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24(02]25 rmer “Wan: rmer is an electrical fob FE Machine which ec B trans: er fw a a Teor sod Cor oma} AG A, A, ea] Vota ¢ > dg Seen 4 at B b= dmeinwt e= -Ndd om a = Civ) 2K) Noam | e€= 2 R bey u| ca € = -Nobmw 8th (Qo -wt) Constant Vataile € = &mSh(wt-30) — em} b shone & behind by _ he by 4 = dm Sinust oun le of 90% Em =N de Wm # Peak Vatu town is [Eon | Mon » flu always constauk but Ce mag nts fiw uw Eo. _ No > VastoWle . ey Ny _ WN)> Ng) Nic No | step up fee C,>to y Sr Operation of. transform er ox no - Jead it an Tp | wz? he v¥ {Ir 4% cal poy transformer un rms + t ad £2 noload - = al ae +t = ong: Pg - rms 4 5h oo Ny oa? SK ate € =-Ndp ~P he | Lo Sth de we . Sa bo tw tan ©) Re Xam ee) Mee w=’ im Rw (2, = ajtg + 0% & yet Oo posing in Notre, own [7m fon bo = mag nat ° Contp Chit bw = (o@aego = Winding toas componeat Ll L fu vottare, ( marnnronoé chain VOD o> Ad > ey en > Tr de “at | Poyf< a4 —wnteh eppose a | P yr ‘ Satis Te be -—> d= constant Lenz tb) Coawitty balancing uw) N uw Load Sha Arcomaory Currant Ty aud te Lali | the Leng, Law. (To! e the feat a NM jeneration Die emg Sax lenz low, Current Ty will generate Do 4 the Brectian a) the yun Must be opposita, *0 Main Phun q- As a resuth, the! tndueed 2: § So vill He to dlearebie. bok ane anak Igitones jhe additonal eurrent I, wil re yom the | aide , generates an acti tinal pom @ he direction oy Must be oppor the bs 4 Nu alse the same ee of on , As a resutt both the cancel put each sther, The. remaduning uw wit! ont entst tn the Arrant» P= mmr - Ni Reluctance Ra 2 =o Nid —* Bq, Ex Tteh—— + as | ED (RVAS, — Geways — Fe [Eten wot nfl fuse gr = dm t Grearoge, 1Omvb = WAmMWwb + 0.1 wb Ly = Lm + Lteale 2nPly = wKFlm + 2%Flreate |Xq = Xm +ke| qi Xu a CRIA Vy Tw Rus E Seqendery referral 0 primey Cure pats Apply KL tn top lay chow nat _ : hr? Pot TRLTe + TRe + W=0 = (enkahe. } na fe 2 Ne , Rak , TX yk se Ko KA ee wanes owt bn oxts ¢ Ep =Vit T2Ro A TT Xu k= 2 | Ry = Rit RE | \ Wo zur * Fer Appresimnate eapsualertt canguit: | “eE % AWW arent} WWW re =f? V2 Ri» ¥ eee & 7 ay J e&s . xd ft [EaaeE Mi | . Tt us [xs = XG+%ia| Wesses tn Xmer Cere tess l Tren Lees ne to. peuicares Iyer tues (Pe = Keay e*| [t= Bee E | Induced em 2 Te 9 eddy Qurrent Due to aS ee SUT Coan cont Net2aTion (°F, y de Pe = TERw Lowy He m=. Te Rist SOUd Core. Larmfincted| Coe MD AL 7A 1 2 ReRy Ter < Te, Hysteresis Loa Due to cannons netuoian comaaeoelite the cere there & 4G moleewar teban blw Moleowles which generate heat Rrneawn as Hysbersia _ te reduce thic lows Near 8-4x, Silfcien eentetred ts addled to the centent Care . “hats soma Ac Machine is made Sott MaA REE 1M ertal. “P * Cspper Loss Pour = T7R Lessee ecear ty the reefstences (R11 Ra, --) a the transbermer is Rnawn a, Cu loa. Pox ht. Charrert Tete bors = Pou Pe RRB aLERE bm Vi et2 aE bmn N dm ol v a Bry e Pr, te eo Bm PhiPe av Peore tags AV re 14103 (23 Gpiiency ob Xmer M= output power [Pim ~ Pour = mpur ypouer cae — Pout ei: Pouce Pw = Powe fous + Rron + Fou Losses loeceg | Pour + Procses Pour = NaTs Coed Pout = Vo , K To Cosh Pou = Ve Te od | Pout = Vp (x E2) Coad) X =/6: “0 lead —*caraponent 4, X=0°5 Hay Lead X=) Faw Load {ke1] Y= ¥V2 To Cosh (MC V2 Tp Cos +P? +X Po JL conditian of wow - vy MW = Ve To tos (Na Ty Coad 4 Et Peat Day / ax #? A (denn) 0- Pi 4 Pu <0 di 42 [% = 77 Pea | [im tous = cu tose] CamMmon dota ue - ee A 300KVA mer has 25% efftelency ak ace “te toaging a 36 ‘fo ficiency Ot hoy a ony ox fron lpas (Pr) and cu Loss (Pou) fr Kw, under fu load operction ore: a) Pe a LID, Pe BS) fe 5) Pe = & S93, Pi 249-2) Pe = 85h SQ A) Pe = 12,924 M2e.09 _ M = Na Ta coed KV2Tycosdh + Py + Poss 0-95 = 1 Z00X10° # 0:8 ——® ‘Lm 800 & 102 HOB *ET +O) Poy 100 _ I#300 F107 Wo. + Pt + Pom 95 L# 300 R1O>-#F OB Pe + Pom = 12° 63KW —©® 22s * 200 % (07 # | —@® +S 300 % 10°F I 0-5 K 300 WIP wR 1 PL +0. 5)* Pou Pf +0-25Peu = 6. 25KW —— @) gowe 44) Pre Gel2kw , Per =B-S5tKw (ons) ft Sil ee te See @ What is the man. ebffefeney (theo) ok Unity Ph’ — eondttion Of Moan. Hprorr 4 Pro = xr Pou irs 2? FS-51 = 0636 ye No Te cosd eres : K XN 5a Te cos + % + PE Pou 0.6 300 ¥ 10? “mn 7% 36 # * | 05696 % 200 KOA HL HID + 412 Ymox = 96-2 tans) 99-9 ale FS 132 The Natue 4 Load Resistance ie Max » Power delivered to RUB * Gote Savy ue. a) 202 mf b+ 5 \ > RL rr OD len ) da) vesn = Man poser \Ru\ = ie+| Ro. Wary Ke Ru [Rc= 202] ew? Que . TH the sec. stn ding Sy the ideal trang er ahoutn tn chrett bq" hag yo turng the no- of auank ty the Vimory Winding be Mor. power rank former to the 20 Resvrtor us be un ob FNP —~ mMox. power 2 N IRu = IRel ty = [hvi) ° 2 is 8 V4 =[*°% wi] Yo = R™ > ~ ath, [hi = 80 (aus) Que- The fron loss %n a 4+raniformer core ox 50r2 are 1600 W . TL the hreqeen ls Mnoreaged 0 Gol2 « While Keeping bux density constant the wren lvsses are 2000W+ The fron losses @t UOH2 Wh same fier density wi\| be a) 1290W e) 1550W b BUW d Ww = 2 ) yay d 1226 Pe Ke Bm = —_~Y Bm = constant Ph = Kh Bye ty Pe = Ce} Ce = Ke Bim - 6 Pre Chk , Ch= EnBin Pr = Ce + ChE Ce = 0-133 1600 = Ce(s0)* +en# 50 —O She 2s. a9 2000 = Ce (60)* + Cn¥ 60 ——O@ Pris cep + cht RM = 0.183% 40? + 25-33% UO [Pi = 1226 | _ Won Vol: S Relation Ome HV RV > 440U Wey E ae 2g0v aa va Wey | af Mo avy “i WEN asian assea Voltage Regulation ee Xmer ; Seta = eee Roy Xoi . To! a yl. yt VRP = Von Voy * 100] vO : & Lv Voge Phaser Diagram RL = p 2 B= Re/ia Kut fm toop & : Ro = Rit RE Mt Te! Roy + Tel TROL EV =O t Xo = Kofi? Vi HV + ThRoy + TIy Xo Xo. = Xt XL fing PF ‘Llleaal) RAG Va x \ x , xshne to & P Fn nl > en Ta Xai cas (90-0) ViCosS = Ve + Ty Roi Cord + Ti v5) C0s(90-4) Vitos $ =v + T{Roicorg + Ti Xo Sco q Let gro cos 8 = | Ni= Vo + TERe Cosh + Td Koi Shg We load Iieo VN, =e Von = Vi » Veet = NaN = TrRoreosh 4 WxXoShd AES ENE ting Nb VR) = 2 Roi tosd te xd Xo Sing Nb No Roy = Rit Ro © K2Ro =K* Rit Ra = Ror Xor= Mt ha = Kit Xo K K2 Xo = KX Tt Xo = Ko VR” = ToRoveesd + To Xoo. Sin Nz . (= 2h VRY = Rov cord + %or Sind To N2| Dp: Per Unit NVpu = Vactual . PU : Vease Ractual = Rea ooo = Vea Zbase base Yootual Xpu Toetual _ 1 pu Zase TInave Va = Roo cosh + XO2 sing Zb Zb [ie = Fpucag + xewsing | leadin, sading. Va = Rputesd ~ Xpusing Wait Pb YP trdurctey waging power yee Va = Repu ZPEC Lagging VR? = Xpy ZPRC Leading baw am pa] VRM = —Xpy <3. 