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ora 7__surers warn covery BIBLIOGRAPHY FINISHED PLAN 5 2008 This drawing or document is the property of {Universal Shipbuilding Corporation and must iin no case wholly or partially be copied, shown] lor given to a third party without the expressed lconsent of Universal Shipbuilding |Corporation. a TURQUOISE S NO. 0028 150T BOLLARD PULL AHTSV approven ay | —>5. CO Bilge Pump Instruction Manual (Piston Pumps PD/LD) CHECKED BY cuecnen ay | ye of, fe DESIGNED BY Baler | DRAWN BY EMI RYT WARE onreorowa | 29 May 2008 @ universal shipbuilding Corporation |" "° Lsssantae Keihin Shipyard REF. NO. Design Department Machinery Outfitting Design Section ~ Yokohama Japan - SCALE: a DATE OF ISSUE __ oY ® ack ~ Bs Tike INSTRUCTION MANUAL PISTON PUMFS LD TAIKO KIKAI INDUSTRIES CO,, LTD. MPISTON PUMPS PD/LD ~ Contents Safety Instructions - 1. Scope of Application ~~ 2, Transport 3. Prevention of Vibration 4. Installation 5. Piping ~ 6. Connection 7. Operation 8. Maintenance 9. Inspection - 10. Troubles and Remedies 11, Assembly Drawings, Part Table, and Dimension ODTKLONNNNN= Foreword This manual has been prepared for "Taiko Type- Piston Pump" and describes the essential items for handling and maintenance of the pump. The service life of the pump depends on correct handling and maintenance. Itis imperative, therefore, that the instructions given in this manual should be closely followed, Hf you have any questions regarding this manual, please consult our Head Office or one of our branches. MPISTON PUMPS PD/LD Safety Instructions AA CAUTIONS FOR YOUR SAFETY Before using this pump, read the INSTRUCTION MANUAL(S). Follow WARNING LABEL(S), INSTAUCTION(S) and CAUTION PLATE(S) in order to use it correctly. It is also highly recommended to ALWAYS KEEP the INSTRUCTION MANUAL (S) at the SAME PLACE for easy access. TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION, PIPING, WIRING, OPERATION, INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE WORK must be done by ONLY a LICENSED and / or AUTHORIZED PERSON(S) who has enough knowledge on health and safety rules and regulations as well as on his or her profession. In any respect. we will NOT GUARANTEE any DEATH, INJURIES, DAMAGES AND LOSSES which are result in modification without our written authorization or using and assembling unauthorized parts. Wen DISPOSING a pump, any accessories used parts and oil. they should be trested as a general INDUSTRIAL WASTE. WARNING LABEL(S) and SIGN in the instruction manual(s) are classified into WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE as described below. ROLLED IN. BIT. PINCHED and SPILLED.) GREE beet eee ESE ete -A\CAUTION OPERATION and MANIPULATION DO NOT TOUCH or contact to SEALING part or HOT parts while the pump is IN OPERATION, (HOT-*BURNED and INJURED) INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE When OVERHAULING the pump. carefully handle the HEAVY weighted parts : especially, fitting a HANGING WIRE. (DROPPING | | of FALLING — INJURY.) Before STARTING @ MAINTENANCE work, clearly SIGN IN MAINTENANCE WORK and CUT ELECTRIC SUPPLY. (ELECTRIC ‘SHOCK -+ DEATH UNINTENDED ROTATION “+ ROLLED IN, BIT and PINCHED.) SA eet es ett etna A NOTICE OPERATION and MANIPULATION Without a specific purpose, do not manipulate the valves and cocks attached to cr supplied for the pump. (WRONG MANIPULATION + DAMAGING or DEFECTING the pump,) MPISTON PUMPS PD/LD 1. Scope of Application This manual is applicable to piston pumps in general horizantal and vertical 2. Transport In transport, it is necessary to proceed as follows, a. When lifting, pay attention to safety in respect to the weight of the units lifted and the method of using wires. b. Be careful to avoid damage to fittings such as piping, valves, cocks, gauges, etc. 3. Prevention of Vibration In order to minimize the vibration of pump and piping, take sufficient attention to the reinforcement of pump foundation and piping: supports. 