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Objective: understanding

a famous book passage

Read the passage twice, and highlight all the words

that you know including transparent words

1 The room in which the boys were fed, The evening arrived; the boys took their
was a large stone hall, with a copper at one places. The master, in his cook's uniform,
end: out of which the master, dressed in an stationed himself at the copper; his pauper
apron for the purpose, and assisted by one or assistants ranged themselves behind him; the
5 two women, ladled the gruel at mealtimes. 25 gruel was served out; and a long grace was
Of this festive composition each boy had said over the short commons. The gruel
one porringer, and no more--except on disappeared; the boys whispered each other,
occasions of great public rejoicing, when he and winked at Oliver; while his next
had two ounces and a quarter of bread neighbours nudged him. Child as he was, he
10 besides. The bowls never wanted washing. 30 was desperate with hunger, and reckless with
(...) misery. He rose from the table; and advancing
Oliver Twist and his companions to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said:
suffered the tortures of slow starvation for somewhat alarmed at his own temerity:
three months: at last they got so voracious 'Please, sir, I want some more.'
15 and wild with hunger, that one boy, hinted
darkly to his companions, that unless he had
another basin of gruel per diem, he was
afraid he might some night happen to eat the
boy who slept next him, who happened to be
20 a weakly youth of tender age. (...)

Vocabulary toolbox:
To ladle To serve with a very big spoon
A gruel Like a small portion of cereals
with milk
One ounce = around 29ml
Starvation The famine
Per diem Per day
To hint To make an allusion to
A pauper A poor person
Reckless Not to be prudent
For each picture can you identify the correct word from
the text?

1. A copper
2. An apron
3. A bread
4. A bowl
5. Hunger
6. To whisper
7. To wink
8. To nudge

For the following regular verbs tick the appropriate –ED


[d] [t] [id]

In pairs, use your imagination and the past simple to
imagine what Oliver Twist’s life was in the Victorian
time. You can use positive or negative sentences, and
use time indicators. You can use the dictionaries and
ask for help if needed.























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