99° | CH S0°~ Man. Zero valtage Regulation — 1 Tang = %Xpu _ feb © = Rou card ~ Xpu sing Reu Rafe Be hou Tand =a =, Aa. cos = Reu Ry ~ Re — “Tan = Xa | ~ b= pu Gue. A 20KVA Q00/400 Vv, Lh trans er with (gate ercentage resistance reactance 2004) © 4% 46%, respected a ouppgng a curt af 560A bo ani gndudtide » leas Such that! lead Resistance reactance are equal, i source V @ & Maintained eanstank at ” go0V, the lead vakbage ‘a a) 34 2) 4aBV b) 4oev a) 394 oe fRc=xXe | bey Ze= Ret TXe = Ret TRe Va = Reucasd + Xeusch > Vn Va We = Rpytosd + XpuSin > 5 °. ° BOO =“ Ve _ op .0UR COZUS + 0. OOWSUNUS Vis F442 Boo-vi << BubaF! va Vi = Ve Izu =T Ree re te =WZRu Ve = 494d KL 2 Zee Re( test) 2 Tand = Que. pA trontformer ot ne - dead ts exerted at raced Volkoge. Now a cut ‘made %h the +ranspermers yore ‘nus creating a smal\ air ep with Y4thia, the trons mer care jes 0) will Mevesse magn A2kng eurrent will 4 b) wil remain constant & Im will t, V2 = 343.6N -J v ply Cc) as well ag both will increase d) as welt as Im both wilt desreage . L> sat Wd = mme Reluctance To Maintain fx eons tenk Vo T Que. Fig. shows an vy ba: The turn roe Nit A Restster windin 1S eenneoted acer a comes across 4ooVv «supply, toe a) -10 5 2) 10 +10. 4) ~10 — (10 d) 10 ~ jlo 7, Le ft 7 Riz Reo 219010 ya V=100(0 03 Ke 1 =X Lethe Xe e 3 Ko = Ne | kya Ng Tints PL oy = Nim © Ru # © CS Cafe KEON PRE — constant b ideal three windin are wound on the same 10 SL eapaciter Nee witndin Ny hase Driv gop ds>do a* ops < (cos Po) At +rantermmer care acl eee Not Ng & 4i221- fs connected across reactonce 2-5 Ss Winding | y fhe pa urgent phaser WU te qver by r ot ooo » aaa a a ee a ee ee ee ee ee er me | =sF2S (Yu)* = bod = —lo KS i Lars) Ward Leanard Method of, apes Corrtre} GG ¢ | Wide Range ‘3 21\03|23 ' Open Cradt test bar Xmer R Tits test ~s used to pind tr ON Load [eore toss % Ymer. MR This teat Is operated ot rated Voltage - 3 This teat hag been dene on L.-V. side mer - AR No Load Current is nearby abouk 2-8°%Yo oF the foul load Current ’ wR THis test is used to kind Csre parameter Ae we (A) DORVA ad 1+ oO vy No 1} = = oper g elreuct ON 4 0 > » . . . 3 3 o 6 3 3 > » : , . , , » : . : 200 /2000V Hev . , % Why this teat i¢ dene on Lv. Stde P 20 KVA S=WTp=evyTy, Mi Lv ide NS Hv. side Tn= 26X10? — ioA 208 100 A = 0,2 to BoB Te =2to2e/. of Ts (het measurable) S. AT ‘Im = Te Sin Po sl / 8 Tw = Te Cardo 8 Reo = Ne. > Xm =o ° Iw Im To Shh fio Short Cireuit Tegt —— Sew fest R Wis test is used to Lind eu oases. *R I+ is operated at rated Current. RT centrel current during ¢.0. input V 2 5 +o wo 18 sufkteters to he rared Current. M Wis test has been dene on hégh Vetsage Bide of Amer. Ace Wee au ku G : — = om 2 Bm. Ax = Bm, AL Bm, = BM = f jAs = re = el | * M | Why trans ‘erg are operated at Low eque d fie. 50Hz lor Gone? br “4 Ly + hos been obgerved that there fs an inter —turhy acitance wn blw the turng of Inalucter at high brequer operation mS ec nats reactance decoreagsea ach as & yvesulk the pa “4 aurvertt oa jaws from the $.