sufficient

thyroid function that's keeping the skin

open understand that every single cell

in your body is like a tiny machine that

is constantly working it eats for energy

so that it can perform its specific

functions and it also creates metabolic

wastes just like we do and a cell is

stationary meaning that it has a fixed

position within a gland or an organ a

cell cannot travel or move around the

body to go scavenging for food or to

empty its trash which means that there

has to be a system-wide mechanism within

the body that services the needs of each

cell to ensure its survival and

functionality and this is done via the

body's two main systemic fluids blood

and lymph if you were to look at a tiny

sliver of tissue under the microscope

you would see a bunch of cells separated

by what's known as the interstitial

spaces these spaces are the channels

that allow for transport of nutrients in

and the waste out of the cells where the

blood is what feeds the cells and lymph

is what cleans them

now once this waste is dumped into the

interstitial spaces it is then carried

to the kidneys

via lymphatic channels of course if

we're dealing with heavily toxic

substances then they're first taken to

the liver where these compounds are

conjugated and converted into less

hazardous chemical constituents in order

for them to be safely excreted by the


now when our eliminated organs like

kidneys and the bowel get backed up or

our liver is sluggish and cannot do its

job the body will employ alternate means

of ridding itself of waste in a healthy

person the lymphatic system is fluid and

moves well it's sort of like a conveyor

belt it's a moving mechanism so the

cells continuously toss their garbage

onto it if we're using the conveyor belt

analogy and the perpetually moving

mechanism quickly and efficiently moves

it out but what happens if something

makes the belt stuck and it stops moving

well the body doesn't stop producing

trash as a result of its daily functions

so it continues throwing its garbage

onto the belt but now that the belts

movement has been halted

instead of being removed the crap for

the lack of better words simply keeps

piling up until it starts to overflow

creating basically one hell of a mess

what also happens when you have a lot of

trash laying around and rotting is that

mermen move in like rats roaches and

maggots why because there's an abundance

of food for that and the exact same

thing happens in our bodies except

instead of roaches and rats we get

viruses bacteria and parasites and of

course the medical establishment blames

these microbes for diseases as well as

skin problems if you have acne and you

go to dermatologists they're going to

give you antibiotics which in the end

actually creates a larger problem

because on the one hand you have an

overflow of toxic trash that keeps

piling up and isn't going anywhere

attracting all sorts of critters

which will not pleasant at least helps

you bid because they're eating the

garbage that you're not able to

eliminate then on the other hand you are

now killing these opportunistic organism

by introducing harmful chemicals into an

already overwhelmed system this of

course creates additional toxic

byproducts from their die-off that you

still have no way of eliminating and of

course inevitably once you stop taking

the antibiotics or as we're using this

analogy putting the poison out for the

rats and roaches new critters come in

because they can still smell food and

these new critters are smarter than the

first batch because they have learned

how to sidestep the mousetraps and

become much more resistant to our

efforts to kill them and this is by

large how the medical community deals

with what they have compartmentalized as

isolated skin problems rather than

addressing them as the system-wide

failure that's affecting the entire

organism and skin just being one part of

it so a dermatologist will give you

cranes washes antibiotics even killer

drugs like accutane but never ever

address the actual cause which is

chronic lymphatic stagnation they will

tell you that you need to reduce oil

production and kill bacteria because

that's what causes acne which of course

is a bunch of baloney

there have been studies where they

examined and compared the skin of people

who get acne and who don't what they

found is that both groups had the same

types of bacteria and incomparable

quantities as well as similar level

of oil production so

what gives them well first what I want

to say is that sebum skin oil has a

greatest significance than most people

and certainly doctors realize so first

let's examine why the skin gets overly

oily you see increased oil production is

the body's defense against acidosis why

because oil is an anti acid the other

reason is that lymphatic system is a

lipid based system so when stagnant

lymph starts coming through the skin it

will have a fatty quality and texture to

it because that's what it's made of so

you will see as you detox the body and

unload the majority of toxic waste

that's been stored inside you is that

your skin will stop being oily and this

is something that I personally can

attest you because this happened with me

so why do some people develop acne and

others don't even though they have

similar levels of sebum and bacteria

well it turns out that oil and bacteria

only become a problem when there is an

underlying inflammation present and this

is what was found in this study so what

is inflammation inflammation is your

body's natural immune response to

something that is out of balance see

bacteria do not cause problems bacteria

are actually the nature's janitors they

eat our waste and they break up our

stagnant sense so when we get so

talk with toxins that we cannot

eliminate because the body's eliminated

channels are blocked the bacteria will

then come in to try and break it down so

that it can actually come out and you

will see this with mucus I had a friend

who came to me and she said I'm having

problems with my pituitary the doctor

said so and when they looked up my nose

they said I have a lot of mucus but I

don't feel it and the doctor said it's

because it's all dried up in there it's

dehydrated so when the mucus is in that

state you're not gonna be able to expel

it but when we get a cold when you know

bacteria come in and they start to break

that mucus up we can't breathe because

when you hydrated that mucus expands

right so it feels like we're stuffy and

we perceive it as a negative thing

because it's unpleasant and we can't

breathe but this is actually a very

positive development because now that

you've hydrated this mucus enough it can

actually be expelled from the body and

this is the service of bacteria and

other microorganisms do for us but

instead of being happy about it we go

and get a pill to kill them all right so

when you pop a pimple or a cyst you're

going to see milky or clear fluid and

what is that

that's lymph right so mucus oil

production pasta comes out of our

pimples that is all connected and

related to the lymphatic system by the

way the color of the expectoration

that comes through the skin or through

your sinuses when you expel mucus the

color of this expectoration indicates

the level or degree of lymphatic

stagnation you know a dermatologist

tells you that the color of the cyst

contents depends on your melanin levels

so if you're light-skinned they say

you're going to have whitish substance

in your pimples and cysts and if your

skin is dark then you'll have dark

guitar but if you ever watch dr. pimple

popper as I do because I have a strange

fascination with pimples and blackheads

you can clearly observe that this

medical Theory simply does not bear out

and we see this on the show even though

she consistently repeats this falsehood

saying that the color of the cyst

contents depends on the level of melanin

we actually see through her case and

this is not true because light-skinned

individuals will often have a brown or

even black goo coming out of their skin

and dark-skinned individuals will have

white or yellow stuff so this is just

another thing the doctors seem to be

clueless about but if you're familiar

with the lymphatic system and how it

works then you know that there are four

stages of lymphatic stagnation which are

clearly defined by specific colors

whether we're talking about mucous

discharge or pimples and cysts so these

are acute subacute chronic and

degenerative the first acute is the

earliest stage this is when the toxic

event first occurs and the body responds

by producing a defensive substance like

mucus or cholesterol because remember

lymphatic system is a lipid based system

and cholesterol is actually the body's

defense mechanism against acidosis which

is another stupid thing your doctor will

do is try to lower your cholesterol

rather than addressing why your body is

producing increased cholesterol which is

in response to acidosis of course

so the acute stage is going to be

represented by clear or white color and

this is most clearly seen in mucus and

if this mucus hasn't been cleared and

sits around for a while it's going to

start turning yellow and green which is

the sub acute stage and if we continue

to acidify our body with trash that's

accumulating and stagnating our lymph

will start to turn brown

meaning chronic and then eventually

black which points to degeneration and

breakdown of tissue so the color of this

charge that comes through the skin

actually shows you the level of

lymphatic stagnation that you are

dealing with in your system and this of

course can vary from one part of your

body to the next so also pay attention

to the areas of your body where the skin

is affected because that is where you

have actually toxic waste that's not

moving because if you have breakouts on

your face it's not because of the assets

that are accumulating in your legs it's

because your lymphatic we backed up in

your head right so there's clearly a

correlation and this is where I want to

link the condition of the skin to the GI

tract you see all of our organs and

