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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Regular Meeting

Everett Public Schools Board of Directors Educational Service Center Board Room, 4:30

1. Call to Order

Subject 1.01 Call to Order

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 1. Call to Order

Access Public

Type Procedural
The Everett Public Schools Board of Directors, Snohomish County, Washington, will hold a regular board meeting on
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 in the board room of the Educational Service Center, 4730 Colby Avenue, Everett,
Washington. The board president will call the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Subject 2.01 Roll Call

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 2. Roll Call

Access Public

Type Procedural
The board president will call the roll.

3. Adoption of Agenda

Subject 3.01 Adoption of Agenda

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 3. Adoption of Agenda

Access Public

Type Action

Recommended That the board of directors approve the agenda as presented.

In accordance with the regular order of business approved by the board of directors pursuant to Policy 1440, Meeting

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Conduct and Order of Business, the regular meeting agenda is presented to the board for approval as presented, or
amendment and approval. During consideration of the meeting agenda is not the time for an item to be removed from
the consent agenda; this occurs during consideration of the consent agenda.

Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, provides in part that, "The Board shall establish its regular order
of business, but may elect to change the order by a majority vote of the members." All board meetings will be
conducted in an orderly and business-like manner using Roberts Rules of Order (Revised) as a guide, except when
such rules are superseded by board bylaws or policies.

Prior Action
The board amended its regular order of business following the summer 2009 workshop, and again following the
summer 2010 workshop, most recently at its November 2, 2010 regular meeting. The regular order of business is
published as Procedure 1440P.

Gary Cohn

Estimated Time
2 minutes

Policy 1400, Meetings
Policy 1420, Agenda
Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business
Procedure 1440P, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business

Admin Content
Gary Cohn, superintendent, (425) 385-4009

4. Consent Agenda

Subject 4.01 Consent Agenda

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Our adopted rules of parliamentary procedure, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 10th Edition, and Policy 1421,
Consent Agenda, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the board by a single motion. Most
of the items listed under the consent agenda are routine and recurring business items have undergone thorough staff
review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to board members and the
public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Nonrecurring or infrequent items are normally sent to
the board a week in advance of the agenda publication. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any board member with the concurrence of at least one other board member; items so removed will be
placed in the Action portion of the meeting agenda.

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Policy 1421, Consent Agenda

Subject 4.02 Approval of the Personnel Report

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors approve the attached personnel report for September 13,
Action 2011.
The personnel report is presented to the board of directors for approval of hiring, separation, and change of status
authorized by the superintendent.

Prior Action

Lynn Evans

Procedure 6110P, Superintendent-School Board Relations
Policy 5320, Leaves of Absence
Policy 5270, Disciplinary Action and Discharge
Policy 5281, Reduction of Certificated Administrative Staff

File Attachments
Personnel Report 20110913.pdf (25 KB)

Admin Content
Lynn Evans, executive director, human resources, (425) 385-4100

Subject 4.03 Approval of Vouchers

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors approve the vouchers for pay dates August 19, 2011
Action (General, Capital Projects, ASB), August 26, 2011 (General, Capital Projects, ASB-2,
Trust and Agency), and August 31, 2011 (General).
Board approval of district disbursements is required by RCW 42.24.080. The following voucher registers are provided
for board approval of the vouchers:

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GENERAL FUND VOUCHER REGISTER: Warrant #236143-236257 Total = $393,110.05
GENERAL FUND VOUCHER REGISTER: Warrant #236349-236446 Total = $223,827.35
PAYROLL DISBURSEMENT APPROVAL: Warrants and electronic fund transfers Total = $12,752,039.81
CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND VOUCHER REGISTER: Warrant #236105-236112 Total = $754,747.32
CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND VOUCHER REGISTER: Warrant #236269-236306 Total = $3,883,830.32
ASB FUND VOUCHER REGISTER: Warrant #236113-236142 Total = $44,918.36
ASB FUND VOUCHER REGISTER: Warrant #236307-236320 Total = $17,876.57
ASB FUND VOUCHER REGISTER: Warrant #236322-236348 Total = $49,214.77
TRUST AND AGENCY FUND VOUCHER REGISTER: Warrant #236267, 236268, 236321 Total = $1,525.00

Vouchers have been approved by the district's auditing officer.

Prior Action

Jeff Moore

File Attachments
Vouchers 20110913.pdf (449 KB)

Admin Content
Jeff Moore, executive director, finance and operations, (425) 385-4150
Gina Zeutenhorst, accounting manager, accounting, (425) 385-4179

Subject 4.04 Approval of Minutes of the August 23, 2011 Regular Meeting

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent), Minutes

Recommended That the board of directors approve the minutes of the August 23, 2011 regular
Action meeting.

Minutes View Minutes for Aug 23, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Subject 4.05 Approval of Minutes of the August 25-26, 2011 Special Meeting

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent), Minutes

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Recommended That the board of director approve the minutes of the August 25-26, 2011 special
Action meeting.

Minutes View Minutes for Aug 25, 2011 - Special Meeting

Subject 4.06 Approval of Minimum Basic Education Requirement Compliance Report

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors approve the Minimum Basic Education Requirement
Action Compliance Form SPI 1497, and authorize the board president to sign Form 1497 on
behalf of the board of directors.
The minimum basic education compliance process (Form SPI 1497) gives assurance to the Washington State Board of
Education that school districts are in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Basic Education Act, as well as
related supplemental requirements as determined by the State Board of Education.

The following statutory requirements are addressed in this process:

Kindergarten minimum 180 half days per school year (RCW 28A.150.220) (WAC 180-16-200) (WAC
Kindergarten total instructional offerings of 450 hours (RCW 28A.150.220)
Grades 1 and above minimum 180-day school year (RCW 28A.150.220) (WAC 180-16-215) (with waiver
Grades 1-12 minimum 180 day school year (RCW 28A.150.220)
Grades 1-12 total instructional offerings of a district-wide annual average of 1000 hours (RCW
State high school graduation minimum requirements (RCW 28A.230.090) (WAC 180-51-061)

Form SPI 1497 must be completed and signed by the superintendent and board president and returned to the State
Board of Education office no later than September 15, 2011.

The State Board of Education Minimum Basic Education Requirement Compliance report form and all supporting
documentation are included for the board's information.

Board action and approval of this report is required annually to provide assurance to the State Board of Education
(SBE) that Everett Public Schools is in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Basic Education Act.

