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Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 110e118

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The drivers of eco-innovation and its impact on performance:

Evidence from China
Wugan Cai*, Guangpei Li
School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou University, No. 2, Xueyuan Road, Daxue New District, Fuzhou District, Fuzhou, Fujian 350108, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study sheds light on the driving forces of eco-innovation and the effects on firm performance. We
focus on eco-innovation, which provides customer and business value, and contributes to sustainable
development while decreasing environmental costs and impacts. The study uses data collected from 442
Keywords: Chinese firms to investigate the relationship among the drivers, eco-innovation behavior, and firm
Eco-innovation performance. The results reveal that certain factors (i.e., technological capabilities, environmental
organizational capabilities, a market-based instrument, competitive pressures, and customer green de-
Environmental performance
mand) contribute to the development of eco-innovation. Competitive pressure provides firms with the
Economic performance
Sustainable development
greatest incentive to adopt eco-innovation, followed by a market-based instrument, technological ca-
pabilities, customer green demand, and environmental organization capabilities. The market-based in-
strument is effective in inducing eco-innovation, while a command and control instrument does not.
With regard to the adoption of eco-innovation, we show that eco-innovation behavior can significantly
enhance a firm's environmental performance, and, through environmental performance, has an indirect
positive impact on its economic performance. These findings support the “Porter hypothesis,” and have
several implications for both policy makers and business managers.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to meet the soaring demands of the economy while seeking to create
a low emission and sustainable environment.
The global environmental crisis, including the lack of resources, A number of researchers in the field of innovation, management,
environment degradation, and pollution, has pushed countries all environmental economics, stakeholder theory, and institutional
over the world to pay greater attention to sustainable development. theory have investigated the primary factors that drive eco-
At the same time, eco-innovation has become an inevitable choice innovation. Insights from the field of innovation indicate that
for firms as a means to gain a competitive advantage and pursue technology push and market demand pull are the most important
sustainability under increasing environmental pressure. Compared factors in general (Horbach, 2008). Studies in the field of manage-
to traditional innovation, eco-innovation has a so-called double ex- ment suggest that corporate social responsibility internalizes
ternality problem, namely, innovation spillover in the research and environmental protection responsibility as part of a firm's strategy
innovation phases and environmental spillover in the adoption and through increasing investments in eco-innovation (Bansal and
diffusion phases (Rennings, 2000), which thereby reduce the in- Hunter, 2003; Kesidou and Demirel, 2012; Potoski and Prakash,
centives for its adoption. To further complicate the situation, the 2003). Other scholars have concentrated on the importance of
driving forces of eco-innovation, eco-innovation behavior, and per- organizational capabilities, particularly environmental manage-
formance remain unclear. Thus, there is a need for clarification as ment systems (EMS) in stimulating eco-innovation (Horbach, 2008;
well as specific management and policy approaches that foster eco- Rehfeld et al., 2006; Wagner, 2008). The assumption is that
innovation. In China, as an example, this situation is of a particularly implementation of EMS facilitates eco-innovation because it can
critical nature as many environmental policies have been established enhance environmental awareness and increase operating effi-
ciency within a firm. Studies close to the field of environmental
economics, mainly from the micro level, analyze the impact of
environmental regulation (e.g., standards, emissions charges, sub-
* Corresponding author. sidies, and permits) on a firm's eco-innovation behavior
E-mail addresses:, (W. Cai).
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Cai, G. Li / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 110e118 111