glands are directly hooked into the GI

tract via lymphatic and nerve channels

and you can see this especially clearly

in an IRA dollar Jie chart which shows

the correlation between the specific

segments of our intestine

and the rest of the body and that's why

toxicity of the GI tract will affect

other parts of the body so Eric I want

to bring up a picture here so people can

see let's see if we can do this all

right so you see this ring here where we

have transverse colon we have descending

we have sigmoid small intestines and

it's on both sides so and then you see

like the spikes of the wheel here that

have different organs and body parts

related to them so if you're backed up

in the small intestine here okay it's

going to affect your forehead upper jaw

nose lower jaw so the face right you can

get breakouts on the front side of your

neck your throat where your scapula is

your back alright if you're backed up in

your descending colon here you can see

skin conditions come up on abdomen arm

hand chest the back of your neck you see

that mm-hmm so you see how when our

colon that is literally plugged in to

every single organ and gland and you can

see them on this chart specific parts of

the colon or small intestine when

they're backed up when they are toxic

are going to then back up through the

lymphatic channels into other parts of

our body as you can clearly see from

from this graphic all right so I'm going

to take this down

when you have toxicity in in your GI


you saw the transverse colon goes into

the head so when that part of your

intestine is backed up you're going to

see hair loss you're going to see

dandruff you're going to see scalp acne

you're going to see seborrheic

dermatitis and this is important because

these are the things you have to address

if you ever want the chance of fixing

your condition and let me just say a

couple of things about dandruff because

we see the flaking skin it seems right

but dandruff is not caused by dryness

aside from stagnant lymph that is backed

up in the scalp dandruff actually has to

do with fungal and fest Asia

and that's why

shampoo is often recommended by medical

professionals as treatment of Tenaya


which is a type of skin fungus and it

usually comes up on your back or in your

arms and it looks like spots on your

skin that are lighter than than your

normal pigmentation

alright so when you have that they tell

you to bathe with dandruff shampoo so

when you were dealing with dandruff

you're not just dealing with stagnant

lives but you're dealing with fungus and

by the way anything that makes you itch

e that gives you that rash that's itchy

has fungus in it that's what defines


now moles and warts are also types of

fungal infection dr. Moore's if you are

familiar with him says that these are

basically living parasites and

especially with moles and warts they

remind me of the fungus that grows out

of the trees and it's like they have

roots in your skin and you will always

find them along the lymphatic pathways

where you have clusters of lymph nodes

so they'll be around they'll sort of

follow a pathway around your breast or

the armpit and to the back toward the

kidneys so you can clearly see that

these moles and warts will appear where

you lymphatic system stagnates the most

and it's going to be close to those

channels okay so if you have warts moles

or any other fungal issues with almost

100% certainty I can tell you that you

have adrenal weakness and you are not

utilizing sugar properly now adrenals

are not the only glands that are

involved in sugar utilization

parathyroid has also been recently

implicated in this specifically in

signaling to the pancreas via

osteocalcin so if you're having this

issues I would be looking at adrenals

but also the parathyroid gland due to

its role in insulin production and

regulation and of course this probably

means that you're also consuming a

little too much complex sugars like

grains legumes which is beans and peas

and potatoes because a raw diet does not

cause this the only way fruit or raw

diet could cause fungus is if you're

eating fruit that's overripe and it's

starting to ferment or if you're

combining your foods incorrectly so this

would be combining fruits with

vegetables in the same meal or the same

juice for combining melons with other

types of fruit or even you know certain

fruits like bananas that are starchier

should not be combined with other fruits

like apples or berries and and so on

because you see different fruits and

vegetables have different digestive

levels and different digestive

timeframes so when you combine an easily

digestible food like watermelon with one

that requires a much longer and more

involved than just the process even

let's say a banana what you're doing

you're slowing down or even halting the

digestion of the lighter food of our

watermelon which causes it to sit around

and ferment and fermentation creates


it creates sulfur which means you're

going to be gassed and bloated and it

also encourages fungal proliferation now

fungi of themselves produce sulfides and

other mycotoxins which contribute to

itching and thus loafing off of your

skin and this is what you see with

dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis and

this is why I am generally against

fermented foods you know they're lauded


healthfoods something that's very good

for you but I disagree with this you see

when you consume fermented products you

are supplying food for the fungus and

yeasts that are already living inside

you understand that the cultures in your

yogurt even if it's a plant-based yogurt

are only good for the adjusting that

yogurt that's it they provide no other

benefit to the body now if you're eating

a lot of complex sugars which the body

cannot digest because it's not designed

to digest them then culture strains of

fermented products are going to help you

digest them but the problem is that

consuming fermented foods will increase

the proliferation of these

microorganisms creating an army of them

and they all have to eat so when they

get hungry they will create a craving

for complex sugars which means that

you're going to be creating bread pasta

yogurt and so on so my point is that

if we don't eat complex sugars or carbs

that we don't need yeast to break them

down for us so the solution is in

probiotics or fermented foods the

solution is abstaining from the foods

that require the help of yeast to digest

you see besides fermented food is not

living food

essentially it's food that's going bad

or spoiling this is what happens to milk

when you leave it out on the kitchen

counter unrefrigerated you will also see

this when mold starts growing on an old

piece of bread and that's fermentation

would you eat moldy bread I would hope

not I wouldn't so why would you want to

eat other fungal foods mold is

associated with food spoilage and plant

disease there's absolutely nothing

healthy about fermented foods both mold

and yeasts are fungi the only difference

is that yeast is a single-celled

organism and fungus is when

a bunch of yeast come together and

create a large organism in other words

yeasts are nothing more than microscopic

fungi so to get rid of moles warts

dandruff and other fungal skin issues

you're going to have to detox and stop

eating things that feed and create more

fungus also anything that has sulfur in

it be this sulfa drugs be the

supplements like MSM and SLE cysteine

even biotin anything has sulfur in it is

going to feed fungus sulfur is like an

aphrodisiac for fungus

so that's another thing you want to


when you are taking supplements or

medications because these will affect

your fungal load in the body now aside

from pimples warts and mauls

they're also pigmentation related

disorders of the skin vitiligo and

melasma are caused by the issues with

the hypothalamus pituitary and the

adrenal glands so let's talk about

melasma because people have asked about


so melasma is a type of

hyperpigmentation of the skin that

causes brown or dirty looking patches on

the forehead cheeks and most commonly

the upper lip giving you the appearance

of a mustache now this discoloration

develops slowly over time and it is

thought to be exacerbated by sun

exposure by the UV light

but melasma doesn't occur as a result of

the sun melasma occurs as a result of an

overabundance of melanocytes stimulating

hormone which is produced by the skin

pituitary gland and hypothalamus

production of this hormone by the skin

and a pituitaur in response to sunlight

so while Sun may worsen melasma it

doesn't actually cause it

this melanocytes stimulating hormone

plays a key role in producing colored

pigmentation that's found in the skin

hair and ice and it does this by

inducing specialized skin cells called

melanocytes to produce a pigment called

melanin high levels of melanocytes

stimulating hormone result in increased

production of melanin which of course

causes skin to darken what's more is

that hyper pigmentation or abnormal

darkening of the skin is often found in

individuals were suffering from primary

adrenal insufficiency

sometimes these people are diagnosed

with the Addison's disease

you see when adrenal glands do not

produce enough cortisol which is the

stress regulating hormone the

hypothalamus is going to stimulate the

pituitary gland to release more

adrenocorticotropic hormone in an

attempt to stimulate the adrenal glands

to produce more cortisol but

adrenocorticotropic hormone

gets broken down to produce melanocytes

stimulating hormone thus leading to

hyperpigmentation of the skin

pregnancy and birth control can elevate

melanocytes stimulating hormone levels

which will then cause hyperpigmentation

of the skin and also remember that your

pituitary gland controls female hormones

these are the ovaries so any

disregulation of the pituitary function

may result in hyperpigmentation due to

abnormal hormonal fluctuation even

without extenuating circumstances like

pregnancy or menopause Cushing's

syndrome which is where pituitary

produces excess adrenocorticotropic

hormone can also lead to