Prior Action
The board of directors last approved the basic education compliance form during the regular board meeting on October
19, 2010.

Catherine Matthews

Policy 1820, Accountability
RCW 28A.150.230, Basic education act — District school directors' responsibilities

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File Attachments

EEA Work Calendar 2011-12.pdf (434 KB)

Policy 2410 High School Graduation Requirements 20110913.pdf (43 KB)

Minimum Basic Education Requirement Compliance Fiscal Year 2011-12.pdf (84 KB)

Admin Content
Terry Edwards, associate superintendent, (425) 385-4050

Subject 4.07 Award of Contract for Produce

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors award a contract for produce to Pacific Prepak, Inc., dba
Action Hendrickson Farms.
The district solicited bids for the purpose of supporting the fresh produce needs of the food and nutrition program. One
bid was received as detailed on the attached bid tabulation. The call for bids was publicized in the Everett Herald and
on the district website. In addition, invitations were sent to three known local purveyors of produce to solicit their
pricing. Our produce bid is unique in that we require vendors to break up case quantities, to process certain produce
products for consumption, and to deliver to each school. These requirements allow us to provide fresh products to our
students without excessive waste or added internal processing expense. While Hendrickson Farms provided the only
bid response, it is deemed to be competitive and they can meet or exceed the requirements stipulated.


Prior Action

Jeff Moore
Jennifer Farmer

File Attachments
Bid Tabulation 20110913.pdf (20 KB)

Admin Content
Jeff Moore, executive director, finance and operations, (425) 385-4150

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Jennifer A. Farmer, director of business services, (425) 385-4180

Subject 4.08 Approval of Bid List for 2011-12

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors approve the attached bid list for the 2011-12 fiscal year.
The bid list contains those items which the district calls for bids annually or may need to seek bids in the coming year.
Adoption of the bid list allows the administration to solicit bids on these items without further authorization. A
recommendation to award contracts to the successful bidders will be brought to the board for approval.


Prior Action

Jeff Moore

File Attachments
Bid List 2011-12.pdf (32 KB)

Admin Content
Jeff Moore, executive director, finance and operations, (425) 385-4150
Jennifer A. Farmer, director of business services, (425) 385-4180

Subject 4.09 Acceptance of Revised District Improvement Plan for 2011-14

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors accept the revised District Improvement Plan for 2011-14.
In 2007-08 Everett Public Schools entered step one of Needs Improvement status for failure to achieve Adequate
Yearly Progress (AYP). The provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) required the district to create and implement a

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three-year District Improvement Plan for student achievement in mathematics. In 2010-11 the district achieved AYP in
mathematics at all elementary schools, but continues to be in Step 2 of Needs Improvement for failure to reach the
state learning targets in mathematics for Hispanic students at middle school and for low income students at the high
school. The second three-year plan to address student achievement in mathematics is presented for school board

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) reports that after the 2011 state testing cycle, nearly
two-thirds of all schools in the state failed to achieve AYP as defined by No Child Left Behind. Everett Public Schools
has been in "Needs Improvement" since 2007-08 when the district failed to achieve AYP in mathematics in 11 AYP
cells. Currently the district has achieve AYP in mathematics for all cells but Hispanic students at middle school and low
income students at high school.

Prior Action
The board accepted the first three-year District Improvement Plan in 2008, and has accepted annual updates and
progress reports on the district implementation of the plan.

Terry Edwards

File Attachments
Everett School District Mathematics Improvement Plan 2011-14.pdf (134 KB)

Admin Content
Terry Edwards, associate superintendent, (425) 385-4050

Subject 4.10 Approval of Carl Perkins CTE Grant

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors approve the 2011-12 Carl Perkins Grant.
The purpose of the Carl Perkins Federal Grant is to more fully provide academic, career and technical skills to
secondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs. Everett is applying for
$116,348. These funds will be used in accordance with OSPI guidelines to provide increased rigor within CTE courses
and to provide professional development to CTE staff. Funds will also be used to support career centers at each high
school to assist students with selecting career pathways and courses both in high school and as they transition to
post-secondary education.

The district has received the Carl Perkins grant for many years. Funding for the grant has been reduced over the last
five years from a high of nearly $159,000 in 2007 to approximately $116,000 in 2012. Board approval is required for
the grant application and has been routinely provided.

Prior Action

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The district has received Perkins funding for several years. As in past years the funding will be used to provide
professional development to our CTE staff, and to provide support for student CTE organizations.

Terry Edwards

File Attachments
Carl Perkins Grant 2011-12.pdf (2,687 KB)

Admin Content
Terry Edwards, associate superintendent, (425) 385-4050

Subject 4.11 Authorization to Approve a Teacher-Principal Evaluation Pilot ESD

Regional Implementation Consortia Grant Application

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 4. Consent Agenda

Access Public

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended That the board of directors authorize the board president to approve a Teacher-
Action Principal Evaluation Pilot (TPEP) ESD Regional Implementation Consortia Grant
The board of directors has reviewed and discussed recently released results of the state's Teacher-Principal Evaluation
Pilot (TPEP) report, and elements of the findings of a selection of the pilot districts. Office of Superintendent of Public
Instruction (OSPI) has announced each Educational Service District (ESD) will receive grants of $100,000 to support
planning for the implementation of the new teacher and principal evaluation models. This funding will provide support
for regional meetings, evaluation resources, and mini-grants to each participating district through the ESD. A TPEP
ESD regional implementation consortium will involve 5–10 districts, which will collaborate around the evaluation
implementation activities by agreeing to the identified assurances as a group. Each ESD will coordinate the work of the
districts within the regional consortium. Applications are to be completed by school district teams willing to commit to
the grant eligibility requirements. The application requires that the school board president, school district
superintendent, president of the local teachers’ association, and president of the local principals’ association all
indicate support for participating in the TPEP implementation consortia.

Early this year the district and Everett Education Association formed a work group that evolved into a Teacher-
Principal Evaluation Pilot Steering Committee. The group visited with staff from four districts involved in four-tier
teacher evaluation and related instructional model and professional systems development, three of which are
participating in the state pilot program. The steering committee comprises 14 people, with two more related
committees (one principal group, one teacher group) to be formed. The committee studied standards and various
frameworks, and is constructing a plan to prepare Everett for the 2013-14 implementation. The recently published
legislative report was provided previously for board reference, as were publications from the Association of
Washington School Principals (AWSP) and the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) on the subject
of evaluation systems redevelopment. Directors may visit the TPEP website for additional background information.