(Brunnermeier and Cohen, 2003; Frondel et al., 2007; Kammerer, of our study and leads to the discussion, followed by a conclusion
2009). Several recent stakeholder theoretical studies state that and implications of the research in Section 5.
stakeholder pressure is an important factor that triggers a com-
pany's adoption of eco-innovation. Moreover, numerous studies (Li,
2014; Zhu and Geng, 2013) applying institutional theory suggest 2. Theoretical framework and research hypotheses
institutional isomorphism promotes the reproduction of organi-
zational innovation behaviors. All institutional pressures provide The resource-based view suggests that a firm's resources need
firms with important incentives to respond to environmental to be rare, valuable, imperfectly imitable, and non-substitutable to
issues. sustain a competitive advantage (Barney, 1991). These resources are
On the other hand, although a growing body of literature ex- important determinants of eco-innovation, and we refer to the two
plores the relationship between environmental behavior and firm forms of critical internal resources identified by Sarkis et al. (2010),
performance through both case studies and econometric analysis, namely, technological capabilities and environmental organiza-
the results remain inconsistent (Frondel et al., 2007: Porter and Van tional capabilities.
der Linde, 1995). The traditional economic propose that any envi- Technological capabilities play an important role in generating
ronmental improvement effort make a firm to absorb an external innovation (Baumol, 2002; Pavitt, 1984). These capabilities are
cost and create an offsetting effect: namely, diminishing returns comprised of tangible technologies, intangible experience, and the
(Gray and Shadbegian, 1998). In contrast, the amendment school of specialized knowledge the firm has to develop green products and
thought, represented by Porter, assumes that environmental pol- processes. The process of eco-innovation is actually environmental
icies may encourage regulated firms to develop technological knowledge accumulation, integration, and utilization. Firms with
innovation activities and induce more advantages, which may result highly developed eco-innovation capabilities may make full use of
in higher profits at a later date (Porter and Van der Linde, 1995). knowledge spillover in its cluster network, learn from others to
In recent years, the study of how innovation drivers affect eco- improve its eco-innovation ability, and achieve further eco-
innovation behavior, and other related variables, has become innovation success in the future. Baumol (2002) describes these
increasingly important at the industry level. Many researchers have path dependencies with the expression, “innovation breeds inno-
recognized the importance of the resource-based view and institu- vation.” In other words, firms that have been innovative in the past
tional theory in explaining a firm's eco-innovation behavior (e.g., are more likely to adopt innovation in the present (De Marchi,
Bansal and Roth, 2000; Chen, 2008; Li, 2014; Sarkis et al., 2010). The 2012; Monde jar-Jimenez et al., 2015). Therefore, we postulate that:
resource-based view proposes that firms respond to external change
Hypothesis 1. Technological capabilities are positively associated
based on their own internal resources and abilities (Oliver, 1997).
with eco-innovation.
Institutional theory focuses on external pressures and social expec-
tations to explain a firm's innovation behavior. Based on a combina- EMS can be understood as environmental organizational capa-
tion of the two aforementioned distinct but complementary theories, bilities, which assist a firm in achieving successful implementation
this study extends the discussion about the drivers of eco-innovation of eco-innovation (e.g., Blind, 2012; Rehfeld et al., 2006; Rennings
behaviors. Following the theoretical framework, a large-scale survey et al., 2006; Wagner, 2008). EMS refer to the environmental pro-
is performed to explore the effects of the driving forces and eco- grams and practices of a firm that comprise a systematic,
innovation behaviors on environmental and economic performance. comprehensive, planned, and documented approach, focusing on
In line with Sarkis et al. (2010) and DiMaggio and Powell (1983), two the reduction of the firm's environmental impact. More specifically,
dimensions of internal resources (technological capabilities and EMS build organizational capabilities and practices, such as pollu-
environmental organizational capabilities) and three forms of insti- tion prevention, source reduction, recycling, and green product
tutional pressure, namely, coercive pressure, normative pressure, and design, which help firms promote operating efficiency aimed at
mimetic pressure, are examined in terms of their individual influence improved environmental quality in combination with decreased
on eco-innovation practices and performance. Specifically, this study costs. That is, EMS, and in particular, certified EMS, directly facili-
addresses the following research questions: Do technological capa- tate the adoption of eco-innovation by mandating firms to establish
bilities, environmental organizational capabilities, a command and environmental goals and management structures as well as pro-
control instrument, a market-based instrument, customer green de- grams by providing the critical environmental information (Melnyk
mand, and competitive pressures work as the driving forces that et al., 2003). For example, since 1990, General Electric (GE) has
trigger implementation of eco-innovation? If so, what are their spe- launched EMS to achieve continuous improvement in environ-
cific effects? Which driver is the most effective to induce eco- mental, health, and safety performance. EMS have become a part of
innovation in firms? Can eco-innovation behaviors really achieve the corporate culture of GE. Over the years, GE has provided envi-
economic performance for firms? ronmental training for vendors and required them to comply with
To answer the aforementioned research questions, this study environmental regulations. Therefore, the concept of an eco-
provides three contributions to the current eco-innovation litera- innovation management culture will be imperceptibly spread by
ture. First, the theoretical framework mixes the resource-based the interaction process of firms and stakeholders. Thus, the capa-
view and institutional economics to examine the complexity of bility to eco-innovate is thereby enhanced. Based on the findings of
factors stimulating eco-innovation decisions as well as perfor- prior research, we propose the following:
mance. Second, the examination of environmental regulation as
Hypothesis 2. Environmental organizational capabilities are
two individual components (i.e., a command and control instru-
positively associated with eco-innovation.
ment and a market-based instrument) also leads to valuable in-
sights and various implications for researchers and policymakers. Eco-innovation depends not only on internal drivers but also on
Third, we test environmental performance as mediator between many external pressures. Based on institutional theory, the external
eco-innovation behaviors and economic performance. pressures encompass three types. The first is coercive pressure,
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides further associated with environmental regulation, and is typically exerted by
details on our theoretical framework to develop hypotheses on the the government. The second is normative pressure, and refers to a
factors and outcomes of eco-innovation. Section 3 contains the firm's need to increase its abilities to satisfy its stakeholders such as
survey data and methodology. Section 4 presents the main results customers and suppliers. The third is mimetic pressure, and refers to
112 W. Cai, G. Li / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 110e118

