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Exam. Code: 0006 Sub. Code: 0517 2071 B.A/B.Sc.(General)-Sixth Semester Economics Paper: Indian Economy (in all mediums) ‘Time allowed: 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 90 NOTE: I. I. Vi Vi. vol. Ix. Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. I which is compulsory and selecting one question from each Unit. coed Answer any nine of the following in about 25-30 words each:- 8) What is meant by green revolution? b) Name two states benefitted from green revolution in India. ©) What is meant by subsistence cultivation? 4) Name two central government public sector undertakings. ¢) Name two largest private sector banks in Indi £) Mixed economic system proposed in which industrial policy resolution. g) Name four major exports from India. h) Name four large scale industries in India, i) Name the two largest multinational corporations in India. j) Name two indexes to measure inflation in India. Kk) What is the major objective and first five year plan? 1) Name the new organization came into existence in the place of planning commission in India, (9x2) UNIT-1 What are the causes of low productivity in Indian agriculture, give your argument that increase in productivity is enough to enhance farmers income? (1345) Explain various components of land reforms in India, Why land reforms failed in India? (345) UNIT- Explain the main features of 1956 industrial policy resolution in India. (18) ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of small scale industries in India? (18) UNIT -UT Explain the role of multinational corporations in India, Give your argument that the existence of multinational corporations lead to economic imperialism in India. (1345) Explain the division of financial resources between centre and states in India, what are the reasons for dispute between centre and states in sharing financial resources in India? (10+8) UNIT-IV Explain the objectives of five year plans in India, Give your argument are the plans achieved its desired objectives. (1048) What are the causes of poverty in India? Inspite of number of measures taken by the government, why poverty is still existing? (1345) sxe (Hindi and Punjabi versions enclosed) PTO. @ Sub. Code: 0517 8) ae: feat cia wet S aR fo wetw am (1-4) @ eae We a a at) ve] sitar 21 1. Prefer 3% & feat at weit Grete) at sae 25-30 wet F She eta safe Sar eed 8? @ we * ete ait So ornter Soot Foo Fofem cy Grate aot & sar are 8? @ a war 3 a anette oy 8 aut Soo ae) arr 8 Prot x 8 3 wa SYS oe eR otis Aft weer 3 st at fit onfiias rer Tee 7 sea 3 ere ge Frat ar fore sree ar a8 ted Be BH PE see 3 8 aad a8 agate Art Baer TET! see # goes at amd fore Sea S a aC sam radar tte gs Sea er 8? ser # toe air ea we sites ae TE aH a UT ATE -393 93338 ar 2, srr gi A we sever Barrer war €? area oe E fe frat at ant agrt & feq serena F gfe yah 2 3. rer yf gar & ART aay aT carer aif aT 3 afi gan it rns? ar-2 4, aren eghe atten Ay eet at eT RTH a carer af 5, ae oy wht daa ors ok goa & 3 6. eS agate Fret ot gfe at aren aif are ae 2 agate Aout we afters one 7% anf mara ar ayer ert ont ae A ae afray 7. me Fae sie eat S ate te ave B Per a aren ana # Rate sane at ae act Fe afte wet & ater rare & war ae #2 smd 8. me F vada hop & ated at orem aie) aren we & fe deere + or afer sted st art frat 9, ara Fonte S ear wer 2 week we Pee ee at & wage, wt ort of at alge #2 a Be ee | Sar Soe wer sar) RS Eafe yrs vt ve ase 38, Aloo $88 Fe Ue YRS 33! rs det fet yrst fee at 3 ynst (a fea) = 3a 25-30 waEt Ris fee @) eieawredtnsrd? (i) sostsatgheaspster eae. (@) stsaddanseatwsad? (F) Fears eB rosa dss e wane st ER, ©) waxeeea herttas eda eater (@) Getta ast eos frost Gena water yest fit Rewer sr fam () saret weddetfsccrst eat eh, () sax treses tae Geter EOE, (ui) sorters Fesagracd wala oo A, () wax heantiend gone a8 2 yoaat eat eA (@) ph gemutehinweraaee at oor (©) ves feo tre ats ot ray 2 oe Hr Fe feo wd eaten, SoH sodhishedt Rowe Qauear ease ates? Gores feo eer Rarer Conrad eUge BE ad a7 NS som tm 38. Bos feu pi gra ee Ge aration a3, gar fea wth pers fag wes 3? wmr2 was few 1986 © Getter et @ var chat ae fete &. ses ftude Qeiattas xa garsdtae? wos wos Re ugoued aalaas a gher ed el wy one walang ode sas fee water maTeE one aT a mat wats fe. Ba feu dea we arr eos Rat Rast a ea wa EH, aT fateh ns fre ase feu des ud art fers heres atoree as? so grag fea dn rer Greet 2 Goat aS ER, Dore! fee Bae Ser Gye awe ae, mee Som ON Se ses Reade eatase gs? neers 28 Pa ae aga TS Que wage, whan ae

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