As outlined in E2SSB 6696, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is working with the Washington
Education Association (WEA), the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA), the Washington

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Association of School Administrators (WASA), the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP), and the
Washington State Parent Teacher Association (WSPTA) to improve principal and teacher evaluation systems in
Washington State. Representatives from each of these associations form the state's TPEP steering committee. E2SSB
6696 calls for significant changes in teacher and principal evaluation systems. TPEP pilot sites developed evaluation
models over the 2010-11 school year to meet the requirements of the law. The July 2011 legislative report and
Superintendent Dorn’s recommendations will serve as a guide for the districts engaged with the TPEP ESD Regional
Implementation Consortia Grant Program. OSPI and the rest of the TPEP steering committee determined a list of
assurances to which each district must agree. The following assurances are based on the lessons learned from the first
year of the TPEP pilot sites.

1. Local associations representing classroom teachers and principals agree to collaborate with the district
and to participate in the full range of development and implementation activities.
2. Districts must commit to piloting with at least 20 percent of their certificated classroom teachers in the
2012–13 school year. All new and provisional status teachers must be included in the 2012–13 school
year pilot, and all principals must be involved in the 2012–13 school year pilot.
3. Instructional Framework: Each consortium will explore three instructional frameworks in professional
development (listed below). ESD Regional Implementation Consortia may choose to select no more than
two frameworks upon which to base their teacher evaluation work by January 15, 2012.

Danielson, C. (2007). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching (2nd edition).
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. ISBN: 978-1416605171.
Marzano, R. (2011). The art and science of teaching causal teacher evaluation model. Blairsville,
PA: Learning Sciences International.
Five dimensions of teaching and learning (5d). Seattle, WA: Center for Educational Leadership.
Retrieved June 23, 2011 from

4. Leadership Framework: Each consortium will use the AWSP “Evaluating Principal Leadership in a
Performance-Based School” document and the work of the TPEP pilot sites to guide their principal
evaluation work.
5. Districts must agree to meeting specific timelines and meeting dates as outlined by the ESD
Implementation Grant Leadership Team.
6. Consideration for team membership should include principals and classroom teachers, union/association
leadership, human resource specialists, teaching and learning/curriculum leadership, and
assessment/data coordinators.
7. All stakeholders including the district superintendent must play a significant role in the implementation
grant development.

Prior Action
The board has received brief written updates on the development of the district's and associations' steering committee
and its work. The board received a formal report on the project during its August 2011 annual planning workshop. A
letter of interest from the district and association expressing interest in applying to participate in the regional consortia
was submitted to OPSI.

Lynn Evans

OSPI TPEP Legislature Report 201107
Washington's Teacher-Principal Evaluation Pilot Website

File Attachments
Miller-TPEP Letter 20110822.pdf (42 KB)

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5. Recognitions

Subject 5.01 Recognition of New Administrators

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 5. Recognitions

Access Public

Type Recognition
North Region Executive Director Joyce Stewart will introduce the new administrators.

Larry Fleckenstein recently accepted the principal position at Evergreen Middle School. Prior to joining the Evergreen
staff, Larry taught general science, chemistry, and advanced placement biology courses at Skyview High School in
Vancouver, WA. He was recognized by the school and Rotary for his outstanding teaching abilities. In addition, he
served as program coordinator of the Science-Math-Technology Magnet and completed his administrative internship at
Skyview. In 2007, Larry became vice principal of Cascade High School. During the past four years, Larry was actively
involved in a wide range of meaningful administrative experiences that have prepared him to be the learning leader for
Everett’s largest middle school.

Linda Tyrell became the new principal of North Middle School in July. Linda has a rich educational background. She
taught high school honors language arts and English classes for ten years in the Tacoma and Highline School Districts.
Linda completed her principal internship and worked as a secondary curriculum specialist for three years in the
Franklin Pierce School District. For the past four years, Linda served as vice principal at Cascade High School, and the
varied administrative opportunities have prepared her to be the new instructional leader at North Middle School.

Dianna Pratt will serve as the interim vice principal at Everett High School. Prior to accepting the position, Dianna
worked as a vice principal and principal of two diverse high schools in the Kent School District. Her experiences at two
large high schools will be an asset to her as she serves as the interim vice principal at Everett High School.

South Region Executive Director Jim McNally will introduce an administrator with a new assignment.

Kelly Shepherd was appointed principal of Sequoia High School and the lead for the alternative programs in the
district. Kelly came to Everett Public Schools to become the principal at North Middle School in 2003-04. Prior to
coming to Everett, Kelly was assistant principal at Explorer Middle School in the Mukilteo School District. Over the
eight years that Kelly has been the principal at North, learning has grown significantly in a well-structured, efficient,
safe, and secure environment fostering increased achievement for students and staff.

6. Public Comments

Subject 6.01 Audience Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 6. Public Comments

Access Public

Type Information

The board of directors recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving
members of the public in its meetings. Limits on public comment at board meetings are set to allow others a fair and
adequate opportunity to be heard, to assure that the regular agenda of the board is completed, to use the board’s
time efficiently, and to maintain an orderly and respectful exchange of ideas and opinions.

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The board will provide a period of up to fifteen (15) minutes during its regular meetings during which the public may
comment on non-agenda issues. The board will also allow individuals to express an opinion prior to board action on
agenda items. If the entire fifteen (15) minutes has been used for non-agenda issues, the board will provide an
additional period of up to ten (10) minutes for public comment on agenda items. The president of the board may
limit the total amount of time dedicated to public comment at any meeting.

Individuals wishing to be heard by the board shall sign a Public Comment card available from district staff. The board
president will recognize individuals on a first come, first served basis determined by the order of Public Comment
card submission to the board, unless the president determines another priority method better meets the board’s
needs. After being recognized by the board president, individuals will proceed to make comments, limiting
themselves to three (3) minutes. Groups and organizations may designate a spokesperson for the group or
organization who will limit his/her remarks to five (5) minutes.

Estimated Time
15 minutes

Policy 1441, Audience Participation

Subject 6.02 Audience Comments Regarding Items on the Agenda

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 6. Public Comments

Access Public

Type Information

The board of directors recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving
members of the public in its meetings. Limits on public comment at board meetings are set to allow others a fair and
adequate opportunity to be heard, to assure that the regular agenda of the board is completed, to use the board’s
time efficiently, and to maintain an orderly and respectful exchange of ideas and opinions.