the need to imitate other business leaders; this occurs when firms As described earlier, internal drivers such as firm resources,
feel competitive pressure from successful competitor action. structures, and core capabilities, determine the choice of eco-
Environmental regulations are typically associated with coercive innovation, and external pressures induce firms to adopt proac-
pressure. Most firms implement only a minimum amount of eco- tive environmental practices. In addition, several studies have
innovation, just enough to fulfill environmental regulations. The found that eco-innovation provides a positive and significant ef-
famous Porter hypothesis (Porter and Van der Linde, 1995) from the fect on a firm's environmental and economic performance
dynamic perspective, assumes that more stringent and properly (Clemens, 2006; Zeng, 2009). Eco-innovation is a strategy for
designed environmental regulation may encourage firms to develop providing customer and business value that contributes to sus-
green technology, processes or products, improve management tainable development and decreases environmental costs and
methods, and partially or completely offset the compliance costs of impacts (Cai and Zhou, 2014). On the one hand, eco-innovation
environmental regulation. That is, firms that exceed minimum strategy can bring about the so-called “double externality”: sig-
compliance could enjoy first mover advantages by pioneering the nificant common knowledge spillover and environmental spill-
innovation. On the other hand, new classical economic theory be- over. It also replaces existing products with greener products,
lieves that a market-based instrument is more effective in spurring thereby reducing adverse environmental impacts. On the other
eco-innovation and superior to a command and control instrument hand, it can improve resource efficiency, save raw materials, and
(Jung et al., 1996; Requate and Unold, 2003), however, Li (2014) reduce pollution penalty costs for a firm when it meets environ-
found that the command and control instrument works as a driver mental regulations. Furthermore, eco-innovation products can
of eco-innovation, and the market-based instrument does not. Thus, lead to extra profits while firms develop eco-innovation to
we can conclude that the effect of regulations on eco-innovation is establish a green image, implement product diversity, and in-
not always coincident. Kemp (1997) posited that all regulation in- crease market share in the future. Firms that introduce eco-
struments are effective to motivate eco-innovation, but the specific innovation enjoy higher levels of revenue per employee than
effects may vary based on the context of the implementation of such companies that do not (Hojnik and Ruzzier, 2016). Based on the
instruments. To obtain more insights into the effects of environ- above analysis, we postulate the following:
mental policy instruments on eco-innovation, we divided them into
Hypothesis 6a. Eco-innovation positively affects environmental
two categories: command and control and market-based. Therefore,
we postulate the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 6b. Eco-innovation positively affects economic
Hypothesis 3a. A command and control instrument positively
affects eco-innovation.
According to Watson (2004), firms focus on enhancing four
Hypothesis 3b. A market-based instrument positively affects eco-
kinds of environmental performance through eco-innovation
practice to improve economic performance. The first is a reduc-
Customer green demand is an important normative pressure. tion in internal failure costs that include employee compensation,
Meeting the needs, demands, and expectations of customers is a toxic substance recovery, excessive packaging costs, and under
critical motivator for a firm to implement eco-innovation (Horbach, utilization of resources, among others. The second is a reduction in
2008; Wagner, 2008). First, generally, customers are willing to pay external failure costs that include the loss of market share, waste
more for green products, therefore, following the customer green treatment costs, and the cost of pollutants in the surrounding
demand can create a market niche and a business opportunity for a community. The third is the saving of all environmental monitoring
firm's environmentally friendly operations. Second, customer green costs. The fourth is a reduction in prevention costs including
demand reduces the cost of eco-innovation. Due to the complexity worker training and environmental management costs. Therefore,
and uncertainty of green products, the cost of cultivating positive we postulate the following hypothesis:
customer perceptions of new green products is high. Primary green
Hypothesis 7. Environmental performance is a mediator between
demand strengthens the consumer's recognition of new green
eco-innovation behavior and economic performance.
products and reduces the cost of market exploitation. Third,
customer green demand can provide abundant practice opportu- We establish a conceptual model of the relationships among the
nities for the firm to reduce negative effects of technology on the driving factors, eco-innovation behavior, and performance, as
environment. Thus, we propose the following: shown in Fig. 1.
Hypothesis 4. Customer green demand positively triggers eco-
3. Data and methodology
Imitative pressure originates from rival firms based on their 3.1. Data collection
development of new materials, technology, and equipment, and
spurs firms to improve their innovation abilities. Firms are more The questionnaire was designed to collect information on
likely to be “greener” in competitive markets through adopting driving factors, eco-innovation behavior, and eco-innovation per-
new green products or management processes, which may give formance. It included 10 questions about a firm's core information.
them a competitive advantage in the future. Thus, if a firm attracts In order to ensure the validity of the questionnaire, 10 experienced
customers and gains a relative competitive advantage through eco- researchers reviewed and commented on the clarity, structure, and
innovation, other firms will look to imitate its behavior to maintain appropriateness of the questionnaire items. With the help of the
their market share. Thus, external competitive pressure that en- Fujian environmental protection agency, 30 corporate chief exec-
genders improved product quality and environmental performance utive officers (CEOs) were selected from the government database
plays a critical role in the growing demand for eco-innovation to comment on the questionnaires with respect to clarity and
abilities. Therefore, we postulate the following hypothesis: completeness ahead of our general survey. Then, based on the
feedback from these 10 researchers and 30 CEOs, we modified the
Hypothesis 5. Competitive pressures are associated with eco-
instrument to improve the validity of the measures.
W. Cai, G. Li / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 110e118 113