4. Installation In installation, be careful as follows. 8. Pump foundation must be rigid and strong as practical, and installation face must be flat b. Considering operation and overhaul. give as. ample space as possible. c. Considering suction pipe loss and suction head, the location of pump must be decided, 5. Piping In piping, pay attention as follows. Pump must be set as near of bilge tank as possible, and suction head must be as low as possible, Suction pipe must be as short as possible, and vends of suction pipe and other fittings are as few as possible. @. Strainer must be provided on the suction pipe to protect pump, b. Suction pine must be free fram air or air invasion, c. Valves on the suction side must be guarded against air invasion through the gland, d. Flange connection ta the suction and the discharge nozzles should be placed correctly in order to avoid disturbance of Pump alignment when flange bolts are unduly tightened or when piping is vibrating, e. Precaution must be taken so that thermal stress, weight of piping and valves may not abnormally affect the pump. f, Interior of piping must be as clean as possible. PISTON PUMPS PD/LD 6. Connection 6.1 Alignment On completing installation, the alignment must be checked and care must be taken so that no misalignment will occur after connecting with piping. Since alignment is carried out on the surface plate in the shop, unreasonable readjustment should be avoid. Even though misalignment occurs, readjustment must be made carefully by loosening both of the bolts on the suction and discharge flanges and the foundation. ‘As shown in Fig.1, apply @ scale to the end face of the V-pulleys and eliminate vertical and horizontal discrepancies. (The scale should be applied obliquely.) a. Most proper tension of the V-belt will be obtained when it is loosened up to the maximum before getting to slip on the pulleys. a.(i) As for a V-belt of general use (A, B, C type), refer to Fig.2 to obtain its proper tension easily At the proper tension, the belt is flexible up to an amplitude equivalent to the height of the belt when perpendicularly pressed at the middle of the span. aii) To obtain the proper tension of the belt, adjust it so that its deflection =0.016x (mm) is between the maximum and the minimum of the load values mentioned in Table-1 when it is perpendicularly loaded at the middle of span (distance between ‘the contact points of the belt and the pulleys). Fig.3. b. After adjusting the axes, check the tension of the V-belt once more in the manner as described in a.(i) or a.(ii). c. Then, tighten the motor-fixing bolts. Fig.3 7. Operation Operation after installation or reassembly must be carried out in the following order. 7.1 Precaution before Operation @.Check if the bolts and the nuts on each joints are loosened. b. Check if suction strainer is clogged and if necessary, clean the screen. c. Open fully the valve both on the suction and the discherge side. d. Ensure that the cocks ar the valves of gauges, etc. are opened. e. Tum the pump shaft by hand to see whether it tums smoothly. f. Check if the rotating direction of pump is same as the arrow direction of the plate provided on the side cover. g. Be sure of bearing lubricant. (TURBINE OIL ve32~68) h. Unnecessary to fill the priming water into the suction pipes. But in case the valves and cylinder inside Gried, it causes not to pump up. So, at thet time fill water. 