The board will provide a period of up to fifteen (15) minutes during its regular meetings during which the public may
comment on non-agenda issues. The board will also allow individuals to express an opinion prior to board action on
agenda items. If the entire fifteen (15) minutes has been used for non-agenda issues, the board will provide an
additional period of up to ten (10) minutes for public comment on agenda items. The president of the board may
limit the total amount of time dedicated to public comment at any meeting.

Individuals wishing to be heard by the board shall sign a Public Comment card available from district staff. The board
president will recognize individuals on a first come, first served basis determined by the order of Public Comment
card submission to the board, unless the president determines another priority method better meets the board’s
needs. After being recognized by the board president, individuals will proceed to make comments, limiting
themselves to three (3) minutes. Groups and organizations may designate a spokesperson for the group or
organization who will limit his/her remarks to five (5) minutes.

Estimated Time
10 minutes

Policy 1441, Audience Participation

7. Superintendent's Report

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Subject 7.01 Superintendent's Report

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 7. Superintendent's Report

Access Public

Type Information
Admin Content
Start of school
- school clean-up
- office managers
Constructive communications
United Way
LMS implementation
Blackboard Connect
School Dude

8. Strategic Progress Monitoring

Subject 8.01 Annual Student Achievement Report

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 8. Strategic Progress Monitoring

Access Public

Type Report
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) recently released the latest district and state assessment
results for the Measurement of Student Progress (MSP) grades 3-8, High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) grade 10,
and Algebra and Geometry End-of-Course (EOC) exams. District results indicate solid performance with the district
exceeding state scores in all subjects at all grades. The district also produced strong year over year results. District
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as part of No Child Left Behind continues to be strong with the district making AYP in
88% of the required cells.

On Tuesday, August 30, 2011 State Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn held a press conference for the
release of the 2011 state assessments and the NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) results. Once again, Everett
Public Schools outscored the state on the elementary and middle school’s Measures of Student Progress (MSP) and the
High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) at every grade-level and in every content area. Scores on the MSP-Mathematics
showed significant gains and students performed well on the new End-of-Course (EOC) Mathematics assessments.
Students continued to perform at high levels in reading and writing across the grades.

Everett Public Schools' AYP results showed the impact of our gains in mathematics. Every elementary school made
AYP in mathematics and half of our secondary schools. This was in part to the State Uniform Bar in mathematics
remaining the same as the previous year. Our schools were able to focus on the same target. This was not the case
for reading. The State Uniform Bar increased at every level in reading: elementary = 88.1%, middle = 82.5%, high =
87.2%. In spite of these very high targets, 15 of our schools made AYP in reading in every cell as well as the district.
Overall, across all AYP cells in both mathematics and reading, Everett Public Schools made AYP in 88.1 percent –
indicating very adequate progress was made last year.

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Prior Action
The board has received annual updates of the status of student achievement on state assessments (MSP and HSPE)
and on the Adequate Yearly Progress status of the district.

Terry Edwards

Estimated Time
30 minutes

File Attachments
Annual Student Achievement Report 20110913.pdf (736 KB)

Admin Content
Terry Edwards, associate superintendent, (425) 385-4050

9. Information/Discussion

Subject 9.01 Information/Discussion

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 9. Information/Discussion

Access Public

Type Information

10. Action

Subject 10.01 Ratification of Tentative Agreement between Everett Public Schools and
the Everett Education Association

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 10. Action

Access Public

Type Action

Recommended That the board of directors ratify the tentative agreement reached between the district
Action and Everett Education Association including a revised regular salary schedule, a
revised time-responsibility-incentive (TRI) schedule, a revised work calendar, and
revisions to Section 9.16, Student Assessments, for 2011-12.
The board of directors is presented a tentative agreement between Everett Public Schools and Everett Education
Association (EEA) which, upon board approval, will amend the existing contract and be incorporated into the 2010-12
collective bargaining agreement.

Representatives from the union and the district met between June and August resulting in a tentative agreement and
ratification vote by the Everett Education Association on August 31, 2011. The tentative agreement addresses the
1.9% reduction in funding to the base salary schedule for teachers through a combination of reduction of work time

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(state unpaid teacher leave time) and a 1.25% increase in the TRI salary schedule, for a net average salary increase
of 1.0% to 1.1%. Cost to the district is $886,000 for compensation plus $32,000 for support for assessments.

Prior Action/Discussion

July 5, 2011 - Study Session: Calendar Study Report

August 23, 2011 - Closed Session
August 25, 2011 - Closed Session

The current collective bargaining agreement spans the 2010-12 time frame.

Lynn Evans

Estimated Time
15 minutes

Policy 1410, Executive or Closed Sessions
Policy 6110, Superintendent-School Board Relations
Procedure 6110P, Superintendent-School Board Relations

File Attachments
EEA Tentative Agreement 20110913 .pdf (645 KB)

Admin Content
Lynn Evans, executive director, human resources, (425) 385-4100

In order to prepare directors for the closed session to discuss the tentative agreement between the district and the
Everett Education Association, a copy of the existing agreement is attached for director review. Directors may want to
review the sections addressing salary and work year, and the language and appendix addressing assessment. This is a
large file, so it may take a few moments to load. Please beware: the collective bargaining agreement may not
be posted on websites for public access by the district; note the highlighted sentence below. School
directors are considered part of the district. BoardDocs is considered part of the district website.


The District and Association will equally share the cost of printing this Agreement in sufficient number to
provide a copy to each employee. Additional copies desired by either party will be paid fully by that
Party. The District will provide a copy to new employees no later than his/her first day of work at his/her
assigned school. The Association will make all arrangements for the printing of the Agreement no later
than thirty (30) days after ratification and will be responsible for distribution to all current employees. The
District will not post or make available this Agreement on the District website accessible to anyone other
than District employees.

Most districts districts across the state have settled contracts with associations. The terms of the bargains are varied.
Several news articles providing examples of the arrangements were attached to the August 23, 2011 agenda
executive section.

