Volcano Print Multiple

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114122, 652 PM [RPubs -Exporing 30 graphs fom ‘attic’ as rotating GIF images RPUubs wastucio Signin | Regis hitpssitpubs.comib_t cooperatice_rotaion_80 12 114122, 652 PM ;RPubs - Exporting 3 graphs trom lattice’ as rotating GIF images Exporting 3D graphs from ‘lattice’ as rotating GIF images Ben Cooper 1 November 2016 This code is designed to generate a 3D plot using the wireframe() function in the lattice package, and export it to an animated image performing an orbital rotation. Whilst | found a multitude of ways of making interactively rotatable 3D figures within R, | could not find a satisfying workflow for exporting them. So here we are. The following packages are required: Library(1attice) Library (animation) 4 Warning: package ‘animation’ was built under R version 3.2.4 Our first job is of course to create the graph in question. This can be any graph plotted using wireframe() - for demonstration purposes, | will use the volcano data that comes with R. wireframe(volcano, shade = TRUE, distance=0, screenzlist(z=50,x=-60), ylabe"", z1al xial scales-List(draw=FALSE)) hitpsa/tpubs.comb_t_cooperfatice_rotation_30 22

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