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2004 Taurus World Stunt Awards



1. Kill Bill Vol. 1

Two stunt women fight in a suburban living room using martial arts techniques and props
such as knives. They crash into glass furniture and walls, taking hard hits all around.
Nominees: Zoë Bell, Angela Meryl

2. Matrix Reloaded
Lead character takes on several henchmen in a chateau. Using wires, ancient weapons
and martial arts, the stunt men crash into walls, fight around a grand staircase and destroy
Nominees: Ousan Elam, Chen Hu "Tiger", Dave Leitch, Brad Martin, David No,
Chad Stahelski, Marcus Young

3. Pirates of the Caribbean

Two stunt men engage in a sword fight in a blacksmith shop. Using acrobatics to
maneuver around the shop, they balance on exposed beams and carts while fighting with
their swords.
Nominees: Tony Angelotti, Mark Wagner

4. The Rundown
Several rebels take on The Rock in a jungle clearing. Stunt men swing on ropes, jump
from trees and use sticks to attack, while also fighting with bare hands.
Nominees: Jeswant Abrescy, Geovanny Corvera, Roberto Gutierrez, Nito Larioza,
Nick Palma, Tanoai Reed, John Valera, Marko Zaror

5. Shanghai Knights
Jackie Chan fights with many stunt men in a crowded marketplace. The stunt men
maneuver around carts filled with produce and up onto rooftops to continue the fight.
Props used in the fight include umbrellas, boxes, crates and pulleys.
Nominees: Brad Allan, Paul Andreovski, Petr Bozdich, Radek Bruna, Pavel
Dvoreik, Wu Gang, Ken He, Petr Kabat, Jan Loukota, Rudolf Vrba


1. 28 Days Later
Zombies are lit on fire by Molotov cocktails. They erupt into full body burns while
running over cars and chasing someone through the deserted streets of London.
Nominees: George Cottle Jr., Eunice Huthart, Peter Pedrero, Andreas Petrides
2. Freddy vs. Jason
Freddy and Jason are caught in a large explosion, causing them to catch fire and be
ratcheted backwards into a lake.
Nominees: Doug Chapman, Glenn Ennis

3. Freddy vs. Jason

Stunt man is lit on fire but continues to chase teenagers at a party. He makes his way
through a corn field, lighting the field on fire, as he walks to the party to kill several
teenagers with his fiery blade.
Nominee: Glenn Ennis

4. The Last Samurai

Soldiers on a field of battle are set on fire by several explosions. The attackers erupt into
multiple fire burns.
Nominees: Jean Jacques DePlanque, Dave Forman, Akira Kamito, Taketo
Nakamura, Nobu Obikane, Takashi Sakamoto, Kazuki Tsujimoto, Peng Zhang

5. Old School
Dressed in a school mascot costume, a stunt man attempts to dive through a ring of fire.
Missing the ring, the entire costume is engulfed in flames.
Nominee: Joe Bucaro


1. Bad Boys II
A remote bomb is detonated while soldiers stand around gazing at the bomb. Soldiers are
sent flying into the air using ratchets.
Nominees: Jeff Cadiente, Henry Kingi Jr., Dustin Meier, Denny Pierce

2. Cradle 2 the Grave

Stunt man ties a rope off of a roof vent and jumps off the side of a building. He swings
on the rope and crashes into the glass window of the building, landing inside a room.
Nominee: Jalil Jay Lynch

3. Once Upon a Time in Mexico

A stunt man and woman escape from a fifth story window while handcuffed together.
Using the handcuffs, they maneuver down the side of the building, holding onto
balconies and electrical lines. They eventually land on the top of a bus driving on the
street below.
Nominees: Cheryl Bermeo, Gail Monian, Norm Mora
4. Out of Time
Two stunt men fight in a hotel room and crash through a large sliding glass door. The
balcony outside comes loose from the building and leaves the two stunt men hanging
from the balcony bars. The men fight while hanging onto the bars and one eventually
does an 80’ high fall without the use of wires.
Nominees: Troy Brown, Robert Powell