Administrative File Attachments

15 of 29
EEA 2011-12 regular salary schedule.pdf (274 KB) EEA 2011-12 TRI salary schedule.pdf (282 KB)

EEA 2011-12 work calendar.pdf (31 KB) SECTION 9 16 and Appendix 7 20110913.pdf (39 KB)

Subject 10.02 Approval of Resolution 1027, Censure No. 2 of Director Jessica Olson

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 10. Action

Access Public

Type Action

Recommended That the board of directors adopt Resolution 1027, Censure No. 2 of School Board
Action Director Jessica Olson.
During the course of several board meetings, especially November 16, 2010, January 25, 2011, July 5, 2011, and
August 23, 2011, the board of directors discussed incidents and examples of misconduct by Director Jessica Olson
toward other directors and staff. Directors further discussed the acceptable conduct of board members established by
Washington law, by adopted board policy, by operating protocols approved by the board, and by agreements
unanimously approved by the board. The proposed resolution is presented for director consideration in order to
provide an opportunity for the directors to review prior complaints and to hear and consider further complaints about
Director Olson's conduct. The procedure and allocation of time for conduct of this item by the board president is as

3 minutes for introduction by President Petersen

5 minutes for maker of the motion to comment
5 minutes for second for the motion to comment
5 minutes for Director Olson to comment
5 minutes for director’s first comment
5 minutes for director’s first comment
2 minutes for President Petersen to conduct vote

During the November 16, 2010 regular board meeting President Petersen presented evidence that Director Olson
acted improperly in (1) causing unnecessary costs, embarrassment and tarnishing a valued employee's reputation; (2)
abusing power of the board position; (3) undermining public trust by false accusations; (4) airing false and misleading
statements that constitute evaluative comments in public; (5) intimidating staff; (6) wasting the superintendent's
time; and (7) violating the district's records policy. As a result of discussions held in an executive session on January
18, 2011, President Petersen determined to place an item on the January 25, 2011 agenda for board discussion during
an open meeting. At that meeting Vice President Russell presented evidence that Director Olson acted improperly by
(1) requesting disclosure of the superintendent’s Americans with Disabilities Act status; (2) photographing
un-redacted attorney invoices; (3) violating the Open Public Meetings Act by emailing all board members; (4) violating
the Open Public Meetings Act by intruding upon a meeting in which two directors were present; (5) disclosing
privileged executive session content; (6) removing from the district public records request documents without paying
for them; and (7) intimidating and individually directing staff members. Policies and procedures applicable to the role
and responsibilities of board members, code of ethics, and the custody and release of, and charges for, public records
are referenced below, as is a portion of Chapter 42.23 RCW, Code of ethics for municipal officers, pertaining to
disclosure of confidential information.

During the April 19, 2011 board meeting, Director Olson requested of the superintendent an appointment to inspect

16 of 29
un-redacted legal invoices maintained by the district. The nature of the request, the history of the board's decisions
regarding director requests and access to non-public confidential information (such as personally identifiable student
records and un-redacted attorney invoices), the minutes of the board, and consultation with the board president
provided guidance for this action item. The superintendent's response to Director Olson recommended submission of a
request for the next regular board meeting. Director Olson requested of the board president consideration of the
request by the board. During the May 10, 2011 board meeting the directors considered the request and adopted
unanimously an order stating “that the board of directors approve Director Olson's request to inspect by appointment
on a date agreed to with the superintendent, un-redacted attorney invoices maintained by the superintendent for
director inspection, and expressly prohibit copying, photographing, or otherwise recording, or removing from the
custody of the superintendent, such records; and that the president or designee be included in the appointment. ”
Director Andrews was designated by the board president, and an appointment was set for Friday, June 24, 2011.
Directors Olson and Andrews met at the Longfellow Building on Friday, June 24, 2011 to review the non-public,
confidential records in the presence of district staff charged by the superintendent with safekeeping of these district
records. The board of directors has not waived attorney-client privilege for these records. Attorneys for the district had
not reviewed and redacted the invoices to delete attorney-client privileged information. After approximately two hours,
during which Director Olson recorded the meeting with district staff and Director Andrews, Director Olson removed the
entire notebook of un-redacted records from the district offices over the objections of district staff. Director Olson later
returned the notebook containing the records, from several of which documents the staples had been removed.

During the July 5, 2011 regular meeting, Director Andrews, who reviewed the legal documents with Director Olson on
June 24, 2011, described intimidation and harassment of staff by Director Olson. Director Olson disagreed and
confirmed she had voted for the May 10, 2011 motion expressly prohibiting copying or removing records, and that
technically she had violated the motion, and concluded she had done nothing illegal. Emails documenting the incident
were attached to the July 5, 2011 regular meeting agenda.

During the August 23, 2011 board meeting directors discussed the events of June 24, 2011, and discussed attorney
advice regarding a number of questions raised during the July 5, 2011 meeting. The board discussed Director Olson’s
disclosure of attorney-client privileged advice as reported in The Daily Herald on August 23, 2011. The executive
session that evening was interrupted by Director Olson video and audio recording the meeting, and by a disagreement
over possession of copies of the draft evaluation of the superintendent. During the board annual planning workshop on
August 25-26, 2011, the board discussed the events of August 23 and protocol for concluding the superintendent
evaluation document.

Prior Action
Director conduct was discussed when the board-superintendent operating protocol was adopted by the board at its
September 7, 2010 regular meeting. The board devoted approximately an hour to discussion of Director Olson’s
conduct and the protocol during the November 2, 2010 regular meeting, and another hour and a half during the
November 16, 2010 regular meeting. The board of directors approved Policy 1715, Board-Superintendent Operating
Protocol, on December 7, 2010. The board devoted approximately an hour to further discussion of Director Olson’s
conduct during the January 25, 2011 regular meeting. The board of directors adopted Resolution 1015, Censure of
Director Jessica Olson, on February 22, 2011 for actions including violating the district's records policy by removing
documents from a file containing special education student records, refusing to allow private student information to be
deleted before unauthorized removal, and photographing un-redacted attorney invoices, an action equivalent to the
removal of attorney-client privileged information without the board’s permission.

During the March 10, 2011 regular meeting the board unanimously "approved Director Olson's request to inspect by
appointment on a date agreed to with the superintendent, un-redacted attorney invoices maintained by the
superintendent for director inspection, and expressly prohibit copying, photographing, or otherwise recording, or
removing from the custody of the superintendent, such records; and that the president or designee be included in the

During the August 23, 2011 board meeting directors waived attorney-client privilege for the Valerie Hughes letter
dated August 17, 2011.


