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Exam.Code:0006 Sub. Code: 0522 2061 B.A/B.Sc. (General) Sixth Semester History Paper: World History (1871 to 1991 A.D.) (inall mediums) Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 90 NOTE: tL ml. WV. vu. VL Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. I which is compulsory and selecting one question from each Unit, woe Attempt any nine of the following:- 2) What do you mean by new-imperialism? ») Tell the two Portuguese colonies in Afica. ©) When was Anglo-Russian convention come into existence and who was Foreign Minister of Russian at that time? 4) Four prominent leaders in Peace Paris Conference. €) How much fine was levied on Germany in Peace Paris Conference? f) Bloody Sunday. 2) What do you mean by Kuomintang (KMT)? 1h) Who wax Yuan Shi Kai? i) Two effects of 1949 revolution in China. i) New Deal Policy. k) What do you mean by Nazism? 1) Strom Trooper m) Immediate causes of World War - IL 1) In which year league of Nation was established? 9) NATO. (9%2) UNIT=1 Explain the circumstances, provisions and significance of Congress of Berlin in 1878. as) Describe the circumstance leading to the formation of Triple Alliance of 1882. ig) uUNIT-0 Discuss the causes and effect of World War - (as) Explain Russian Revolution in 1917. (as) UNIT=1 Meji restoration and modernization in Japan. (1s) Discuss the circumstances leading to the Great Depression of 1929. How did it affect USA and principal countries of Europe? (1s) UNIT-IV What do you understand by.Fascism? How did Mussolini establish Fascism dictatorship in Italy? a8) On the outline map of the world, mark the places: Tokyo, Nagasaki, Washington, Johannesburg, Manchuria, and explain any four of them, (10,8) (Hindi and Punjabi versions enclosed) PTO. ® Sub. Code: 0522 3 Ee ea we wt oom wee om 4) a Wr Wa WT et) We] sata th 1, frafefan 9 & feat at weit a on de— Ge) Rave @ ser war sifu €7 (@) ante 3 gine stg afc ar am feed ) véestes sagt BY a aT vw Ret wart ae 7? co) ee arn ar AE ove age Sor Tey (©) Re whe ster 7 wit a eer tr or =? eter MT siren ar afore 82 pr at af ahr se ah tout at aha BE So fe 3a utd srore & smear arr sie #7 Sra a Ree ge a RTT a ed ‘og a at eer eg a a nf? co eaaqaaqgaqggqq mt 2. Wee st afta st Pe Sane, eet ee gee ah ca 3, Bret wats (ce3) & st a ms str m2 4, Ree ge eT ee Ta aT wR 5. Be aR Qt a FT aT or RL w-3 6. Fags gen we sre & ony at rer at 7. (8208. st anf wet R fee nde vitae st zt sel BC PFN HUE ot er RE AEM Bet wear Pera? ani—4 8, wate 2 ane sar site 22 lien 3} eet watts arrant G2 waft a? 9, fra Safar 7 aes, anwar, ofees, steret, sagt st i gy fret ar at crew wt ae Sas 1 Sw o oe wee wer (a) fea fafa yrs vt Se ae oe, wt fe ge Ue ye a3) ot fet yet fee act S ya! @ Ese fer- @) semanee 3 gos at se dy 9) wediar eyesore what 2 ahs @ om fa (©) fossa oS grow mes ae Oho & Qn nA ge et fete vist ae th (7) tier At ARES eh as Ye RSht 2 om fea @ er we Aes fer woet g fier wore erent foro (@) st rae (KT 3 goer at oreo? (@) gorestaet ae Hh (Qu) vis ct is St atte eyewear (oat ste wht (2) ostwe 3 gow at ow 7 @) Rae (7) gP fens tio er asserts wee ot rr (@) ames Mu Bt me ae adh @) wor 1375 St-wafiss oh 2 wee, est 3 yaret 1B cease 281 ‘At eae (1682) 2 weet er oes as! waa ups te de wer 9S yset er esas wa a St 97 et qt wr esas wai Burs Set Yor gos oS ms @ mutsamae et fenton 31 1929 Si rafter SE wet ARSE uf er euas ae 8 UA fe fend monte 3 hg wall Oar § ysteor vise wiee 3 goer at we dy uals 3 feat Re wine some oH at Hem fe a fone @ waft 3 ef, sormel, etieres, fueresm, wsginn $ soe oe ah vs F femfimraner Bz P81 arMso avis TET PTT TS, RIVOVGNVED ‘ALISMAINA VINYL

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