5. The Rundown
Two stunt men are thrown from a jeep as it falls off the side of a cliff. The stunt men
tumble and fall down the cliff, hitting multiple trees and debris. Eventually the two men
perform a tumbling 55’ high fall into a large pool without the use of wires.
Nominees: Tanoai Reed, Paul Eliopolus


1. 2 Fast 2 Furious
During a high speed chase with multiple cars, a red Mustang gets caught between the
tires of an 18 wheeler. The Mustang bounces between the tires and eventually gets run
over by the back wheels. Vehicles crash all around the crushed Mustang after it comes
out from under the 18 wheeler.
Nominees: Troy Brown, Annie Ellis, Corey Eubanks, Teri Garland Leonard,
Freddie Hice, Malosi Leonard, Sammy Maloof, George Sack, Jim Wilkey

2. Bad Boys II
Two SUVs drive down the side of a hill filled with shacks. The SUVs encounter many
people and crash through poorly constructed huts in their chase. Explosions erupt at the
end of the chase.
Nominees: Henry Kingi Sr., Steve Picerni

3. Bad Boys II
A Ferrari chases a car carrier on a busy freeway. During the pursuit, cars from the carrier
are set loose and roll or fly into the path of the Ferrari. The Ferrari must maneuver
around the loose cars that have landed in the middle of the freeway. The carrier also
crashes into many other vehicles and causes multiple accidents.
Nominees: Joffery Brown, Gil Combs, Richard Epper, Andy Gill, Jack Gill, Steve
Kelso, Henry Kingi Sr., Bennie Moore, Charlie Picerni Sr., Steve Picerni
4. Cradle 2 the Grave
A four wheel quad is chased around the streets of Los Angeles by police and two dirt
bikes. Stunt man drives through a building, maneuvering within the building and
eventually drives through a glass window to jump to the rooftop of another building. He
then proceeds to jump from rooftop to rooftop to evade the police.
Nominees: David Barrett, Stanton Barrett, Debbie Evans, Clay Fontenot, Tad
Griffith, Jalil Jay Lynch, Scott Rogers

5. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

A large crane, police cars, a police motorcycle and various emergency vehicles pursue a
pick-up truck. The pick-up truck is bumped and crashes into the chase vehicles and spins
in circles. The crane crashes through nearby buildings and knocks down telephone poles
and street signs. Eventually the crane is caught in the street and explodes.
Nominees: Dickey Beer, Wade Eastwood, Terry Jackson, Billy Lucas, Rick Miller,
Monte Perlin, Gary Powell, Mike Smith, Tom Struthers, Tim Trella


1. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle

Stunt woman rides a street luge down a winding highway. Maneuvering next to a silver
car, she links herself and the luge to the vehicle. Rocks on the highway make the ride
very bumpy.
Nominees: Kenny Alexander, Eliza Coleman, Christy Yi

2. Italian Job
Boats engage in a high speed chase through the canals of Venice. Various boats crash
into the nearby streets and boat vendors, while slicing through gondolas that come into
their path. Merging canals cause many near misses with the boats.
Nominees: Clay Cullen Jr., Michael Gaines, Mike Massa, Jean Paul “J.P.” Ruggiero

3. The Last Samurai

Stunt men on horses make a last stand and charge their enemy. They are shot down while
galloping to their death. Both horses and stunt men fall onto the field of battle.
Nominees: Danny Baldwin, Dean Caulfield, Mick Corrigan, Jonathan Costelloe,
Alejandro Garcia, Pedro Garcia, Peter Miles, Shawn Orr, Hernan Ortiz, Eugenes

4. The Rundown
Two stunt men are thrown from a jeep as it falls off the side of a cliff. The stunt men
tumble and fall down the cliff, hitting multiple trees and debris. Eventually the two men
perform a tumbling 55’ high fall into a large pool without the use of wires.
Nominees: Paul Eliopolus, JJ Perry, Tanoai Reed, Marko Zaror
5. Seabiscuit
A stunt man is thrown from his horse while his foot is caught in a stirrup. Held only by
the stirrup, he is then dragged by the horse through a stable and hits various parts of the
building, until finally coming free of the horse.
Nominees: Ryan Brown, Richard Bucher, Kevin Derr, Tad Griffith, Marty Murray