¢. there te no mduced emt. e, the are us ve nk at 5 Fransiermers go He. ond ee OZ 4H x(E “The steresis eA eurrent losses oy {= ase trays $ workin DQoov, S0Hz2 sup are Ph Q d Pe e_reapective The percen® cecr €or es 4 en 4nese! [03s eh When operate: On a 160V, 4yon2 supped Would’ be vapecttvell - 0-6 b 20136 ~ gd) 40180 Le b Pe =k 28mm |p Es a ( Bro ¢ mov t / Pe = k eu Pro en VIF 1 OAs _ Peekev ie —<——$ = = fuel test . > 0.699% [1-14.82 ') Phe = 0.4990 & 6.8 Phy P 2, | Nz |? - Pa vu : Per 169] ° | fe, _~ |aool Tree 0th, A eg Pe So. 64a Pe, Sve. Fer a single phase 4290 Ustnding -franaformer, Tg ace, ote ye digs ta Tame 4 gterests a edaly current las respectively Cire 2 a)104 21 2) 21 A 10 by10 & 21 A) ~21 4 10 - Vo ale AM hoz bel fs Pa i ft tn Se fF Yo Pas [11Phy Par ye 12S a Vi Pe, =I, 21 1 Pe Pine KP = 1% ‘Auto translermer | When +the prima seeand windings are : ond electrteally! eanndloteat go +h a part the Windling a8 commen to beth HV. ghuv tde an Yd prawn as Auto trambermer. Det peloxt Current pelart the det is Cc side s Current 'Leawink, the dot inlsec. { side. ) 225R To = ih IOKVA 4 4o00{100V f\ $= VT = Vote V Lo 1o0o =V.T) 1oopF _ gs Det Poder Lop =25A 5= Tao aes Ty = leods ~ 10a wo . iooA rip Sout =ViTy = V2 To 2500 ¥100 = 50000 yo a me 5 sonV Vid = YOO 12! = BOO Souty = SOKVA Stw = 1ORNA Sinduction = WKY A Seonduetion = 4YORVA witked date Questions Que. The hig: Shown below eat £ ¢ Cail 2 with clot Marking as shaun hauing 40d turns A 6000 turns. both cota have Faked current 25 ee Coll 1 & excited wth atngle pase» 4oov » 5OHz seer A — Col | coil 2 8 D 4. The coils are to be econmmected +o obtatn oa single phase 4ooftooov trou: er to drwe 4 lead of, JOKVA y which of the on is Cunant to realtzed aut transformer - Q) connect AG D, common @L~ YS —\_ pani so —w—_ ac, w 8B a a) ee we >— D> Ni = 4ooo —~ yy t N2 6000 Ao aa aco’ Yoo | fy UI goo $ — p 2+ In the cucty tyrone! mer obtained w O-1. 4H Current In eal & < A 25h tH eail | 4 LOA Or coit2 b) IOR —\——— §-25& —n— ¢) toA —— w_—. 8-15 A —_ Aa)\SA ——v___§-1lok —_ wee” \ VAIN | i Ly Ny = 4000 Nios To Ti = Ne to a 6000 No x Ny 2 = 8 tp — S. Sc = loKVA a2 gee Sroad, = ToNe Que. A atnole prose BOKVA, 250V |sooy two wstinding Xmer has fetency of 4S, of fue Ueadl a i ower “facty. I] t+ iW reconnected asa Boo’ |asov Oucto tr mer “Us efficiency o& Ws Neus vated load ak ey power factor AW be. Q) 45.352 °/, ce) 18, 248% 7 b) qa» 861% at) 93.231 %o To q of Li ° . Tn= 2 = Vo Q50V 5oov Ip = 50000 2 250 Stw = 50kWwA De ee ae Lasev I+ S = 5p RYO Vv 569 Ty, =100A =* Wr Te cand Ne OV Tp Costh + PE + Poy xao'l (fut lead) ogs = BORO w | Spw =iS0KNA BO we 1OT we | Zo Ke we Lt PEt Poy a Us 68]kw Mar = 10 RIOR 3 150 % w? Lt 2463 LD Nat = AS LG > Lans)

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