7.2 Operation @. Start the motor, but at first repeat "On and Off operations once or twice and enter into operation on confirming that there is no abnarmal condition regard to the rotating direction, vibration, noise, starting current, etc. 7.3 Stopping When mator has stopped. close the valve both on the suction and discharge side. TABLE-1 The Load Values on Belt Tension W: Ntket) Tye | gvaues | toad vauce [a oe uo | is nm | a | 18 a8) 25 (25) [ c | 39 am “64 65) | o | 79 eo 98(100) | e | 1eqeo | 147080) PISTON PUMPS PD/LD 8. Maintenance 8.1 Cautions during Operation 8. Be careful to operate as within the limit of design as practical b. Check the vibration, noise, pressure geuge and ammeter. If abnormal condition is surveyed, stop the pump immediately. c, Pay attention to bearing temperature rise. If the bearing housing can be felt by hand safely, there is na fear, otherwise, measure the temperature with a thermometer. Keep the permissible bearing temperature at ‘ambient temperature” plus 40° or “liquid temperature" puls 20. d. Be sure to keep about two drops of continuous leakage per minute through the gland. Too hard tightening of the packing will cause premature wear of the shaft sleeve, overheating and overload e, Never throttle the valve both on the suction and discharge side Adjust the flow by means of the bypass circuit on the discharge side. 1. Never operate with the valve closed on the discharge side, otherwise a temperature rise of the liquid in the casing will cause seizure g. See whether the standby pump is reversing due to the leakage from its nonreturn valve. h.In the case of a pump with automatic starting and stopping check the pressure at the start and stop of pump as well as the interval of operation, and if the interval is. too short, regurate oil level, etc. i. In the case of automatic operation under central control system. take care of the indication of gauge on the control panel board. i. See whether strainer is kept clean. 8.2 Cautions during Stanastill a. When the pump is shut down over a long period, the pump must be rotated by hand or motor periodically (once a week or 80). . If subject to freezing temperature, discharge the drain of the pump. 8.3 Other Cautions Fill up lubricant constantly as follows for crank chamber of the pump. Mode! No. | _ Parts Amount(L) PD-0.3NS LD-0.5NS 02 LO-INS Crank chamber Lo-enx | os LD-3NS: | ; Pee uD-sNs_ | [27 Brand name Turbine oil VG32~68 Every 8,000Hrs. MPISTON PUMPS PD/LD 9. Inspection ae but since it varies according to the method of 9.1 Periodical Inspection mounting, place of installation, liquid handled, 7 etc. Excepting the case of abnormal It is preferable that the operator should conditions, it is desirable to carry out make a plan of inspection in accordance with inspection periodically in the following: wey, conditions. Period jevew 3 TEven al Evey 3 [Every 12 | Every4 a poner months months or | years or fH . ‘s000Hs, | 20000Hts. Line bearing | Check up sliding surfaces for conditions of contact and flaw. 7 Check up inner andouterraces aswellas balls | =| for exfoliation, and if it's traces Is found, renew it Cheek up conditions of fitting and amount of leakage 0 Renew it if leakage is too much. Ball bearing Gland packing iar ~ | Check up conditions of contact, flaw in sliding ; (emee _ [faces and bend of shatt ) _ w | Check up surface flaw and condition of deterioration, i Oil-seal Renew it if deformed. : o Renew it Leather bowl Check up Condition of weer and renew them if (Bucket ring) abnormal points are found. ‘Throttle discharge valve and see operation of the Safety valve safety valve when discharge pressure has risen. ene V Bolt Check up condition of wear and renew them if V Pulley