hyperpigmentation and this brings me to

the so-called age or liver spots because

I believe that these belong with melasma

they're not exactly the same but

they're driven by similar processes it

was once believed that liver spots were

caused by liver problems that's why they

were called that but this theory has

been since debunked and disproven now

they know that age spots are actually

caused by overactive pigment cells on

skin that has had years of sun exposure

age spots appear when melanin becomes

clumped or is produced in high

concentrations so to me it seems that

melasma and age spots are related

maybe it's just that when we talk about

melasma you know we think really about

discolorations on the face that are

larger whereas age spots are smaller in

size and can appear all over the body

but you also need to consider is that

melanin production in response to Sun is

a defense mechanism the Sun is acidic

the heat is acidic so if you have a lot


backed up plinth in your skin that is

damaging the skin the body is going to

produce more pigment in those areas to

protect itself from the Sun radiation so

this is how I see it and this would be

my explanation of it so I'm sorry I

can't give you a better one

so that's hyperpigmentation but on the

other end of the spectrum we have a

deficiency in melanocytes stimulating

hormone which results in a lack of skin

pigmentation as well as a subsequent

loss of natural protection from the UV

rays in secondary adrenal insufficiency

damage to the pituitary gland prevents

the release of the effort mentioned

adrenocorticotropic hormone and

melanocytes stimulating hormone and

therefore there is a reduced

pigmentation of the skin and this is

when you're going to see cases of

vitiligo the so-called Michael Jackson

disease where people are losing pigment

in their skin so obviously to address

these things you have to work on your

glands your hypothalamus your two eteri

and your adrenals cosmetic intervention

is not going to give you the results

that you want not only that you will

continue to get new spots of


so it's gonna be like whack-a-mole

trying to get rid of one well a new one

forms so the idea is to address the core

cause now I want to touch briefly on

melanoma because someone in the group

has asked about it and melanoma of

course is skin cancer but cancerous

cells are nothing more than damaged or

mutated cells now how do they get that

way remember when I talked about the

four stages of lymphatic stagnation in

the interstitial spaces around the cells

and specifically the fourth and final

degenerative stage which shows up as

black color in the iris for those of you

who are familiar with iridology

we are told that sun exposure causes

skin cancer but that is not entirely

true damaged skin cells are being

strangled by systemic acids by their own

waste products when these cells get

exposed to high levels of UV radiation

it's going to mutate these cells and

turn them cancerous so once again it's

not the Sun but the existing underlying

inflammation and acidosis that are the

primary causes while the Sun which is

acidic is simply a catalyst if your skin

is healthy and your body is an alkaline

you're not going to have these problems

moreover the commercial Sun blocks are

actually more likely to cause cancer

than prevent it because most of them

contain toxic carcinogenic ingredients

like oxybenzone I'd say you're better

off using good old Zain oxide that comes

without any other additives

though the downside of zinc oxide is

that it's really thick and greasy there

are some natural oils that you can try

like neem olive and raspberry seed oil

that are also known to offer protection

from the Sun just be aware that there's

a lot of fake olive oil being sold

commercially and to get protection you

need the real thing of course neem oil

is good but it's really really smelly so

I don't know user-friendly it is if you

don't mind smelling like peanut butter

and garlic then it might work for you

and of course if you're going to choose

oils as SPF make sure that you only use

raw and organic types the last thing I

want to discuss with regard to skin is

the prematurely aging wrinkly loose skin

with stretch marks that bruises easily

now all these characteristics that I not

so artfully just crammed into one

sentence have one underlying thing in

common and that is loss of calcium now

you may have all of them you may

manifest only some of them you see when

we become overly acidic the body will

attempt to restore balance by stealing

calcium from its tissues in order to

bring some alkaline chemistry into

itself but that's only a part of the

problem because technically the body

should be able to then replace that

calcium by synthesizing more of it from

the food that we eat but when one or

more of the glands are responsible for

calcium utilization such as the two

eteri thyroid or parathyroid are down

we're now going to be able to do that

now of course loss of calcium is also

going to weaken the nails

by making them either ridged or brittle

caused them to be splitting and calcium

loss will also make the hair brittle

causing it to break and split so know

that when you have skin that's wrinkled

II and loose or you bruise easily you

have stretch marks you get scarring you

scar easily it means that one you're too

acidic and two you're not utilizing your

calcium properly so these are the things

you need to address now I'd like to

mention a few other things that can

wreak havoc on skin and make it worse

first is detox all right you're gonna

say weight is in detox supposed to clear

up the skin yes and it will eventually

however detox is removal of toxic waste

from organs and tissues that have been

accumulating in in the body for a long

period of time it's kind of like

cleaning out a neglected home of a

quarter so hydrating and mobilizing this

old stagnant lymph when your kidney

filtration is inadequate or non-existent

which it is from for many people is

going to cause skin eruptions because

remember I said that when kidneys are

not working and the bowel is backed up

this the the body is going to use the

path of least resistance it's gonna

start to push everything through the

skin and this is another reason why I

would like people to exercise caution

when they're using lymphatic herbs

because if you're stirring up more lymph

than the body can eliminate there will

be a spillover that's going to have to

be rerouted through the skin and

understand that whatever toxins have

been stagnated

subcutaneously meaning in your skin on

underneath your skin the body is going

to excrete through the skin rather than

the kidneys because that is the shortest

path of least resistance and the body

will always choose the most efficient

way of cleaning itself so you know don't

be dismayed and disappointed at the

start of your healing journey when you

may see your skin actually get worse and

for a while you may also see your skin

go through phases where it can be nice

and clear for a period of time followed

by new outbreaks and eruptions and this

is normal and it's bound to happen as

you keep digging deeper into the body

because we detox in layers and of course

each new layer you reach is going to

bring to the surface that old stagnant

crap that's been lurking around for a

while it's like when you are cleaning

your house right so if you're just doing

like light housekeeping

you know you straighten up the room you

vacuum you dust and on the surface to

the naked eye things look tidy and clean

but when you start moving the furniture

and start cleaning behind the couch or

on top of the cabinets or behind the

fridge you're going to find all kinds of

nasty grime that was invisible at a

first glance but was nevertheless there

so be patient and consistent and

eventually you will see this trend

reversing where the periods of clear

skin will get longer and breakouts will

become more rare and less aggressive

second thing that can exacerbate an

already bad skin is exercise oh no

another one

why do I say this when we exercise we

produce lactic acid that's why you feel

sore after a good workout where

everything aches right now if you're not

filtering this lactic acid will only add

to the toxic burden of the body which it

cannot eliminate through the kidneys and

this means that the body will then try

to excrete these acids from the skin

causing boil spin poles cysts and so on

and third factor you need to consider is

strikes first and foremost stress is an

acidic event when we get stressed out

our adrenal glands get hit and their

function is impaired so adrenals produce

neurotransmitters that regulate

elimination both through the kidneys and

the bowels and in the adrenals are down

so is the elimination which means that

the body will have to get rid of the


through the skin once again causing

breakouts of all kinds acne psoriasis

herpes and so on and as we already

discussed when adrenals fail to produce

enough cortisol the hypothalamus will

stimulate the pituitary to make

adrenocorticotropic hormone which is

going to break down into melanocytes

stimulating hormone it's implicated in

malakas men hyperpigmentation and that's

why you're always going to see your skin

get worse during stressful times and

this is due to the role of the adrenals

now if you have chronic skin problems

it's very likely that you will

eventually end up having hair problems

why is that hair is connected to skin

health because hair follicles are inside

the skin hair grows out of the skin when

we have toxic waste backing up and

stagnating in tissues it does a couple

of things one it restricts the flow of

blood and therefore oxygen and nutrients

to the hair follicles affecting the

thickness and the texture of our hair

and two it's important to understand

that this waste is acidic and corrosive

and if it sits in your skin because you

can't sweat due to your weak thyroid or

because you're taking drugs that

suppress expectoration

like accutane steroids or antibiotics

then over time this acidic waste is

going to breakdown the follicles causing

