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Patient Name : Mr.

ROSHAN SAINI Lab No : 20230205072

Age/Sex : 40 Years/Male Registered on: 05/02/2023
Reffered by : SELF Reported on : 05/02/2023
Address : Printed on : 05/02/2023 11:24
Mobile No. : 8168036799

Test Name Patient Value Unit Reference Range
Haemoglobin 16.5 gm% 14 - 18
RBC Count 6.13 Millions/cumm 3.8 - 5.8
Total WBC Count 5.5 /cumm 4000 - 11000
Differential Count
Neutrophils 65 % 40 - 75
Lymphocytes 30 % 20 - 45
Eosinophils 02 % 1-6
Monocytes 03 % 1 - 10
Basophil 00 % 0-1
HCT(PCV) 52.4 % 40 - 55
MCV 85.4 fl 76 - 100
MCH 26.9 pg 27 - 32
MCHC 31.4 g/dl 32 - 36
RDW-CV 16.2 % 11 - 16
Platelet Count 261 / 150000 - 450000
MPV 10.6 fl 8 - 11
PDW 16.0 fl 9 - 17
PCT 0.351 % 0.108 - 0.282

Kindly correlate clinically !

Thanks for referral !

Checked By
Patient Name : Mr. ROSHAN SAINI Lab No : 20230205072
Age/Sex : 40 Years/Male Registered on: 05/02/2023
Reffered by : SELF Reported on : 05/02/2023
Address : Printed on : 05/02/2023 11:24
Mobile No. : 8168036799

Test Name Patient Value Unit Reference Range
Peripheral Smear Examination
WBC Within Normal Range
RBC RBCs are normocytic to normochromic
Platelet Adequate On Smear
Haemoparasite Not seen

Test Name Patient Value Unit Reference Range
Blood Sugar Random (RBS) 330.4 mg/dl 70 - 140
End Of Report

Kindly correlate clinically !

Thanks for referral !

Checked By

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