17 of 29
Ed Petersen

Estimated Time
30 minutes

Policy 1240, Duties of Individual Board Members
Policy 1711, Code of Ethics
Policy 1715, Board-Superintendent Operating Protocol
Policy 4340, Public Access to District Records
Policy 4340P, Public Access to District Records
RCW 5.60.060, Privileged Communications
RCW 28A.635.030, Disturbing school meetings
RCW 42.23.070, Prohibited acts
RCW 42.30.110, Executive sessions

File Attachments
Resolution 1027, Censure No. 2 of Director Jessica Olson.pdf (16 KB)

Resolution 1015, Censure of Director Jessica Olson.pdf (16 KB)

Subject 10.03 Proposed Revised Board Agenda Format

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 10. Action

Access Public

Type Action

Recommended That the board of directors adopt a revised order of business for the regular board
Action agenda, to be fully implemented by October 2011.
During the board’s summer 2011 workshop, discussion took place about ways in which to improve the planning for the
regular board meetings, including amending the current meeting agenda at the outset of the meeting, suggesting
agenda items for upcoming meetings, and removing study sessions, work sessions, and executive and closed sessions
from the regular meetings to hold the business meetings to 2 - 2 1/2 hours. Accordingly, Section 14, “Work/Study
Session” and Section 15, “Executive/Closed Session” have been deleted from the regular order of business for
agendas. Numbering on subsequent sections will change accordingly. Please note the removal of the executive/closed
session category does not prohibit holding executive or closed sessions. Executive or closed sessions may called by the
president at any point during the meeting if warranted and the topic qualifies under applicable state law. This item is
proposed for board consideration, with implementation in October 2011.

Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, provides in part that, "The Board shall establish its regular order
of business, but may elect to change the order by a majority vote of the members."

Prior Action
The board amended its regular order of business following the summer 2009 annual planning workshop, and following
the summer 2010 annual planning workshop during the regular board meeting on September 7, 2010 by adding
sections for “Strategic Progress Monitoring”, “Policy Review”, and “Items for Future Agendas”. The board amended the
order again during the regular board meeting on November 2, 2010, adding a section for “Board Meeting

18 of 29
Self-Evaluation” and a procedural section for adjourning meetings. The regular order of business was published as
Procedure 1440P, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, for ease of director access and public referral.

Gary Cohn

Estimated Time
10 minutes

Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business
Procedure 1440P, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business

File Attachments
1440 FR 20110913.pdf (8 KB) 1440P FR 20110913.pdf (8 KB)

Admin Content
Gary Cohn, superintendent, (425) 385-4009

Subject 10.04 Board Work Plan 2011-12

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 10. Action

Access Public

Type Action

Recommended That the board of directors approve the attached Board Work Plan 2011-12 as
Action presented.
During the board's summer 2011 workshop a draft of the annual work plan for 2011-12 was discussed, and a number
of suggestions offered for revisions in anticipation of action at the September 13, 2011 regular meeting. A revised
draft was reviewed by the board president, and prepared for presentation to the board. The revised work plan format
includes standard and goal reference numbers to enhance tracking using the BoardDocs system.

The board determined a new format for its annual work plan subsequent to the 2009 summer workshop, and based on
the Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA) board standards. The board uses the annual work plan to
guide its efforts during the year, and assess the use of its time in board meetings and its responsibility for linkage to
the community. The annual work plan is reviewed at the board's annual planning workshop during the summer, in
partial fulfillment of its responsibility under Policy 1821, Evaluation of the Board.

Prior Action
The board approved of the 2010-11 annual work plan on September 7, 2010, and reviewed progress reports during
the regular meetings on January 25, 2011 and April 19, 2011, and during the summer 2011 annual planning workshop
on August 25-26, 2011. The board reviewed and directors suggested amendments to a draft 2011-12 work plan
presented during its annual planning workshop in August 2011.

Estimated Time
10 minutes

19 of 29
Gary Cohn

Policy 1821, Evaluation of the Board

File Attachments
Board Work Plan 2011-12.pdf (28 KB)

Admin Content
Gary Cohn, superintendent, (425) 385-4009

Subject 10.05 Board School Assignments for 2011-12

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 10. Action

Access Public

Type Action

Recommended That the board of directors approve the attached list of board school assignments for
Action the 2011-12 school year.
The annual practice of designating specific schools to individual board members has been used to allow the board to
focus on special events at their assigned schools and for ways to learn even more about the great things that are
happening throughout the district. Although the board is encouraged to visit any school and/or function that is of
interest to them, the assigned locations for each board member will be their focus for the year. Assignments may be
revised following the November 2011 election.

In order to perform their responsibilities, school directors must be familiar with the operations within the schools. The
superintendent is expected to establish and use procedures which can enhance the directors' understanding of school
operations. Board policy encourages communication between district staff and the board, and provides that directors
are expected to call the school principal or stop in the office prior to visiting classes or the campus.

Prior Action
The board of directors approved the existing list of school assignments during the regular meeting on September 7,

Gary Cohn

Estimated Time
10 minutes

Policy 1715, Board-Superintendent Operating Protocol
Policy 1721, Board-Staff Communications

20 of 29
Procedure 1721P, Board-Staff Communications

File Attachments
School Assignments 2011-12.pdf (18 KB)

Admin Content
Gary Cohn, superintendent, (425) 385-4009

11. Policy Review

Subject 11.01 Policy 1410, Executive or Closed Sessions, Proposed Revision (first

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 11. Policy Review

Access Public

Type Discussion
The attached proposed revision to Policy 1410, Executive or Closed Sessions, is provided for first reading with second
reading and adoption to be recommended at a future board meeting. Proposed revisions to this policy are the result of
discussion at the board’s annual planning workshop including methods of clarifying how the board’s regular order of
business is conducted. This proposed revised policy represents a further effort by the board to maintain a clear
commitment to focus on upholding the law of Washington State, discussing in executive session or closed session only
those matters allowed by state law, and spending scarce board meeting time on priorities described in the board
annual work plan priorities. Based upon the board’s discussion during its summer planning workshop, more descriptive
language has been added prohibiting audio or video recording in such sessions until such time as the Washington
Legislature amends the Open Public Meetings and/or Public Records Acts to protect the privacy of recordings made in
such sessions.

In concert with the board's work on ends/means focus, and the commitments in the Board-Superintendent Operating
Protocol, directors discussed the board considering a revision to the policy on the executive sessions. This proposed
policy has been reviewed by superintendent's cabinet and legal counsel.

Prior Action
Board discussion during the annual planning workshop August 25-26, 2011.

