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The world outside has become so competitive, and if you do not develop yourself you
will be left behind. If you do not have competitive advantage many of us will not survive.

Every day innovations are coming and everyday people are thinking of great things. The
bible says that the people of the world are so wise that the people of the church. But the
bible says that you are the light of the world and the salt of the world.

A trained solder will outcome an enthusiastic soldier. No matter how you are willing to
do something you need to engage in training in order to become a master of what you
are doing.

Every church that is going to relevant there are seven departments that has to become
the major part of the church. Preaching only acts 20% of the congregations.

It is not the anointing on the man of God that determined the growth of the church or
the impact of the church. What determines the impact of the church is the quality of the
people around the church. If you have wrong people around the anointing they will kill
the people and the church.

What determined the success of very product is the content, container and the
customers, there are people who will come to your church and when they see that you
are disorganized they will never come back.

The customer that will reach the product to the customer is also very important. If you
are choosing ushers never put people who are looking band just send therm to the
prayer department.

Building capacity for the future

We are not here to train you just for the church, we are training you for the future. Bill
gates once said that Africa does not lack great minds but it lacks great institutions. Every
leader must pass through the training that we should have in church.

The first department is the Usher Department

The other key department in the church is IT/Media department

There are several mountains that control the city

1. Education
2. Media
3. Business
4. Arts and entertainment
5. Politics and leadership
6. Family
7. Religion

This church must build a team in every of these mountains that I have told you. We must
have a G12 group of people that deal with these.

If you do not know how to sit down you cannot stand up out there. If you know what
social media can do for you it can do for your church or business. Always talk about
your vision and your experience on social media and collect the 3 billion people that go
there every day. Life does not give you what you desire but it can give you what you can

Until you have built your capacity so that god can give you what you can manage. God
will only give you what you can manage. Its your capacity that can give you what you
can manage. The only way you can manage the extra is by expanding your capacity.

When you go to a doctor or lawyer you are paying for your ignorance, so what is your
own idea, are you going to leave in this Uganda using what other people are producing,
what are you producing
Capacity is what determines what every man possesses, that is why you should never
every any man but find out their secrete. Do not compete with any man but compete
with yourself. Do not live your life to impress anybody but impress yourself. What makes
you Good and relevant is not what other people are giving you but what you give them.
When others sit you stand. It is the capacity you have built that determined your results.

Your success in ministry is not determined by your anointing but by the level of your
wisdom. Knowledge is good but wisdom is superior to knowledge. Solomon Asked God
for wisdom and not Knowledge.

The worst heart attack is to pray for your enemies is to see you came up, capacity is
what determined what you can do in the church whether you have anointing or not. The
size of your mind will be determined by what you have in the mind. Stop waiting for
opportunities. Create your own opportunities. You do not succeed by energy but you
succeed by strategy and standing.

Tool to capacity one is exposure

some of you all your lives have been in one area, you have been born and have grown
up in one place, go to some other place so that you can see the other parts of the world,
what you cannot see you cannot touch it.

Questions time
Pastor Paddy sermon


Attitude can destroy a company or business and the church, attitude can give you
friends, it attracts friends from you and can repel friends from your. A few years ago I
decided to change the ushers because of the attitude.

Attitude is the way you feel inside expressed outside before you say anything. 10% is
what happens to you and 90% is the way you react to what happens to you.

This is how a church loses people or a business losses customers. 1% of people die, 3%
they move away, 5% are taken by their friends to other churches or businesses 14%
leave our churches because they are not satisfied with what we teach, 60% leave church
because of the indifference from other members of the church.

When I talk about attitude it will affect you as a church.

The money you acquire or you endeavor as a millionaire 12.5 is from what you have but
87.5% depends on how you deal with people.

The most important single ingredient to success is to know how to deal with people, if
the church is to grow you must learn how to deal with people.

If you know how to handle people you will have them. The ingredient of handling
people is very important in the handling of people. The person with the most work is the
usher and also the members.

Attitude is what you felt yesterday inside you but your face is showing it right now. It
happened sometime back but you banked it and your face can not for get it. (Phi 2:5)
A few things about attitude

Out attitude determines our way of life. When here preachers change your mind. Your
attitude affects how you approach life.

Who you are determines what you see.

Change your attitude, when you have the right attitude you go to places where others
have failed and you will prevail. You want to make a business and you are consulting
people., pray and let God reveal to you what to do, do it and persevere with it. What you
see is who you are.

Who you are determines how you see others.

People never change, it depends on how you see them, never run away from backbiters
because even where you are going they are waiting for you.

Who you are determines how you view life

God should change the way you see things, there is a difference between a hen and an
eagle. Many people are of the chicken mentality yet God wants you to be an eagle

Who you are determines what you do

Attitude changes obstacles into opportunities, whenever there is a problem there is

business, even every miracle that Jesus did there was a problem. Most of the things that
happen to us they are either obstacles but we should see them as opportunities

How are you going to solve your problems, with a wrong attitude you are going to
crash, let us approach our problems by Gods wisdom. Whatever you have is in the
people, let us always go to them in Love.
If you want to excel in life change your attitude especially to people. Learn to love them,
forgive them. God called us to love our enemies. Change your attitude and things are
going to change in your life.

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