hair loss by the way salicylic acid

which is a very popular treatment for

acne has been directly linked to hair

loss according to doctor Jensen impaired

circulation and certain types of

chemical poisoning like quinine or

general anesthesia can turn your hair

gray by the way anesthesia can also

cause hair loss so if you're already

dealing with stagnant lymphatic system

that doesn't move or extreme or excrete

waste then and then you go and have

surgeries don't be surprised if you

start losing hair

it's similar to the chemo effect when

we're putting a substance in our body so

acidic that it just takes the hair off

and the only way to get your hair back

is to remove that which is destroying it

systemic acids and toxic chemicals

taking remedies or applying topical

elixirs is useless because you cannot

regenerate tissue in an acidic

environment period you may get a

temporary bump with some potions through

sheer stimulation but it's going to be

short-lived you're not going to see

lasting results the only reason people

see some improvement in hair with the

topical use of oils is that lipids as we

already said are anti acids this is also

why some people have really oily scalp

the body is old producing oil as a

defense mechanism against acids my hair

used to get so greasy that I had to wash

it every single day or I would look

dirty and and really gross now I can go

for days without looking like a greasy

mess you know I was losing hair for many

years and some people lose hair before

they go on a detox and start fasting and

some people start losing it

once they transition you can have two

different scenarios hair loss is

connected to acidosis so when you're

overly acidic and I was on accutane that

I mentioned which is a really really

really bad drug it's so bad and it's

side-effects that you have to sign

multiple waivers

in order to be on it and I believe that

the doctor that put me on it should lose

her license because this direction

they're given to anyone you have to

actually promise that if you get

pregnant you will abort the fetus you

have to sign a piece of paper in order

to be able to take this drug this is how

bad it is you have to take monthly blood

tests and urine tests to keep track of

your liver enzymes so drugs like

accutane have been linked to hair loss I

know other women who have lost their

hair from accutane what happens though

is that it doesn't happen while you're

taking it it happens farther down the

road so it's difficult for people to

correlate it now

when people go on detox they start

fasting they change your diet to raw

foods the body starts to clean itself

and it starts to rebuild and regenerate

and anything that

is set for or is made from inferior

building material your body is going to

get rid of

because it wants to make everything

stronger and better and this of course

includes hair nails muscle when you

start detoxing you're gonna see you're

gonna lose a must so anything that's

made from inferior product building

material your body is going to let go so

if your hair was weak you may not even

known that but if your hair was week

prior to detox your body's gonna start

dumping it because it says mmm this is

not good enough we can do better so

it's very common for people to start

losing hair once they go into fasting

and they think that you know the raw

diet is doing that for them that it's

it's making things worse that is not the

case whatsoever but the body never ever

will get rid of something that is good

and sound and healthy because the body

is very intelligent and very efficient

what I also want to tell you is that

your focus should not be in treating

symptoms oh my hair is falling out I

need to put something on my scalp I need

this shampoo I need to do this potion

I need that supplement that is not going

to get you anywhere

what I experienced was that I would be

on some type of product and it would

give me a little bump where things would

stop shedding and maybe I get some hair

growth but inevitably after certain

period of time more hair would fall out

and I would be in a worse position that

was before so it was like swimming

upstream and constantly finding yourself

farther and farther down the river

despite all your efforts I even did PRP

which is platelet-rich plasma where they

take your blood they separate the plasma

they inject it into your scalp which is

very painful and costly procedure and it

had minimal impact on my hair loss I

didn't start to see real results until I

increased my fasting and I really got

aggressive with cleaning my GI tract

because remember GI track is connected

to the head that is the lymphatic

channel through which toxic waste backs

up into other tissues so your focus

should be on dealing with the root

causes now if you want to apply oils go

ahead and do it I think it can slow down

the shedding for you because it sort of

reduces the acidity of the scalp it's

not a solution but it can sort of

mitigate the loss that you're going to

experience but at the same time whatever

is going to come out is going to come

out no matter what if that hair is weak

your body's gonna destroy it is gonna

shed it whether it does it today or

there's a three months from now

so it's up to you you know also keep in

mind that

haier often takes the longest to get

back and regenerate because the body in

its intelligence prioritizes its efforts

and resources this means that as you

start rebuilding your body through raw

diet and fasting the resources your body

will direct to the vitally important

tissues and organs things that actually

keep you alive like the brain heart

lungs kidneys liver etc obviously hair

in the grand scheme of things is really

not that important it's not that serious

other than for our vanity so the body

will always take priority in working on

more vital organs and tissues we can all

survive just fine without hair but death

will come in minutes if the heart can't

pump blood so be prepared that hair

regeneration may take some time but it

does come back I promise you based on

what I've observed with other people

taking a survey it can take four to six

years to fully restore hair depending on

the severity of your problem

I always tell people to use iridology

and look at their eyes

and look specifically in the head area

to see if you have radio Solaris or

lacunae because this will mean that it

may be harder for you specifically to

regenerate both the brain and the hair

because radio Solaris and lacunae point

to structural weaknesses point to

increase toxicity these and these are

genetic weaknesses these are things that

you were born with so you're going to

have to work through a lot of stuff to

overcome these things now a friend of

mine swears by this herbal formula for

hair loss and you can either make a tea

out of this or you can make your own

tincture where you use ninety-nine point

proof organic green alcohol you soak

your herbs for about eight to twelve

weeks and then you strain and then you

just consume the tincture so this

formula includes horse tail country

route oat straw and lobelia so for a

pound of horse tail you're going to take

three-quarters of a pound of comfrey

root half a pound of oat straw and a

quarter of pound of lobelia I would also

recommend dr. Morris's formulas for this

and specifically

upper circulation and brain and nerve

these two formulas have shown ability to

regenerate hair and help hair growth now

also be sure to stimulate circulation in

your scalp manually by doing scalp

massage daily okay don't freak out when

you see here come out because as I said

whatever's weeks gonna come out one way

or another it can come out today or two

months from now but it's gonna come out

no matter what so night is well accepted

that this is just going to happen and

trust and know that it will regenerate

now for me hair regeneration didn't

happen all at once and I says I still

didn't get my hair back what happened

for me is that about a year ago I

stopped shedding completely I no longer

have shedding where it used to come out

in clumps it was scary and it used to do

that for years and years and years and

once it stopped shedding it started to

grow back and portions or patches so it

wasn't like my hair stop chatting and I

got it all back everywhere no it's a

gradual process and why this is

happening because some parts of your

head are draining better than others

there are some parts of your head that

probably have genetic weaknesses while

others don't you're also going to see

the difference between the right and the

left side of your body in terms of hair

growth and regeneration as well as hair

loss why because each side is serviced

by its own kidney you have two kidneys

right and left right kidney only drains

the right side of the body left kidney

only drains the left side of the body

this is how body removes cellular

lymphatic waste so most people myself

included usually have one kidney that's

weaker than the other and this is where

you're gonna see more problems or more

severe hair loss

okay so be aware of that so the only

meaningful thing that's going to

transform your skin hair and nails is

cellular detoxification and deep tissue

regeneration in other words you have to

clean house

two raw foods preferably fruit and

fasting there is no miracle potion or

lotion that's going to give you clear

tight glowing skin or thick long hair

until you eliminate the crap that's

breaking these things down

I do recommend herbs because they can be

a great help and accelerate the process

of both cleaning and regeneration so

you're going to have to open up the

pathways of elimination you're going to

have to hydrate and mobilize stagnant

limbs and of course improve circulation

and regenerate the glands first order of

business is always always always

cleaning out the gut and getting kidney

filtration and then of course you also

have to open up the skin

and extend a juice best of 90 days or

more would do great things for your GI

tract remember you cannot drain the head

until you've cleaned up the transfers :