Molly Ringo

Estimated Time
15 minutes

Policy 1410, Executive or Closed Sessions
Policy 1420, Agenda
RCW 42.23.070, Prohibited acts
RCW 42.30.110, Executive sessions

21 of 29
RCW 9.73.030, Intercepting, recording, or divulging private communication — Consent required — Exceptions

File Attachments
1410 FR 20110913.pdf (10 KB)

Admin Content
Molly Ringo, executive director, central region (425) 385-4023

Subject 11.02 Policy 1421, Consent Agenda, Proposed Revision (first reading)

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 11. Policy Review

Access Public

Type Discussion
The attached proposed revision to Policy 1421, Consent Agenda, is provided for first reading with second reading and
adoption to be recommended at a future board meeting. This proposed revised policy represents a further effort by
the board to maintain a clear commitment to focus on policy matters and avoid spending scarce board meeting time
on operating matters and details of routine district business. Based upon the board’s discussion during its summer
planning workshop, more descriptive language regarding removal of routine items has been added.

In concert with the board's work on ends/means focus, and the commitments in the Board-Superintendent Operating
Protocol, directors discussed the board considering a revision to the policy on the consent agenda. The essential
purpose of the consent agenda policy is to maintain a clear commitment to focus on policy matters and avoid spending
scarce board meeting time on operating matters and details of routine district business. Items routinely assigned to
the consent agenda include meeting minutes, personnel actions, business transactions, expense vouchers, gifts, travel
requests, recurring contracts and intergovernmental agreements, and recurring federal and state grants. Placement of
items on the consent agenda is determined by the superintendent in consultation with the board president. Summer
workshop discussion revolved around perceptions that the policy is not adequately clear as to when and how items are
removed to the Action area of the regular meeting agenda, and the nature of a "brief" statement of rationale by a
board member as to why a particular item should be removed for separate discussion and action. The motion to
approve a consent agenda must be seconded by another board member. This second is not followed by discussion or
debate prior to a vote of the directors. Content from the University Place School District’s Policy GP-8, and Everett’s
Policy 1420, Agenda were used in developing the amendments. Proposed revisions to this policy have been reviewed
by superintendent’s cabinet and legal counsel.

Prior Action
Policy 1421, Consent Agenda, was submitted last year to the board of directors for first reading on October 5, 2010.
Additional revisions were made to this policy for second reading and adoption on October 19, 2010 to provide more
descriptive language regarding routine items to be assigned to the consent agenda, and concurrence of a second
director for removal from the consent agenda.

Molly Ringo

Estimated Time

22 of 29
5 minutes

Policy 1420, Agenda
Policy 1421, Consent Agenda

File Attachments
1421 FR 20110913.pdf (8 KB)

Admin Content
Molly Ringo, executive director, central region (425) 385-4023

Subject 11.03 Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, Proposed Revision
(first reading)

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 11. Policy Review

Access Public

Type Discussion
The attached proposed revision to Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, is provided for first reading
with second reading and adoption to be recommended at a future board meeting. This proposed policy represents a
further effort by the board to maintain a clear commitment to focus on policy matters and spending scarce board
meeting time on strategic priorities and board annual work plan priorities. Based upon the board’s discussion during its
summer planning workshop, more descriptive language has been added regarding amendment of the regular meeting
agenda at the start of each regular meeting.

In concert with the board's work on ends/means focus, and the commitments in the Board-Superintendent Operating
Protocol, directors discussed the board considering a revision to the policy on the consent agenda. Consent agenda
adjustments were being considered at the time of agenda approval, resulting in mixture of efforts to address changes
to one or the other. Summer workshop discussion revolved around perceptions that the policy is not adequately clear
as to when and how items are added to the Action area of the regular meeting agenda, and the board's decision that
certain areas of the regular meeting agenda were not designated for action items. Proposed revisions to this policy
have been reviewed by superintendent’s cabinet and legal counsel.

Prior Action
Board discussion during the annual planning workshop August 25-26, 2011.

Molly Ringo

Estimated Time
5 minutes

Policy 1420, Agenda
Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business

23 of 29
File Attachments
1440 FR 20110913.pdf (8 KB)

Admin Content
Molly Ringo, executive director, central region, (425) 385-4023

Subject 11.04 Policy 1910, Attorney-Client Privilege, Proposed New Policy (first

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 11. Policy Review

Access Public

Type Discussion
The attached proposed new Policy 1910, Attorney-Client Privilege, is provided for first reading with second reading and
adoption to be recommended at a future board meeting. This proposed policy represents a further effort by the board
to maintain a clear commitment to focus on upholding the law of Washington State, protecting discussions with legal
counsel in executive session or closed session and advice of legal counsel, and spending scarce board meeting time on
priorities as determined by the board of directors. Based upon recent disclosures of attorney-client privileged advice
without the board of directors' waiver of privilege, the board’s discussion during its summer planning workshop,
language has been created to affirmatively assert the attorney-client privilege extended the board by law and court
decision, and prohibiting release of such privileged information until such time as the Washington Legislature amends
the Open Public Meetings and/or Public Records Acts to change the privacy protections afforded employees, students,
and preservation of the resources of the district.

Proposed revisions to this policy have been reviewed by superintendent’s cabinet and legal counsel.

Prior Action
Board discussion during the regular meeting on August 23, 2011, and the annual planning workshop August 25-26,

Molly Ringo

Estimated Time
15 minutes

RCW 5.60.060, Privileged Communications
RCW 42.23.070, Prohibited acts
RCW 42.30.110, Executive sessions

File Attachments

24 of 29
1910 FR 20110913.pdf (8 KB)

Admin Content
Molly Ringo, executive director, central region, (425) 385-4023

12. Upcoming Agenda Items

Subject 12.01 Special Meeting, September 20, 2011

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 12. Upcoming Agenda Items

Access Public

Type Information
The board of directors developed an initial annual meeting plan to schedule the content of all regular board meetings
and several special board meetings. The annual plan is updated as new or revised agenda items are identified. The
topic currently planned for the September 20, 2011 special meeting is the Superintendent's Performance Priorities.

The board of directors reviewed the Board Annual Meeting Plan 2011-12 during its August 25-26, 2011 special
meeting. The annual meeting plan is updated occasionally and the current edition posted to the BoardDocs Library.