organizational H1
Environmental regulations H2
Command and H6a
instrument H3a
Market-based H3b Eco-innovation

H4 Economic
green demand performance


Fig. 1. The conceptual model of the relationships among drivers, eco-innovation, and performance.

The questionnaires, completed by senior managers at the firms, and control instrument, the market-based instrument, customer
were collected in three ways: (a) corporate CEOs selected in MBA and green demand, competitive pressures, eco-innovation behavior,
EMBA classes at five universities in Fujian received appropriate environmental performance, and economic performance. The data
training to ensure a common understanding of the survey questions; were generally collected utilizing Likert-type scales. Respondents
they then completed the questionnaires in face-to-face interviews; were asked to complete all the items using a five-point Likert scale
(b) we visited preselected local enterprises and guided one manager ranging from 1 ¼ Strongly Disagree to 5 ¼ Strongly Agree.
at each enterprise in completing the questionnaire; and (c) some Five items were used to measure technological capabilities and
questionnaires were completed via e-mail. From a random sample of were adapted from Wang (2009), and four items, also adapted from
1000 firms, 505 firms completed the survey, representing a response Wang (2009), were selected to measure environmental organiza-
rate of 50.5%. Due to missing responses (or the same) to some of the tion capabilities. According to Hojnik and Ruzzier (2016), the
variables, the useful sample was reduced to 442. We used SPSS 17.0 command and control instrument can be measured by three items,
to analyze the collected questionnaire data. as can the market-based instrument. We measure customer green
demand using four items selected from Agan et al. (2013) and
3.2. Sample characteristics

The sample characteristics are presented in more detail in Table 1

Table 1. Our sample, according to the Chinese legislation, includes Sample characteristics.
97 state firms, 67 collective firms, 166 foreign-funded firms, 63 Characteristics Number of Percentage of
private firms, and 49 other type firms. Most of the companies firms firms
included in our sample had been in operation more than eight years Type of firm State ownership 97 21.9%
(264 companies); the other 178 companies had less than eight Collective ownership 67 15.24%
years of operation. In terms of total assets, 61 firms reported less Foreign-funded 166 37.62%
than 40 million yuan, 126 reported between 40 million and 100 Private ownership 63 14.29%
Other types 49 10.95%
million yuan, 143 firms reported between 100 million and 400
Firm age Between one and eight 178 40.27%
million yuan, and 112 companies reported above 400 million yuan. years
In terms of the rate of new product output, eight firms reported less Over eight years 264 59.73%
than 5%, 93 firms between 5% and 10%, 187 firms between 10% and Total assets (yuan) 40 million or less 61 13.81%
Between 40 million and 126 28.57%
20%, 114 firms between 20% and 50%, and 40 reported more than
100 million
50%. In terms of industry, 318 companies were in the Between 100 million and 143 32.38%
manufacturing industry, followed by 95 companies in the service 400 million
industry, and the final 29 in the other category. The companies in Above 400 million 112 25.24%
the sample were mature enough to have the capability to imple- Rate of new 5% or less 8 1.9%
product output Between 5% and 10% 93 20.95%
ment eco-innovation practices.
Between 10% and 20% 187 42.38%
Between 20% and 50% 114 25.72%
3.3. Measurement development Above 50% 40 9.05%
Type of industry Manufacturing industry 318 71.95%
Service-related industry 95 21.49%
There were nine latent variables measured: technological ca- Other (not specified) 29 6.56%
pabilities, environmental organization capabilities, the command
114 W. Cai, G. Li / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 110e118