at least to some extent and if you

cannot drain the head you cannot get

your hair back and you cannot regenerate

your pituitary gland dry fasting for a

minimum of 24 36 hours is excellent for

kidney filtration it helps to open up

the kidneys to help them filter if you

can use aren't working you're not

detoxing remember that if you are having

a hard time with filtration do take

herbs like dr. Morse's kidney formulas

or make your own or just buy a bunch of

herbs like couch press juniper berry

dandelion parsley burdock what else

goldenrod natto gravel there's so many

and some of them are really easily

accessible now to open up the skin

you'll need to support the thyroid with

iodine rich kelp or black or Irish moss

whatever you prefer

just be careful with sea vegetables that

they are not contaminated with radiation

plastics and so on and of course you

should also be taking endocrine herbs

such as issuer's Cassandra astragalus

saw palmetto because these are going to

work on all of your glands

remember that thyroid regulates body

temperature which enables us to sweat

this if you are hypo thyroid your

thyroid is sluggish you're not going to

be able to get warm enough that's why

people who have low thyroid function

usually feel cold they have called the

ends of feet right so you have to kick

up the thyroid function so that your

body can actually get its temperature up

to sweat so sweating and opening up the

skin is extremely important for clearing

of the skin I recommend dry brushing

now I also recommend going into the

sauna either dry sauna or steam sauna is

good and what I would do I would dry

brush before going into the sauna and if

your skin really has a hard time

sweating apply essential oils to the

skin rub them into your skin and you

will find that you will sweat better and

more okay now what I would like to

mention here is that I would not be

using infrared saunas those are no good

it is isolated radiation that heats you

up from inside we know that radiation

causes cancer so when you have a lot of

acids that are strangling your cells

that are damaging them impairing their

functions and then you apply this

radiation toward them you're going to

further destroy these cells just like

cancer happens from UV radiation cancer

will happen to those cells from infrared

radiation the difference between far

infrared and full-spectrum light is that

full-spectrum light that we get from

sunlight that has the UVs and your

boobies will burn you from the outside

but the near-infrared that isolated

radiation is going to burn you from the

inside so I don't care what they say how

great it is it makes you sweat please do

not do it you will only make things

worse for yourself in the long run with

the red with the infrared light now of

course you also have to take care of

your pituitary and parathyroid

pituitary affects all the other glands

it's like the manager the boss so

sometimes the issue is not with the

parathyroid or you know the thyroid it's

the pituitary that's the problem because

it's not signaling correctly it's not

managing these glands properly

you can look at your eyes if you

understand iridology to see which glands

are affected what stage of lymphatic

stagnation they're in and then act

appropriately have to have to have to

support your adrenal glands for stress

management as we said stress is going to

affect your skin your if your adrenal

glands are weak they're not they're not

gonna be able to handle stress they

can't produce cortisol it's gonna also

impact the hyperpigmentation issues that

you have so it's extremely important

that you support all your glands now if

you have any questions you can I don't

know if you write them or you just ask

them directly

okay rana first of all it was fantastic

thank you very much it was very

informative I wanted to ask about gray

hair could you elaborate on that in

again about graying hair yes so green

hair has two culprits one is lack of

circulation lack of oxygen lack of

nutrition and two chemical poisoning and

you will see this with people who go

gray prematurely if people go gray

premature like my father other went gray

he was in its early thirties this is

usually chemical toxicity that is passed

down genetically because we went because

we inherit our lymphatic system from the

mother we literally take on her blood

and her limbs because we're hooked and

direct me into her fluids while we are

inside the womb right so quinine is

known to cause gray hair also anesthesia

people who have weakness in their head

and by the way I have a lot of radio

Solaris into my head area so you see

that you have a predisposition that's

why when some people can can get

cancer can can get tumors but never lose

their hair because they're not weak in

that area you understand so you will see

problems where you have inherent

weaknesses because those are the areas

that don't really circulate well

nutrition and also don't remove toxins

well so those are the weakest links

those are the things they're going to

break down first so people who have gray

hair will probably also have a lot of

lacunae or radius LR is going into their

head area I'm gonna pull up a picture

here so I want to show you what that

looks like what I'm talking about

and I just wanted to ask you Mary to

clarify those terms

lacunae and the second one that you

mentioned I'm gonna show you this is why

I want to take a picture so that you

understand because anything it is not

going to help anyone if you don't know

what I'm talking about so I'm gonna

attempt to share screen again let's see

okay okay so you see this picture yes

okay so you see these lines deep lines

like spokes on a wheel do you see them

yes alright so these lines and your head

is right here in this area it's between

11:00 and 1:00 o'clock so when you have

these deep lines these deep radio

Solaris these are like toxic tunnels and

you see they're emanating from the GI

tract and they're going all the way into

the head and you see this person has

like this dark outside ring around the

iris this is where the skin is so when

you see this kind of a dark ring that's

darker in color and consistency around

the iris this tells you that you have

lymphatic stagnation of the skin and

when you have in DC this is gonna be

here between 11:00 and 1:00 o'clock at

the top here the edge of iris this is

your scalp

this is where your scalp skin is and you

have all of these toxic tunnels cutting

rights from to it

and these toxic tunnels are emanating

from the GI tract specifically with them

transverse colon which is right here

where I'm where I'm showing so when you

have these radio Solaris you already

know you have genetic weaknesses you are

already predisposed to things like a

mess Lou Gehrig's Parkinson's your per

dispositions to all kinds of

neurological issues

you also have skin that is down so it's

gonna be harder for this person to

regenerate it's gonna take longer than

someone who doesn't have these now I'm

going to close this and I'm gonna bring

another picture up that's gonna show

lacunae okay all right so here we have

another picture once again remember

between 11:00 and 1:00 o'clock you look

at your iris as if it's the face of the

clock so now watch watch the arrow you

see these petal like shapes mm-hmm these

are called lacunae so lacunae is is

where the fibers of the eye are so weak

they're starting to separate they're

starting to create holes in the texture

of the eye and this is representative of

weaknesses and of course you also see

that all of these lacunae are emanating

also from the GI tract which is this

area around the people this the sort of

wavy outline so anytime you see these

types of openings these are genetic

inherent weaknesses and you of course if

you compare them with a chart you will

be able to relate them to specific

tissues glands and organs is this clear

enough for you guys to understand yes

okay so and once again this person too

has a little bit of a skin ring you see

how there's this darkened circular ring

