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TENSE uv q Pvesent Past Futuie SIMPLE Mi % vi -sles — wit} shall CONTINVODS — Vig (Vito? Vg Cuiting) Vg (vitiny) ing -was/were —- Will/shalt) be PERFECT = Vg (iting) «Vg V3 ~has [have -had ~ willl sha hay PERFECT Vg (ting) Vg (4 ing) Va Cvcting CONTINDOUS —_thasfhave) been — had been —(willshaidh rr TENSE 7 Present. Habit Univecal Truth Fast Completed work: fase Habits [ Stovien ines) WH happen Future SIMPLE Work tect we believe or think CONTINVODS Work th Progress Work that wae Work that will [abe “| propren med : yee ofeouvse be happt PERFECT Work Completed Work done bebre Work Mat wil 8 fini tine be compleled Work stared % — Work —> Starkd —> work will oceu>. PERFECT past & shat being Covtined —> Done £ completed CONTINUOUS done. d (Al) % Past) future Countabe noune —> cae Mang OE ns ee oe WU - Promise Crd ee ee ny ST eA Or aa eC en aes os Me ee OC Can — neg Need 4 — Advice Must — Nasty) Dare to - Oe Last week The previous week This That Tonight That night These Those The next day The following day Now Then Say Say Thus So Says Says Hence Thence Say to Tell Ago Before Says to Tells Today That day Said Said Tomorrow The next day Said to | Told Yesterday The previous day will say will say Last night The previous night Will say to Will tell is/are/am —+> ~_—-was/were was/were —— had been had been —+ had been has/have —- =_—ihad had ——> no change do —-» = did did ——> had done * had done ——> ino change will/shall ———- should | (Shall might be changed into should as per the case) may/can —-» _~_—imight/could could/might/should/ would/ought to/ —» nochange 1)Read the conversation between Rahul and Kunal and complete the passage that follows. Rahul : Could you lend me some money? Kunal :\ am afraid | can't help you. Rahul (a) requested Kunal to lend him some money. Kunal was sorry that (b) he couldn't help him. 2)Read the conversation between a teacher and student and complete the passage that follows. Teacher: |shan, can you read Spanish? Student : No Madam, | find Spanish very difficult. The teacher asked the student(a) if he could read Spanish. The student replied in (b) the negative stating that he found it very difficult. 3) Read the conversation between Riya and Shreya and complete the passage that follows. Riya : Did you enjoy your trip to Agra? Shreya: Yes, it was wonderful. Riya asked Shreya if (a) she had enjoyed her trip to Agra. Shreya replied (b) that she had and added that it had been wonderful. 1)Read the conversation between a mother and her son Prateek and complete the passage that follows. Mother: So you have been hitting Puneet again? Prateek: No, | haven't. Who told you that? Mother angrily called Prateek out that (a), . Prateek angrily answered back, asserting that he had not beaten Puneet, and inquired (b) 2)Read the conversation between a passenger and a conductor and complete the passage that follows. Passenger: Can | have two first class tickets, please? Conductor: |'m afraid it's full. The passenger (a) two first class tickets. The conductor (b) full. 3)Read the conversation between a teacher and student and complete the passage that follows. Teacher: Aniket, why were you absent yesterday? Aniket : Yesterday | had cold and fever, ma'am. | couldn't inform you beforehand. The teacher asked Aniket (a) Aniket replied that (b) and added that he couldn't inform him beforehand. 4)Read the conversation from a play and complete the passage that follows. Henry 7 Elizabeth! Our friends are waiting for us outside. At least lower your voice. Elizabeth: Let them be there, when you don't care for the people why should I. Henry reminded Elizabeth that (a) 0 He also requested to lower her voice. Elizabeth replied loudly that she did not care for them. Then she asked him (b) when he didn't. 5)Read the conversation between a Delhi Metro personnel and a traveller and complete the passage that follows. Traveller: Please give me three tokens to Rajiv Chowk. How much is it? Metro Personnel: Fifty rupees a token. The traveller(a) three tokens to Rajiv Chowk and asked how much it was. The Metro personnel replied (b) —____- 6)Read the conversation between Harsh and Tarun and complete the passage that follows. Harsh: The day after tomorrow you will receive the money. Tarun: | need the money today, not the day after tomorrow. Harsh tells Tarun that (a) . Tarun tells him that he needs the money (b) The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. Error Correction (A) Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi goes to England £.g. goes went for higher studies at an age of 19. His mother was an the apprehensive about young men go astray in western go join society. But her fears were put on rest as he on to promised to remain pure by heart. Error Correction (B)The rose-ringed parakeet also known as a Eg. a ring-necked parakeet, was a gregarious tropical was Afro-Asian parakeet species that has a extremely a an large range. The adult male sports a read or read red black neck ring. Error Correction (C)There are times when silence become a most Eg. a the potential way off communication and it's more off of effective than words, for instance, sometimes the silent the a angry Look from our parents was enough to let was is us feel their fury. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. (A) The opening ceremony for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games takes place in the Marcana Stadium on 5 August 2016 and is directed by Fernando Meirelles, Daniela Thomas or Andrucha Waddington. The ceremony highlighted the aspects of Brazilian history and culture. (B) Today, democracy is often assume to be a liberal form at governance, a form of representative democracy when the ability of elect representative and the will of the majority Error Correction E.g. for of (a2)__ (b)_ () Error Correction E.g.assume assumed (a) (b) ] to exercise decision making power is subject to the rule of law. (C) Popcorn is a type of corn who expands from the kernel and puffs up when heated. When heated pressure build within the kernel, and an small explosion or "pop" is the end result. There are various techniques off popping corn. Error Correction E.g. Who which (a) (b)_ () Error Correction (D) You recently ask me to write a short report E.g. ask asked in the progress made so far in the Literacy (a)_ Project. Initial, adults were reluctant to learn. (b) Gradually, they overcome their inhibitions. (3) _ Error Correction (E) Bollywood is a informal word for India's Hindilanguage Eg. a@ _an film industry, based at the city of Mumbai, Maharashtra. (a) It is most formally referred to as Hindi cinema. The term (b)_ "Bollywood" is often used with non-Indians as a synecdoche(c) to refer to a whole of Indian cinema. Error Correction (F) India successful Launched the communication satellite E.g successful successfully GSAT-18 on 6 October 2016. The satellite waslaunch (a) by a heavy duty rocket of Ariane space for (by) the spaceport of Kourou on French Guiana. (QO

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