1. Cradle 2 the Grave

A four wheel quad is chased around the streets of Los Angeles by police and two dirt
bikes. Stunt man drives through a building, maneuvering within the building and
eventually drives through a glass window to jump to the rooftop of another building. He
then proceeds to jump from rooftop to rooftop to evade the police.
Nominees: David Barrett, Stanton Barrett, Clay Fontenot, Tad Griffith, Jalil Jay
Lynch, Scott Rogers

2. Open Range
Stunt man is shot from behind and is ratcheted into an adjacent wall, hitting the wall and
landing on the ground.
Nominee: Chad Camilleri

3. The Rundown
Two stunt men are thrown from a jeep as it falls off the side of a cliff. The stunt men
tumble and fall down the cliff, hitting multiple trees and debris. Eventually the two men
perform a tumbling 55’ high fall into a large pool without the use of wires.
Nominees: Paul Eliopolus, JJ Perry, Tanoai Reed, Marko Zaror

4. Seabiscuit
A stunt man is thrown from his horse while his foot is caught in a stirrup. Held only by
the stirrup, he is then dragged by the horse through a stable and hits various parts of the
building, until finally coming free of the horse.
Nominees: Ryan Brown, Richard Bucher, Kevin Derr, Tad Griffith, Marty Murray

5. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

A large crane, police cars, a police motorcycle and various emergency vehicles pursue a
pick-up truck. The pick-up truck is bumped and crashes into the chase vehicles and spins
in circles. The crane crashes through nearby buildings and knocks down telephone poles
and street signs. Eventually the crane is caught in the street and explodes.
Nominees: Dickey Beer, Wade Eastwood, Terry Jackson, Billy Lucas, Rick Miller,
Monte Perlin, Gary Powell, Mike Smith, Tom Struthers, Tim Trella

1. Kill Bill Vol. 1

Two stunt women fight in a suburban living room using martial arts techniques and props
such as knives. They crash into glass furniture and walls, taking hard hits all around.
Nominees: Zoë Bell, Angela Meryl

2. Matrix Reloaded
Female motorcycle rider weaves through a crowded freeway, evading multiple cars and a
semi truck, while carrying a passenger on the back of the motorcycle. She then rides
through the traffic head-on to escape.
Nominee: Debbie Evans

3. Matrix Reloaded
A black sedan does a pipe ramp turn over on a crowded freeway. A silver Cadillac CTS
then drives underneath the sedan.
Nominee: Debbie Ross Rondell

4. Once Upon a Time in Mexico

A stunt man and woman escape from a fifth story window while handcuffed together.
Using the handcuffs, they maneuver down the side of the building, holding onto
balconies and electrical lines. They eventually land on the top of a bus driving on the
street below.
Nominees: Cheryl Bermeo, Gail Monian

5. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Terminatrix runs off an embankment and lands on the top of a moving hearse. The
hearse tries to shake her off by weaving and the Terminatrix must hang onto the roof top
to avoid flying off.
Nominee: Alisa Hensley


1. 2 Fast 2 Furious
Nominees: Terry J. Leonard, Artie Malesci

2. Bad Boys II
Nominees: Andy Gill, Steve Picerni, Spiro Razatos

3. The Last Samurai

Nominees: Nicholas Powell
4. Matrix Reloaded
Nominees: Glen Boswell, David Ellis, R.A. Rondell

5. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Nominees: Simon Crane


1. Countdown auf der Todesbrucke (Germany)

Nominee: Roland Busch

2. Detective with a Bad Character (Russia)

Nominee: Igor Panin

3. Evil (Sweden)
Nominee: Kimmo Rajala

4. Feuertaute (Germany)
Nominee: Matthias Barsch

5. Intermission (Ireland)
Nominees: Joe Condren, Patrick Condren

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