around that's that's darker than the

rest of the eye this is where your skin

is when you see that you know that

you're gonna have skin that's backed up

and this right here is the thyroid and

parathyroid do you see where I'm

pointing mm-hmm look at this big big

lacunae big weakness in those two glands

another big weakness here's hay to eteri

gland up top in the head so this person

has both the pituitary and the thyroid

parathyroid down so have to address all

three mm-hmm so now you have problems

with a skin and usually when you see

problems with the skin you're gonna have

problems with with thyroid parathyroid

they just go hand-in-hand

lacunae so there is they just have

different appearance Aradia Solaris is

alive okay it's like that spoke on a

wheel a lacuna is an opening and it

usually is is basically a widening of

the fibers where they're normally should

be tightly knit together like this but

when the integrity of the tissue is

compromised they start to come apart

under pressure right and that also when

you have a lot of lacunae you're going

to know that you have connective tissue

weakness in your body and of course

that's connected to your parathyroid

gland of the first condition the first

15 showed us so the first picture

showcased radius Alaris and these are

not conditions these are just markings

on the iris that mean inherent toxicity

both conditions are really related to

the bowels but radius Solaris are really

like toxic tunnel

through which toxins flow and back up

through from the gut into other areas

ivana so I think we got to this subject

from the subject of graying hair so just

the subject of gray hair so so what will

be the best answer to regenerate gray

hair you have to detox you have to detox

the chemicals the substances that cause

that to begin with that's one you have

to increase circulation to the head you

know I didn't just lose my hair I also

lost my eyebrows and when my eyebrows

came back the hairs didn't have pigment

in them so I had the hairs but they were

pigment free so this was another clue

for me that my hair loss was caused by

chemical intoxication from drugs like

accutane from having had surgery and

anesthesia that compounded the

weaknesses that I already was

predisposed to and also having genetic

lineage like I said my father who won

gray at 30 you can accept it now I don't

have any gray hair on my head but my

eyebrows came back go back and they grew

back with pigment free hair and now I

have to tint them because only some of

them changed I helped reverse to their

color now once you detox your hair color

will change but it can take a long time

because the head and generally takes the

longest you have to remember kidneys are

what excretes waste so whatever is the

farthest from the kidneys is gonna take

the longest that's just how it works

right so the head is usually the last

and it's hardest to regenerate and also

because as I said the body's gonna

prioritize it's gonna prioritize brain

over your hair rights just connect and

thank God because who wants to be

demented with with a great head of hair

I mean maybe some people do not me can I

ask a question about sunscreen lotions

the fair and

we're even they contain a lot of

cancer-causing chemicals that have been

actually in studies and research shown

to cause skin cancer so what do you do

think outside it's that old-fashioned

sense for remember and in the 50s and

60s you could see like a white patch

people put on their nose to protect

themselves from the Sun that zinc oxide

it comes out of the tube really thick

and greasy doesn't spread really well

the good thing about is that doesn't

really get absorbed because it's so so

thick it has that thick consistency and

it's compared to other things it's

really not toxic but you know you're

gonna have to give up the lightness and

transparency you you're not gonna look

great when you when you wear it so

there's some pros and cons there and

also you can use oils I've never used

oils for sunscreen but as I said me

olive oil real organic olive oil that's

a hundred percent olive oil not mixed

with other stuff has been shown to have

a fairly high SPF and also raspberry

seed oil has been shown to be great

raspberry seed repellent another

question about the condition of dry skin

dry skin skin that gets broken easily

especially in the cold weather but

basically dry skin very dry skin so what

what it might be caused by well think

about it this way acids acids are really

dehydrating so if you're really acidic

it's gonna dry you out because when

things are moving and everything is

hydrated this is why we called

detoxification a hydrating process and

we talked about Lynn

being stagnant mucus being hardened and

dried up because this is the nature of

acidic chemistry it dries everything up

so you get flakes but flakes are not

just about dryness remember we talked

about this is also a fungal issue also

when people have sort of this it almost

looks like their skin is dusty it's

actually uric acid crystals that the

skin is it is excreting and this is why

dry brushing is so good because you're

going to get rid of all that and it's

not about putting lotions on if you're

gonna be dry brushing on a regular basis

you're gonna see your skin improve and

it's gonna feel much less dry because as

you continue we get rid of those acids

that uric acid you're not drying out the

skin so much hmm

yeah in my case I don't have any

problems in the summer in the hot

weather but when the temperature gets

lower then my skin gets much much drier

and it gets to the point when it's even

breaks and you know if the blood comes

out but in the summer no problem in

breaking skin is again weak skin this is

connective tissue weakness this is

parathyroid but also when things get

cold there's less humidity in the air so

we're not absorbing as much into the

skin from the air so we see it's so in

the winter I would say it's not it gets

worse it's it shows you what it really

is like when when it's not getting that

extra moisture yes and also thyroid is

implicated when in skin dryness when you

have hyperthyroidism when thyroid is

overactive it's going to cause dry skin

so basically thyroid is responsible

force for hydration in general and skin

hydration in particular no there isn't

responsible for skin hydration a thyroid

is responsible for temperature

regulation through the end skin that

either is going to be too

hot hmm it's gonna be too cold to sweat

okay and also consider fungus because

the flaking of the skin is also a fungal

issue that's why people will separate

dermatitis are gonna start they get that

scaly skin and we get the dandruff but

then I think if it were frankerz that I

would experience it all year round not

not just in a particular seasons but if

I'd if I if experiences just in the

winter let's say that probably it's not

fungus wouldn't say that yeah because

fungus it does it doesn't matter okay

fungus is not dependent on the weather

or temperature and when you start to

eliminate fungus it's very very pleasant

because it's gonna be really itchy when

and it comes out in sort of in spurts

and I will get these raised rashes and

especially on my face it's in my neck

that are just so itchy and then they

subside so you're gonna see these things

come through the skin everybody

everybody has fungus we can't live

without it if you were ever eating like

sugars you could not survive without

having fungus and you can never ever get

rid of it completely but there are also

different types of fungus right so you

know we want to arrive at a healthy

balance and this is what people will get

fungal infections of their nails and

they keep putting point mints like plan

of sale and antifungals and the stuff

keeps coming back why because it's all

through you it's systemic it's in your

lymph and lymph this around every single

cell and that's why it's gonna be in the

skin it's gonna be everywhere everywhere

where you have cells where you have

lymph because it's one system it's not

like you know you can only get it here