abnormal points are found. # Foundation | Check up loosening of foundation bolts. > bots |S eee 7 Aree eeeeeeHe ae Crank Fill up lubricant periodically chamber 9.2 Overhaul 9.3 Assembly At overhauling, attention must be paid Carry out assembly by reversing the as follows, order of disassembly and taking attention as. fol fe 2 Understand the construction well by meee referring to the assembly drawing and make a. Remove dust and stain from each part by no mistake in order of overhaul. washing it throughly with coal oil, Rep: b. When separating fit and flange faces, use if flaw is found, jack bolts and wooden hammers. and never _b, Fit the looking device perfectly in each apply force with chisels or drivers. rotating part if necessary. ¢ When removing the rotating element. take c. When fitting and combining with match care to avoid flaw on sliding faces and marks, be sure to follow them. machined surfaces. 4. At sliding surfaces of bearings and tooth 4. When removing rotating parts from the faces should be sufficiently lubricated by shaft, draw off each one carefully after clean oil removing the locking device. e. Insert each packing ring in good order softly e. Handle the longsizec-parts such as shaft and eauably one by one from the bottom to carefully so that it may not bend. ‘the appointed level by the gland, staggering f. Handle the parts carefully, by arranging each joint by 80° or 180° them on sheets of paper or cloth in good f. Pay attention that bolts, etc. are not order. tightened partially &. At overhauling, put suitable match marks . Check up alignment as mentioned in para. 6 ‘was many as possible to avoid mistake when —_h, Turn the shaft by hand to see whether it reassembling. turns smoothly. WPISTON PUMPS PD/LD 10. Troubles and Remedies remedies should be carried out. When troubles have ocourred, their The following, for example, can be causes should be traced and necessary described as troubles. T Troubles Causes Remedies. Pump does not start. Motor is in trouble, Repair motor. Pump seizes. Fopair pump. No power source. Check up electric system, | Wiring is broken, or relay etc. arein | Repair. | troupe Foreign matters exist in the pump. _ Overhaul and remove foreign matters, Pump starts, but does _| Water is not paured sutficiently, Pour water ance more, not discharge water. | Valvas are not open. Open vaives. Air is not pushed out sufficiently. Open airvent plug (or cock), Valves will not open. Repair valves. Pump is sucking al Check up suction system and part of Bland packing. Suction pine or straineris clogged. | Clean cuction pipe or strainer Pump starts, but Purp Ie sucking at Check up suction system and part of specied cpecty and sland packing preseure are not | Pum epeed are too low. Comect electric source reached Safety valve Is open, Adjust setting of safety valve Suction pine or strainer is logged. | Clean suction pipe or strainer Liquid viscosity is too low. | Check up the specification Leather bow @ucket rings worn. Replace leather bowl by new one | Suction pressure is too low | Check up the specification, (Lass than 0,05MPa) Gouges are wrong Replace gauges by new ones. Pump sterts and | Ai pockets exist in suction line Comact alpine. discharges oll, but soon | Airis sucked on cuction aystem. Check up suction system coaces tocschorge Pimps sucky ar noun siting | cus scene water box Puro stats, but moter Asolmal metal contact ests Inthe | Check clearence gets overloaded. rotating part Connection is wrong Check up alignment Pump shaft is bent. Renew shaft Motor isin trouble Repair motor Liguid viscosity is t00 high Set viscosity by specific lan, Discharge pressure is too high. _| Set pressure by specific plan Pump bearings ate