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Modern Delhi Public School, Greater Faridabad Sample Paper (Pre-Mid Term Examination) (2022-2023) Subject : Maths Class ~X Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Pages :9 ( General Instructions : 1. The question paper contains two parts : A and B. 2, Both Part A and Part B have internal choices. Part-A: 1. It consists of two sections : | and Il. { 2. Section | has 16 questions of 1 mark each. Internal choice is provided in 5 questions. 3. Section Ii has 4 questions, of 4 marks each, on case study.’Each case study has 5 case- based sub-parts. An examinee is to attempt any, 4.outjof 5 sub-parts. Part-B : i) 1. Itconsists of three sections Ill, Vand V._ 2. In section Il, Question Nos. 21 to 26 are Very Short Answer Type questions of 2 marks each. y In section IV, Question Nos. 27 to 33 are Short Answer Type questions of 3 marks each. 4, In section V, Question Nos. 34 to 36 ate Long Answer Type questions of 5 marks each. 5. Internal choice is provided in,2 “questions of 2 marks, 2 questions of $ marks and 1 question of 5 marks, Ady PART -A . Section-| 1. Ifa, Bare the zerdé8"of the polynomial p(x) = $x*- 5x + 1, then find the value of a+ pt. y 4 oR Find the zeroes ofthe polynomial 6x?+ x ~ 1. 2. Find the valtie.of k for which the equations 3x -y +8 = 0 and 6x~ky =-16 represent coincident lines. 3. Ifx—2y.=3 and 2x-y = 6, then find the value of x + y. OR If the equations 3x — 5y = 4 and 6x + ky = 9 are consistent, then find the possible values of k. 1 Faridabad (Haryana) Contact # 0129-2229277/377, 9971794077, 9871120377 (2) ‘Sample Paper X (Pre-Mid Term Examination) Modern Delhi Public School oop 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Find the value of 3 sin?30° — 4 tan? 45° + 7 cot? 60°. What will be the area of the triangle formed by the line 6x — Sy = 30 with the coordinate axes? ‘ABC is a triangle in which D and E are the mid-points of the sides AB and AC respectively. If the coordinates of D and E are (1, 3) and (3,~1) respectively, then find'the length of the side BC of triangle. OR If the distance between the points (4, -1) and (-k, 5) is 10 uinits, then find all possible values of k. °c Write a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are -2 and, 7" What will be the radius of the circle with diameter AB. wiiore the points A and B are (3, 7) and (2, 19)? The centroid of a triangle is (2, -3). If two of ts,vértices are (1, -2) and (2, 8), then find the third vertex. a 9 Find the value of (cot A + cosec A) (cot’A.> cosec A) +3. If sin’0 -cos*0 = +, then find the valde of 0 JOR If sin A—cos A =0, then 1d theVvalue of sin‘A + cos A. Find the sum and the prfoct ‘of the zeroes of the polynomial 2x? + 6x — 5. Find the distance betweén.the points (ab, a+b) and (a+b, a—b). It for the polynomiallp(d) = x2+ (2k ~ 7) x — (17k + 8), the product of the zeroes is two more than 30 timesithe sum of the zeroes, then find the value of k. If tano + cot6=3)) then find the value of tan‘6+cot0. 4 OR If 2c0s20,= V3, then find the value of cot 30+-V/2sin30. Oni quation of a pair of dependent linear equations is — 5x + 7y = 2. Write the other equation possible for such a pair. xr Faridabad (Haryana) Contact #/ 0129-2229277/377, 9971794077, 9871120377 (3) Sample Paper X (Pre-Mid Term Examination) Modern Delhi Public School SECTION - 11 17. Case Study Based - 4 Due to heavy storm, an electric wire got bent as shown in the following figure. tfollowed a mathematical shape. Based on the given figure, answer the following qdeslions: / (i) The name of the shape is: (@) Spiral () Elliptical (©) Parabolic (4) Linear (ii) How many zeroes are there for thé\polynomial represented by the above shape? (a) 0 oe) 4 © 2 ay @ 3 (iii) The zeroes of the polio represented by the wire are: () 1,5 “oer () 1,3 () 35 ) @ 42 (iv) _ The expression of the polynomial represented by the wire is: (a) #4 2x-3 (b) 22x 43 (0), x8 2x- 3 () 42x43 (v)__ The value of the polynomial at x = — 1 is: (a) 0 (b) -4 () 6 (2 Greater Faridabad (Iaryana) Contact # 0129-2229277/377, 9971794077, 9871120377 ) Sample Paper X (Pre-Mid Term Examination) Modern Delhi Public School 18. i) (i) (iii) (iv) (v) Case Study Based - 2 Consider the following graph of a pair of linear equations and answer the following questions: The solution of the given pair of linear cations is: (a) (0,0) (b) (2,0) (ce) (0,2) oid) (2,2) The given pair of linear equations is:) (a) consistent (b) _ inconsistent (c) dependent , (4) none of these The area of the trianglé-formed by the two lines with x-axis is: (b) 5 —. (a) 3 Cy ie o> ) The number.of Solutions of the given pair of linear equations is: (a) unique (b) two (c) infinite (d) no solution Theslehgth of the intercept made by two lines on x-axis is: (a) : 3 () 4 © 5 @ 6 Greater Faridabad (Haryana) Contact # 0129-2229277/377, 9971794077, 9871120377 is) Sample Paper X (Pre-Mid Term Examination) Modern Delhi Public School 19. ii) iii) iv) vy) Case Study Based -3 The houses of four friends Ajay, Bhavya, Chirag and Dhruv