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Past Continuous

+ = Subj + was/were + verb + ing

- = Subj + was/were + not + verb + ing

? = was/were + subj + verb + ing

1. Actions that starts in the past and continues in the present.
2. An action that was in progress and was interrupted by another.

Present Continuous
+ = Subj + to be + verb + ing

- = Subj + to be + not + verb + ing

? = To be + subj + verb + ing


1. To describe an action that is taking place right now

2. To describe a trend or action that is currently happening
3. To describe a future action or event that is already scheduled
4. To describe a temporary situation or event
5. with "always, forever, constantly", to describe and emphasize a
succession of repeated actions
Past Perfect Continuous
+ = Subj + have/has + been + verb + ing

- = Subj + haven´t/hasn´t + been + verb + ing

? = Have/has + subj + been + verb + ing


1. Unfinished Actions
2. Actions that have recently ended

Future Tense
Shall and Will

1. To talk about events that will occur with certainty in the future, with
or without the subject's intervention in the action.
2. To express decisions made by the speaker at the moment of speech,
without having previously foreseen it.
3. To express predictions, assumptions or deductions of the speaker
about a future event.
4. When to express orders, requests and promises

Be going to

1. To express plans, decisions or intention to do something in the

near future.
2. When you have the certainty that something is going to happen.
Gerunds and Infinitives
1. Used as a Subject.
2. As an object after certain verbs.
3. Are used such prepositions as after, on, with, without, before, by
and conjunctions when and while.

1. Gerunds with negative is made by adding `not´

The infinite form:

Learn – to learn

Give – to give

1. After certain verbs, adjectives and nouns
a. Verb + infinitive
b. Adjective + infinitive
c. Noun + infinitive
2. To express a purpose
3. The infinitives can also follow certain nouns
Used to
1. Used to + infinitive (Solia)
+= I used to visit my Grandma
- = I didn’t use to `` ``
? = Did I use to `` ```?
2. Be used to + Gerunds (vb + ing) (Estar acostumbrado)
+= I am used to waking up early
- = I am not use to `` ``
? = Am I used to `` ```?
3. Get used to +Gerunds (Vb + ing) (Acostumbrarse)
+= I got used to going to bed late
- = I didn’t get use to `` ``
? = Did I get use to `` ```?
Vocabulary Unit 0
1. Salty = Salado
2. Sour = Agrio
3. Spicy = Picante
4. Sweet = Dulce
5. Brain = Cerebro
6. Hearth = Corazon
7. Backbone = Columna vertebral
8. Dizzy = Mareado
9. Sneeze = Estorndar
10. Sting = Picadura
Relatives Pronouns
1. (that) Who: People Defining
2. (that) Which: Objects
3. Where: Place
4. Whose: Posses
5. When: Time

Defining – Non Defining Relative Causes

Esencial Information
if it is deleted, the sentence gets lame
``That´´ replace (who and which)
doesn’t have comas
if the pronoun is not subject, it can be omitted.

Non - Defining
Additional Information
if it is deleted, the sentence still make sense
it can´t use that
use comas
the Pronoun never omitted
Vocabulary Unit 1
Part A (pg12)
1. Raise money: recaudar dinero
2. Take action: tomar acción
3. Destruction: destrucción
4. Bring: traer
5. Back to life: de vuelta a la vida
6. Restore: restaurar
7. Sources: fuentes
8. Drilling: perforación
9. Wildlife: fauna Silvestre
10. Expose: expone
11. Threat: amenaza
12. Oil spills: chapapote
13. Landscapes: paisajes

Part B (pg16)
1. Take control: tomando el control
2. Armies: ejercitos
3. Accomplishment: logro
4. Widely believed: ampliamente creído
5. Decline: disminución
6. Knowledge: conocimiento
7. Developments: desarrollos
8. Taken place: ocupar un lugar
9. Lasted: duro
10. Led to: dejar que
11. Major: importante
12. Trade: comercio
13. Play a role: desempeñar un papel
14. Long before: mucho antes
15. Ruled gobernado
16. Goverment: govierno
17. Freedom: libertad

Part C (pg20)
1. Get around: llegar
2. Come up with: proponer
3. Loads: cargas
4. Time-consuming: pérdida de tiempo
5. Risky: arriesgado
6. Steam: vapour
7. Long-distance: larga distancia
8. Run on: funcionar
9. Set up: instalar
10. Network: red
11. Shipped: enviar
12. Standard of living: el nivel de vida
13. Hop on: subir
14. Reach: alcanzar
15. Capable of: capaz de
16. High-speed: alta velocidad
17. Track: vias de tren

Vocabulary Unit 2
Part A (pg30)
1. Operating: operar
2. Checked it out: reviser
3. Melted: derretir
4. Figured out: descubrimiento
5. Ended up: terminó
6. Sticking to: apegárse a
7. Removed: quitar
8. Attached: adjunto
9. Attempting: intentando
10. Contained: contenido
11. Turn into: convertirse en
12. Spilled: derramar
13. Warned: advertir
14. Find out: averiguar

Part B (pg34)
1. Gifted: dotado
2. Bright: brillante
3. Outstanding: sobresaliente
4. Valuable: valioso
5. Hidden: oculto
6. Genius: genio
7. Multitasking: multitarea
8. Sensitive: sensible
9. Natural leader: lider natural
10. Common sense: sentido común
11. Well-liked: Muy querido
12. Succesful: exitoso
13. Strengths: fortalezas
14. Weakness: debilidades
15. Take for granted: darlo por garantizado
16. Make the most of: aprovechar al máximo

Part C (pg38)
1. Spread out: extendendido
2. Pulled down: derrivado
3. Brick: ladrillo
4. Property: propiedad
5. Landmarks: monumentos
6. Blocks of flats: Bloques de pisos
7. Office blocks: Bloques de oficinas
8. Storey: plantas
9. Put up: levanter
10. Skyscrapers: rascacielos
11. High-rise: alto
12. Facilities: equipamiento urbanistico
13. Surrounded: rodeada
14. Inhabitants: Habitantes
15. Concrete: Hormigon
16. Steel: acero
17. Lifts: ascensores

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