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Student Name.............................. Date: 06.06.


Evaluation Test

Discipline Decision and Change Management for Projects and Programs

Please mark the correct answer ( with “X” on text) choosing from the proposed variants for validation,
within the following items:

1. Taking into account countless other theoretical and practical examples, one can conclude that
the managerial decision.....
a. In particular, he uses the intuition of the decision-maker
b. Use and directly or tacitly use logical structures and techniques
c. Use only valid and non-contradictory arguments
d. Use only verified information
e. All responses are true at the same time

2. From an exclusively logical view of the decision-making act, any decision-making necessarily
involves at least.......
a. A class V (which includes the object of the decision)
b. A Class C of decision-makers, each of whom is considered a potential decision-maker
c. A rule (decision rule)
d. All concepts presented under a.), b.) and c.) simultaneously

3. The proper determination of the optimal variant V * depends on the nature of the adopted
model, including:

a. Analytical methods and heuristic methods

b. Heuristic methods and indirect methods
c. Risk methods and coincident methods
d. Indirect methods and coincident methods

4. One of the most used definitions of the decision, so that within it, the solution is chosen.....

a.) From a lot of identical variants

b.) From a lot of alternative variants
c.) From a lot of random variants
d.) From a variety of non-exclusive variants

5. In the theory of the decision, choosing one of the alternatives involves carrying out an action,
which leads to a change in the state of affairs, modifying the existing situation. Ideally, action..

a.) Is only completed by the project manager

b.) Has no purpose but can be reasonably pursued
c.) Has a purpose, it is done consciously, planned and voluntarily
d.) Has a finality, but not predictable due to unplanned

6. Classification of decisions is made according to several criteria as follows:

a.) According to the way of approaching and carrying out the decision-making activities
b.) After the decisional context
c.) After the structural problems of the decisional problems
d.) By number of participants
e.) After all the criteria presented in a) and b).
f.) After all the criteria set out in points c.) and d)
g.) After all the criteria set out in points a), b), c) and d)

7. The decisional situation of certainty is characterized by.....

(a) The minimum probability of achieving the objective (s) pursued, using the envisaged decision-
making modalities

b) Moderate likelihood of achieving the objective (s) pursued, using the expected decisional

c) The maximum probability of achieving the objective (s) pursued, using the expected decisional

8. The decision situations of uncertainty are characterized by the fact that.....

a.) Although the possibility of achieving the objectives pursued is very high, the manner in which
action is to be taken is still unclear

b) The possibility of achieving the objectives is very low

c.) Although the possibility of achieving the objectives is very small, the way in which action is still
to be taken is very clear

9. In the case of risk decision situations the objectives are achievable...

a.) The probability of finalization is, however, very high

b.) The likelihood of finalization is low, coupled with great uncertainty as to future developments.

c.) The probability of finalization is nevertheless high, corroborated by a good prognosis in terms of
future developments

10. The decisional level (or managerial scale) associated with the decisional time horizon leads
to the grouping of generic categories of managerial activities, which include:

a.) Strategic planning

b.) Strategic planning and tactical planning

c.) Strategic planning, tactical planning and operational management

d) Operational management and managerial leadership

Obs! For each correct answer you will get 0,6 points.
Case study: Perspectives on success and failure in projects
A Local Council of a commune in the South East region won, through a European
financing fund, a contract for a project aimed at building an ecological landfill within
the commune. The project with a total value of 5,000,000 lei and an estimated duration
of 2 years, is designed to comply with all provisions of European environmental
standards, quality, and technological standards for processing and storage of collected
After starting the processes and procedures specific to the start of the project, followed
the stage of timely implementation of the activities provided in the project plan. After
the tenders for the selection of the designer and the builder were awarded, the actual
construction phase of the landfill was started. During the execution of the first specific
landscaping works within the landfill site, the inhabitants of the commune gathered in
large numbers in front of the City Hall complaining that they are very dissatisfied with
the existing situation, because the area is known for its outstanding drinking water
quality. , and the applicants' major fears were related to the infiltration of residues
which would have infested the groundwater. In addition, a private investor who has a
flat water bottling station in the area, submitted
a similar complaint to the relevant authorities to highlight the negative situation
Until the appearance of these complaints, the project was considered a success from a
technical and financial point of view, fully within the budget of time and resources and
achieving by that time all deliverables and results provided in the project.
Given the above, please analyze the scenarios below, presenting in detail your point of
view on the following issues:
1. You are a representative of the Contracting Authority (with responsibilities
related to monitoring the progress of the projects in your portfolio) and take
note of the situation created. Following the analysis of the above, you
understand that by analyzing the financial and technical indicators, everything
is fine with the project (it is fully within the projected parameters) and
therefore decide not to get involved, because it is not your problem. Correct?
Please present here in detail you oppinion. ( 0,5 p)
2. You are the project manager and by analyzing the data presented above, you
come to the conclusion that you understand that the inhabitants of the
commune have complaints about your project, resonate with their request, but
from the point of view of a technocrat, you have to implement project activities
what is under your control and nothing will stop you from completing this
work task (your notoriety is also at stake). Correct? Please present here in
detail you oppinion. ( 0,5 p.)

3. You are the Mayor of the respective commune and you are preparing for the
local elections that will take place soon. You understand the gravity of the
problem, but also the special electoral stake, for which you issue a mayor's
order, by which you stop the construction works of the landfill within the
commune that you lead. Correct? Please present here in detail you oppinion. (
0,5 p)

4. You are a person with a decision position within the County Council and take
note of the situation created. For your institution, the possible blocking of the
project would create an important image damage, but also financial, which
would put in a possible negative light the entire portfolio of projects you have
in progress. Following the success indicators of the project, you also notice that
these indicators are fully achieved by then and as a result to avoid the potential
damage mentioned above, recommend continuing the work and informing the
Mayor on the high degree of importance that these works have for County
Council. Correct? Please present here in detail you oppinion. ( 0,5 p)

5. You are one of the contestants and you do not want in any way for this project
to continue within your commune. Note that on the territory of the neighboring
commune there is an unused vacant land with an area of ​25 hectares. As the
landfill covers only a portion of 5 hectares, consider that this space is suitable
for moving the project. As a result, you make a request signed by all the
contestants that you submit to the Managing Authority of the respective
program, by which you request the move of the project within that new
location. Correct? Please present here in detail you oppinion. ( 0,5 p)

6. You are a master's graduate in the field of Programs and Investments

Management and you work in the private field within a consulting company,
which can provide consultancy to the respective Local Council. What would
you recommend to those of the Local Council? Please present here in detail
you oppinion. ( 0,5 p).

For the Case Study you will recive maximum 3 points ( 0,5 for each Case Study).
1 point is Ex Officio.

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