are located at the points A, B, C and D respectively in a straight line in this given order such that the distance between any two adjacent houses is the same. If the houses of Ajay and, Dinu are located at the points (1, -2) and (-3, 4), then answer the following questions based on the given information: The house of Bhavya is located at the point: 1 @) [3° (b) (3) @ The house of Chirag is located at the point: @ (3-2) «4 The distance between Bhavya’s hoseand Dhruv’s house is: (a) v3 A ‘ y (b) aii ) 2v% Ay 5 vee The distance between{fja's house and Chirag’ house i: (a) Su5 (b) aii (©) 2 Vz y (a) ive The position of the central park situated at halfway between Ajay's house and Dhruv’s house is given by the point: (a) (1,1) (b) (1,1) (©) 1-1) (4) none of these ‘idabad (Haryana) Contact # 0129-2229277/377, 9971794077, 9871120377 (16) Sample Paper X (Pre-Mid Term Examination) Modern Delhi Public Schoo! 20. Case Study Based - 4 Consider the following trigonometric relations: 4sin0=3 xsin? 30°+ yous? 45° =4 sinz=x-2y 12 Based on all above relations, answer the following questions: i) The value of cosé is: e v7 Oo | ) () ii) The value of cot is : i _ Ae i ® ao oy A © a (4) _ none of these iii) The value of x is: 1 (a) + 2 b) 3 4 © 3 ® 3 iv) \ (b) © @ 4 Vv) Thewvalue of z is: (a) "30° (b) 60° () 45° (d) 90° ‘Greater Faridabad (Haryana) Contnet 0129-2229277/377, 9971794077, 9871120377 Hy Sample Paper X (Pre-Mid Term Examination) Modern Dethi Public School Sample Paper X (Pre-Mic Eero OOO eoorvrr 21. . & 23, 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Greater Faridabad (Haryana) Contaet # 0129-2229277/377, 9971794077, 9871120377 PART -B SECTION - Il If one zero of the polynomial 4x*— 8kx + 8x - 9 is negative of the other, then find the zeroes of the polynomial kx? + 3kx + 2, ( OR a It a, B are the zeroes of the polynomial x? p(x + 1)—¢ and (a +1)(B#4)=0 then find the value of c. D For what value of c the linear equations ox + Sy = 3 and 12x + cy.=6 are inconsistent? Solve the linear equations 2x - 7y = 13 , 7x + 2y = 19 by.the method of substitution. OR A « ) ty 4. 4 : In a competitive exam, one mark is awarded for each col ect answer while 2 mark is deducted for each wrong answer. Jaya answered.120 questions and got 90 marks. How many questions did she answer correctly? 4 ; 7 y Check whether the points (-2, 9), (1, 6) afid (10; -8) are collinear or not? If the zeroes of the polynomial x? - (a= 1)x 4b are 2 and -3, then find the values of a and b. Prove the following relation: / 1£Sec0—tand _1-sind J#8ed0+tand cos0 y SECTION-IV If a,B are the zeroés-of the polynomial x? - 5x + 7, then find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes aré\(F28)and(2a.+p).. If 14sin®0=9sin0G0s0, then find the value(s) of tand. OR Prove that: (1 — sin A + cos A)® = 2 (1 + cos A) (1— sin A) The sum ofa two digit number and the number formed by interchanging its digits is 110. If 101s subtracted from the number, the new number becomes 4 more than 5 times the ‘sum of its digits. Find the number. (Is) Sample Paper X (Pre-Mid Term Examination) Modern Delhi Public School 30. 34. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. ABCD is a rectangle whose two vertices A and B are (-1, -1) and (-1, 4). If the two : 3 diagonals of the rectangle intersect at the point (23) then find the other two vertices of the rectangle. Also find the area of this rectangle. Find the ratio in which the point (-8, p) divides the line-segment joining the points (-5, -4) and (-2, 3). Also find the value of p. OR Find the type of the quadrilateral formed by the points (-2, 3), (6, 7)»(8, 3) and (0, 1) where the points are taken in order. If the zeroes of the polynomial ax? + bx +c are in the ratio 4 : 5, then show that 20 b’= Blac. c If asin@ +bcos0 = c, then prove that: A _ : f£0080—bsind = Va? +b%&c? » SECTION - V4} C4 J Sarita sold a table and a chair for $1050, tigieby making a profit of 10% on table and 25% on chair. If she had taken a profit of 259% ‘On table and 10% on chair, she would have got %1065. Find the cost price of each.) Find the centre of the circle passing throligh the points (9, 3), (7, -1) and (1, -1). Also find the radius of the circle. 6 Prove the following: 1-sin? Ocos?0 sin? @cos*9 = SSCs S } 2+sin’ Ocos’0 1 ba see @-cos*0 “eesec*0— sin? 0 ») OR If m=tan0 +sin0, n=tan0—sind, then prove that: (m?-n?)’ =16mn. Greater Faridabad (Haryana) Contact # 0129-2229277/377, 9971794077, 9871120377 (i) Answer Key for Class-X (Sample Paper) Sorx=-1/2, 1/3 k=2 2ork#-10 112 15 sq.units 8V2 ork =4,-12 x 5K-14 6.5 units (3, -2) 2 0=60° sum =~, Product = -5/2 2v2b k=5 47 or2 10x + 14y=4 (ie 18. fic il) b ye wa (yo 20. (ii) (ii) a (iva (yb (e (ia (iii) b (iva we (ic (ii) b (iii) d (iv)b wa 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. ‘34. 35. -1,-2ore=1 c=-6 x=3,y=-1 or 100 yes, collinear a=0,b=-6 proof x? — 15x +57 tano = 1,5 64 (6, 4), (5,1) Area = 30 sq.units Ratio=2:1,p=2/3 Table = %500 Chair = %400 (4, 3), r= 5 units

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