wrona Fenew pump bearings Packings ave tigntaned urressonaby. | Loosen packings or renew them Pump starts, but bearings | Lubrication is not sulticient. Supaly lubicating al get overheated. Connection is wong. (Check up aligamont. Bearings are wrong, Fionew bearings Pump shatt is bent. Renew shaft. Motor rotating drection is wrone. | Change wiring Bearing assembly is wrong. oadiust bearings Pump start, but vibration | Connection is wrone. Check up alignment or noise takes place. | Pump shaft is bent Renew shaft. Installation is wrong. Correct installation condition Foundation Is weak Rinforce foundation Other vibration is transmitted, | Reintorce piping. Cavitation exists Set suction pressure and viscosity by the desien, Setety valve are chattering Repair safety valve. Foreign matters exist in the pump. | Overhaul and remove foreign matters. PISTON PUMPS PD/LD 11. Assembly Drawings, Part Table, and Dimension 11.1. PD-O3NS Meter ee ate as] ita [nae 1 Tern par Taco ant on 7 [Bet beserg [sue newest] . 8 [Seton tones |rc200" Gast ton 1 > ¢ 4 [vane cst cacene [eas emiog_—| = sears Net [bos j (S535 vam ter Jeeer pe Lp 3 Bote seat——[eaceda [ace casing [2 Naot ea 2 Sonne Teevoow —[eraxs casting | 2 vA Ro 2 | vate euiae e6od [Brass 2 BAB To [crane 0200 [cast ven # Tu “S460 ‘certon ateal a nen Tnoer fal Su tewne tear | 2 [ot seat naiear C200 Cent ton TI |S sen 98 1 2 reado_ east kon iy $8400___|Mic steel 1 re200 Joos tor | 4 Fo200 | Gee wor 7 S40 il H Troz00” 1 sus: taniess steel Act06 —]Bewe casing 4 ~lewasecoten 4] siaoe snes weet |cAos06— ses 1 rouse oe e200 Jesstin ACADG [Bronte costing 1 Troe q F200 [Gece ian vl 35: Cink canoer reaoo [ot rn 1 34 [rin pie rows [east von 7 35 [Ol Leve! gauge Plastic ¥ me weet MPISTON PUMPS PD/LD 11.2 LD-O5NSA, LD-1NSA ie Noe Samet | nano anal Bee Roam —Fea0o [eset rn 2 bal Saxe Sue [pee iad th at nai” ——| repo — Saat a fut tang” [swe sara sa ot sen Naa uate ‘sun S050 [poor ied Bex ro200_— east tan - nap ag [geo — fase ite tase Fee0e—_ ese ron Salty wake _-cao208 — [bona cosine \Cank ctanew coe C200" — east ton 2 bok ene 58400 Mid steot Connecting ed Fe200— Seat t wero esssin_[ S460) — Gatun st Z| Secthens pnd Spor st ; 2200 Gest ron 1 oe “woh roe 4 eae en ee | si exceDe_|amse casing ——| 1 \\ 3 vy F206 vy a Fe 1 29803 a ca700w a cace02 Brace asin ‘ Romar 4 SR Fuster aw Neve sant | earoaa~ tase a 4 28 jreaire ease 1c 50°ovmnde vast |tezog—[ensttea” ———~ aia eace0® [aes casing PB 32 [eyes com” ~"Fezoo. fess wen a i | 35-lreccre Non ——Trise 1 38 Susaoa ‘ o88o8 easy 3 oe Soar 2 2 Aaceoe ase conte _1 3 [otwr tow wee [eaceas Sens ces LP 36_|Oylinder liner [cz700T [bres _ ae i | a0" jroaine 1 [eee roo a ("22 loam eseroor reso fest ren 2 [om ou Foe ion aa Gr ot te Bee in Mode No, | 1 ToT . len reer gejoo[a[eclole|r[a}nlr js |x "vm jelale.csfale we {poser 20/0 [98] 60 | 20/20 wgoleor|os ane aco e7[ee8 aoa) ao|ie| eo 00 |so| 2 11 | 2m ~ jvonsa [2s |26 [192 70 | 95 |1s0|r9s]z61 9s ‘zoe|4e0)aa7 sss|275|1en[120. 80 , 60 | 5 | | MPISTON PUMPS PD/LD - 41.8 LD-2NX SO tens pain Ecce ‘saz ing Passing ing nous Safety wave eater v ees Seeyu sere |sorng corer [Aust sre Setety «coe asker ake |Sasret Gasket Paro weien Oia WPISTON PUMPS PD/LD 11.4 LD-3NS, LD-5NS aa Tait [oe] te aga warmer ( | tome Sree" “ah r0a00" cs |2e-Pastng Taso | 2 [25 [at aoa paste —c eewaare to “3 [2s [cesta Snr eater = esate Fe [ane sent coor Tt So tise 38 Gina ara oer aee i é pace “ges seen [+ 5 i pe Pare +I . 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Oseka 541-0048 vaca TEL:816-6281-6241 FAX:81-66222:9295 Emails osakabratakokkcom So) Beling Office “Shanghai Oifice Taiko Kerea cEK 1W505001 eevee Zooey MOTSUME

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