measure competitive pressure with three items adapted from Li alpha. The Cronbach's alphas for the latent variables were bigger
(2014). In terms of measuring eco-innovation behaviors, five than 0.7, which indicates a high reliability for the questionnaire
items were adapted from Chen et al. (2006). Finally, the four items (Wortzel, 1979). Content validity for the survey instrument was
selected to measure environmental performance and the four items supported by the related theoretical literature and in-depth
to measure economic performance were adapted from Li (2014). managerial interviews. All factor loadings were greater than 0.5,
which shows a high convergent validity. To access the construct
3.4. Common method variance test validity, we conducted confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using
AMOS21. 0. The model fit indices were c2 ¼ 934:452,
Since a firm's senior manager answered all the items on the c2 =df ¼ 1:620, TLI ¼ 0.875, CFI ¼ 0.886, and RMSEA ¼ 0.050, which
questionnaire, the process could be prone to common method suggests that the measurement model was acceptable. The square
variance (CMV), which may cause systematic measurement errors. root of the AVE for each construct was greater than 0.5.
To identify CMV, we use Harman's single factor test, which is one of
the most widely used methods suggested by Podsakoff et al. (2003). 4. Results and discussions
All the items on the 442 questionnaires were used for exploratory
factor analysis. The un-rotated principal components factor analysis The structural equation model (SEM) can simultaneously eval-
results reveal that the first factor only accounted for 33.44% of the uate the relationships of multiple latent variables, observe vari-
variance and none of the factors accounted for a majority, which ables, and take into account measurement error in the evaluation
demonstrate an absence of CMV. process (Hair et al., 1998). Moreover, SEM attempts to explain the
relationships among multiple latent variables, and thus, tests the
3.5. Reliability and validity analysis structure of the interrelationships. There are nine latent variables in
our study. Thus, we apply SEM to examine all the hypothesized
Table 2 reports all the measurement items, factor loading, relationships. The statistical results of the eco-innovation model
average variance extracted (AVE), and the values of Cronbach's are depicted in Table 3. The goodness-of-fit indices are as

Table 2
Measurement items, factor loadings, AVEs, Cronbach's alphas for latent variables.

Measure items Factor AVE Cronbach's

loading alpha

Technological capabilities (TC) .602 .897

TC1: The ecological production technology of your firm is very convenient. .721
TC2: Your firm is easy to get eco-innovative consulting services from (planning, evaluation, and training, etc.). .717
TC3: Your firm has some successful eco-innovation experience. .708
TC4: Your firm has the necessary resources for the design of green products. .701
TC5: Your R&D team has more mature and strong design capabilities. .681
Environmental organization capabilities (EOC) .616 .821
EOC1: Your firm has a documented plan about eco-innovation. .642
EOC2: Your firm has made rules to guide the ecological management. .629
EOC3: Your firm gives rewards to people who have made contributions to energy conservation and emission reduction. .624
EOC4: Your firm regards environmental audit as a management norm. .614
Command and control instrument (CCI) .652 .794
CCI1: Our products should meet the requirements of national environmental regulations. .695
CCI2: Our products should meet the requirements of international environmental regulations. .637
CCI3: Our production processes should meet the requirements of international environmental regulations. .609
Market-based instrument (MBI) .585 .752
MBI1: The government provides preferential tax policy on eco-innovation. .571
MBI2: The government propagates environmental protection. .570
MBI3: The government provides preferential subsidies for eco-innovation. .557
Customer green demand (CGD) .678 .733
CGD1: The environment is an important issue for our valued customers. .685
CGD2: Our valued customers often put forward environmental issues. .681
CGD3: Customer green demands stimulate us in our environmental efforts. .665
CGD4: Our customers have specific demands about environmental issues. .612
Competitive pressure (CP) .701 .754
CP1: We create a green image compared to competitors through environmental concepts. .731
CP2: We increase market share through environmental concepts. .644
CP3: We acquire competitive advantage through environmental concepts. .679
Eco-innovation behavior (EB) .642 .722
EB1: Low energy consumption such as water, electricity, gas, and petrol during production/use/disposal. .761
EB2: Recycle, reuse, and remanufacture material. .733
EB3: Use of cleaner technology to create savings and prevent pollution. .702
EB4: The manufacturing process of the firm effectively reduces the emissions of hazardous substances and waste. .681
EB5: The manufacturing process of the firm reduces the use of raw material. .656
Environmental performance (EP) .670 .707
EP1: Reduction of exhaust gas, wastewater, solid waste. .712
EP2: Decrease in consumption of hazardous/harmful/toxic materials. .618
EP3: Decrease in frequency for environmental accidents. .653
EP4: Increase in environmental patents. .704
Economic performance (ECP) .714 .735
ECP1: Improved capacity utilization. .616
ECP2: Decrease in fee of waste treatment. .694
ECP3: Increase in revenue by selling scrap materials and equipment. .711
EPC4: Decrease in loss from environmental accidents. .728
W. Cai, G. Li / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 110e118 115

