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Name: __________________________________________________________


1. Match the numbers in each picture with the name in the right column
(relaciona los números de cada imagen con los nombres de la columna de la
derecha. Escriba el número en cada una de las líneas).

2. Label the different materials (Identifique y escibra el nombre a cada uno de los
materiales. Haga uso de las palabras de la columna de la derecha):


Instructora: Angy Alejandra Herrera Borrero

3. Put the numbers of each word into each box (coloque el número de la caja
según corresponda)




4. Read the text about electricity and fill in the gaps with the words in the
wordbank (Lea el texto acerca de la electricidad y complete con las palabras
dentro del banco. No debe modificarlas).

wires hurt force hair sockets work

careful batteries flow lightning phones

Electricity is an invisible ___________________. You cannot see electricity, but you

can see what it does! It makes ________________ streak across the sky. It can make
your _________________ stand on end. Electricity can _______________through
wires and make things work. We can plug into things into ________________ in the
wall. Electricity flows through lightbulbs, computers, and refrigerators to make them
____________________. Some things have __________________ in them to create
electricity. Flashlights and cell _______________ use batteries.

Be __________________with electricity! It can ____________________ or even kill

you. Never touch electric __________________ or sockets.

Instructora: Angy Alejandra Herrera Borrero

5. Look at the picture and considering the possible danger in the green squares,
make 5 rules or a preventive suggestion (observe la imagen y teniendo en
cuenta cada una de los posibles pelgros representados en los cuadros verdes,
realice cinco reglas o una sugerencias preventivas)
Example: Do not use electricity near water (No use electricidad cerca del agua).

a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________


6. Before Reading the Nikola Tesla’s story, answer the following questions (antes
de leer la historia de Nikolas Tesla, responda a las siguientes preguntas):

6.1. Have you ever heard of the name Nikola Tesla?

a) yes b) no

6.2. Where did Tesla come from?

a) UK b) Croatia c) USA d) Peru

6.3. Do you think this life-story about Tesla is true or false?

Quite accidentally, Tesla was born during a particularly violent lightning storm. Reading
this as a bad sign, the midwife said this meant Tesla would be a “child of darkness.”
But Tesla’s mother immediately replied: “No. He will be a child of light.”
a) true b) false

Instructora: Angy Alejandra Herrera Borrero

6.4. When did he live? Around…
a) 1700-1800 b) 1750-1850 c) 1800-1900 d) 1850-1950

6.5. Who was he?

a) a doctor b) a writer c) an inventor d) a biologist

6.6. What was he famous for?

a) making a car b) electric power called alternating current (AC) c) a book about

7. Read the following story and write the past simple form of the verb in
parentheses (Lea la siguiente historia y escribe la forma en pasado simple de
los verbos dentro de los paréntesis).
Remember, we use the auxiliary DID for all the personal pronouns in negative
and questions forms (Recuerde que usamos el auxiliar DID para todos los
pronombres personales tanto en oraciones negativas como interrogativas).

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Croatian Inventor

Nikola Tesla (be) born on 10th July 1856 in Smiljan, small village in Croatia (then
part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). His father (be) a Serbian Orthodox
priest and his mother (take) care of the family’s farm. Nikola (say) that he
(must) to thank her for his creative abilities and near photographic memory - he
(can) memorize entire books and recite them at will. Tesla
_________ (speak) eight languages: Serbian, Latin, German, Hungarian, Italian, Czech,
French and English.
He _____ (use) to say ''I'm proud of my Serbian origin and my Croatian homeland''.
When Tesla’s brother Daniel (die) in an accident, it (be) a shock to the 7-year-
old Nikola. He then (start) to have visions, important also in his later life.
Tesla ______ (go) to the gymnasium in Carlstadt (Karlovac, Croatia). When
performing calculus equations in his head his teachers _______(think) he
____(be) cheating. He ___(love) mathematics and science. Tesla’s father,
however insisted that he enter the priesthood. After his recovery from cholera father
(send) him to the Polytechnic school in Graz, Austria in 1875. He (be)
excellent there. He (begin) each day at 3:00 a.m. and _______(work) until
11:00 p.m.
In school Tesla ____(be) obsessed with a new direct current (DC) dynamo as he
____(know) better solution: electric power created by alternating current (AC).
At the age of 28, working for Edison, he _______(move) from France to New York
City with only four cents in his pocket. One day Tesla (tell) Edison that he

Instructora: Angy Alejandra Herrera Borrero

(can) improve his motors and generators. Edison _____
(promise) him 50.000 dollars.
After several months Tesla _____________ (improve) the motor but when he
_______(ask) about payment, Edison ______(tell) him that he
(be) only joking. Tesla immediately ____________(resign). Later he
(found) the Tesla Electric Company and ___________(patent) his AC motors.
After many years of debate in so called 'War of the Currents' Tesla
_________(demonstrate) at 1893 World Fair in Chicago, the safety of AC
power with his new phosphorescent lighting and his gigantic 'Tesla coils'. It
____(be) a key event in the history of electricity.
Tesla and Westinghouse with the General Electric company _____(create) the
first modern power station at Niagara Falls.
Tesla also ______ (make) important research in radiant energy (later called X-ray),
and on the fundamentals of radio.
Tesla ______(have) an eccentric private life. He never _(sleep) for more
than two hours at a time. He ___ (live) alone in a hotel suite. He also _____
(have) several obsessions: a phobia of germs (when meeting people, he _____ (not
want) to shake hands), round objects (especially jewelry), the number three and
feeding pigeons... Tesla _________ (say) this behavior ___ (make) his
concentration on the experiments better.
On 7th January 1943, at the age of 86, Nikola Tesla ___ (die) in New York a poor
and reclusive man. He _____(have) 700 patents. His legacy, however, continues
to move on.

8. After reading, answer the following questions (después de leer la historia,

responda las siguientes preguntas):

a. When and what country was Tesla born?


b. How many languages did he speak and which ones:


c. After working in France, where did he move with only 4 cents in his pocket?

d. Where did Tesla use his new phosphorescent lighting and 'Tesla coils' to show
the safety of AC power?

Instructora: Angy Alejandra Herrera Borrero


e. Where did Tesla use AC generators to create the first modern power station?


f. When and where did Tesla die?


g. How many patents did he have at that moment?



9. Read the following dialogue and practice it with a classmate and record it. Then
send an audio to your English teacher. (Lea el siguiente diálogo, practíquelo y
grábelo junto con un compañero y envíelo a su instructora).
A: Hello! Am I talking to Mr. ____________, the electrician?
B: Yeah Sr.
A: Could you come to my home? There is an electrical problem.
B: What’s the problem Sr.?
A: Lights are not working properly. There is a smell of burning. Probably wires are
burning somewhere, but I am unable to know.
B: Please don’t switch on any light. I am coming soon.
A: How much time will you take?
B: I’ll be there in an hour.
A: But it’s too long a period. I am already in problems. Can’t you come sooner?
B: I’ll try.
A: Please try your best. I’ll be waiting.
(After an hour)
B: Hello Sr. I am _____________.
A: Please come in and find out the problem.
B: After checking wires are burning at this corner. They are actually very old. They
need to be replaced.
A: OK. Please try to mend the fault at earliest.
B: Now, everything is okay.
A: Thanks. How much have I to pay you ______________?
B: Only 50 dollars Sr.
A: Thanks _____________.
B: My pleasure.

Instructora: Angy Alejandra Herrera Borrero

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