or there now because the same fluid goes

into every cells as soon as blood does

so you're going to have systemic fungal

loads okay okay friends does anyone else

last question stop talking you talk

about diet I mean everything stems from

toxins and that's why we were in order

to heal

we need to detox so what do you

recommend just root the raw fruits and

vegetables yes diet is about removing

obstructions because it's not the food

that does the work of detoxification and

cleansing even though some foods are

better at it it's that when we reduce

the burden of digestion we are opening

up the energy for the body in space to

now actually do its work the work that

it's programmed to do naturally and

fruit and raw foods are the least

obstructive foods and fruits facility

because it also is highly electrical and

it's excellent for the glands

whereas vegetables are more for building

that was a more dense than fruit so

vegetables will not detox you as well as

fruit just because they take more energy

to digest and process you see so it's

about eliminating this is why fasting is

so is so so vital and so effective

because when we were in rural food and

we will remove water the body is not

free to do its work otherwise it's

always like it has one hand tied behind

its back because it has to do this then

they attend to that and remove this and

digest and util and utilize them and it

doesn't have enough time to to actually

tend to its own needs so the diet is

important because the less obstructive

the diet the more vital and living the

diet that we consume and the last week

once in terms of quantity and calories

actually the better the opportunity is

for the body to then heal itself

I'm not saying you don't have to eat but

that's why I'm saying choose the food

that is the least obstructive and that

is not going to be cooked food and at

some point you can happen if you want a

real deep healing you're gonna have to

let go of the vegetables at least for a

while because you need to to sort of

take it down a notch in terms of the

digestive burden because as I said

vegetables are harder to process even in

raw vegetables it's still too much work

involved in processing them so if you

want to get to a deeper level of healing

and cleaning the body you're gonna have

to go to the fruit or the juice and you

can do this in in segments you don't

have to be like Arak a full liquid area

right you can just do a juice fast for a

hundred days and then you go back to eat

it you see

but in that hundred days when you had

minimal digestive processes the body's

gonna get a lot done or like what I do

when I do extend it long dry effects

where you can get a lot done in that

space and then you can go back to eating

more normally when you're eating your

fruits and vegetables but to get to

really deep deep levels of cleaning you

can't I'm sorry you can do with that

Schmo you certainly can now do cooked

food you can you're not gonna do with

grains you're not gonna do with rice I

don't care that it's negan you're simply

another to be able to do it how can you

I mean you have to live in something

like run you can't even uncooked

so where you can this is this is a

belief system this is brainwashing

this isn't affect we talked about this

earlier the body does not need very much

body's caloric means have been greatly

greatly over-represented the body

actually needs very little 99.9 percent

over what you put in your body comes out

the other end the body discards it and

John Rose proved it because John Rose is

a crazy old man but

blossom what he did when he would weigh

everything before it went in and weigh

it before after it went out and he

tracked all of his bowel movements now

for decades so the body actually uses

very very very little minut amounts the

reason we eat so much is because we're

not absorbing and utilizing things that

we eat because we're so clogged up it's

not that we need a lot it just that we

can't get any use out of it because the

body is so bogged down that it cannot

process food it cannot digest it it

cannot absorb it it cannot utilize it so

it's not about how much you put in how

much use you're getting out of what

you're putting in so how much do you

really have to eat he's looking pretty

alive and well he's been on nothing but

juices and liquids for nine months right

all right huh right look at ray Moore

he's a liquid Arian he doesn't eat and

people are healthy and and you're low

you look at people who eat cooked food

meat and still they have these horrible

under eye bags and circles and and look

at Arak he looks like he's 12 it's not

affecting his health if anything it

makes you feel more vitality it makes

you feel younger less encumbered gives

you more energy right you know when I

when I was really sick before I

understood the the benefits of fasting I

always felt better when I didn't eat my

symptoms would always get worse once I

started eating during the day right when

I woke up I'd be feeling good I'd be

normal I could go and do so once I had

my first meal however small it was

that's it I was done I had no more

energy you know what else happens when

you sort of set your body to a much

lighter diet when I was doing all fruit

juices and then I went and I had myself

a big salad and you could really see the

difference in digestion and the energy

it takes I passed out nearly in my salad

bowl why because it was so dense and it

took so much energy that I had no energy

left to stay awake I literally fell

asleep like I cannot believe this I

cannot keep my eyes open it was

lunchtime and I had a celery was all raw

and it only three ingredients and yet

the difference an energy it takes to

digest a salad of cucumbers avocados and

some alfalfa sprouts versus digesting a

mango or a watermelon is tremendous and

you can see this like you literally have

no energy I passed out for a few hours

right as this is how much energy my body

had to divert to digest it understand


Everage person's energy about 70% of it

is spent on digestion and elimination

imagine if you free that energy up by

eating less or eating things that are

easier to digest imagine if that energy

is now diverted to your brain the things

you could do so this concept is is a

social construct that we need to eat and

we need to eat this much and it comes

from from this conditioning where you

know in the earlier days of humankind

where food was scarce and you know

humans were always looking for food or

there were periods in history where

there were famines and people were dying

from from hunger

basically in starvation it has

conditioned us that we need more but

this is not actually true yeah what

would I Eric can I ask a question honey

here absolutely absolutely yeah - two

thoughts ahead like you know when I when

I cry fast and I feel you know okay


retired and I'm looking forward to my

two hours window and then I consume

something and I'm so excited and consume

it and then it's over and it really feel

like it doesn't bring me the happiness

you know what I'm saying

like I'm even like it I mean yeah I add

something because it was so excited

because it's like okay that's the end

like it's it's what I'm looking forward

to in the day you know like something

like that and then like consumed and I'm

like well it was not really worth to be

excited about it it didn't really feel

yeah it didn't feel it didn't make me

energized right um even had a question

that I had for you is in regards of not

eating and detoxing and healing is for

me it's really hard with my staff is

finding the fine line between okay I I

don't want to go in a deep deep healing

journey because I don't I can't deal

right now with all the healing crisis is

too much and but I obviously I want but

I can't deal with it so for me is like

you know my my stuff that is going on so

yeah it's for me hard to find the path I

don't know how to express well the way I

do it I can't be on this fruit like for

for a long term this is why I like to

take tons of time where I go really deep