Table 3 (p < .01). This indicates that it is sensible for a firm to provide green
The resulting eco-innovation model with estimated relationships. products through eco-innovation to establish a green image, increase
Path Path coefficient Standard path C.R. P its competitive advantage, and achieve sustainable development
coefficient within environmental constraints. Current literature largely regards
EB ) TC .432 .151 2.857 .004 environmental regulation as the most common and frequent trigger
EB ) EOC .213 .109 1.951 .024 factor. In contrast, our study found competitive pressure (standard
EB ) CCI .157 .201 0.78 .435 path coefficient of 0.298) as the primary driver of eco-innovation
EB ) MBI .712 .213 3.35 .000
rather than environmental policy instruments in an increasingly
EB ) CGD .328 .136 2.422 .015
EB ) CP .904 .298 3.036 .002 competitive environment. Today, firms are searching for many more
EP ) EB .447 .061 7.304 .000 opportunities to differentiate themselves from the competition
ECP ) EP .756 .259 2.923 .003 through eco-innovation activities to acquire a competitive advantage.
ECP ) EB .106 .128 0.823 .411
In addition, customer green demand has a positive impact on
c2 719.383 TLI .950
eco-innovation behavior (p < .05), which is consistent with other
df 581 CFI .954
c2 =df 1.238 RMSEA .026 research (Kammerer, 2009; Kesidou and Demirel, 2012). With the
increase in the income levels and living standards of Chinese cus-
tomers, their green consumer awareness is stronger than ever
before and they may accept higher prices for environment-friendly
products. More than 50% of Chinese consumers are willing to buy
follows:c2 ¼ 719:383,c2 =df ¼ 1:238, TLI ¼ 0.950, CFI ¼ 0.954, and environment-friendly products at the same price as general prod-
RMSEA ¼ 0.026, which show that the model is a good fit for the ucts, and nearly 50% are willing to buy environment-friendly
data. The statistical results support H1, H2, H3b, H4, H5, H6a, and products at higher prices (Liu and Yu, 2010). In order to meet
H7, whereas, H3a and H6b were rejected. customer green demand, firms should adjust their products and
We found that technological capabilities had a significant positive market strategies and regard eco-innovation as a tool to increase
impact on eco-innovation behavior (p < .01), which confirms the market share in the future.
belief that, “innovation breeds innovation.” In other words, the Overall, the empirical evidence reveals that competitive pres-
accumulation of tangible technologies and special knowledge will sure is the primary driver of eco-innovation, followed by a market-
induce further eco-innovation. This is because the firms with more based instrument, technological capabilities, customer green
environmental knowledge will make full use of knowledge spillover demand, and environmental organization capabilities.
in their cluster networks and this is prone to leading to eco- We have inferred that eco-innovation behavior can significantly
innovation. In line with prior research, environmental organization promote a firm's environmental performance. However, there is no
capabilities exert a significant positive impact on eco-innovation significant direct positive impact on economic performance. Eco-
(p < .05). Firms need to adapt to environmental changes to innovation can reduce environmental damage via improvements
continue sustainable development. Environmental organization ca- from green products, processes, technologies, and systems. There-
pabilities include the ability of a firm to create new green products fore, the implementation of eco-innovation can reduce energy
and processes to respond to internal and external change (Helfat, consumption, waste, and environmental accidents as well as
1997). EMS are important environmental organization capabilities improve a firm's environmental image and environmental perfor-
that track environmental information for internal and external mance. However, due to the high costs and risk of eco-innovation, it
stakeholders of a firm, and may integrate eco-innovation elements, is difficult to obtain economic benefits in the short run. Thus, eco-
utilize organizational resources, and perform coordinated tasks for innovation has no significant direct influence on financial
the purpose of increasing compliance and reducing waste. performance.
Interestingly, we find a market-based instrument generates sig- On the other hand, through environmental performance, eco-
nificant positive impact on the adoption of eco-innovation practices innovation behavior has an indirect positive impact on economic
(p < .01), while a command and control instrument does not work performance. That is, environmental performance plays a medi-
(p > .1). In the past 30 years, economic growth has been the priority in ating role between eco-innovation behavior and economic perfor-
China and, consequently, has caused environmental and resource mance. As described earlier, environmental regulations promote
problems. Health concerns about environmental issues have eco-innovation. These discoveries support the Porter hypothesis
increased substantially in recent years. As a result, China has imple- that environmental regulation triggers the introduction of cleaner
mented many environmental regulations on air pollution, water technologies and environmental improvements. It also improves
pollution, clean production, energy saving, and recycling; it imple- the efficiency of production processes and products, compensates
mented its most stringent environmental law in 2015, and intends to for the compliance and innovation costs, and encourages higher
establish a national carbon market in 2017. A market-based instru- company growth and profitability.
ment uses fiscal incentives to obtain the desired pollution reduction,
and includes positive incentives for eco-innovation. However, com- 5. Conclusions
mand and control instruments impose rigid technological and
pollution constraints on firms and do not trigger eco-innovation, Based on the resource-based view and institutional economics,
which is different from the findings in previous research (Li, 2014). we offer a holistic view of the drivers of eco-innovation that previous
If the firm complies with the standard, it will not adopt eco- research has failed to obtain. Moreover, our analysis of the direct and
innovation to reduce pollution. In other words, command and con- indirect effects of eco-innovation behavior on performance provides
trol instruments are not sufficient, as they do not produce continuous valuable guidelines for developing well-aligned eco-innovation.
incentives for eco-innovation and have little effect on technology This study focuses on an investigation of the relationship of the
diffusion (Li and Tao, 2012). Similarly, Jung et al. (1996) and Requate drivers of eco-innovation behavior and performance using a new
and Unold (2003) also found ineffective enforcement from com- dataset of 442 Chinese firms in 2017. Our analysis reveals interesting
mand and control instruments in terms of environmental technology. new insights. First, technological capabilities, environmental orga-
Furthermore, the empirical result also shows that competitive nization capabilities, a market-based instrument, customer green
pressure has a significant positive impact on eco-innovation behavior demand, and competitive pressure work as the driving forces that
116 W. Cai, G. Li / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 110e118