Prior Action

Gary Cohn

Estimated Time
5 minutes

Policy 1400, Meetings
Policy 1420, Agenda

Subject 12.02 Regular Meeting, September 27, 2011

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 12. Upcoming Agenda Items

Access Public

Type Discussion

The board of directors developed an initial annual meeting plan to schedule the content of all regular board meetings
and several special board meetings. The annual plan is updated as new or revised agenda items are identified.
Following is a list of the items currently planned for the September 27, 2011 regular meeting.

Strategic Progress Monitoring

25 of 29
Secondary course access equity (1.2.a)

Strategic Issues Study/Board Development (Work/Study Session)(Executive/Closed Session)

Plan-Do-Check-Act continuous instructional improvement process (1.5.a)

Policy Review
Policy 1410, Executive or closed sessions, proposed revision, second reading
Policy 1421, Consent agenda, proposed revision, second reading
Policy 1440, Meeting conduct and order of business, proposed revision, second reading
Policy 1910, Attorney-client privilege, proposed new policy, second reading

General Operating Business

Transportation bid award (4.1.a)
EHS gym resolution (Hearing)

The board of directors reviewed the Board Annual Meeting Plan 2011-12 during its August 25-26, 2011 special
meeting. The annual meeting plan is updated occasionally and the current edition posted to the BoardDocs Library.

Prior Action

Gary Cohn

Estimated Time
5 minutes

Policy 1400, Meetings
Policy 1420, Agenda

Admin Content
Gary Cohn, superintendent, (425) 385-4009

13. Board-Superintendent Team Comments

Subject 13.01 Board-Superintendent Team Comments

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 13. Board-Superintendent Team Comments

Access Public

Type Discussion
In accordance with the regular order of business approved by the board of directors pursuant to Policy 1440, Meeting
Conduct and Order of Business, the regular meeting agenda includes time for directors and the superintendent to
share information with one another. The agenda item is established for information and discussion only.

Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, provides in part that, "The Board shall establish its regular order

26 of 29
of business, but may elect to change the order by a majority vote of the members."

Prior Action
The board amended its regular order of business following the summer 2009 workshop, and again following the
summer 2010 workshop, most recently at its November 2, 2010 regular meeting. The regular order of business is
published as Procedure 1440P.


Estimated Time
10 minutes

Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business
Procedure 1440P, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business


Admin Content
Gary Cohn, superintendent, (425) 385-4009

14. Board Meeting Self-Evaluation

Subject 14.01 Board Meeting Self-Evaluation

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 14. Board Meeting Self-Evaluation

Access Public

Type Discussion, Information

The board of directors has determined to improve the planning for and conduct of board meetings,
including using a meeting self-evaluation process. The instrument approved by the board is attached for board

During the board’s summer 2010 workshop, discussion took place about ways in which to improve the
planning for the regular board meetings, including focusing on strategic and policy issues, and suggesting
agenda items for upcoming meetings. Sections were added for “Strategic Progress Monitoring”, “Policy
Review”, and “Items for Future Agendas”. The board members discussed, in addition, researching and
implementing a meeting self-evaluation process during the summer and late fall. Director Russell gathered
samples of board meeting self-evaluation documents in anticipation of implementing an instrument in January.
Samples were collected from several districts, particularly those that have implemented the Carver Policy
Governance® Model, and the Professional Educator Standards Board. A draft was developed and circulated to the
board in December in anticipation of placing this action item on a board agenda.

Prior Action
During the board’s summer 2010 workshop, Director Russell was assigned responsibility by the board for
researching meeting self-evaluation instruments. The board of directors approved during its September 7,
2010 regular meeting its annual work plan, which included under Standard 1, Provide responsible school

27 of 29
district governance, goals to "Develop board meeting content which balances near and distant planning
horizons; revise the annual agenda plan and board agenda format accordingly," and to "Enhance
team-building through successive board training events; updating our operating protocol and practicing
means/ends balance." During its November 2, 2010 regular meeting the board amended its regular order
of business to add a section for “Board Meeting Self-Evaluation”. During its January 11, 2011 regular
meeting the board approved the attached board self-evaluation instrument for its routine use in regular
board meetings and selected special meetings. During the subsequent regular meetings the board was
provided the self-evaluation instrument for completion and analysis.

Gary Cohn

Estimated Time
5 minutes

File Attachments
Board Meeting Self-Evaluation Form 20110111.pdf (30 KB)

Admin Content
Gary Cohn, superintendent, (425) 385-4009

15. Work/Study Session

Subject 15.01 Study Session: Strategic Plan Operational Implementation

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 15. Work/Study Session

Access Public

Type Discussion, Information

District staff will present information in this work session describing the planning work that has taken place to
implement the district's new strategic plan. A 60-month (5-year) planning horizon will be discussed, including a draft
implementation process plan. A more detailed 12-month planning horizon for the 2011-12 fiscal year will be described.
Information will also be presented on the process to provide regular reports to the board on implementation of the
strategic plan during 2011-12, and the alignment of the board's annual agenda plan with the new strategic plan to
focus on the highest priority strategic targets and goals.

The district's new strategic plan was developed from August 2009 to May 2011 in a process that incorporated
significant community and staff engagement and numerous learning opportunities for the board. Four community
engagement sessions, a student engagement session, four board study sessions, and a large scale community
visioning event were some of the highlights during development of the plan. Two advisory groups were formed to
assist and support the work. The board also engaged in numerous work sessions to review progress, add to plan
development and provide feedback to facilitators of the process.

28 of 29
Prior Action

May 10, 2011 - Board adoption of new strategic plan

August 26, 2011 - Dashboard discussion at board work session
August 2009 to April 2011 - Approximately 28 activities involving board during the plan development

Mike Gunn

Estimated Time
30 minutes

File Attachments
SP Operational Implementation 20110907.pdf (693 KB) Board Work Plan 2011-12.pdf (28 KB)

Strategic Plan 20110827.pdf (28 KB) Current Alignment of Planning Cycles 20110902.pdf (64 KB)

Board Annual Meeting Plan 2011-12(1A).pdf (95 KB)

Strategic Performance Advisory Council 20110805.pdf (13 KB)

Admin Content
Mike Gunn, executive director, facilities & operations, (425) 385-4190

16. Executive/Closed Session

Subject 16.01 Executive/Closed Session

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 16. Executive/Closed Session

Access Public


17. Adjourn

Subject 17.01 Adjourn

Meeting Sep 13, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Category 17. Adjourn

Access Public

Type Procedural
The board president will adjourn the meeting.

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