and really intense or I'll go for seven

nine days without food and water and to

get a lot done and then I go back to the

more normal way of being so eating raw

but I'll have you know my avocado I'll

have some some veggie fruits rather than

all fruit so it's about finding what

works for you mm-hmm because you know

it's better for me this way it's it's

easier psychologically and emotionally

for me because I know that this time I

can do I can strap myself in and I can

go full-bore

completely focus for this amount of time

and then I can let go a little bit it

doesn't mean that I go off and start

eating cooked food and you know dead

food and animal products now but it

means that you're not as intensely

focused you're not as strict I think one

that makes and I think the question the

specific question is you know please

especially cleaning out the colon so you

know we talked about and I think you've

mentioned one of your idios if you

really want to dig deep you know and

getting the stuff out of the colon you

have to and that's what I'm striking you

have to choose first three four weeks

you know 105 ok because like I said all

of that waste is dehydrated so you're

not gonna be moving it out right away it

took me thirty two days on a juice fast

before I actually started moving old

hard and waste out that's how long it

took for me to hydrate to even get


so the first 32 days we're just warming

up this is just prep so if you go on a

juice fast for a week you're not getting

very far you see what I'm saying so

you're gonna do it like that then it's

gonna take you years this is why people

get disappointed and disillusioned

because they're doing the bare minimum

and they don't understand how big of a

job it really is to get the GI tract

clean I watched one guy who was in a

juice fast it took him 115 days to start

releasing stuff from his diverticula

there's another guy that was on a juice

s for six months and he says the head

stuff coming out of him so he broke it

before he finished because we you know

usually the common sense knowledge is

that you stay in the juice fast until

you stop eliminating old fecal matter

and he didn't stop in up to six months

but he goes

to stop this for at least take a break

because it's getting a little too much

for me and you can do that but you have

to be realistic about what it actually

takes I mean I laugh I fall off my chair

laughing when people talk to me how they

went on a juice fast for two days and

they think that that detox and they

they're now super healthy they have no

idea they're they don't have a clue yeah

I think it's so interesting

psychologically what I've been dealing

with like you know the past two weeks of

the Triffids which is amazing than had

ever you know that this small window and

I just have I guess more like fruits or

sell it it's really small because I

can't eat anyway a lot you know and I'm

really fine and satisfying but just

giving up this small little thing you

know and and instead of choosing it

because I want to go on this long choose

fast you know you know like let's say a

month or something this small thing is

so difficult you know like I don't even

know you know it's it's it's just so

much respect for all of you like this

this chewing is yeah it's comfort or I

don't I don't know it's just um yeah I

see that is emotional attachment yeah

situation people who suffer on detox

journey people who feel like they're

giving a lot of stuff up are the people

who are thinking about this as something

they're gonna do short-term something

that they need to sort of suffer through

before they came back get back to their

old comfortable fulfilling life eating

foods that they used to eat you have to

shift your perspective how you think

about this if you think about it that

way that you're gonna suffer through

your detox because you're gonna be

thinking about this something oh my god

how how soon is this over how you know

how much more of this do I have to go

before I can go back to to that which I

felt find comforting and pleasing Lily

so this is where the problem is if you

close the door to that life where he

said this said this is a different

lifestyle I'm different now this is

about raising my vibration this is about

becoming a different person it's this

about becoming human

2.0 five dimensional matrix energy body

human you know when I was in my nine day

drive fest

and when I had some sort of difficulty

I've been working with with these

energetic accelerators that are for five

D a reconfiguration of the body and I'll

just tell myself I would catch myself

and I tell myself wait I am a 5 d human

I don't need food

a 5 d body does not need food or water

and you know what just psychologically

shifting that would take away my

cravings and my thirst right away

because most of it is habitual most of

it is something that's been conditioned

into us that we're supposed to be hungry

we're supposed to eat were supposed to

want to eat or drink just for people who

are watching oh my not familiar with

this term 5 D body could you just

explain it in few words all right so our

plane of reality is defined by certain

frequencies right so they're arbitrary

sort of delineated into 3 dimensional

frequency where things are more dense

they're slower they're heavier versus

things that become lighter vibrationally

once we move up the ladder of this

vibrational frequency so when we go from

3d to 5d which is the next step our body

becomes lighter I like to bring this

example where a channel being Bashar

said that if a modern-day human

was teleported 300 years back in time to

people and that timeline modern humans

would appear as light beings why because

there is a vibrational difference

between these time periods where the

physical body actually underwent such a

transformation that 300 years later it's

actually much less dense so if we were

to compare side-by-side the two bodies

one would be really dense and maybe we

would see it as sort of deformed or or

really not well proportioned compared to

the modern human who is better developed

lighter thinner taller and so on right

so this is the difference and the

vibrational frequencies that we occupy

is of course going you're going to

manifest a specific type of vehicle

that's appropriate for that frequency

the higher the frequency the less dense

the body that you are going to use to

manifest with that frequency my goal is

to transition to the 5g frequency which

is where we have heightened psychic

abilities we have greater brain capacity

wear a lighter were more connected to

source to spirit were less physical were

less animalistic we're more expanded

mentally there's more empathy so of

course that type of spiritual mindset

and the type of vibrational frequency is

going to require a different type of

body so this is a natural progression so

I would tell myself I am a 5d human

which means I no longer need food or

water and the more we evolved on you

know up this vibrational scale we get to

the point where the body no longer needs

to eat or drink the body consumes energy

directly from the universe because we no

longer have the body but as dense right

there's now it's energetically it

doesn't need to consume second and

energy right reduced by

plant or an animal or something else

that's right okay friends I think we are

going to finish for today yeah okay

Vanna so thank you so so much for this

amazing and informative webinar I

especially like especially like the

combination of theory and practical

examples lots of tips what we can do

according to those theories so it's just

amazing and hopefully we'll meet in our

future webinars and you yours if you are

still not in the fasting group and if

this idea appeals does it to you too


once a week between 24 and 36 hours we

are welcome to join you're welcome to

send your name to their whatsapp number

below this video and I will happily add

you there so thank you very very much

thank you van Thank You friends

happy fasting bye bye hi hey

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