trigger eco-innovation; and their specific effects are 0.151, 0.109, time, government and business managers considered that eco-
0.213, 0.136 and 0.298, respectively. Competitive pressure is the main innovation would only increase investment costs as it reduced the
driving force in the adoption of eco-innovation, followed by a adverse effects on the environment. Thus, there was no impetus for a
market-based instrument, technological capabilities, customer green firm to adopt eco-innovation, especially when China's economy
demand, and environmental organization capabilities. Eco- entered a “new norm,” which increased the downward pressure on
innovation is not only triggered by institutional pressure but also economic growth. However, our findings contradict this. Eco-
by a firm's internal resources, and this has implications for govern- innovation behavior is proven to be helpful in boosting a firm's
ments and business managers. As China works to further develop environmental performance, and then, indirectly enhancing its eco-
eco-innovation, it cannot rely solely on institutional factors (e.g., nomic performance.
environmental regulations, competitive pressures, and customer There are several limitations to the present study that warrant
green demand). It is critical that environmental policymakers consideration. First, although the research included companies of
implement flexible measures to enhance internal resources as well. various sizes from different sectors, the sample was taken only from
Current government policies, such as centralized green public pro- China. The findings may not be applicable to a wider context. Thus,
curement plans, that aim to enhance eco-innovation through de- it would be useful to carry out multi-sample research, which in-
mand, should be aligned with powerful eco-innovation systems and cludes firms from different countries. Another limitation is that we
platforms that provide the necessary support to strengthen the apply cross-sectional research, which describes the current state.
technological capabilities of innovative firms. The effect of eco-innovation on economic performance is lagged, so
It is indispensable to provide firms with a favorable and fair a longitudinal study combined with a long-term case study would
environment to reduce the technological dependence on the original be conducive to add more accurate implications with respect to the
trajectory and provide effective technical guidance as well as offer relationship among the driving factors, the eco-innovation behav-
more convenient financing for clean equipment. More importantly, iors, and performance. The third limitation is that we assume all the
to improve the ecological technological capabilities, the government observations (firms) are independent (Hojnik and Ruzzier, 2016).
should encourage schools to provide majors in eco-innovation at the However, eco-innovation in the same industry would likely be
undergraduate, masters, and doctorate levels and promote the more aligned than in other industries. The firms and the industry
publishing of books and reference materials in this field. Moreover, are in a “nested” structure, where the analyzed firms are nested
China should encourage certification of EMS, such as EMAS or within the analyzed industry. The hierarchical linear model (HLM)
ISO14001, instead of relying only on subsidies or tax incentives to contains firm measures as well as industry measures within which
encourage eco-innovation. Policymakers and firms must place more the firms are grouped. Therefore, we suggest that future research
emphasis on explorative activities, and the creation of new envi- should apply HLM to test the errors of the first level of firm dif-
ronmental organization capabilities to foster improvements in ferences and the second level of industry differences.
eco-innovation rather than in the development of the present pro-
duction systems. Finally, firms should be aware of the importance of Author contributions
their eco-innovation technological capabilities, and consider their
internal R&D abilities and their complementarity with external All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All
sources before adopting this innovation strategy. They need to pro- authors read and approved the final manuscript.
mote collaborative networks among academia, governments, and
consumers to enhance their technological capabilities.
Conflicts of interest
Second, a market-based instrument rather than a command and
control instrument produced significant positive impact on the
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
adoption of eco-innovation practices. Therefore, on the one hand,
the government should reinforce rather than weaken the intensity
of the market-based instrument. In terms of this diversified Acknowledgments
market-based instrument, the effective combination of govern-
ment regulation and a market mechanism should be promoted that The research described in this paper has been supported by the
includes an administrative penalty, the halting of production, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71503049) and the
amalgamation of enterprise, emissions trading systems (ETS), project of “Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of finance and tech-
environmental taxes, research and development expenditure nology innovation.” We would like to thank the anonymous ref-
(R&D) subsidies, and green compensation policies, among others. erees for insightful comments that led to improvements in the
ETS will be an important market-based instrument in China. paper.
Therefore, carbon allowance allocation should be gradually
improved over time and should emphasize both equity and Appendix. Questionnaire on eco-innovation in China
development and fully consider provincial differences in emissions
and economic contexts. In addition, it is necessary to improve the Dear ladies and gentlemen,
development of a legal framework and market regulation mecha- Hello!
nism for ETS to support the carbon market's sound and steady The aim of this investigation is to analyze the relationship of
development. On the other hand, the government should guide driving factors, eco-innovation behavior and the performance in
firms to consciously follow the restrictions of environmental China. This can provide a decision making reference for govern-
regulation and motivate the development of a green industry. ment to draw up rules to assist firms to implement eco-innovation
Capital loans should be provided for green industries on the on their own initiative.
premise of guaranteed returns. The data in this questionnaire is for scientific research only, and
Third, eco-innovation behaviors effectively achieve economic not for commerce purposes. We shall adhere to scientific research
performance for firms. Environmental performance plays a mediating ethics and will not disclose business information to anybody for any
role between eco-innovation behavior and economic performance. purposes. We sincerely look forward to your participation in this
This means that promoting environmental performance and study. Thank you for your help.
improving economic performance are not a zero-sum game. For a long School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou University.
W. Cai, G. Li / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 110e118 117

Basic Firm Information (continued )

Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following
(1) The name of your firm: statements (1-strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree)
(2) The headquarters location (area) of your firm: CGD2: Our valued customers often put forward 1 2 3 4 5
(3) The type of your firm: environmental issues.
①State ownership ②Collective ownership ③Foreign- CGD3: Customer green demands stimulate us in our 1 2 3 4 5
funded ④Private ownership ⑤Other environmental efforts.
CGD4: Our customers have specific demands about 1 2 3 4 5
(4) The establishment term of your firm:
environmental issues.
①Between one and eight years ②Over eight years Competitive pressure (CP)
(5) Total assets of your firm (in RMB/yuan): CP1: We create a green image compared to competitors 1 2 3 4 5
①40 million or less ②Between 40 million and 100 through environmental concepts.
CP2: We increase market share through environmental 1 2 3 4 5
million ③Between 100 million and 400 million
④Above 400 million CP3: We acquire competitive advantage through 1 2 3 4 5
(6) The rate of new product output: environmental concepts.
①5% or less ②Between 5% and 10% ③Between 10% Eco-innovation behavior (EB)
and 20% EB1: Low energy consumption such as water, electricity, 1 2 3 4 5
gas, and petrol during production/use/disposal.
④Between 20% and 50% ⑤Above 50%
EB2: Recycle, reuse, and remanufacture material. 1 2 3 4 5
(7) The main industry your firm operates in: EB3: Use of cleaner technology to create savings and 1 2 3 4 5
①Manufacturing industry ②Service-related indus- prevent pollution.
try ③Other (not specified) EB4: The manufacturing process of the firm effectively 1 2 3 4 5
reduces the emissions of hazardous substances and
(8) Your department:
(9) Your e-mail: EB5: The manufacturing process of the firm reduces the 1 2 3 4 5
(10) Your comments about and suggestions for this investigation: use of raw material.
Environmental performance (EP)
The following topics describe the driving factors behind your EP1: Reduction of exhaust gas, wastewater, solid waste. 1 2 3 4 5
EP2: Decrease in consumption of hazardous/harmful/ 1 2 3 4 5
enterprise's implementation of eco-innovation and its impact on
toxic materials.
the performance. EP3: Decrease in frequency for environmental accidents. 1 2 3 4 5
EP4: Increase in environmental patents. 1 2 3 4 5
Economic performance (ECP)
ECP1: Improved capacity utilization. 1 2 3 4 5
ECP2: Decrease in fee of waste treatment. 1 2 3 4 5
Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following ECP3: Increase in revenue by selling scrap materials and 1 2 3 4 5
statements (1-strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree) equipment.
Technological capabilities (TC) EPC4: Decrease in loss from environmental accidents. 1 2 3 4 5
TC1: The ecological production technology of your firm is 1 2 3 4 5
very convenient.
TC2: Your firm is easy to get eco-innovative consulting 1 2 3 4 5
services from (planning, evaluation, and training, etc.).
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